String of Many Colors

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After Reece carried his gear back and put it away, he decided to go for a pleasant morning stroll. He'd been up a couple hours, but it seemed only half or even less than that were up now. The sun was just beginning to warm the earth and he wiped the sweat off his forehead from his earlier activity as he cooled down and wandered as Reece often did. Up ahead he spotted an Else-shaped girl so he shamelessly called out to her, "Else!" If she wasn't Else he wouldn't mind the stares and if she was then his mind would be too preoccupied with her to notice them.
At the loud call of her name Else looked up and back. She let herself show a small smile at Reece and picked up her hand to wave at him. "Hey, I'm headed to the library." She explained as he came closer to her.

Else hadnt seen much of him, since she had been staying in her room and barely going to any classes lately.
"Mind if I join you?" Reece asked, falling into step next to her. After practicing his odd skills he tended to exude confidence for at least an hour afterwards, something that not even talking to the girl he was crushing over could break.

Under normal circumstances, Reece wouldn't have the courage or audacity to ask the question in his mind, but right now he didn't have a worry in the world about messing up. "Haven't seen you lately, almost thought you were avoiding me," he joked lightly, but of course the meaning behind it was serious. Reece was too good for her to avoid him.
Else shrugged. "I think I've been avoiding everyone lately, I don't want anyone hurt again because of me." She said softly, so just he would hear. "I'm sure you can understand. I've been trying to focus on my classes, but even that is hard with everything going on. I'm not sure how I'll do this semester."
"I'll help you if you want," Reece offered as he followed her to the library. He didn't like how she though she needed to avoid everyone, even if there was a good reason for it. The people who attacked him weren't going to keep him away from her, as cheesy as it sounded. "You can't just shut everyone out Else, you need someone there for you, to keep you sane," he countered.
She smiled slightly. "I don't think I'll ever be sane again." Else admitted, laughing softly. "I thought you might not want to be seen with me. I am a freshman and you're a fraternity boy." She told him as they continued walking to the library. Else was sure that he would get made fun of if they continued.
"I'm not worried about that," Reece told her with a little smug grin. Does this mean she wants to be together? The thought clouded his judgement, but only slightly. He had his reasons. "I'm a junior, so it wouldn't be as bad as if I were a senior. The president's been like my bro, and really I think they'll tease less if they see us together. After initially of course." They approached the library building and he held open the door for her.
Else shrugged and wrinkled her nose. She hated when people held the door out for her, she was capable of holding a door. Instead of commenting Else just walked through and looked around, wondering how she was going to find the books her roommate wanted. "Well, I'm pretty busy right now, but maybe if school lets up we could hang out more or something." In reality Reece reminded her of everything going on and Else didn't need any more reminders of it.
"Oh, um, okay," was all Reece could muster after than response. Any kind of newfound confidence he'd gained from his slacklining that morning had been shot down in one sentence. It was pretty amazing actually, how she could bring out all his insecurities in one fell swoop. He thought of her books. "If you need, you know, um help...or something, you could ask Alec," he said, glancing at the list in her hand.
"Would he know how to find these?" Else asked, not knowing that he worked at the library. Fiana hadnt told her and she had not been there much. "I don't know why she didn't want to go find them herself anyway, but I didn't feel like questioning." She admitted as she looked around trying to find who he spoke of.
"He works here, so he's pretty good at finding things. Wait, these aren't even books for you?" he asked with a raised eyebrow at who they'd be for. It clicked pretty quickly. The other girl, Faina, her roommate. She's the reason Alec had been acting weird and not wanting to talk to people before. He'd felt a bit taken aback so he'd just left him be, figuring it would dissipate soon enough and he'd be back to his usual self. They hadn't talked for awhile, so he didn't know how he was doing anymore. "Your roommate and Alec had some kind of fight and he won't talk about it. It was weird, he usually doesn't get like that." Reece commented, then spotted Alec and pointed. "There he is, he'll find the books for you."
Else nodded. "I guess that could be true. Faina hasn't been doing much besides school and her dresses lately. I just haven't been paying attention." She admitted, looking up to see Alec.

"I'll ask him for help, but what if we each tried to find a book? It would help us finish faster." Else suggested as they got closer to Alec.

Alec was focused on straightening up the books and trying to figure out a better system for putting them back. When he heard voices get closer to him he looked up and saw Reece and some other chick. "Hey man, how's it going?" He asked, putting a hand in his pocket.

(I don't think they've met, Alec and Else that is)
(They met in the beginning when he was helping them set up their tv and fridge, but that was awhile ago so I doubt he'd really remember her.)

"Pretty good, been working on my backflips so soon I'll test one out on the line, that'll really impress the ladies," he grinned, always needing an excuse to impress the ladies with something to make up for his outright awkwardness around them. And unfortunately everyone knew it, but it was more like an inside joke between the guys, so he played on it to be a good sport. But speaking of ladies...

"Actually, I was just telling this lady how impressive you were at finding books, and she was hoping you'd show us those skills," he bantered, holding out the slip of paper with the names on it and waving it enticingly. He knew his friend liked showing off, especially for a girl, even if he wasn't interested in her and hoped he could bring some of that personality out of Alec today.
(Hmm, yeah, Alec and Else both haven't been paying attention much so they would have forgot)

Alec smirked slightly and took the piece of paper. "You don't need to many." He said, counting about five. "They are all near each other, if you wait here I'll be back in five minutes tops."

Ladies usually liked not having to walk and how fast he could find the books. Alec knew for a fact they had all of these, but was wondering why a girl like that would want these books.

Else gave him a small smile and nodded. "Thank you, I would appreciate that. Don't worry about finding them so quickly though, I might look around a little, see if there is anything I want to get."
It occurred to Reece that if those books were for the other girl, and Alec had been friends, or friends with benefits, or who knows what with this girl, that Alec might recognize her choice in books. But it'd been at least two weeks since, so would he really remember anything about her? It was doubtful.

He watched Else go off in search of books and wondered if he was really that desperate to find a girl that didn't see him as some awkward weirdo that he'd go after a freshman girl. Did he really like her, or was it just that she was a girl at all? Again, Reece didn't know. Not that it mattered, since it didn't seem like Else would like him any more than a friend for a while.

Reece had nothing he wanted to look at in the library. Books weren't his favorite, so he didn't read any for pleasure or leisure activities, and he had all his books required for class anyways. Otherwise he tended to use websites as resources, which was much easier. So he watched Else look at books, gazed over at the other bodies inhabiting the library like the girl reading a book at an empty table and a boy at a computer desk, and basically just stood around.
She didn't find much as she looked, though Else did pick up a self defense book. Else might as well find out how to protect herself a little incase people tried to hurt her or her friends again.

"You look out of place." She told Reece as she neared him again. "Do you not normally read?"

Alec walked around, grabbing the books on the list. It took a little longer than usually since one wasnt on the shelf, but on a sorting shelf. He had to look through about a hundred books to find the one.
Reece shrugged with his hands in his pockets. "Not really. I'd rather do other things than read," he answered honestly as Alec came out with her books.
"Like your bungee thing?" Else asked, taking the books from Alec. "Thanks, I really appreciate it." She said, not noticing that as he checked them out for her he slipped in a note.

Alec had realized that the books were for her roommate and had written a quick note for her.

"No problem, happy reading." Alec muttered, pushing the books towards her again.
Reece nodded as Alec checked out the books for her. "Yeah, like that."

He waved to Alec as they left and followed Else once more, realizing that he'd just invited himself along to whatever she was doing, but didn't really seem to mind. "So what were you planning on doing today?" he asked, feeling skittish, but trying not to let his voice show it. He didn't have any plans for the day that were permanent, so he would be more than happy to do just about anything with her.
"Oh... Ah my roommate and I have plans to go get lunch. I guess you could come with too if you want." Else said hoping her roommate wouldn't mind. "

She started walking back to her dorm with the pile of books in her arms. "I think she wanted to go to some sandwhich place."
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