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Suddenly, Florencio found the girl he commented looking right at him. Was she perhaps thinking of who her next meal might be? At most he could speculate that she had a taste for blood and might be eager to have some more. He masked his fear by holding his head up high, crossing his arms as he looked back at her, "Heard my comment, did you? I hope you're not too flattered, blood sucker."
A blush creeped onto Hayley's face at the name she was called and she couldn't stop the growl that ripped through her throat. What could she say? She hated being called that and it wasn't like the could actually say that due to the muzzle that was put on her. She then realized that she was also glaring at this other boy at quickly stopped, also silencing her growl with widened eyes. She couldn't' believe that she had just done that, she rarely ever reacted like that over something as stupid as a silly insult.
Florencio took a deep breath, not wanting himself to be imitated by the growl, or her sharp glare. His pride wouldn't let him slink away now, and he simply continued the taunts, "Oh, I apologize." he said, "That tacky mouth piece of yours doesn't allow you to retaliate beyond primal actions, does it?" he said, but was honestly a bit disappointed by the fact that they couldn't go back and forth, if only because he thought he always won.
Hayley's muscles twitched as she restrained her self from becoming anger with him. It might still be a while before all of the blood stopped effecting her but until then she can be easier to anger than normally. She glanced around for some way to communicate with this boy aside from as he said, 'primal actions'. Seeing nothing, not that she was expecting some way to suddenly be able to speak to randomly appear, she sighed then slowly and painfully stood from her spot, leaning against a rock and moved closer to him. She still kept her distance but made sure she was at a good distance for him to see the words she wrote which said "Do you think I want to be wearing this thing, fish boy?"
Florencio watched as she stood up... was she going to approach him? He resisted slinking back into the water. Surely she wouldn't get herself into trouble again, especially not by hurting him- Such a reaction would usually take just a few more remarks. However, she was still quite far away, and was now holding up something for him to read. Leaning in, he read the message, "For one, I am not a fish- I am a Quatdria." he said, saying this with pride, "And I suppose I wouldn't want to wear a mouth piece either if I was a blood sucker."
Hayley rolled her eyes at him, she honestly didn't really care what he was- he looked like a fish. She then started to write again, 'Whatever you say, fish boy. And I'm not necessarily a bloodsucker, I eat flesh but it's not like I can get a live meal around here. That blood was just to sustain me. He understood that and gave me his blood- willingly.' She then let him see what she wrote and sighed. Man did she want to get out of here but she knew better than to even dream about that when she had no one to back her up. If only she had an ally in here...
Tynebris, a young dragon, is curled up in a corner of a hallway with dim light. He is once again trying to hide from others, but his size isn't very helpful at concealing himself. Usually the dragon is curious and would go and explore new environments, but currently he is cautious due to being in an entirely new one - one he never would have been able to imagine. Tynebris doesn't like this area, but he can't really judge it either, seeing that he hasn't been very long here nor does he know much about this place. Even though he currently is under no supervision he decides to remain in the corner, missing his parents and fearing that someone will sooner or later search for him.
A new test subject is brought to the facility. He looks like a Human, but his blue hair stands out.
The subject is escorted by 2 guards, who hold him by his arms. He doesn't resist and keeps walking until they reach his cell.
As he entered it the guards left him alone. Little did they know that he was already planning something.

((any scientists that want to have a test subject?))
Tynes looked at Shadow and nodded over towards Hayley and stood up to see if she would come with her but for now it looked like she wanted to stay under the tree so the purple haired Lathlanian slowly walked over and sat, a little hesitantly, near the young girl with the mask on. She looked at her and smiled, a sorrowful look on her face for what she had just been apparently put through by the scientists. She really did feel bad for her. She pointed at herself using her new found words... "name Tynes", and then she pointed to the girl and tilted her head inquisitively.
Haley looked over at the girl who just approached her curiously. So, at least not everyone is now afraid of her… She really wished she could talk right then but knew she couldn't, this was one of the people who couldn't naturally understand her, she knew from her observations of everyone else here. She sighed and closed her eyes, mentally reciting one of the spells she knew, a spell that could translate her words into whichever language the person was reading could understand. It wouldn't last long but it would help her at the moment.
She then wrote on the ground in front of the new girl, 'My name is Hayley. Are you alright?' She replied, concerned for this other person. She wasn't sure why she would come over to her but she must have something going on she figured.
She nodded and smiled that she was fine but was also confused how this creature knew her language. She did not look like any that she had seen back on her planet and surely not the way she...bit people. Regardless, realizing the girl couldn't talk through her mask she leveled the writing area and wrote her own message back. "I was going to ask you the same thing? You speak Lathlani, are you from my planet?"
Hayley's spell worked both ways since she put it on the ground they were writing on so she was also able to read what Tynes had wrote. She looked at it in slight confusion, this girl was Lithuanian? She wasn't quite sure what or where that was but Tynes thought she knew it. She shook her head at her and wrote back, 'Actually, no. I'm an Aswang, I can just use spells so we can understand each other, it won't last too long but it'll work for a while.' She gave her a small smile.
The girl nodded understanding. She was sad that it wouldn't last long but happy that she could talk to someone if only for a short time. She looked over towards Shadow and the back at Hayley not sure where Aswang was. "So Aswang are from Earth? Shadow has been trying to help me learn the language here, but it has been a slow process. Will you help me too?"
She thought for a moment then glanced over to the girl Tynes looked over to. 'Is that Shadow?' She asked, 'And some of us are from here but we originally came from Algonior. That's where They took me from.' Hayley told her, referring to the scientists. 'Of course I'll help you as much as I can but I don't know how good of a teacher I am. I can communicate with you well enough for now but I'll be able to use this spell every couple days or hours, depending how long I use it and if the guards are near.' The scientists didnt know about a lot of her spells since they can't really test for them so she didn't want them to learn about it now. The less they knew about her, the easier it'll be when she tries to get out. 'Anyway, what can you do? You know I can cast spells but what about you?'
She looked around at the scientists that were observing them from the watch towers nodding. She understood not wanting to give them any more information than they needed. She twirled her finger in a circle over the spot on the ground making a small whirlwind swish the dirt around until all the words were gone. "Wind and air manipulation mostly. But like you, I try not to show it. They haven't figured me out yet. I think they think I have no powers like my brother. He has control over lightning and energy." She got quiet, a solemn sad look washed over her features at the thought of her brother but she managed a small smile at the girl.
Hayley watched the dirt as her words were erased and nodded in understanding about her powers. That was smart, not letting them know anything about you but why did they keep her then? She must be of some help for their 'research' despite their lack of knowledge about her powers. When she mentioned her brother Hayley's head snapped over to look at her again, she had a sibling that was here too? Out of all the people she had met, it seemed like no one else had someone they knew before they got in here that was still alive. 'Brother? So you have a sibling her also?' She asked, 'Is he here too?' If he was also here then that means she will have to probable allies which were something that was always needed. And, it would be nice to see at least one pair of siblings that haven't been separated, like she and her sister.
A little while after Nova was escorted then left in his room, the guards came back. They glanced into the room through the small window to be sure that this new experiment wasn't going to try anything then unlocked and opened the door. After checking if it's ring was on so its powers were hindered, approached him,"Come on, freak. You get time outside." One of them said coldly then shoved Nova forward, causing him to fall. The guard rolled his eyes as the other chuckled then kicked the boy, "Come on, get up. We don't have all day." They then hauled him up and started to drag him from the room and out to the courtyard, where the others all were.
Nova knocked the dust of his clothes that got on him when the guards almost threw him on the ground.
(So much for believing that this is a civilized race.)
He took a look around and began to memorize everything. The path that leads outside. The strange small cards that seem to unlock the doors. The unusual black boxes that turned to him as he was moved.
In his mind he began to draw a map of this place.
The Guards walked him to the door leading to the courtyard, opened it then shoved him out as roughly as they could it seemed. "Have fun pipsqueak." One called out to him before the door slammed and automatically locked.

Hayley heard the doors open and froze, instinctively moving to the side slightly so the ground she was writing on was out of their direct sight. Once the doors closed once again she relaxed slightly and looked over to see what they had done out here. From the sound of the motions and the fact that one of them talked to what she only assumed, judging by his insult, was another experiment. She glanced around, it seemed like all the experiment she knew of that were not being tortured -er… 'tested' were out there. She double checked the looked over her shoulder to see who it could be.
Tynes wrote in the dirt while Hayley was looking off to a new arrival now that the guards were gone and the doors were closed again. "Yes, we came here together but were separated as soon as we entered the building. I have not seen him since." She tapped Hayley on the shoulder. "Do you know that boy with the blue hair?"