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Hayley allowed a small smile onto her face but it held no happiness, 'I am we'll aware of all the risks and consequences be it good of bad that can come from this. You're not the first to try to escape you know.' she wrote the looked over to Tynes out of the corner of her eye. 'We're going to need more people if we want to do this right. It can't just be the two of us- we can't just leave everyone. We need a team.' she added. And it was true, if it was just the two of them they wouldn't last, they would be easily outnumbered and are obviously out gunned.
Nova knew that she was right. He pointed to her and then to the girl next to her.
Then he stood up and walked to the dragon that was in his field of view the whole time.
(Let's hope this works)
He took a deep breath and approached the dragon. As he was close enough to be heard by him he began to speak.
Darastrix. Nymuer sia ivah vur vucot batobot si mi ti vin irlym. Sia ominak ui Nova. Tir wux kampiun ve?
What he said was not only another language, it also was spoken slower then regular English.
Nova waited for the dragoon's response.
Tynebris stops sneaking and then looks at Nova, the sun blinding his view again. The dragon is surprised to hear this language here and nods.
"Si kampiun wux, shar svanoa confnic wux renthisj nomeno xanalre?" Tynebris asks Nova and then looks at the building. "Vur svabol ui nomeno goawy?" the dragon adds to his previous question. After his second question Tynebris instinctively has one leg infront and growls quietly: curiosity and caution colliding.
This was, despite hot it started, a good day. It sounded like the dragon understood him.
(I knew it would pay off to learn Draconic)
Si yora dout ooble svadrav si jahus ghergo. Si mi saeuth batobot coi ui di klae.
Nova seems to explain the Dragon what this facility is. He also mentions that this is more of a prison then a research lab.
((I'm skipping some text okay tynebris? Saves the both of us time))
After Nova explaining Tynebris what this place is the dragon snorts. "Svabol tir astahii tuor mrith ve?" Tynebris asks, angry about being held here. His eyes are wide open, despite him not seeing any better. Tynebris looks down to the ground and starts randomly scratching the ground. "Si llewarin sia odassi, astahii geou xikin ihk coi." the dragon grumbles in anger, while scratching.
(I can't let him start commotion now. If the guards notice him he will surely be under a more strict watch by the guards.)
Nova used all of his physical strength to hold the dragon's claw down.
Jlaa vur ifpesp. Mobi geou qe vi tairais ihk narhethi, shar nomeno tairais ui ti jaka. Yth rigluin latali vur vi nadot.
From the looks of it, it seems like he is trying to calm him down.
He looked into the dragon's eyes as he spoke again
Sjek wux nafl tuor okarthel, hak jilg spical dout harkaj. Xkhat sia ressan vur jilg ekik vi moxt drongilt. Wer tairais ihk narhethi geou confn.
When Nova walked over to the dragon Hayley turned back to Tynes. 'Did you catch all of that? She wrote. There were very few people that she knew in here and she promised to help Tynes out and she really did not want to break that promise. Hopefully she'll just go with them and make it all the easier to do so.
"Origato gethrisj di ve!" the dragon growls replying to Nova. "Si tuor ekess ocuir astahi jaka!" Tynebris adds as he looks into Nova's eyes. It's quite obvious that the dragon is quite angry. Although Tynebris is in a conversation with Nova he just turns around and walks back to the tree and snorts once. The dragon's wings are a bit stretched, his expression is clearly in anger. (( Unfortunately, I gotta go. ))
Nova jumped back as the Dragon turned around to get to his tree. He did not want to get hit by his tail.
Zyak wux tuor ekess ocuir astahi. Vur hak svabol? Astahii tepoha laraeki batobot rechan sart nlgnosi sva yoweth speed. Persvek wer lauth klewkini si tepoha coanwor tenpiswo, si counted oweriri di wioti. Dout altiuiri geou vorq hefoc riseil persvek vi selgtarn di seconds vur wux geou qe loex ghoros wux tangis ocuir astahi.

Shar kruth. Gethrisj vur loreat sjek batobot ui dout huven.
Origato ve vucot svadrav wux thirku dout ricin vur tuor ekess gahri.

He turned away from the dragon and left him alone for the moment.
Tynes nodded, hoping that Hayley was only talking about the conversation in the dirt. Although there were dragons on Lathlani, her brother would never let her get near them, let alone learn their language. She twirled a finger in her hair but it served it's actual purpose which was to clear the words on the ground. She knew they were planning to escape and that she was included. She would do her best to go with the flow during those times when using Hayley's spell wasn't available.
Tynebris stops and waits. The dragon listens to Nova and once he is done Tynebris thinks a bit. After a short time he turns around and looks at Nova "Si tuor ekess gahri, shar waphir persvek vi platohol ui wer vemud." replies. "Svabol tir wux dujzarn, itheikir till yth loreat?" the dragon asks, after a short silence on his side, as he pulls in his wings.
Nova smiles as he heard the dragon speak again.
(Good thing that dragons are not as ruthless as everyone thinks.)
Batobot jahus nao darastrix. Vucoti batobot wux tuor ekess gewj, shar jaka ui wer tairais ekess nadot vur dryic irthir. Si tir ti vucot svabol ekess tir harkt jaka shar nomeno geou thirku persvek tairais.

It's difficult say what he says this time, but at least he doesn't sound like he tries to enrage him.
Svabol ui dout ominak?
He walks back to him and holds his hand out to him. He never thought he would have a hand... or "clawshake" with a dragon.
The dragon snorts first, wanting to act now but convinced that he needs to wait first.
Tynebris watches Nova walk to him and just looks at him, trusting that he won't do anything dangerous. "Si mi relgra" the dragon says. "Tynebris" he adds, pronounced in his actual tongue. The dragon looks confused as Nova reaches out his hand and just observes it. As Tynebris sees that it is of no threat, he starts sniffing the hand.
Hayley nodded back in understanding, 'Are you prepared to leave this place? To escape this lab and try to get back home? It will be very dangerous and if we fail the consequences will be worse than anything they have ever done before. Will you take that risk with us?' She wrote then looked up, studying Tynes' face seriously, this was very important and there would be no going back if they even get half-way to the break-out.
She waved her hand smoothly over the ground to erase the words. Her face turned solemn and quiet. Yes, she wanted out and was ready to leave but...her brother. Was he dead? Did he already find a way out and not take her with him? Was he still hidden somewhere with the prison walls? She had survived over a year here on her own with no sign of him so to say her hopes had dwindled someone wouldn't be completely wrong. Finally, she raised a fingertip and replied. "Yes, I am ready and will do what I must and accept whatever may come if we fail." She looked back at the Aswang, her eyes beginning to gloss but no tear fell.
Nova let Tynebris sniff his hand. He thought that it may be a good idea to let him memorize his smell.
Nomeno xurwkic udoka latali hak. Jilg ekik ihk vi lauth keari. Si geou siofme di creolnali
He then pulled his hand back and looked to the 2 girls.
Tir wux ocuir nomenes jiil? Astahii re latali lae algbo. Sjek wux tuor si shilta swasin svabol wux vur astahii yenta.
Hayley gave her a comforting look and nodded. She could tell that something was holding her back but the fact that despite this she still wanted to go showed that she was all the more determined to get out which was going to be profitable in the end. 'Don't worry, we're going to get out of here if it's the last thing I do.' She wrote, hoping to provide her with some comfort about their upcoming task. It seemed like (even though she had no idea what they were saying) Nova had convinced the dragon from earlier to also join them in their escape so there would be at least four of them, if they found no one else to be of use.
"Astahii vsist tuor ekess ocuir asta odassi?" asks Nova as he then looks at the two girls. "Astahii tir ti renthisj wer diieson xanalre hefoc yth tir?" the dragon asks confused, thinking it is natural to speak his language. "Tir wux nomagqe vucot kii si tepoha coanwor dronilnra tenpiswo?" interogates Nova, his curiosity and lack of knowing this place having the upper hand again.
Astahii tepoha svaion drili si siofme. vur thric,"draconic" ui ti wer xanalre tenpiswo. Vth renthisj "english".
He did not know the reasons of the girls, but their reasons must have been important. No one would joint his plan if their will was not strong enough.
Wux tepoha coanwor dronilnra tenpiswo tagoa di wer diieson dril lae yth. Ihk wer "humans" wux re vi halkiva rekisix, vur zyak re yth.
2 Guards came in and Nova spotted them in time. It seemed like they were looking for him.
Gethrisj ekess wer fanoli. astahii re latali. Sjek astahii re scared yenta:"i am a friend".
They pointed at Nova and gestured that he should come with them. Nova just nodded and went away with them.
The guards took nova away, and he will probably not come out so soon.
Tynebris looks at the two guards taking Nova away and the dragon was ready to attack them but remembered what he was told: to wait. Nevertheless, the dragon tried to sneak behind but couldn't get in before the door closed. Afterwards he goes to the girls and asks them: "Svaklar re astahii claxir jacion?". Not even a second later Tynebris remembers that they wouldn't understand him and tried to pronounce: "I am a friend", but the dragon has some problems at pronouncing it properly.