The Bloods

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Damon caught up with the pack to hear Coyote's speech. He wasn't sure what the glow was, but he figured it was some kind of blessing, so that no one could dispute her claim. He waited patiently for Coyote to finish her business so they could go.
Coyote stepped back and watched as the wolves came forward to greet their new leader. Most seemed happy, or at least OK with it. But the two former leaders looked pissed, although they wouldnt dare question her now. Dipping her head to pine she turned and left the area, knowing all would be well here. "come on Damon, its time to walk. A lot"
"Alright, any idea where we're going." He was used to a lot of walking. He felt the consistent glares of the former alphas, but he didn't even glance back, he felt it was better not to acknowledge them.
Enola kept glaring at him, not saying a word. Suddenly she grabbed him in his neck and pulled him on his side and put her front paws on each side of him. She didn't smile or anything playfull like that just a glare was everything Gem got. The silence was almost unbearable but in the end she sighed. "I won't leave you for something like that." She stood up and nudged Gem up with her paws. "It's your happy go lucky nature that annoys me sometimes." And it's only been a day or two, this journey is going to be great. She thought full of sarcasm. "I just, have to adjust." Enola had a bit of time to think while walking and waiting, though it hadn't been long, and it had calmed her down. "I have been alone for a long time afterall." She looked at the place they just walked away from. "Did you invite him, yes or no? Even if he says it's the healer it doesn't need to be true." Gem's comment on the smell made Enola think a bit. "Also who is Coyote? Never heard of her before." The whole time she hadn't apologized for her behaviour, it wasn't something she knew how to. Not that that was excusable.

(sorry for the long pauses in between. Am busy today.)
Coyote shrugged, feeling the hot glares fade as they moved out of sight. "wherever my paws take me. Probably closer to the sea, i havnt been there in a long time. When im not being called, i like to wander the territories and visit the larger packs. I haven't been to the Pack of Living water... since... well since i was taken to the red Court as a pup. It would be severe neglect if i dont go there soon. They all probably think im dead, or have long forgotten me"
Gem stared up at Enola when she pounced at him and pinned him. Fear showed in his puppy eyes. But once she relaxed he did as well. "I'll try to contain myself." He said softly, he was happy that Enola wasn't going to leave him. "No he us not coming with us, he apperantly has places to be. He did say he marked a cave a bit to the west, and he left some food there. If we need a place to stay for the night. And Coyote was the she wolf you met me with. She is the warrior he is the healer. Its kinda cool getting to meet booth of the legendary hero's." Gem said with a slight smile. "Mabey we will see her again to, if she survived that is, but I'm sure she did."

Gem looked forward, "So shall we keep on marching on brave captain." Gem had quickly snapped into his adult pup self. Without a worry or care. He looked at Kodiac. Who was down sipping water from a small creek. "Enola how do you approuch somebody with the fact you kinda are interested with them, or do you just leave it be and wait." He said with a bit of a blush as he looked at Kodiak.

(Hitachi) Was on his way to a small pack, he had heard that there was a virus spreading there and he was heading there to fix it. When he got there the pack happily let him in knowing ahead of time who he was. He began to treat the youngest then work his way up to the oldest. It was a strange academic at least it was curable. But it needed to be contained before it could spread. "I'm sorry to say this but I'm locking you guys to you're territory, I can not risk this virus spreading. Once I'm sure everyone is treated you will be able to roam again."
Unlike the mountain where the reds are, Damon had been to the sea before. He never met the pack Coyote was talking about, but he did meet some smaller packs that were pretty nice until they got riled up, or found out about his blood. Even then, they rarely outright attacked him. "Do you remember what they were like?"
"a little. They were kind, in the way that bluebloods are. We spent almost all of our waking hours in the sea, and we werent so much of a pack as a group of wolves that hunted in the same territory. But still we called ourselves a pack, and the oldest, wisest wolves led us." She was trotting in the direction of the sea, it would probably take a long time to reach it. Even at her pace. When she was called to help she could travel supernaturally fast, cross from one mountain to another in minutes. But normally she was stuck walking or trotting at a normal pace.
Enola rolled her eyes, she almost couldn't believe how worry free he could be. When Gem asked her she just looked from him to Kodiak and back. Her confusion was clearly written on her face. "Wait, you like him? I thought you only thought he was hot." She looked at Kodiak again and shook her head. "I don't know what you see in him." She nudged him to start walking, he wouldn't be able to hear them at this distance. If they walked slowly they would have enough time to still talk. "But you shouldn't ask me for advice. Remember, been alone for a long time. Oh I don't think I told you that yet, did say I was packless though." She started to gaze a bit in the nothing. "And the last time I had anything to do with that kind of thing it didn't end well." once more she shook her head. This time to snap out of the forgotten memories.
"I see a lot in him, his strong body. Beautiful eyes, the fact he can handle my talking, he has a kind personality from what I can tell. And just the way he is, its like he radiates some energy that makes me want him. Not in a sexual way of course. But in a I'm interested in you kinda way." He said as he walked with Enola. "Wait how long have you been packless, do you wanna tell me you're story. I won't pressure you, but I am a good listener if you would like to get it of you're chest." Gem looked back. "He didn't notice how much distance they had made between them and Kodiak well talking, we better stop moving or he will think we ditched him." Gem smiled as he looked at Kodiak. "I really don't see, what you don't see in him. Oh and you can't tell him any of this OK."
"It must've been nice." Damon kind of envied Coyote. Even if it wasn't long before she was taken, she had fond memories of home. Even after she was taken, she still had some good times with Blight, he didn't think she would've taken to having to leave him so badly otherwise.
"it was, i guess." She sped up just a litte, suddenly anxious to go back home. "where where you born?"
Enola looked back at Kodiak when Gem did And stood still to wait until he noticed and caught up. He was right, he looked hot but that was about it for her. Maybe another day her opinion of him would change. "I won't tell, same as the thunder." She still hadn't smiled this whole time, she was not in the mood. "I have been packless since the time my mother deemed me old enough to fend for myself. So I have always been packless. Passed by other packs sometimes but nothing more." Her face almost got a scowl again. "There's actually no need to talk about it. I'm fine with how it is." She suddenly started yelling at Kodiak. "Are you planning to come along or not?" She looked back at Gem. "Did he say any specific way besides west or do we have to follow our nose?"
(For some reason it won't notify me of any posts to this thread...
I'll have to read through and see what I missed.)
(I'll just re-introduce Kiyana. I only made one post before eork drug me away and my notifications never told me anything.)

Kiyana trudged along the outskirts of Lifeblood territory. The she-wolf may look like a Lifeblood at a distance, but her build was that of a Silverblood. Upon closer inspection, the grey patches on her sides were not grey fur, but wings. She drug her paws through the mud, making them a few shades darker than her own body fur. Not looking where she was walking, she smacked her paw on a rock. She yelped, thdn growled at the rock. "Stupid rocks." She muttered. Her mossy green eyes locked onto the rock, with a huff, she flung the rock aside. It was a petty use of her abilities, but it kept her in practice. Hrr wings were folded uselessly at her sides. She was raised in a Lifeblood Pack and never met her Silverblood father, nor did she ever learn how to use her wings.
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"I don't know. I can't remember. The last thing I do remember is falling off a cliff, anything before that is blank. I'm actually kind of jealous." He looked at Coyote, "You remember what happened when you were a pup. You have good and bad times to reflect on. I have rock wall and scars."
She looked at him calmly, her eyes seeming to stare right through his eyes and into his skull. "your memories are there. I sense them, you simply must find out how to retrieve them from the deepest pits of your mind." she didnt tell him that she could probably help him reach them, or that if he mound one of the mind-readers they would rip the memories from his subconscious and bring them to the surface. It was up to him to figure this out, if he wanted too. "But, you probably have a family somewhere. A mother who thinks you are dead. Once you remember you can find them" her eyes brightened a little bit and she looked away "its not like i need the memories, they are painful no matter how god they where. Even if i recognize my mother, i can never tell her im her daughter. Never return to the pack, im pretty much doomed to be a loner all my life. You at least have a chance, a hope to find your family and not be alone forever"
Kiyana kept walking. It seemed that was all she ever did. She couldn't go back. She was tired of being ridiculed for her parentage. It wasn't her fault her father was a Silverblood. She was also afraid to travel to the Silverblood territory. She was sure to be ridiculed there too. She may have wings like some of them, but shd couldn't fly. She never learned how to. She ruffled her stone-grey wings uselessly.
Kodiak caught up with them and continued walking. He really zoned out through most of their banter.

(sorry for the short response I have company)
"Yeah..." He walked in silence for a bit, mostly trying to think of a way to lighten the mood. Eventually he went with just that. "Well, this is awkward. Got any ideas that can lighten the mood?"
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