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Spawn (4 Spots)

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Hey guys, what's uppers?

Happy to see you back! :D Yeah the notification system is pretty crazy, but I think I heard somewhere that if you don't look at all the new posts on a thread, you stop getting alerts or something like that. I'm not completely sure about that though.
I could go ahead and start working on my next post to get this going again, if you want? And if it's okay to skip around the rotation a little for the time being?
Actually working on a post right now, by the way, so it should be up shortly.
Most likely within the hour, though I can't necessarily guarantee it because I'm busy trying to entertain a six year old - so I'm a bit distracted.
It probably won't sound very good.
I feel like my posts have sounded even more juvenile and badly-written than usual as of late.
It's driving me nuts.
Actually working on a post right now, by the way, so it should be up shortly.
Most likely within the hour, though I can't necessarily guarantee it because I'm busy trying to entertain a six year old - so I'm a bit distracted.
It probably won't sound very good.
I feel like my posts have sounded even more juvenile and badly-written than usual as of late.
It's driving me nuts.
Hey, don't worry about it! We all hit ruts from time to time, but that doesn't mean what happens during the ruts isn't still a learning experience. Practice is practice. And you're a trooper as it is for all you've been through as of late, including that six-year-old. Hang in there. <3
Two games of Candyland, a game of Operation, and a game of Trouble later my response is finally up and posted.
Sorry for the wait - school/life got really busy there for a while.
I think it's under control now, though, so my replies should be more regular.
Hopefully they'll improve in quality a bit, too.
Satanic stuff. Sounds fun :)​


Name: Elyssia Ratatilli
Name Meaning: Elyssia is a derivative of Elizabeth, which means pledged to God. Kinda ironic.
Gender: Female.
Ethnicity: Italian
Age: 16
Birthday: June 30th
Place of Birth: Vincenza, Italy.
Family: Franca Ratatilli (mother), Marzio Ratatilli (step-father) and Davide Ratatilli(older half-brother).


Height: 5ft 4
Weight: 50kg
Hair: Dark blue in light (dyed), black in no light.
Eyes: Blue
Distinguishing Marks: Scar around ankle from barbed wire injury
General Appearance:
Hora is the type of girl you'd consider a sprinter, not a long-distance runner. She is short and somewhat frail-looking and has almost no fat on her, often getting jokingly teased by her teammates and family for being anorexic (she doesn't think it's funny to joke about eating disorders). After messing with hair dyes aged 13, she finally settled on the colour of dark blue that only showed up in bright sun, and otherwise seemed black. She nearly always wears it in a ponytail for practicality, for having it down has no helpful use to her, and only does wear it down on photos. Her skin is mildly tanned, as expected from someone in Vincenza. Her eyes are one of her more noticeable features, because despite constantly having a dull expression, her eyes still glimmer a bright watery blue colour that seems almost genetically impossible. She was told she got it from her father.


Strengths: Is in the athletics team and she does long-distance best. Very high stamina, as a result. Knows basic self defence.
Weaknesses: Has no clue how to have a proper fight, can hardly throw or catch and is pretty weak.


Personality: Elyssia is mild mannered and quiet, and almost always maintains a blank expression. She is not the type to get involved in conflict, but rather watch from afar. If you're the observant type, you may have seen her observe fights and arguments with a little smile on her face, but she has never attended a professional fight, because they are too regimented. She is known for being a really good marathon runner, but seems to have complete apathy towards the subject and only does it so she can feel the breeze against her skin. She isn't incredibly bright, but many people assume so just because of the robotic expression she pulls, but is rather good at devising plans,as opposed to general knowledge.

Current Goal/Purpose: To create a perpetual source of entertainment... for her.
Aspirations: Become an Olympic-standard athlete.
Hobbies: Running.
Likes: Running, salmon, cooking, cleaning, art.
Dislikes: English (Italian)
Talents: Running, painting and sculpting.
Inabilities: Care for others very well
Fears: Heights and the dark.
Fondest Memory: Killing a burglar with a gun.
Biggest Regret: Not applying for a job


General History:

Her mother had a son named Davide and then after some time divorced her partner after revealing she became pregnant, but they hadn't had sex in a long time... Her mother told neither Davide or Elyssia. Elyssia and Davide grew up as good friends together, despite the age gap being 4 years. It was when she was 7, her mother and step-dad began talking again and, amazingly, re-married. She didn't like him much, but kind of had to cope seeing as he was her "father". It wasn't until their first Christmas when she was 12 when he got drunk and revealed that he only had one child, a son, and the second one was a bastard child. That evening, she pulled her (also drunk) brother into the room, pushed her 'father' onto Davide and took a picture, and ran to her mother, saying what he said to her, and showed her the picture. They divorced shortly after.

When Elyssia was 13, she was left home alone and somebody attempted to burgle the house (they were quite well off due to devil-money). She was investigating her mother's room and found a gun, so she took it, and began to play around with it. Using the internet, she figured out how to fire it. After hearing the door open, but not a car she recognised in the drive-way, she decided to shoot the person who came in, so she crouched behind her own bedroom door and fired the moment the burglar walked in, shooting him in the neck (aiming for his stomach...). Elyssia noticed he was not armed, so placed a knife in his hands, and then proceeded to call 112 to get ambulance, but he was already dead. In reality, she had no idea it was a burglar and would be done for murder if she didn't have a reason, so acted as if he was about to kill her, and it worked.

After that, she gained popularity for being a hero, as it turned out this guy was also a serial rapist. What were the odds? She is pretty popular in her school, and has quite a few friends, despite not being very talking. Even though she gets asked out at least once each week, she has never said yes because it's too time consuming. She wouldn't seem the type to be popular, but due a combination of her coldness with people she doesn't like, and her ability to listen to those she does like, and her looks, she some how has ended up as popular. Or at least well known.
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So... has this died?
If it hasn't, and you need more characters, I have an idea for one I could use - if that would at all help in keeping it from fizzling out.
I'm still around. I haven't replied in a while because what with my end-of-quarter projects and a bad RP backlog, this one slipped low on my priority list. I should have time to post this weekend, and since it'll be my fourth post, we can finally get some murdering done! Yay!(?)

BTW, @Polystical, are we still in the banner rotation?
No, we are not. And sorry for the silence on my part, I haven't been getting any ideas for this but I'm not planning to kill it off, it'll just take a while for me to post.

If you could make another character that would be great.
Well I think I'm done? Regarding the murder she did in "self defence" is that okay with you or mary sue-y in your books? Sorry if it is, I just wanted her to be screwy with the law and framing people and stuff, because it was gonna be a plot device later on if she got accepted.

Track on new account - I'm FutureFish (admins told me I should make a new account, it was my sister's old one, I got it, then changed it, then realised I was adult when I'm only a teen, and needed admin to change it, but I had to make a new account all together.)
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I know she is and I feel ashamed so I'll try and make her not mary sue but stick somewhat to her personality? I suck at character forms.
Actually, screw her. I re-read her and would be disgusted if it wasn't made by me.

And I'm appalled because it WAS made by me. I'm sorry - I'm so much better.
I've decided to back out, due to being both late and having a pile of shit as a character.
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