The Assassin and the Queen {york & Kitty}

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"Elsa, wait--"

Before Anna could stop her, Elsa pulled away and walked off. She lost sight of her sister for a moment as she made her way into the crowd. Anna sighed and began to follow after the queen, but was was stopped when Leuan stepped forward and spoke to her quietly. At first, Anna was surprised at what he asked, not really thinking anyone would figure out who Elsa was so soon.

"Yes-- maybe-- I-I mean, wh-what, no! Of course she's not Elsa! What would give you that idea!?" Anna exclaimed loudly, awkwardly laughing after what he said. "I-I mean she could be Elsa, but it's not like I'm saying she is. Do you have a any proof, mister?" she asked. Knowing Anna and her awkward big mouth, she'd probably end up admitting that maid was Elsa rather quick.

"Elsa, wait--"

Before Anna could stop her, Elsa pulled away and walked off. She lost sight of her sister for a moment as she made her way into the crowd. Anna sighed and began to follow after the queen, but was was stopped when Leuan stepped forward and spoke to her quietly. At first, Anna was surprised at what he asked, not really thinking anyone would figure out who Elsa was so soon.

"Yes-- maybe-- I-I mean, wh-what, no! Of course she's not Elsa! What would give you that idea!?" Anna exclaimed loudly, awkwardly laughing after what he said. "I-I mean she could be Elsa, but it's not like I'm saying she is. Do you have a any proof, mister?" she asked. Knowing Anna and her awkward big mouth, she'd probably end up admitting that maid was Elsa rather quick.
"She doesn't seem to enjoy dancing as much as the other maids..." Leuan said, with any luck, his statement should be enough to allude to how much Elsa, or at least that particular maid who he was posotive was her seemed to stand out from the rest, at least to him. On the other hand, he wasn't so sure that Anna would pick up on his implication, so he sort of stood there for a moment, trying to figure out what else he was supposed to say if his sentence didn't do the trick. Perhaps elaborate? Get mad? Maybe the latter wasn't optimal though, so he'd stick with elaborating or something, if he needed to, for now though he just sort of stood there, waiting for a response quietly, as if he were a statue or somethinng like that.

"Oh yeah, Elsa hates dancing," Anna said with a laugh, completely falling into Leuan's verbal trap. "I'm not surprised she hated dancing with you--" Anna quickly cut herself off, realizing what she was saying. Not good! She had just revealed Elsa's identity in front of one of the men. The princess covered her mouth for a moment, feeling bad about what she had done. "J-Just forget everything I said," Anna stuttered after taking her hands off her mouth. "Nobody is supposed to know who she is. They have to figure it out on their own," she told him.
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Leuan just nodded slowly, he had suspected that from the beginning, feeling himself turn just a little red when she mentioned how Elsa hated dancing with him... And he'd thought he was the only one thinking that. Seeing Anna cover her mouth though, telling him not to tell anyone else, he just nodded again "It's not like I want everyone knowing anyways..." he mumbled under his breath. He wondered how long this entire event was going to last, he only had so much time to try and win Elsa's heart now that he knew her identity, but how? Of all the things he'd been taught, this was definitely not one of them.

Despite Anna's attempt to hide what she had just said, there actually were a few people standing around who heard her.

"Did you hear that? The maid who was just talking to Anna is the queen!" whispered one man.

"No way! I think I saw her head past the stairs!"

"Really? Let's go check!"

A group of men started heading in the direction Elsa was standing. She flinched seeing them coming her way and began to rush off for a new place to hide. Anna watched as this happened, slapping her forehead. "Oh, me and my big mouth." She glanced at Leuan shortly after with a frown. "Do you think you could help me get rid of some of those guys? I mean, I want for my sister, the queen, to meet some suitors, but I don't want her to be mobbed by them! If you help me, um, I'll make sure you can have more time to talk with her. How does that sound?" she asked. She had a plan, she just hoped Leuan was on board for it.

//occ: I'm just going to let you know here that I'm going to bed. :3 I'll reply to this rp and to murder again in the morning. Goodnight! ^^
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Leuan nodded, it seemed they had a common interest; he didn't exactly want Elsa to be crowded since it'll make things harder for him, and both Anna and Elsa weren't keen on Elsa being mobbed either, plus; having more time with her could help him straighten things out. Their first encounter hadn't exactly gone as planned after all, looking around at the group of men for a moment, analyzing how many maids were available and how many men were going after Elsa. Perhaps Anna could over dramaticize her mistake and he could step in to point out this might all just be a ruse, a challenge for the suitors to overcome, if that worked, the men should go back over to the other maids realizing they might have fallen for one of the easiest tricks in the book, when ironically they just did so thinking they did not. Looking back at the other suitors who didn't seem to have an interest in what the group of men were doing, he wondered if they would become a problem later, and he came to the conclusion that he'd come to that bridge when he crossed it.

Anna was relieved when the man nodded at her. "Oh thank goodness! Come with me!" she said, quickly moving across the ball room to a small storage room in the corner. She opened the door of the room and walked inside quickly grabbing a different maid uniform. She then turned to Leuan. "Here! Go give this to the Queen. Maids here have two different uniforms they wear. If she changes her clothes maybe she'll blend in better again. She's probably hiding on her favorite balcony." Anna told Leuan a shortcut to the balcony Elsa would probably be hiding so he could find her. "Good luck! If you need me I'll just be out here trying to control the situation."
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Leuan nodded quickly, taking the uniform and waving a little before heading off to the shortcut Anna had pointed out to him earlier, heading through it careully, trying not to appear too suspicious as he did so. With any luck, Elsa would be at the balcony, sure he trusted her sister, but at the same time, what if she went somewhere else this time? Thinking about this made him shake his head a little, he'd just focus on the here and now, he still had a mission to accomplish! What else was he here for, right? Finally arriving at the balcony, he looked around, trying to see if he could spot Elsa anywhere.

Anna knew Elsa all too well. The princess was right; Elsa was on the balcony. She was alone, for the moment, but knew that other men would quickly be on her trail if she even so much as poked her head back into the castle. So she decided to just sit out there and hide. Hiding would be easier than facing any of the men. Besides, she liked being along when she had the chance.

Elsa walked up to the railing of the balcony, feeling over its smooth stone surface with her hands. She looked up, viewing the ocean and the sun setting into it. It was starting to get darker out, and the stars were overtaking the sky. The young queen had always enjoyed the view from this balcony, which is why she usually chose this particular one to stand at.

She looked up into the sky, allowing herself to become mesmerized by the sight. She felt a gentle ocean breeze blow across her face, deciding to take off her wig so she could feel it blow through her hair also. Besides, it wasn't as if any of the other men were around to see her real hair color--at least, for now.
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Leuan sighed lightly in relief when he spotted Elsa on the balcony, he stood there, watching her for a while as she seemed to be enjoying her time alone, in fact; he had to admit they didn't have such a bad view from up here. They had both caught the sun just when it was ducking below the horizon putting on a marvelous display of colors he'd seriously never seen before in his life, for a moment, he stood there, forgetting about his goal just for a moment before he shook his head a little. With the outfit still in hand, he began to approach Elsa quietly, eventually being more or less a few feet or so behind her, looking at her in the moonlight, he couldn't help but think she looked a bit pretty, her hair was out for once, not hidden behind that wig, perhaps that's why the moon brought out the color in her hair? Eventually, he snapped out of it, shaking his head a little, he didn't have time for such thoughts, he had an objective... Developing feelings would only complicate things of course, but in the end, could he bring himself to do it? Leuan actually thought about it for a moment, the people he'd killed in the past, he didn't need to develop any sort of connection with, not did he need to do so now, but, that was exactly what was happening here! Closing his eyes for a moment, he emptied his mind of such thoughts, they only seemed to be there to distract him from his original goal, he gently tapped Elsa on the shoulder before speaking. "Your sister said I'm supposed to bring you this... It should help throw them off your trail." He said, strangely enough, his tone was a more soft one, it didn't exactly match his expression, but it was still a strange thing to do, even for him.

Elsa was so focused at looking up into the sky at first that she didn't notice Leuan approaching her. Her eyes only looked away from the view when the man tapped her on the shoulder. She then looked behind herself, flinching in surprise when she saw him. The queen even let out a small yelp. Before she could ask whe he was there, however, he spoke. After seeing what he had brought her, she replied, "Another maid uniform? That could help, but why did she ask you to deliver it to me?" She looked over the man after a moment, realizing he was the same one she had danced with earlier. Her cheeks flushed a light red. How embarassing. She had been found out after all.
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Leuan smiled a little awkwardly when Elsa turned around, asking why Anna had asked him to deliver it to him, shrugging a little "We bumped into each other I guess... She told me to hand it to you." he said, lying a little. Anna did tell him not to tell her about her little slip-up, and he doubted it would help the situation much, even if he had told Elsa anyways. Noticing that Elsa was blushing, he realized he'd forgotten that she hadn't realized he knew for certain she was Elsa until now "Oh and... Don't worry about the secret getting out, it's not like I fancy big crowds either." he said sheepishly, looking back at the door to the ballroom where all the other bachelors were hanging out.

After realizing she was blushing, Elsa looked away from the man again. He then explained to her how he had bumped into her sister. She wasn't sure if she believed him, but then again how would he have known where to find Elsa otherwise? "Did she now?" Elsa retorted, trying to sound sceptical. "I suppose I'll believe you for now, but if I ask her later and find out you were lying this is going to get awkward later." She paused looking down at the clothing Leuan had handed her, unsure what she was going to do. "I can just change with you watching. I can't change on the balcony either," she said with a frown. "If you would, please peek out in the hallways and make sure the coast is clear before I leave to head into a changing room. I don't want to be mobbed while trying to leave," she explained.
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

The points Elsa made were rather good ones indeed, Leuan wouldn't exactly feel comfortable having Elsa change right here out in the open either, though her suggestion seemed like the most plausible. So he nodded, carefully peeking out into the hallways through the door, it seemed the coast was clear for now, but he stayed still, carefully on the lookout for any signs of the other bachelors for a moment longer out of habit before looking back towards Elsa. "I don't see anyone, but, on the offchance there is..." Leuan said, thinking for a moment "I'll just have to throw them off our trail." he concluded after that moment of silence, he looked down that hall once last time, thankfull that no-one had walked down it yet before turning back to Elsa "Ready?" he asked her, trying to sound confident... That's what attracts the opposite gender, right? He was only going off of what he was told, but it felt right to him so he figured it should be.

Elsa nodded, walking after Leuan when he said he would watch for her and keep any of the men who possibly noticed them off their trail. "I'm ready; it's not a long way to the changing room so this should be quick," she replied, walking out of the room. She allowed Leaun to linger behind her in case any stray eyes happened to wander in their dirrection. That way, someone would spot Leuan before they spotted her. Elsa walked along, holding the maid outfit to her chest as she moved. She didn't look back at the man behind her, but she was still curious about him. "Why are you helping me? I apologize if that's a foolish question. You're here with the suitors, aren't you?" Elsa asked, biting her lower lip. He probably thought he was going to get on her good side by helping her out like this, didn't he? Plus, if he helped Elsa keep the other guys away that helped his chances with her too. She frowned. Just another man who probably wanted to marry her for her money or power. Great.
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Leuan nodded, he followed behind her, keeping enough distance so he wouldn't seem so suspiciously close to Elsa, otherwise other suitors will most likely spot him like that, though as they walked along, Elsa asked him a question he hadn't expected to hear. Though the second one she asked was a bit easier to answer, so he started with that one, "Yeah... I'm a suitor... As for why I'm helping you well..." he said, feeling himself blush a bit as he thought about this, no way could he say it was his job and that he was an assassin, nor could he just be blunt about wanting to marry her, but then again, it wasn't just because it was what he was told to do... There was something more to that, something that money nor power could ever tempt him to do, but he really couldn't figure out what was compelling him to do this other than the more common ones. Perhaps because he'd never felt such a thing before? But what was really driving him crazy here was what else it could be that was compelling him to help her.

When Leuan answered her second question first, Elsa wasn't surprised by the answer. In fact, even though he didn't answer her first question, she had a feeling she already knew the answer. If he was a suitor it was obvious why he was there: he was seeing her hand in marriage. Her questions were probably silly, but Elsa couldn't help it. She really didn't know how to talk to a man. She had no experience in that area whatsoever. "I suppose those questions have answers that were too obvious. I apologize," she meekly said. Maybe there was a better question she could ask him? It almost made Elsa's brain hurt to even think of anything she could say to him at all. "Tell me, what's your name?" Okay, maybe that was a better question. Elsa certainly hoped so. She continued walking, spotting one of the dressing rooms up ahead. So far, so good...
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Leuan blushed a little at what Elsa said "I-It I mean... My name's Leuan." he said, regaining his composure after a few moments, he smiled a little, trying his best to seem brace and all, he wasn't exactly sure how to talk to women... He was never trained for that sort of thing, but he'd have to improvise if he were to complete his mission, but was that really all? That was something he really wasn't sure about, but he couldn't think about that now, not when everything was still going relatively smoothly. He looked around a few more times out of paranoia to make sure they weren't being followed, though it seemed they were safe for the time being, looking ahead of him, he spotted a dressing room ahead, one of the many located here. Seeing this, he took one more quick glance around before letting out a small sigh in relief, his instincts told him not to relax just yet though.

Elsa nodded when the man told her his name, but said nothing in reply. After asking him his name, she wasn't really sure how to get a conversation going after that. Being social was Elsa's weak point, and it wasn't as if she was interested in getting a conversation going with this guy anyhow. She continued walking until they arrived at the dressing room--luckily without incident. She turned to Leuan. "I'm just going to get changed. If you could stand out here and keep watch, I'd appreciate it," she told him before entering the dressing room. She shut the door quickly behind her and sighed, putting her head in her hands. Wasn't there any way she could just sit in that room and not go back out there at all? Elsa sure wished that were possible.

After a moment, she attempted to change clothes, realizing she had left her wig on the balcony. At least, she thought so. Maybe she had dropped it while walking? Elsa wasn't sure. It wasn't a problem because she needed it; no, she was going to wear a new wig now to go with her new disguise. However, if someone found it that could lead the men to be suspicious. Elsa poked her head out of the dressing room. "Leuan, can you go look for my wig? I think I either left it on the balcony or dropped it when we were walking here. I need to make sure none of the other men see it," she explained.
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Leuan nodded politely, deciding to stand with his back to the changing room, on the lookout for any people coming by, he was deep in thought for the moment, trying to figure out just what was pushing him to want to court Elsa if it wasn't just his desire to complete his mission. He rubbed his forehead with one hand as he thought about this, he just couldn't think too clearly about that no matter how hard he tried. With a sigh, he eventually resumed looking around the room, thankfully no-one had come up or anything while he had zoned out, thinking. Soon enough, Elsa came out of the changing room before he could start thinking about that too much again, asking him to look for her wig, he nodded again "Try not to get caught in the meantime..." he said quietly, giving her a reassuring sile before he started on his way to the balcony.

It was more tedious than he expected to make his way to the balcony as he had to hide every now and then when a bachelor passed him by, sticking to the shadows like he usually did in any other mission... This came almost instinctively to him, and eventually, he'd reached the balcony, looking around for Elsa's wig for a few moments before finally spotting it on the ground, it seemed she must have dropped it at some point. Quickly picking up the wig, he rushed back towards Elsa, occsaionally ducking in a dark spot or behind a suit of armor once more if he heard someone coming is way, eventually he reached elsa again, panting a little "Got it..." he said after he had caught his breath.
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