Star Wars: The Star Forge Sagas - OOC (Accepting - Started)

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I think I'll be camping down on Geonosis. *Sets up little campfire and roasts marshmallows*
Lol ok. Sounds like a plan. Perhaps you could sneak on board, detecting a force sensitive being, or maybe just curiosity?
Oh boy.... I don't know if Iluna will like that. xD
Lol I guess there's only one way to find out! Lets get this ship movin'... =p

EDIT: Not sure what to post next? Ask around here or PM someone to find out! =D
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Reactions: Bounce according to Lore lore...Mandalore didn't choose a side prefering to be non-violent and keep neutrality. Are we going with that? or was there modifications to the Lore for this RP? Or would this be techically past that?
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Stick with lore... But also remember, Mandalore was divided into two factions, and also, they WERE mostly mercenaries...
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I was just planning on intercepting the ship and taking it down. We are getting Jedi from Coreilla. The Mandalorians would never side with the Republic even if we did pay them.
Yes but shortly after the neutral Mandalore falls to Death Watch and I don't think the Senate would approve any help, Jedi or otherwise if the Separatists were heading to a Separatist supporting planet. No matter how much sweet talking Lya could do :).
Doesn't really matter what the Senate approves, we're not flying a Republic ship lol
Hey Lya doesn't know that :P. I've got to try and think like my character. WWLD? XD
Hey Lya doesn't know that :P. I've got to try and think like my character. WWLD? XD
Vrill is easy. The exact opposite of what he's told to do.
Lyli does whatever is profitable, and fun... Simple as that... =p
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I can tell, this is going to be a LONG segment in the bridge... *Sighs* lol... Here goes nuffin
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Reactions: Bounce and Lannis
You don't want to spend your time talking with a still slightly sane wanna be sithy person? *sad face*
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I'd rather be walking around the Star Forge, thank you. :P
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Lols it will come, sweetheart... We're already on our way...

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