Sohma Family Curse: Broken?

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Kasey relaxed, shifting closer, as close as she could, and curled up in his arms. She nuzzled his chest and yawned softly. "Thank you Hatori..." she said softly, starting to fall asleep again, her arms gently wrapped around his neck, her head against his chest. She'd stay like that as she slept.
Hatori smiled as he held her close his eyes grew heavy it had been a long morning a nap wouldn't hurt right he thought to himself as his eyes grew heavier his vision starte to go dark and cloud he fell asleep.
Kasey woke up only half an hour later. She felt much better now. She yawned, nuzzling Hatori's chest softly, looking up at him with a gentle, relaxed smile. She wondered if she could wake up like this every day...that would be nice. She blushed a little.
Hatori was still in a deep sleep he didn't realize how emotionally drained he was by the past days events. He did not dream it was all black.

Mica slowly opened the door trying to not make any sound her and Akita had had a talk about the demon curse he was still made and pissed if that she wasn't dead but she promised not to be a bother anymore. She walked into the room and kept her head lowered as she made her way silently across the room.
Kasey shifted, hearing something, but said nothing. She stayed close to Hatori, a little cold and not wanting to move from his warm embrace. Her gaze moved to the ceiling where she watched the lights flicker and listened to Hatori's heartbeat. It was like a calm drum. She smiled.
Hatori moved around in his sleep he started to have nightmares fearing akito having to erase Kaseys memoirs. All the things he had put in the back of his mind flooded his memory."

Mica climbed up on to the bed and she curled up in Kaseys lap and smiled.
Kasey smiled faintly back at Mica. She hugged Mica with one arm. As Hatori started to shift, she looked up at him. She held him close, nuzzling his chest softly and whispering soothing words.
Hatori heard Kaseys words and his body slowly stilled in his sleep the dreams where washed away by a bright light where his dreams turned into fantasys.
Kasey smiled softly as he relaxed again. She looked at Mica. "Hey there.." She said quietly, her voice a little hoarse. "How are you feeling?"
Mica looked up at Kasey she had a sad look in her eyes she mumbled "I don't want to talk about it' she averted her eyes to the ground she didn't want to worry Kasey about anything right now she had enough to worry about with Hatori. "I'll tell you about it latter.' she mummbled.
Kasey sighed softly. She hugged Mica close. "Okay." She said softly and kissed the top of Mica's head gently. "I'm here.. for you whenever you need me,.. remember that." She said softly, her voice still weak, but her tone strong and caring.
Mica nodded her head "yea but I don't want to bother you you seem stressed out already I don;t want to make your life harder because of me." She said a little louder and she pulled her hood over her head and she berried her face into Kaseys leg and she started to shake.
Kasey gently rubbed Mica's back, not saying anything more. She held Mica close and stayed cuddled into Hatori.
Hatori woke up a little latter in the evening and he blinked a few times and kissed Kaseys head "good evening" he yawned and stretched and he cracked his neck. "Did you sleep well I hope my tossing and turning didn't bother you from sleeping well." He looked down at Mica and smiled "shes so cute when shes asleep."
Kasey smiled softly. "I slept very well. You didn't bother me." She nuzzled his chest. "Yeah...she is." Kasey said, glancing at her and leaning against Hatori.
Hatori smiled and he kissed Kaseys forehead "do you want to head home or stay hear for a little or get the sleepy head and go home" He didn't care where he went but as long as he was with Kasey he didn't care where he went.
"Let's go ahead and take Mica home." Kasey said, smiling softly. She sat up, stretching a little, careful not to jostle Mica, afraid to wake the small sleeping girl.
Hatori slipped out from behind Kasey and he went and put his shoes on before he went and grabbed a blanket and picked Mica up and wrapped the blanket around her small body and he held her close to his chest. "Do you want me to drive or do you?"
"I can drive if you want me to." Kasey said softly, shifting off the bed and stretching. She felt a whole lot better other than a faint headache, but that wasn't too bothersome. She slipped her own shoes on.
Hatori nodded his head and he handed Kasey the keys before slipping the bag over his shoulder and walking out right as it started to snow "wow it's snowing who would have thought that it would snow on such a day." He walked towards the car and opened the door and got in holding Mica close to him.
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