Star Wars: The Force Awakens Discussion (Spoilers Inside)

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Hey, we had a disagreement that didn't turn into a shitstorm. And we parted all friendly like. Maybe General is worth saving...

I think I'll check out Tarkin, based on what you guys are saying.
I will probably check out Tarkin and Twilight Company based on you gentlemen's recommendations. I do love me some good novels, and at least the EU can start fresh with some proper oversight.

Here. have a time-line. The notes are added in by me, based upon my interpretation.

I'd put Lords of the Sith and Tarkin at the top.

Lords of the Sith is just pretty crazy, you learn a little more about Sidious and D. Viddy's relationship and are treated to a feast of awesomeness.

Tarkin is for my fellow Empire sympathizers, it's a fun read, and makes you respect the Grand Moff. This also explains why Vader seemed to respect Tarkin in the first movie.

Dark Disciple is the one that came out of the blue for me, I wasnt expecting to enjoy it but I did. It follows Ventress and another Jedi trying to survive in the early days of the Empire.

I have yet to read Battlefront.

Hey, we had a disagreement that didn't turn into a shitstorm. And we parted all friendly like. Maybe General is worth saving...

I think I'll check out Tarkin, based on what you guys are saying.
Give it a shot at least, if you enjoy Twilight Company, you might enjoy Tarkin as well. It really shows how he came to be such a cold motherfucker.

Give it a shot at least, if you enjoy Twilight Company, you might enjoy Tarkin as well. It really shows how he came to be such a cold motherfucker.

That whole family is a bunch of cold motherfuckers. Though I might say for your picture that Battlefront straddles Empire. Takes place both before, during, and after.

Also, can I use D. Viddy? That just calls to mind Vader with gold chains and "swag"

Here. have a time-line. The notes are added in by me, based upon my interpretation.

I'd put Lords of the Sith and Tarkin at the top.

Lords of the Sith is just pretty crazy, you learn a little more about Sidious and D. Viddy's relationship and are treated to a feast of awesomeness.

Tarkin is for my fellow Empire sympathizers, it's a fun read, and makes you respect the Grand Moff. This also explains why Vader seemed to respect Tarkin in the first movie.

Dark Disciple is the one that came out of the blue for me, I wasnt expecting to enjoy it but I did. It follows Ventress and another Jedi trying to survive in the early days of the Empire.

I have yet to read Battlefront.

Give it a shot at least, if you enjoy Twilight Company, you might enjoy Tarkin as well. It really shows how he came to be such a cold motherfucker.
That's the confirmed new-EU!

Heard the same of and can confirm a few of the additions. Heir was meh, New Dawn I actually really liked. I wish the Rebels cartoon had cut out Ezra and focused on Kanan and Hera, some of the best EU characters to come out in a long time, but I know why. They need to attract kids, fuck adult fans like me. Dark Disciple is great. Fuckin' love Ventress.
Tarkin I hear is insane good. I don't know nothing about Twilight Company, but anything about 'the grunts' of the SW Universe is awesome. Just don't read Aftermath: the book that was supposed to bridge ROTJ and TFA. It's trash. (Apparently, however, the audio book is actually really, really good, because also, apparently, the story isn't bad, it's just the writing).


I think something we're forgetting here is basic human psychology. It doesn't matter if he's brainwashed to be a murder machine and did fantastically during his training regimen (which he clearly did. He showed he was effective in combat). Also it doesn't matter his job is sanitation. We have Marines that do sanitation. Army that does sanitation. It's "unfortunate," but that's their job. Not everyone can be HOORAH commandos in the military (and not everyone wants to be). So now we know First Order uses Stormtroopers like US military uses Marines-- everyone's a Stormtrooper first, and then their MOS second.

Point I'm trying to make, even with all this training, in spite of your training, you can break down in the face of combat. Someone said it already before (sorry if I'm rehashing, bruh!), but that alone is all you need for Finn. "I don't like it," he concludes. He wants to get away. Fear grips him, as does that little pit in his gut that says, "This is no bueno." Notice how his main motivator isn't to join the Resistance, or to even fight against the First Order. He wants to GTFO. Even after meeting Maz, he wants to be GOOOONNNEEE.

That was I who touched upon it, good sir.

Although you gave me a fantastic image of a poor Stormtrooper in full armour scrubbing down toilets and riding around on floor cleaners.
I think I'm just going to keep believing that Rey is not a Skywalker. Tell me I'm wrong, but this is J.J we're talking about. The guy can take it in any direction and has led others to believe what isn't before. I'm hoping they take it in a different, less obvious direction. I mean, even if it does go in the way it seems to be going, I'll be fine with it.

Some fresh air on it all would be nice though. I always loved Kenobi more than Skywalker so I'm hoping something happens and that Bloodline somehow comes back. Would be schweet to see a new dynasty besides the Skywalkers become heroes.

Maybe Finn will do something...maybe.
All of you suck because you have different opinions. >:[ My interpretation is the only right one and if you disagree you don't understand cinema. I'm obviously smarter than anyone else here. Let me tell you how smart I am.

Hurr hurr.

Anyway, I liked it. I went in with essentially no expectations. I didn't even watch the trailer. And it was fun, with fun new characters and a heavy dose of nostalgia. Yes, it was similar to A New Hope. But that's sort of the point, isn't it? From both a marketing and a storytelling standpoint, it makes sense for a generation of successors to echo the previous generation. You've got a passel of kids inheriting all the problems of their predecessors, and they must inevitably be compared and contrasted to those who came before them. That is the classic journey of a hero. Just like Luke was compared and contrasted to his father and had to deal with the problems of a bunch of dead Jedi who came before him.

It's not like the Star Wars movies have ever been incredibly intellectual or even very original works. The Force Awakens was at least as good a movie writing-wise as the original trilogy, and not just because it follows a similar plot structure to ANH.

It could have been a lot worse than "unoriginal". It was funny, had some neat visuals and emotional moments, and laid foundation for them to go in new- potentially more divergent- directions from here on out.

That said, I could have gone without the practically shot-for-shot cantina callback to Mos Eisley/Jabba's palace. That was some heavy-handed fanservice.
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The Empire and its parts sure like to make increasingly larger planet-busting weapons with glaringly obvious weak points that are easily infiltrated by a small squadron of enemy fighters.
The Empire and its parts sure like to make increasingly larger planet-busting weapons with glaringly obvious weak points that are easily infiltrated by a small squadron of enemy fighters.

This is true tho.
The Empire has weird penis issues.
The empire seems to have a strange fetish for those types of weapons. Because the last two were totally flawless and successful, right?

Also no matter what I'm told, I just can't take Kylo Ren seriously. Past the point where I don't expect him to get any better in the next installment.
The empire seems to have a strange fetish for those types of weapons. Because the last two were totally flawless and successful, right?

Also no matter what I'm told, I just can't take Kylo Ren seriously. Past the point where I don't expect him to get any better in the next installment.

That's the point, bruh. He's an inverted Darth Vader. He's not menacing, he's not scary. He has power, but he has no control-- at all-- over his emotions. So he's effectively impotent. Stormtroopers fear him in a standard "He might kill me during his temper tantrum" Way, but they mock him for it. Hux and Phasma don't even see him as an equal in the dismissive way they treat him and refer to him. It's as if Hux puts up with him due to Snoke's orders (which seems to actually be the case).

But he's done some gnarly shit. Killed his own dad, to show off how "evil" and badass he is. We're not supposed to like him, honest. Or fear him. Pity him, despise him even, but not be scared of him. He has tons of room for growth though with two more chapters! Yey!
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Yeah, fair. Abrams did a good job on me not liking him at all. Though he does seem to be weak now, idk...maybe I'm in for a surprise later. I reaaally hope so.

Overall the movie was great. Not a solid 10/10 but I'd say a good 7/10.

But this is how I see Ren atm:
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The Empire and its parts sure like to make increasingly larger planet-busting weapons with glaringly obvious weak points that are easily infiltrated by a small squadron of enemy fighters.

While I agree on the whole, at least in this movie they made a big deal of having to exit hyperspace in the planet's atmosphere to be successful. It was insanity but it worked!

Much less excusable is why an infantry captain had the authority to take the shields of the superweapon down. That's like giving a real-life junior officer one of thr nuclear launch keys.
I think Phasma, while a Captain, was more like the Commandant of the entire Stormtrooper Regiment for the whole Starkiller Base. With Hux there (and lel Ren), that nominally puts Phasma "third" on the Chain of Command.
I'm really looking forward to Rian Johnson's take on Star Wars. Abrams Star Wars, much like Trek, was a lot of fun because it was so full of passion and heart, not to mention well paced and well-performed. But, in a lot of ways it was also the Skyfall of the franchise - lots of tribute in terms of the film looking proudly back upon its legacy as its looks forward. I'm just really hoping that with The Force Awakens they've gotten a lot of the nostalgia out of their systems and will be a bit more daring for their next outing. Johnson is an amazing writer and director, the talent is definitely there for Episode VIII to be amazing.
I'm really looking forward to Rian Johnson's take on Star Wars. Abrams Star Wars, much like Trek, was a lot of fun because it was so full of passion and heart, not to mention well paced and well-performed. But, in a lot of ways it was also the Skyfall of the franchise - lots of tribute in terms of the film looking proudly back upon its legacy as its looks forward. I'm just really hoping that with The Force Awakens they've gotten a lot of the nostalgia out of their systems and will be a bit more daring for their next outing. Johnson is an amazing writer and director, the talent is definitely there for Episode VIII to be amazing.
Rian Johnson is the most insane, fantastic choice for director for the second act of this trilogy. Honestly, I see a grand re-Empiring going on. I think this movie is going to be fantastic.
I just hope by Re-Empiring you're not referring to a stencil tracing of the second film in the classic trilogy. But I get the feeling you mean something wholly original - I agree.

Still sore that David Lynch turned down the gig for Return Of The Jedi.
Nah, I just mean in tone. Which is just the same tone that classical Three Act stories take: the heroes lose. Or rather, we're introduced to some dire straits! Which Rian Johnson would be all over.
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