The Ambassadorial Ball OOC

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Oh, just wait another few minutes, Kyhaln and Zelx will join him ^^
I think you could join in with anyone, after all Ambassadors are supposed to be abit nosy XD

Also Bodjeks people and The Savaant has suprisingly similar views.
Hm, this may turn out quite messy...
Well, four weird things walked into a bar xD
I keep meaning to draw a picture of Bodjek but I keep not leaving time to do it :(
If I had any pride in my own drawing skills, I would paint my own chars xD
@FiliaFlammae you will surely find time for it ;)
I am pretty sure you can, actually, make a CS and wait for @Dedtoo to accept it ;)
yup, just fill in the CS dedtoo made in the first post ^^
Name of the race/empire: Kra

Age: 205 earth years

Physical description: The most interesting feature of the Kra is the empty, gaping hole in their abdomen. This hole serves as an output for their biological generators, which produces electromagnetic energy, which holds their bodies together, and keeps them from falling apart. The Kra don't have any skin (unless you consider a thin, transperent. rubbery membrane that can tear as skin), so their inner workings are exposed to the world. However, their organs have a dry exterior, so they're not wet and slimy, as the luster of their membrane suggests (the Kra are quite sterile, in fact). Not having skin, it allows bones to stick out, which plays a part in mating (which is not as disgusting as you're thinking.) The Kra stand on two digitigrade legs, and their necks lift their heads over their torso, though their strong and versatile necks allow the head to move in a variety of directions. Two large eyes frame their face, and a retractable jaw sits inbetween them. Kra flesh, rather than being red, is a deep, purple color.

Behavior: The Kra do not tend to engage in conflicts, and would much rather sat by and watch them pass. However, if engaged, the Kra can leave nasty scars on their opponent. The Kra actually put off a normally friendly presence. They always welcome new friends and siblings. As the surface of their homeworld is a rugged badlands, the Kra live in underground dwellings, built into old caverns, or dug out by claw (or machine). Kra are improvisers, finding ways to make something out of whatever nothingness they can.

Technological level: The Kra are valley dwellers, but they're not to be taken as primitive. They utilize many advanced technologies to assist in their farming, excavation, and medicine. Their societies do however, have a primal vibe to them, being assorted into strict family systems and decorating their homes with skins and bones. Certain groups of Kra have mastered spaceflight, and share it with whoever needs it on their planet.

Fame: The Kra aren't well-known, engaging in as little affairs. However, those that are aware of their existence say that meeting a Kra is a rather interesting experience. Some say, after meeting a Kra, they feel healthier, and more alive (or maybe that's just their natural antiseptic pheromones). Some say that meeting a suitless Kra took their breath away (or maybe that's just the fact that they're anaerobic). Some even say they felt some sort of gravity between them (most likely the protogravitons their cores produce). Point being, the Kra normally come off as friendly, charming, all in a dangerous sort of way.

Name of the person/being/character: Nagrorr

Age: 52 meldranian years, 34 earth years

Position: Ambassador

Description: Nagrorr looks like any typical Kra, though, as a wise choice, he wears an airtight suit around his body when off his homeworld of Meldra. It is both as common decency to others who don't want to see a purple, skinless "freak", and as basic safety to himself and others. The suit is brown, with white patterns, and an artificial gill coming over his jaw. The suit itself, for aesthetic value (besides the coloring of the suit), is dressed in leather and tribal belts and laces.

Personality: Nagrorr comes off as your typical, friendly, unsafely charming Kra, in fact a little too charming. Nagrorr came here for the booze, to be honest. Though he seems kind of crooked (and he sort of is), Nagrorr has a sense of right and wrong, and will assist anybody in need.
I love all these awesome alien races :D
@Quiet One
You still around?

Another strange alien species. I like it! Accepted!

Why are there so few famous races among us though? None that have been around to watch the others slowly evolve? Something like that? Slightly dissapointing. And I feel that I shouldn't add a third race of my own to this >_>
Well crafted? I do not think that a entire species of robots made out of finely tuned diamonds would be plausible.
I didn't mean that they are well crafted like that, I meant more that they're well written! :P
I now have a mental image of a mineral race that has to scour the galaxy looking for high-quality diamonds they use to build their "children" and further the species. XP
I now have a mental image of a mineral race that has to scour the galaxy looking for high-quality diamonds they use to build their "children" and further the species. XP

But that is abit to similar to the Crystals than what i would like XP

I didn't mean that they are well crafted like that, I meant more that they're well written! :P

I know, i just love being a sarcastic prick~
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