String of Many Colors

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"I'd help if you want," Reece offered, willingly I might add, but then again that's supposed to be at least somewhat of a secret. Oops, oh Reece it's okay you're lucky she doesn't tend to pick up on these things. His chocolate milk suddenly looked particularly appetizing and he lifted the glass to his lips, resulting in a milk mustache covering his face none-so-gracefully as if to taunt his lack of facial hair. He didn't wipe it off and his face said he didn't even know it was there.
Else nodded after a moment and at his milk mustache she smiled slightly. "You have some milk on your face." She told him with a soft laugh. He hadnt seemed to realize it and Else didn't want him to walk around with it on. "I'll probably be down some of the time if you do help me... So you know."
Reece's face registered confusion at her expressions at first until she said that, Oh God---really? His hand reached for the napkin on the table, and upon successful contact, grabbed it to wipe his face. Again, unfortunately for Reece, the napkin had been containing utensils that clattered across the table, landing askew in all directions. So instinctively he dropped the napkin to hunt out and gather up the utensils that at this point had caused quite a few headturns their way. When the silverware was finally back in place over the napkin Reece, enduring this latest embarrassment, forgot to clean the milk off his face.
She just couldn't help it. With all the serious talk Else had been looking for an out and this was it. She laughed and shook her head before using her own napkin and reaching over to dab his mouth. "You missed it." Else said softly, giving him a half smile.
Reece watched her hand the entire time she touched the napkin to his face, soaking up the excess chocolate milk, at first with confusion, but he didn't pull away, not from her. "Oh, um...yeah. Thanks," he said in response, his cheeks trying not to blush despite himself. The funny thing with Reece was that he could act like the awesomest person ever in front of children, show off and impress the other guys, but when it came to girls Reece just lost any kind of smooth coolness he had before. Around girls though Reece tended to stumble through sentences and even worse stumble through the rest of the experience, literally, he'd even set a girl on fire once by knocking over a candle, accidentally. Needless to say she never called him again and he had to pay for a new tablecloth.
When she was finished Else set the napkin back on the table. "So will you paint something with me then after we eat?" She asked as their food was brought out. Else wanted to paint, she did, but she did need a bit more of a push. She also didn't want to paint by herself since it was the first time she had been there.
Reece was glad that Else changed the subject so he wouldn't dwell on his latest blunder too much. "Yeah I'll paint with you, I just have to warn you, I'm a terrible artist, if I can even use the word artist," Reece said, shaking his head. He thanked the waitress once the plates of delicious pancake concoctions were set on the table, and was eager for some much needed nourishment, especially when it was this tasty. The first forkful of his food tasted like heaven, or some other blissful thing and he didn't hide his pleasure, uttering a somewhat vocal "mmm". That always happened from the first bite, it was that good. (Hehe, we had pancakes for dinner XD)
"It doesn't matter how good you are. I don't think I'm all that great, but it makes me feel good to paint. That's all that really matters." Else said with a shrug. Her eyes widened at the pancakes that were set in front of her, they were huge. "Oh I don't think I can eat all of this." She said although it did look delicious. Before starting she had another sip of coffee to try to wake herself up.

(Haha, that's great :)
Reece smiled at her shocked face. "They let you take the rest home if you want," he commented after finishing chewing his first bite. The syrup bottle beckoned and so he grabbed it, pouring a swirly pattern on his pancakes, but he always had the first bite without the syrup, it was just his tradition. He set down the syrup closer towards Else's plate when he was done so she could use it. The next bite didn't disappoint and he was so glad he came there this morning.
She simply nodded and took a few bites. It was so good that Else didn't even bother with the syrup, it would have been sugar overload. They are in silence for awhile, but when she was finished with two pancakes Else sat back in her chair. "I don't know how anyone could eat all of this." Else said with a soft laugh.
Reece just shrugged from her comment, noticing that she was done and then going back to his now 3/4 remaining pancake. Even though he was athletically built and on the rather thin side, it wasn't from a lack of an appetite or nourishment. Like most guys his age Reece could eat a lot when he wanted to. And drowning his traumas of being beat up and left to lay in the hallway of the girl's dorm in syrup seemed like the best option, especially when he could also fill his hollow feelings with fluffy doughy goodness. When he was done with his plate and chocolate milk, somehow managing not to do anything stupid, he pushed his plate to the side so the waitress could take it. Megan came by to hand them their bill and Reece took out his credit card.
Else watched him eat and smiled slightly. He was just like her husband, eating a ton but his body not changing at all. "I can pay for my portion," She said, taking out a few bills. Else hated feeling like she owed people and she did have some money still. She tried to hand them to the waitress without Reece having time to protest.
The waitress had also brought a container for her so she had put the rest of her pancakes in as she had watched Reece finish his own serving.
Reece saw her start to pay and the waitress took it before he had any chance to give it back to her. He was going to say something, but decided against it at the last minute. When the waitress brought back his credit card he wrote the tip on the line, signed and they were off to the painting room. Taking her hand was his first thought, but he decided against it and just led her there without the physical contact. "What did you want to paint?" he asked, handing her a brush to use.
She sighed and followed him, setting her take home box on the ground when he handed her the paint brush. "I don't know, what do people normally paint here?" Else asked as she looked around. The more she looked however the more it seemed to all be random and just whatever the person thought would look good at the time. "What do you want to paint?" She asked since she was going to make him paint on the wall as well not matter what he said.
Reece considered her question for a while, pondering his options before he found something good. "A snowman," he answered simply, smiling to himself and finding white paint. Coincidentally the white paint was right next to where Else was standing so he got up close to her as he bent down to reach the paint for his picture. Once he had an even amount on the end half of his brush he found a spot on the wall in that general area, so he didn't have to move away from her, to place his soon to be masterful concoction. "Now you pick something," he remarked as he made his first somewhat careful brush strokes.
Else thought for a bit before starting to draw a swing. It was big enough for too and she made it in the middle of a garden. It was from a memory, one that she tried to go to when she was down if she could bring herself out of it. It was an intricate design, with tiny details, but it only took up a small space. When she was finished she moved back to look at it.
Reece drew his three circles, the bottom one largest, and the top two starting out different sizes, but as he made room for eyes, nose and a mouth ended up the same size. The snowman's mouth was a wavy red line that was supposed to be a smile but didn't quite turn out that way, his stick arms were drawn too low as if they were attached to his hips, and his hat was a horizontal line and a box on top drawn in brown. When he looked over at her beautiful swing he smiled. "You really can paint," he said, looking back at his elementary drawing.
She tilted her head and then shrugged. "I'm okay," Else said simply before looking over at his snowman. She tried not to laugh, but did end up smiling. "Your's is good though, looks like a snowman." Else was able to appreciate his effort, it was difficult to paint if you aren't used to it and don't have a knack for it.
"You really think so?" Reece asked, half skeptically, half hopefully, her compliment bringing out his inner third grader, and despite his skepticism caused his eyes to light up a little. He was still holding the paintbrush and since seeing that she was done took hers to put in the nearest cup of water they had.
She nodded. "There could be a story to it. Maybe the child making it had a larger head that everyone so he made the snow man have a large head as well. And it's possible that that same child had long arms because of the way he grew and wanted the snow man to as well. And maybe that is his favorite hat, one that his grandfather used to wear when they were in fashion." Else explained.
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