Teen Island

After a long trip from Australia, Kain could finally chill - not care about work or university and sit back an relax. Approaching the dining room, the demon of Kain's stomach growled menacingly at him, he sighed. Due to his bad sense of direction, ever since he arrived on the island earlier that evening he had not eaten a single thing despite the fact he'd been searching for the dining room for a good two hours. The place was crowded with other teenagers, especially girls. Which was cool, but he thought it'd be nice if he actually got to know somebody. Kain was always worried about he appeared to other people and spent at least two hours each morning trying to make himself look the part. Styling his short thick black hair and although he was a guy using mascara to bring out the blue of his eyes. As he approached the hall he could hear a girl shouting, she was cute. "Siva, Where are you?" as Kain watched the scene he saw a girl run over to the other, 'Siva' was hot too. it might be a little awkward but maybe he could join in. It'd be nice to meet a new friend. Approaching the girls, Kain waved with a friendly smile upon his face "Hey there, how's things?" he spoke casually, with a strong Australian accent.
Jeremy's head was dug into the sand as a girl tripped over him. He shut his suitcase immediately at this. He stood up shaking the sand off of his expensive tuxedo. His suitcase in his right, he extended his left hand to help the girl up. "The house? Could you show me where that is. I arrived late." Jeremy managed a not-so innocent smile on his face.
Raven gave a suspicious glance at the suitcase, just missing what the contents were before he slammed it shut. She hesitated before taking his hand and pulling herself up to her feet. Her eyes never left him even while she shook sand off her clothing. It wasn't like her to get all suspicious over nothing, but it was a little weird that he was in a tuxedo on the beach, when just about everyone else had been running around in swimsuits and casual clothing.

"Yeah, uh..." Raven pointed at the large mansion in the distance. The roof just barely peeking over the trees. "It's back there. There's a couple paths through the trees and stuff." She tilted her head, regarding him with an examining gaze.

"Did you just leave some fancy dinner or something?" pausing, she turned to look around at the beach. "...how did you even get here. I don't see any boats leaving or planes leaving..."
"Fancy Dinners aren't my thing." Jeremy realized he hadn't released her hand, and did so, walking towards the mansion, or more so the treeline. Once close enough, he sprung himself into the air, landing on a thick branch on an oak tree, turning his head back to raven, smiling. He didn't want to tell her that he got off of a boat about 500 yards away from shore, and swam in, he was honestly surprised she didn't notice he was soaked.
Raven had her hands on her hips as she watched him stalk off to the path across the beach. She didn't really have a reason to watch other than thinking he was weird. And then he jumped in to a tree.

"What the fuck..!" she exclaimed out loud. It was odd that NOW it dawned on her that he was soaking wet. After he had to go all ninja and tree jump. This was definitely something she needed to report to security.

Arms straight at her side and a scowl across her face, Raven stomped across the beach following the guy's footsteps. She was trying to keep an eye on him in the trees in case he was going to escape, but mostly so she had a good description that she could tell the security guys. For all she knew, the weirdo could be there to assassinate her boss and then she would never get paid!
Jeremy wasn't scared at Raven's scowl. Just, confused. He jumped out of the tree, landing next to raven, flowing himslef into a gentle walk, keeping her pace. "Sorry, I'm just a little, gippy. I've been on a boat for 'bout 6 hours, and I get seasick: he lied. He didn't want her to go and tell on him for nothing. He was a good lyer though. "Maybe you could show me the... Mansion, introduce me to some people. You may be wondering why I'm wet. That's because the jack-ass I got a boat ride from demanded his money before we arrived, money that I didn't plan on giving him. So he tossed me out of the boat and told me to swim." He continued to lie.
Not expecting him to jump down from the tree next to her, she jumped and even made a soft squeak. Pretending like she hadn't just been startled, she resumed frowning at him. Though... she did slow her stomping, and finally stopped in the middle of the path to turn to him. His story did sound a lot more believable than all the crazy stuff she had been imagining.

"Look, I kinda work here for the summer and right now is sort of my off hours..." she started. Earlier in the day when she was on the clock, she would have been obligated to give him a hand. But right now? All she wanted to do was get away from everybody. Who wanted to chitchat and get buddy-buddy with someone they had to serve half the time?

"All you have to do is go pick out a room though. Just make sure it's empty. And uh... I guess most people are pretty over-friendly, so they'll be all over you in no time." The last part she didn't mean to come out so annoyed. But the one thing about Teen Resorts was that almost everyone there was looking for a hookup, so hormones were flying off everywhere. Raven hated being a teenager sometimes!
Jeremy's gaze shot to Raven's lower area, than back up once he realized what he was doing. "Erm. Ok. Sorry." His head shot back down, he was actually upset, considering that he sort of thought Raven was hot. Jeremy produced a switchblade, and began to cut his wrists, causing alot of blood to flow. He was emo. So. The. Fuck. What. He licked the blood off of the razor, and put it back in his pocket,
"Sir." One of Preston's security guards entered his office, surprising Preston midway through reviewing the new staff roster. He'd already found Raven's name on it, so that he could catch up with her and apologize for the incident in his room. He glanced up at the man; quickly identifying him as Tim Rochester, the chief of security.

"What is it, Tim?" the young billionaire asked, setting the roster aside. Something had to be up, or else Tim wouldn't have bothered him about it.

"There's something you should know. Our cameras caught an adolescent male swimming onto the island. He's engaged with one of the housekeeping staff, and he appears to be armed."

"What?!" Preston shot up straight in his desk chair, bringing up the camera system to his laptop screen in a single keystroke. He found the kid, alright; he also spotted the employee he was talking to. And he happened to recognize her. "Cripes! That's Raven. Did you send anyone out there?"

"Patrol is on the way."

"Hang on." Before Tim could protest, Preston logged into the island's PA system. "Attention all guests and staff! This is your host again, Preston Howell! Please meet me in the ballroom for a special surprise!"

Tim made a face. "That's all well and good, sir, but what are you going to do for a surprise?"

"Pssh, Tim! You should know me better than that by now!" Grinning goofily, Preston jumped up from his chair. He had an idea, sure enough.
"Are you batshit INSANE!? Give me that!" If Raven hadn't of been so flabbergasted by the suddenness of it, she would have snatched the knife BEFORE he started cutting. As it were, she had stood there staring wide-eyed and stupefied before she finally regained her senses and shouted at him.

She snatched the knife out of his hands, and just as quick gave him a good hard slap across the face. It didn't occur to her that slapping potentially suicidal lunatics would probably be a bad idea. It was just her instantaneous reaction to crazy. "Don't do shit like that! Now I have to take you to the-"

She paused as the island-wide intercom came on. "Attention all guests and staff! This is your host again, Preston Howell! Please meet me in the ballroom for a special surprise!"

What timing. Raven huffed. "Come on. I'll get you some bandages and show you to the ballroom."
Jeremy saw a guard patrol approaching. He shook his arm off, blood dripping in sand. His hidden blade extending. He grabbed Raven by the hand and pulled her back. "Stay back!". He got into an Extremely aggressive position.
"Whoa, whoawhoawhoawhoa okay...!" Yep. He was definitely crazy. Raven's instincts were to try and kick him in the balls and flee. But seeing as he was a cutter, she didn't want to be responsible for the guy killing himself if he were all alone. Or trying to stab one of security!

So Raven stood, like a deer caught in headlights with a lunatic holding on to her hand with a death grip, while the security guy raised his hands up trying to diffuse the situation. Raven knew the guy... His name was Bob and he always preferred the night shift because that was supposed to be the least active time to work. Boy was he surprised! Bob didn't have a gun out, and Raven couldn't see one in the dim twilight of setting sun. But she was pretty sure most of security carried one.

"Okay, listen... guy... Y'know he just works here right? No need to get all panicky and stabby and all that. How about you just put down that thing -- and any other sharp things you have hidden -- and we go on inside for a band aid and some chicken pot pie?" Her voice had to be several octaves higher than normal. And she doubted she sounded normal either! Boy, as soon as he dropped all his weapons, or maybe went to sleep, she might kill the guy herself for getting her in this mess.
(OOC: ericka has disappeard somewhere so we just pretend we lost her while walking away okay? xD)

Siva saw a guy walking towards them, it made Siva really nervous and she didn't say anything as usual. But at least she was able to wave to him. When he came close to them they heard from the PA system that the guy that owned the island spoke. He told them to meet in the ballroom.
"We should go there" Siva said quietly and started to walk to the ballroom, she noticed that the guy was with her but she lost Ericka in the crowed.

As Alexander and Amelia entered the house they heard a voice from the PA system.
"Well then we should head to the Ball room" He said to Amelia and started to walk there.
Although the girl, Savir seemed to be shy to him. The girl was able to at least wave. She's trying hard huh...he thought to himself. As he approached, the PA system went off giving directions to go to the ballroom. The girl spoke "We should go there" it was a quiet comment that Kain could only just make out "Yeah, okay. But you lead the way." an embarrassed expression dawned upon his face "I'd get us lost." Momentarily looking at his surroundings, Kain noticed that they had lost the other girl in the crowd, heh. Ah well.
Rein had a very long week, she was quite stressed about the recent events that had happen with her father.. As she walked down the beach line she had no shoes on as she felt the water rush over her feet. She was wearing a silver dress and her mismatched hues seemed to be clouded with thought, she wasn't sure exactly where she was going. However she knew that she was going to get far away from where she was the previous days, somehow she stumbled across this beach and she couldn't resist feeling the sand under her toes. She huffed a sigh as she gazed steadily out at the shores, her eyes glinting at the site and drinking in its beauty. Soon she didn't realize how far she had traveled until she noticed a large beach house set right on the shore. She tilted her head sideways as her eyes narrowed a bit not sure what to make of this house. Curiosity got the best of her. She walked slowly up to the house, her silver purple streak hair fell behind her shoulders as she lifted her left hand brushing her bangs out of her face as she explored around the house her mismatched hues not sure what to do."What is this place.." She spoke softly to herself the tone sounding like crystals.
She heard Alexander call her a good girl for making the judge and lawyers feel like idiots while speaking to her. Never having been called something like that before, by anyone in her life Amelia raised her delicately dark eyebrows for a moment before shrugging her shoulder. Being out on the beach reminded her of when she had gone to the beach with her mom when she was little; playing in the sand and then screaming while laughing when the waves danced over her toes. She could remember how back then life was easy. The biggest thing she had to worry about was a skinned knee and if one of her toys broke. She never had to worry about the law or what she would be doing after high school. She had actually graduated early when her mom homeschooled her after getting into a pretty nasty fight with another girl. She could remember that day clearly as well. She had been walking down the hall, minding her own business when the Spanish girl began cussing her out in Spanish and calling her horrid names for bumping into her. Amelia had always had a bad temper but she was furious at the girl for calling her a bruja for her tattoos. Amelia hadn't really remembered the fight very much but afterwards the school had called her mom to tell her the girl was still in ICU with head trauma. She hadn't remembered using her book to knock the girl unconscious and then continuing to beat on the female. Amelia had felt terrible afterwards and had sent the girl flowers and a card, apologizing to her for the way she had acted. Last she heard the girl had never gotten into another argument with anyone, many had blamed Amelia for the girl being timid now-a-days. Coming back to reality and out of memory lane Amelia glanced over at Alex for a moment as he mentioned going back to the mansion now. She nodded realizing she had been the one to suggest it and smiled softly. "Actually, I think I might take a walk. Go on ahead of me I'll meet you there." Walking away from him slowly Amelia turned and went down another path, noticing a few figures up ahead of her.

Black curls fell into her face and slim fingers pushed them away before she realized what was going on ahead of her. It looked like the girl from before was dealing with some wet man in a suit. Eyebrows rose again at the sight of the people and she decided to stay out of their view. Holding back Amelia stepped off the path silently and walked along through the trees, trying to avoid stepping on any twigs or leaves along the way of trying to sneak past the others. That's when she heard the girl's high pitched tones as the boy grabbed her and got into a defensive position towards the security guard. This worried Amelia, she didn't enjoy violence but sometimes she thought people were a bit insane. Processing the situation Amelia glanced down at herself to see if she had any weapons on her besides her lighter. Chewing on her bottom lip she looked around on the ground, noticing a glint of moonlight reflecting off of something beneath a few leaves. Kneeling down, Amelia tried to silently remove the shiny object from beneath the leaves. Successfully moving it into view she saw that it was a steak knife, someone must have dropped it or something; she didn't really care how it had gotten there except that now it could be useful. Amelia was still barefoot, which made it easy for her to move out of the trees behind the man holding onto the female staff member and slowly creep up behind him. Staying silent Amelia slipped her arm around the man's neck and held the knife up with her other hand. "Let her go." She said in a quiet calm, yet demanding voice. Frankly, Amelia didn't like it when guys tried to over power girls and she truly couldn't care if he was suicidal or not as she noticed his slit wrists. If he wasn't careful he would end up bleeding out anyways. Hearing the announcement over the island-wide speakers Amelia cocked her head to the side and thought about what to do for a moment. Should she release the man and possibly have him stab her, the other girl, or security guard or keep ahold of him and help the security guard take his weapons away from him. She noticed his briefcase though and figured it would be the best thing to get away from him first for incase it had a gun inside. Kicking out at it with the bottom of her foot she knocked it out of his hand and while bringing her foot back towards her body she kicked out again hitting him in the back of the knee forcing him to lose balance and hopefully making him go to the ground. Glancing over at the security guard and said words quickly. "Do you have cuffs or zip ties?" They needed to detain the man, he was a danger to himself and others at the moment and frankly, Amelia didn't want him hurting anyone, including his self.

Overcast, you completely ignored my post.
Jeremy noticed that the other girl who had just apprehended him, was putting a STEAK KNIFE up to his throat. Her kick was good though, and he almost lost balance. But he wasn't about to hit a girl. He spoke to Raven without turning, dropping his hidden blade into the sand, "Chicken Pot Pie sounds good." He realeased a brief smirk, but lost it when he heard of restraining devices. "Hell No. No Zip Ties here. I'm good."
Siva just nodded to the guy when he told her to show the way and started to walk, she wasn't certain herself where it was but she thought she had walked past that room one time before. She went back that way and found the ballroom, she got really scared when Ericka wasn't with them anymore, she hadn't been able to talk to anyone else than Ericka since she got there. She was the only one that hadn't become irritated on her for being so shy.

It had already become a big crowd, it made Siva unconfortable. She really didn't want to go to the ballroom because 'that guy' would be there, she almost thought about him like a curse. He was a rich bastard, what good did those rich people ever do, mostly just thinking about themselves. She couldn't stand them, and she would keep away from him as much as she could.

She looked at the guy she had come there with, she wondered if she should ask his name or tell him hers. But as usual she didn't dare to start talking.
As they were walking Kain noticed the girl Siva nodded at him, she didn't say anything though. It was cool, he understood that some people didn't like talking and you just had to be persistent with them. When they finally got there he looked around, the place was massive. It was also packed with people. He sighed.

there the girl looked at him, she looked as if she wanted to say something but the words did not reach her mouth. Honestly, he too was a little nervous. It was awkward standing there trying to make conversation with someone who didn't talk much. Kain with a friendly and gentle composure held out his hand "I'm Kain, nice to meet you. Sorry, butI overheard you talking with that girl earlier. Your name is Siva, right?" he begged to god that she wouldn't turn around and say his accent was strange. A lot of people seemed to mention his accent, although Kain didn't believe he really had one. Thinking about it...over this noise he wondered if the girl even heard him putting a hand on his neck to straighten himself up he then thought aloud "Heh...sure you don't want to go somewhere more quiet?"
Siva looked at his outstretched hand, almost about to blush, but she didn't. She nodded as answer when he asked if her name was Siva and stretched out her hand to shake his. She got really proud over herself shaking his hand without hesitating, for the most it took her a while to get her mind straight to be able to shake someones hand and for the most they had already taken it down by then. He then asked if she wanted to go somewhere more quiet, she looked around and thought that maybe it wasn't such a good idea. If they were going to say something important then they needed to hear it. But she fast thought about a solution.

"If we keep close so we hear when they start whatever surprise it is then it should be okay to leave the room" She said, a bit withdrawen in her voice but she still got the words out, which surprised her a lot.