Star Wars: The Star Forge Sagas - OOC (Accepting - Started)

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Well... based on the plot I was given of the game and how Lord M originally intended to direct and drive it forward, he's slightly vague on the matter but there's either at least one other Sith out there beside Vandread or someone in the RP was intended to become the new Dark Lord.

That said, without Lord M, we are free to restructure some of the Lore if we so wish unless the rest of you aren't comfortable with that.

RP is meant to be shaped and molded as it goes in my opinion, though I do feel bad knowing now that Lylith wanted to be Sith. Though who's to say she doesn't fall further on finding the Star Forge. Or maybe Iluna keeps her from falling further...who knows :).
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At this point in time from what I'm aware, we're under the rule of two. One Master, One Apprentice. The Master being Palapatine, and the Apprentic is Dukku (sp? )

At this point in time there is only one Sith as far as I'm aware. Palpatine and Dooku are non-existent. At least, that's what I understood from the info on the first post.
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At this point in time there is only one Sith as far as I'm aware. Palpatine and Dooku are non-existent. At least, that's what I understood from the info on the first post.

OOOHHHH. Must have missed that.
Wow, things exploded since I went for dinner. So from my knowledge of lore, the difference between Sith and dark jedi is that Sith actively try to take over the universe while dark jedi are simply out for their own gain. However, I don't want to cause any problems, and I'm open to altering my character to better fit the lore of this verse.
Don't worry, you're not causing the trouble... the trouble is the missing GM and figuring out how we can hijack keep the story going without too many glitches.
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Yup. Sorry for the explosion of jealousy xD

Lets put her down as a Fallen Jedi, and just make her kind of neutral and self serving, like Lylith... That can lead either way. Dark or Light, which in turn, allows the RP to flow freely and evolve...

Sound good to everyone? =3
At this point in time from what I'm aware, we're under the rule of two. One Master, One Apprentice. The Master being Palapatine, and the Apprentic is Dukku (sp? )
I don't believe Palpatine and Dooku are a part of this lore especially since Lord M did away with the prophecy of the chosen one. Supreme Chancellor Valorum is still in power because the Naboo Blockade never happened leading to Palpatine never taking his place. And since Padme is the Senator from Naboo, Palpatine is either not alive or not important in this RP.

RP is meant to be shaped and molded as it goes in my opinion, though I do feel bad knowing now that Lylith wanted to be Sith. Though who's to say she doesn't fall further on finding the Star Forge. Or maybe Iluna keeps her from falling further...who knows :).

Lord M has a plot skeleton he was intending to stick to, so far I've been directing our characters along with it while as far as I know, Lylith has been following what was given to her by our GM before he vanished.
I'm good with whatever as long as people keep posting! :)
Yup. Sorry for the explosion of jealousy xD

Lets put her down as a Fallen Jedi, and just make her kind of neutral and self serving, like Lylith... That can lead either way. Dark or Light, which in turn, allows the RP to flow freely and evolve...

Sound good to everyone? =3

So what would you like her to adjust to appear more fallen Jedi like as the sheet already says Fallen Jedi?
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I'm all up for having the new character possessed by an ancient Sith Lord, but I'd say start him out a lot less active so she's more fallen Jedi than Sith. Maybe bring out the dark side more as she succumbs to the dark power of the holocrons and Star Forge?
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So what would you like her to adjust to appear more fallen Jedi like as the sheet already says Fallen Jedi?

That would work for me, though do you people have any suggestions on how to make her more fallen jedi-ish?
Her force powers are literally ALL Sith oriented. I would suggest changing that to a ballance, and provide an opportunity in RP where she can learn her Sith powers, either with the Holocrons, or with a run in with the Sith Lord...

Force Scream
Force Cloak
Force Choke
Force Lightning

Amazing Feat:
Force Insanity- For one who knows insanity so intimately, it is not so difficult to give another a glimpse of her own mind and shatter theirs with what they find.
Sith Alchemy- There was promise in Alchemy, the promise of pain and suffering, the promise of immortality, and she wanted it all.

See my point? A little Sith oriented to me... And besides... How does one get that powerful in the Dark side without a mentor? But that's just about the only issue I have... The force powers represent the users innate desires, and alignment. It can develop over time.
And besides... How does one get that powerful in the Dark side without a mentor? But that's just about the only issue I have... The force powers represent the users innate desires, and alignment. It can develop over time.
I was under the impression the power came from the dead guy inhabiting her body? If so, it makes sense for her to be that powerful without a mentor cuz he's technically her mentor then. BUT I do agree that maybe some of the powers should be more neutral to light side. After all, she was a Jedi. However, I love the Insanity feat and would like it to stay. :D
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I suppose that WOULD be interesting... Lets see what she comes up with.
Updated my application.

-Changed force powers to hopefully show more balance.
-Altered personality to show more conflict between herself and The Other.
-Altered bio to better reflect the personality change, and cut out parts regarding other dead sith-y people.
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Non GM approved =3
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Approved by me!
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Yay! Where should I start? Possibly on Taris as suggested by someone earlier?
Yay! Where should I start? Possibly on Taris as suggested by someone earlier?
That would be a good idea. Best plot for you to get involved in likely is the hunt for the Star Forge. @Lylith and @Lady Alainn are running this plot so far, so maybe they can bring you up to speed.
The next two storyline steps will involve getting rid of the Republic ambassador, and stopping at Taris, the location of the next Sith Holocron relic...

So, either you could be on Geonosis when we relieve our ship of non combatants, or you could meet us some other way, involving the journey to the Ruins at Taris... =3

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