Taking Care of One Another (Wannano)

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At the threats, Abigail glared at them. "No! Let...me...go!" She demanded again, struggling against the ropes around her wrists and her captors, really not wanting to deal with any more of Alastair, especially right then, or any other time.
the man raised his hand to hit her only to be stoped by the first man.
"Remember, she is to be unharmed. Masters orders."
He instead huffed and leaned back in his seat.
the ride were rather long and the sun had already risen when they retched Alastairs castle.
It were dark and gloomy, much like the man owning it.
As the man raised his hand to strike her, she stopped struggling and went still, waiting in wide eyed fear for the hit, which never came, and she swallowed nervously, not daring to struggle for the rest of the long ride to Alastair's lair. Abby said nothing more the entire way, hoping her brother was still asleep and not panicking because she was gone, again...
After the car came to a stop they forced her out of the car and in to the large home of Alastair.
Leading her through dark halls and in to a light room, were they forced her in to a chair.
"Wait here. Master will be with you in a moment."
They then moved to stand guard in the room.
While they forced her out of the car, she resumed struggling, and grunted as they shoved her into a chair, her wrists still bound together behind her back, glaring at them as moved into guarding positions so she was less likely able to escape from them.
Shortly after Alastair entered the room.
"I do apoligize my dear. I did ask you here nicley at first. But since you refused I simply took the matter in my own hands."
He softly moved some of her hair behind her ear.
As he moved a lock of her hair behind her ear, she leaned away from him as much as the chair would allow. "Why do you want me so badly?" She demanded, looking up at him with angry red eyes.
"It is rather simple my dear."
He said moving around the chair.
"You are mine. Simple as that... And I have decided... You are to be my wife."

(Yes he is creapy)
When he said what he wanted from her to do, alarm and horror expressed her face. "Your...Wife...?" She shook her head. "No...No never..." She breathed, resuming her struggles against the rope binding her wrists.
"Oh hush now my dear... It is an houner to wed me. You should be happy."
He said softly leaning in from behind to whisper in her ear:
"As my wife you shall get every thing you wish for... Anything and everything... After we wed you just have to say the word and it is yours."
"I am NOT marrying you. No." She told him again, leaning away from him. She decided to do a bit of her own taunting, remembering what her brother had done to the man. "How'd it feel when my brother kicked you? Looked like it hurt." She smirked.
"Well yes... Not that it matters, I shall have him killed at a later time."
He said standing back straight and with a serius look on his face he said:
"Perhaps I shall toture him first. Yes, torture then death, then our wedding. That is if you dont wish to merry me and change my mind about killing him..."
Abigail went silent at that. "You wouldn't..." She muttered, looking up at him in horror. "Please...I..." She trailed off, not really knowing what to do now, though certainly not wanting to marry into Alastair. "How do I know you wouldn't do that to him even if I did marry you?" She demanded, her voice weak.
"Would I do that to my own wife?"
He said with a nasty smirk.
"I'm...not going to be your wife." Abby said again, glaring at him. With her brother not in his hands, she knew it was safe to deny him.
"You do not have a choise." He said with a smirk.
"You will be my wife no matter what."
"No. I won't be your wife." Abigail was certain that her brother wouldn't want her to be marrying into Alastair, and neither did she herself. "My brother would never want this anyway, no matter what you did to him." She glared at Alastair, sure of it.
He laughed, loud and cold.
"You do not seem to understand, you have no choise."
"Why don't I? You don't have my brother here." She told him, rather sickened at the thought of having to marry him, willingly or not.
"Oh my dear... I am a god here. I do not need your brother. But since you do not wish to merry me of your free will, I shall simply merry you by force. And next time I get my hands on your brother I shall kil him."
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