Stellar Empires 5; An Age Anew. (NATION RP)

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Regrettably, Legulus has contacted me and is withdrawing due to RL concerns.
Apologies for my lack of activity! I've ended up saving about half a post and losing it twice. Totally my bad, should've been more careful and not left it unfinished, just in case.

I'll cook something up shortly, however, probably something short'n sweet to get to the point.
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After reading all of your IC posts, I'm beginning to think my writing might not be able to stand on its own comparatively. I'd rather not take the quality down my poor posts, especially with uni starting back tomorrow :/
I wouldn't worry too much mate, some of us have been at this a long while now. But we all had to start somewhere, for myself it also took me something like a week of procrastinating and then 4-5 hours of actual writing (with occasional interruptions) to make that post, not my usual process but it tends to make things bigger than usual.

but basically if you can knock out a couple of paragraghs you're doing fine.,
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After reading all of your IC posts, I'm beginning to think my writing might not be able to stand on its own comparatively. I'd rather not take the quality down my poor posts, especially with uni starting back tomorrow :/

Don't worry about that, unlike some folk out there I don't demand everyone be cut of the same cloth, as Gat noted we all started somewhere, and i've always been of the mind that new players are always welcome and help bring new life :p
After reading all of your IC posts, I'm beginning to think my writing might not be able to stand on its own comparatively. I'd rather not take the quality down my poor posts, especially with uni starting back tomorrow :/
I find that writing with people above my level, that have varied styles such as those I've read here has helped me develop and begin to refine my own style. In my eyes there's nothing better than to write with people you think are "better" than you because you strive and actively try to put out better quality posts, and you have amazing writers such as the others here that can help you if you ever need it.
Thank God, I have finally posted!
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Finally have a post in the works. Sorry that it took so long, but I should be good to go now. I will likely get the final version up tomorrow.
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So uh, apparently for the random events you're supposed to write up your actions and the solution? Clearly I've been playing Brovo's rps for too long.

If so I might need to write up a second post to wrap it up...should I?
Might as well mate, the events were more or less just a little something extra to help kickstart everyone, give us all something a little different to write abut in our posts, we're not really on a post order so theres no harm in stretching it over a couple of posts.
Assuming signups are still open (been hit a few times by GMs not updating that) I'll begin working on a sheet, very interested.
It's fine mate, kad doesn't close his RP's most of the time, we're still accepting.
Added a little fluff post, if anyone has anything else they want to add, the first GMPost will be going up in a few days time.
Quick question, do the species such as Bovine, Ursine etc have to be built in the same way as their art in the rules, or can they be more humanoid facially?
@Kadaeux did you mean "Lieutenant Corporal" or "Lieutenant Colonel" haha
Finally done! Not my best post, but I just wanted to start off already and I did not want to be left behind.
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