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Alina looked out the window for a moment more before finally understanding what was happening, and in a flash her eyes widened, quickly she tried to focus them back to their usual, seemingly uncaring look, "Harley's... getting a taste for blood." she might not have understood all of what they were, but she knew well enough that she should not be drinking out of the other subjects... stupid boy.

She watched as the girl seemed confused, and then mortified by her previous actions. But, for all they knew, this could be an act, "She could attack and kill other subjects and scientists, invaluable research gone." Alina said, admittedly being concerned about how this could get worse for all of them, including her co-workers.
Dr. Kileaton looked over to her in a flash, his eyes and posture showing his anger. "What?" He exclaimed, his voice icy. "Which idiot gave it some?" He asked furiously, addressing Hayley as an 'it'. All the doctors knew not to give her or any other creature who needs blood, flesh or anything else of that sort to them, it strengthened them too much. So far as they have had that Aswang she hasn't caused a problem such as this but now she does… He rose from his chair and looked out the window to the creatures who were roaming around. Jasper was immediately able to spot the girl and noticed that she had indeed ingested some blood, the evidence of it being seen in the fact that there was still some remaining around her mouth and her skin was now less pale than it had been. He took a deep breath and relaxed his clenched hands. He was then able to pinpoint the source of the blood the Aswang drank, that Hamun boy who he used to heal the experiments that were injured during testing. Why would he give her any blood? He didn't seem to be fighting her so he must have given it willingly. That idiotic boy!

He looked over to Alina with a cold look in his eye, "Send the guards after them," He looks back out the window at the troublemaking pair then continues, "they need to be punished for that Aswang receiving blood, it was foolish of that Hamun to do so."
Mogar huffed angrily, feeling like he was being ignored. "Hey!" he shouted at no one in particular. "Can I have some water here?!" Damned humans, always thinking they could just throw him outside and ignore him. But whatever, they'd probably just booby-trap his drink or something. Actually, he immediately regretted the request. If only he could get his own drink...
Amber had been watching this whole event unfold in the form of a gentle breeze. As the excitement grew, she drifted over to Shadow and reassembled herself in human-form. She giggled silently, as her vocal chords were permanently damaged in an experiment. The only way she could speak was in whispers through shadow-form, and even that took a lot out of her. She smiled at Shadow in greeting and saw some guards coming from afar towards Hayley. Amber melted into wind-form and floated over to Hayley and her friend, whispering "guards are coming".
Hayley's eyes widen in fear at what the girl said. "What?" She whispered then looked around to see that four gaurds were in fact approaching them rapidly. "Oh crap..." She groaned. Her eyes scanned the years for a way out so they wouldn't get her but found nothing, the yard was a large, open space with only a few natural decorations such as a couple trees and rocks but nothing useful for her to not get caught. "What can we do… what can we do… what can we do…" She muttered to herself. The memories of what happened the last time the doctors knew she had drank blood when she had first arrived. They had realized that if she consumed blood and/or flesh it made her much stronger, faster and enhanced her abilities which then caused them to test her twice as hard and twice as long- it was torture for her and she did not want to go through that again anytime soon.
Her tugs were not working. The girl was... attached like an anchor. It didn't take long though for her to get irritated with Tynes tugging and she finally stopped, making the Lathlanian think she had succeeded until the girl growled at her with huge red eyes and blood dripping from her lips. Tynes gasped at the sight before the not so shy or weak girl sent her flying backwards with a hefty shove. Landing on her rump she began to question why she always felt compelled to try and help in those types of situations. It had never done any good, especially since she was brought to this place. The others were basically ignoring everything that was going on and that was when she saw the four guards coming. Quickly she got to her feet and moved over to a nearby tree to stay clear of the guards not wanting to be considered one of the trouble makers. After all, she was trying to break it up.
Alina remained silent as Dr. Kileaton was in a rage over this, part of her thinking it to be irresponsible on his part with just letting them all roam together. Yet, she looked down, knowing that if she had not called to it, they might have gotten away with what they just did, not suffering any sort of harsh punishment... No, they deserved what they got. They went against the rules, fully knowing of the risks, and now had to pay for what'd they had done. If she had stayed silent, she would have went out of line herself, branding herself a hypocrite and...

Simply nodding in response, Alina nodded and walked out, going to the guards' quarters and seeing that already some of them had gone out.

"We know, split up a fight, right?"

"Just catch the Aswang." she said, not specifying the reason.

More ran out, and Alina walked down the hall. She heard the Hooflin, but payed no attention to him, head staying forward. She assumed that it was just more of his 'whining' again, and she wasn't sure about if she really wanted to watch what was going to happen outside.
Shadow looked up at the girl, she was an interesting one indeed. When she finally decided to say something, the girl was gone. "What," Shadow thought. "Is she the breeze I just felt? Cool." Shadow smiled to herself, and watched the scene of guards swarming at the blood-girl in front of her. Lucky, lucky. She gets blood, but with a cost! Heh heh heh." What an evil thought...
<script src="chrome://YouLoop/content/YouLoop_script.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script src="chrome://YouLoop/content/YouLoop_script.js" type="text/javascript"></script>Genni knew the guards would be coming and heard Hayley fretting behind him. He knew what he had to do before he even gave the Aswang his blood. for the first time since he was little he attempted to use his white fire for evil means instead of healing. he thrust it at the two guards hitting their cerebral cortex knocking them unconscious immediately. he then turned it into real fire and thrust it at the grass making it burst into flames in a circle around the him and the girl. "stop! do not touch her! i know what i did and take full responsibility for it! i will take her full punishment! it was I who convinced her to drink! it was I who tempted her! so take me, or i'll burn the whole building down!" that last part was a lie. he didnt have the energy to burn down the whole building. he just hoped they bought it. he just didnt want Hayley to get hurt for what he had done.
Amber was surprised at Genni's exclamation and changed back to human-form to get a better look at this circle of fire. The fire looked wild and unstable, and she pondered whether the grassy field would end up completely scorched. She didn't want to risk it. A bit fatigued after speaking in wind-form, she backed up a bit to get away from the fire and climbed up the some stairs to get to higher ground, tripping every few steps( her height combined with her fatigue made it difficult to climb stairs). If the horse boy wanted to blow up the whole place, she wanted a good seat to watch the chaos ensue. She smiled thinking about how long it's been since anything interesting happened in this dull, colorless place. If she got out of this situation unhurt, that would just be icing on the cake.
Hayley's eyes widened at Genni's speech and all of her fear for her own well being transferred to fear for him. She stopped moving and looked solely at him. "Genni, what are you doing? Are you crazy or something?" He must be if he's telling the gaurds to take her punishment also. "You do not want to go down that path, trust me. And besides, the most of what they'll do to me is double the experimentation on me so I get too exhausted to use it for any good use- which is something you cannot go through for me. And i won't even let you take any​ part of my punishment!"
<script src="chrome://YouLoop/content/YouLoop_script.js" type="text/javascript"></script>(im sorry to say that ill only be on for ten more minutes and wont be on until after school tomorrow)
Genni sighed " i gave you my blood for a reason, and that was so that you wouldnt be fatigued....anyways i can always heal myself no matter how much they do to me" Genni looked back at the girl and winked before jumping through the fire into the arms of the guards saying a final"ill be fine! dont worry about me!"
She looked after him in shock then tried to run after him but stopped once she got close to the flames and the heat hit her. She sighed then called after him, "You're an idiot!" She turned all around to see if there was any way for her to get out of the fire, but didn't see any opening. "I guess I'll have to do this the hard way then… good thing i'm energized at least…" She muttered to herself then closed her eyes, whispering an ancient incantation. As she spoke her hands started to glow very lightly then, when she opened her eyes they were now a crystal blue color instead of their natural dark green. As she spoke the last words she walked to the wall of the fire, put her hands in front of her and parted the flames as she stepped out of the circle. Once she was out her eyes went back to normal and her hands stopped their dull glow. She let out a deep breath then turned back to face the guards and Genni. "Genni… just walk away."
Mogar's lip curled up in a snarl. He was tired of this bullshit. Everyone was ignoring him when they should all be down on their knees catering to his every whim before he tore the place down.

The hooflin charged in the middle of the fiasco, between his fellow captives and the guards that had rushed out for...whatever. He roared in protest at no one, everyone, whoever would listen, a rapid-fire series of rage-fueled words that made no sense to the others, but could be loosely translated as "get me out of this shithole and bring me some brothers and sisters that aren't a bunch of cowardly motherfuckers."
Dr. Kileaton had left his office soon after Alina had and just made it outside of the doors to the field to make it in time to hear Genni's speech along with about ten more guards coming behind him carrying long tasters which are used for wild animals. The guards which followed him immediately surrounded the entire area. The rest of the creatures who were out on the field were being taken inside, the entire building was in full shut down. WHat had originally been a simple fight was now a lockdown.

Once he saw everything that was going on (the circle of fire, the unconscious guards, Genni and Hayley both going around the guards and the hooflin running around so people will pay attention to him) he crossed his arms stood off to the side of the field, showing no emotion. After a moment of simply observing the chaos and listening to the end of Genni's speech, he spoke up and raised his hand to halt the guards' movements, "…Let the girl go. I do not want to 'burn the whole building down' as he said."

Once Jasper announced this, the guards that were grabbing Hayley, who was not fighting as much as he had originally thought she would, stopped and let her go much to their annoyance. He then looked to Mogar and rolled his eyes at his behavior, "And will someone please do something about that horse?" The guards who had been previously capturing Hayley then tried to wrangle Mogar to the ground, or to at least stop running around like a spoilt child. Dr. Kileaton then directed his icy stare to Genni, "So, you want receive the punishment that is meant for both you and it?" He said motioning to Hayley.
Shadow didn't like being shoved (forcefully) inside by the guards, but she and the others had no choice anyways. As the guard shoved her, Shadow pushed him on his way out of the door and walked a little more quickly, fearful of being punished. She then sat amongst the others and sang quietly to herself the song that her Mother did before the ambush.
Amber couldn't stand crowded rooms, so being shoved into one was not something to improve her day. The lockdown room had no windows and dim, florescent lights above. There were races of every shape and size throughout the room and guards posted at the doorways. She knew changing into wind form wouldn't get her out of this room. She had tried it years before, and awful memories of electric pulses causing radiation poisoning did not prompt her to try it again. Not for the first time, she wish she could just say something. Wherever the scientists were who destroyed her vocal chords, she hoped they were having a really bad day. Sitting next to Shadow, she nodded in greeting with a tiny wave. She sat pondering some way to make light of a cramped situation. Amber smiled hearing the tune Shadow hummed quietly. Song was a scarce thing to hear in such a place, and she couldn't exactly ask someone to sing a tune. It made her feel warmer inside this cold, dim room.
The display of powers being used was quite impressive. The wind formed girl actually made her crack a wry smile. None of the elders could do that and neither could she. The one called Genni wasn't afraid to use his powers. How she longed to whip up a good tornado or hurricane, but she had managed to hide those abilities so far hoping they would give up on her soon and leave her alone. So far no such luck. When the guards arrived, one moved up from behind and shoved her hard towards the door. She turned and gave him a feral scowl but walked towards the door after regaining her balance and composure. The guard just laughed at her making her even angrier. Her fists clenched, the air in the yard picking up causing the small tree limbs to wave around. No, don't do it. Don't let them win! Just as she reached the door, Tynes took a deep breath and gave the guards a sideways glance before walking into the building and releasing her control of the wind outside.
Shadow noticed the one that could disappear sitting near her. She smiled slightly and said, "It's the last thing I heard from my Mother.." She then continued her song, a bit louder, glad to have a friend. The familiar tune calmed her down, preventing here to outburst. The last time that happened... Bad... "Oh little, wonderful, creature of night. May no harm come to you as well as no fright. Please just rest now and close your eyes. Everything will be, alright." Shadow was careful to not use her powers as most would go unconscious if she did while singing.
Genni looked at Hayley to make sure she was fine and then extinguished the fire on his hand (not mentioning the ball of white fire in his pocket) and mentally sighed to himself ' at least now i don't have to try to burn down the building' he thought "yes" he said to the head doctor who was evil to the core"i wish to take her and punishment...if that's all right with you?" Genni put a certain smart ass tone into his voice that he knew the head doctor could not stand. he put his hands in his jacket pocket and gave the doctor a smug grin as if he planned this whole thing form the beginning<script src="chrome://YouLoop/content/YouLoop_script.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script src="chrome://YouLoop/content/YouLoop_script.js" type="text/javascript"></script>