So Close, Yet So Far...*Serpentine and york*

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George turned his neck slightly, a loud crack emanating from it, loud and sickening. Alvie tried standing up, but her knees buckled underneath her, causing her to drop back onto her knees. George chuckled lightly and continued walking forward, cracking his knuckles. "Alright boy, you've been my burden long enough. I think it's time you had a well-deserved beating." he said, almost lightly as he brought his arm back to punch Dante. "Stop!" Alvie's voice rang through the hallway, causing George to falter. The annoyance was clear on his face as he turned to her. "What do you want?" he shouted, eyes beginning to cloud over with rage. Alvie gulped the fear trying to overpower her. She pushed it down and stood her ground. Alvie rose to her feet and took a deep breath. "I won't let you hurt him." she said, her voice surprisingly strong as her eyes narrowed into one of her deadliest glares. George didn't seem to falter, but his eyes shined with amusement. "Oh, all of a sudden we're getting feisty, are we? That's good." All of a sudden, George's tone changed into something, something that scared Alvie. It sounded like determination. Without noticing it, Alvie saw George start striding up to her, that same look in his eyes as his smile grew...

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Dante was preparing to deflect the punch when Alvies voice was suddenly heard, it seemed George was rather annoyed by this sudden development, Alvie looked more determined than she ever had been before, which made him feel calmer than he was before. She sounded alot stronger than she had seemed at first glance, and meanwhile George was starting to get really irritated, advancing on Alvie as Dante drew closer to his back realizing this would be a good opportunity to distract him. Tapping George on the shoulder rather roughly, he cleared his throat as loud as he could manage, raising his fists again incase this one didn't work; if he had to, he'd fight, at this point it was self defense in either case...
George felt a tap on his shoulder and turned abruptly, surprising Alvie. He brought his fist back and slugged Dante as hard as he could at his shoulder, pure rage in his eyes. "No!" Alvie's cry cut through the air, her throat straining as she yelled at the top of her lungs. The yell threw George off guard as he turned to Alvie, a look of confusion sweeping across his face. Alvie noticed that she had given Dante a good opportunity to hit back now that George was distracted. She just hoped that her yell didn't distract Dante as well.

Dante gritted his teeth against the pain; he was almost certain his shoulder got dislocated again, but he didn't care at the moment, andrenaline was starting to flow through his body causing the feeling of pain to go away for the moment. When Alvie yelled, distracting George causing him to be confused judging by the expression on his face, Dante, still focused on George used his dominant arm; his right to strike Dante with the hardest mpunch he could muster oblivious to the fact that he was using his dislocated arm for the moment... The pain would come later, when the andrenaline leaves his system.
The pain on George's face was obvious as he gritted his teeth and gripped his arm to his chest. Alvie smiled in victory, about to cheer Dante on when a fist came flying to her face. Alvie flinched back just as the George's fist had hit her right eye. The blow sent Alvie back and she fell to the ground, in too much pain to move. Her eye was throbbing and she knew that there would be a bruise on it later. For the moment, she just wanted to lay on the ground, and she did. She heard George come up by her and stop. Alvie clenched her eyes shut and hid her head as pain rolled through her body; George had started kicking her with furious strength. "This'll teach you not to interrupt me, you little brat." George's voice rang through the hall as Alvie started groaning with each kick he threw at her. For a sweet blissful moment, George stopped and bent near her ear. "If I could, I would kill you right here and now. Unfortunately, we're at school and Antonio wants to deal with you himself." George said coldly before standing upright and turning back to Dante. Alvie wheezed, unable to get a full breath because her ribs and body was in agony. At that moment, she was sure she had never been hurt like this ever in her entire life.

As George starting beating on Alvie, Dante was starting to get really mad, he didn't even give him enough time to protect her, as he started to head over to Goerge about to deliver a punch, his right arm suddenly hurt really bad. Pain shot up his entire arm as he gritted his teeth deciding to use his left arm, he could just barely hear George speak as he finally turned towards Dante again. This time, instead of throwing a direct punch, Dante used his feet, balancing himself on his left arm as carefully as he could and hooking his leg around Georges hoping to trip him. It worked in the movies, but he wasn't sure if this sort of thing would work in reality, though it was his best hope since his good arm was currently not doing him any favors to say the least.
George tumbled over with a cry of shock, having his feet swept from under him. Quickly he stood up and started running down the hall. He stopped and turned back to Alvie and Dante, the look of rage evident on his face. "Just wait until next time, Dante. You'll regret everything. And don't think I forgot about you, doll. We still have that game to play." he snarled, turning and running out of sight. Alvie was curled on the floor, groaning and coughing, surprised that her insides weren't turned to mush at that point. She tried turning over to look at Dante, but the moment she did, she cried out, tears welling in her eyes from the pain. It was so bad she couldn't say anything, the struggle to form words overbearing. Instead she held her stomach and closed her eyes, glad that the beating was over. But, her joy was only momentarily since the pain was still there, worse than ever.

Dante just gave George a look of pure contempt, at this rate both he and Alvie would have to transfer schools to truly be rid of Antonio and his cronies. The last of his anger faded when he noticed Alvie was in considerable pain, she needed to be taken to the nurses office, and he probably needed a little tending to himself. Carefully moving his dislocated arm around until it popped into place again with him wincing at the pain, he could now move his right arm around enough for his liking. He carefully picked up Alvie, making sure to put most of his weight on his left arm as he started walking towards the nurses office trying to ignore the still prominent pain in his right arm as he did so. It was obvious they're going to miss class, most likely they'd miss the entire period at this rate, his arm was disolacted again and he wasn't going to leave Alvie in her current state.
Alvie whimpered as Dante picked her up, but she was glad. Glad that he was okay. She opened her mouth to say how happy she was, but the force of saying any words was too much, so all that came from her throat was a pained type of wheeze. Alvie grabbed Dante's shirt gently and clenched her eyes shut, pressing her head against his chest. She was in so much pain, she pleaded for it to go away. Tears began to roll down her face as she sobbed quietly, causing her body to throb in pain. Opening her mouth again, she managed two words before the pain was too much. "My hero." It was true. In Alvie's eyes, Dante was the hero she had been wishing for before she went to sleep every night. Only now, she was upset because he had more of a burden on his shoulders. Alvie closed her eyes and just let the sound of Dante's footsteps create a rhythm in her mind.

When Dante felt Alvie press her head against his chest, he smiled a little and helt her closer, trying to comfort her... At the same time he tried not to tighten his grip on her too much; she was still badly hurt and he didn't want to make things worse for her. He noticed she was crying again before she told him he was her hero, this made him feel happy on the inside, happy that he was known as a hero to someone that he thought was his own personal role model. She had been strong despite the situation giving him the strength he needed to fight off her aggressors against all odds, the truth was; if he had been fighting him alone without Alvie to fight for, he would have lost. As he looked up, he saw the nurses office in front of them and used good shoulder to push the thankfully unlocked door open, he peered inside wondering what the nurse would think of their second appearance here...
The nurse turned, hearing Dante open the door. Her smile disappeared when she noticed Alvie's condition. Immediately, she ran forward and grabbed her from Dante's arms carrying her to a bed. "What happened here?" she asked roughly, running to the back of the room to get painkillers. She walked back to Alvie and crunched up the pills, putting them in water before making her drink it all. Alvie sputtered a little because the taste was horrible, but managed to down it all. As she laid her head on the pillow, her breathing sounded like wheezing still and she stared at the ceiling, trying to ignore everything. "How could Miss Renolds get in this terrible condition?" she asked, grabbing her stethoscope and pressing it against Alvie's ribs. There she listened to Alvie's breathing, noticing that it was rather irregular. "Honey, I know this is going to hurt, but bear with me for a moment." the nurse warned, putting her hand on Alvie's left rib. she gently pressed down and Alvie cried out in agony, filling the nurse's office with her scream. The nurse quickly lifted her hand and frowned. "She doesn't seem to have any broken ribs, but she's bruised badly. She might have to stay in here for a few hours."

Dante winced rather noticeably when the nurse grabbed Alvie from Dantes arms; his recently relocated arm may not have been popped back in right, but he couldn't worry about that now. The nurse was rather worried about Alvies condition which in turn worried Dante more than he had been before. Alvie didn't look so good even after she's downed the pills which the nurse gave her to ease the pain presumably, though whe the nurse asked how she came to be in this state Dante looked a little upset as he began explaining "A bully came and tired to pick on her... I stepped in and tried to stop him but he got violent... She tried to distract him but he ended up turning on her... In the end we both got hit pretty bad." Dante said, deciding to leave out the rest of the details for the sake of convenience. He grew worried when the nurse told him she was bruised badly, though he was glad nothing was broken, he winced a little as he moved his arm when he sat down in one of the chairs next to Alvie. "I'm staying with her." Dante said with a voice that conveyed that he'd be stubborn about leaving to say the least.
The nurse straightened from over Alvie and nodded. She walked over to Dante and examined his arm. "Well, this is twice today. It's alright I can fix it." She slowly rotated Dante's arm and heard the pop of his shoulder going back into place. She rubbed his shoulder and stood up, brushing the front of her uniform. "Fine, you can stay. I'm headed to the office, I'm sure the bully's on one of the cameras." the nurse explained, obviously angered by the matter. The door slammed shut behind her and her heels were heard as she walked down the hall. Alvie tried turning on her side, and was able to very slowly. When she did, she groaned and held her ribs, taking in deep breaths. The painkillers were slowly taking effect, thankfully. Alvie opened her eyes and looked at Dante, one of her eyes red, having a purple ring around it. A black eye. She saw that Dante was in pain, so she tried sitting up to ask him if he was alright. She was met with blossoming pain throughout her chest and abdomen, causing her eyes to widen in pain before lowering herself back onto the bed.

Dante winced when his arm was fully popped back into place but thanked the nurse for doing that, she told him that she was headed to the office which was understandable; these bullies were really starting to get to him too... However as long as he lived, he'd stand by Alvies side, they usually faired better when they were together, and quite frankly, he enjoyed her company, though he couldn't quite explain why that was the case. He looked back at Alvie, noticing that she had turned towards him, one of her eyes were clearly bruised, the eye George had deald a blow to. Before Dante could object, Alvie tried to sit up which caused her a large amount of pain from what he could see. Dante carefully reached over putting his left hand on one of hers in an attempt to comfort her "H-hey... Don't strain yourself... You need rest." he told her, looking quite worried about her. She didn't look very well, but he hoped she'd recover sooner or later, he himself wouldn't be leaving this room until then, he wasn't going to leave her, plus; it's not like missing literacy was a big deal, he wasn't such a big fan of that class in the first place.
Alvie nodded slowly when Dante told her to lie down and not strain herself. She grasped his hand and closed her eyes, bringing it to her forehead. She felt so safe, it was almost shocking to her. She should have been in shock or agony, but at the moment she was warm and calm. Alvie opened her good eye and attempted a goofy half smile, as much as it hurt her to do it. "I guess George didn't like us too much, huh?" she joked, laughing slightly. She knew that it probably wasn't the best moment to be making jokes, but it had been a few hours since she had last smiled or laughed. Besides, the pain didn't bother her too much when she was distracted from it. "That was amazing, the way you stood up to him. It made me so happy." she said, laying her head on the pillow, still keeping eye contact with Dante. Alvie felt the warm, gentle feeling in her stomach and chest again, making her smile. For some reason, she felt like Dante was her guardian of some sort. Even though she never asked for it, she was grateful in a way.

Dante smiled a little as Alvie grasped his hand, holding it to he rforehead as she closed her eyes, he was starting to get more comfortable with this sort of thing and at a remarkable rate too; it was a strange development of his... If it were anyone else, he could have sword he'd never builld up the courage this fast, perhaps this was what a true friendship felt like, though even that didn't seem to quite fit the feeling he had around her. When he heard her make a joke, he couldn't help but smile and laugh a little along with her, it helped get rid of the tension they were both feeling about what had recently happened, she talked a little more making him smile a little and talk in return. "I-I stood up to him because I was tired of them hurting you like that... But... What gave me the strength to beat him was th-..." Dante blushed a little realizing what he was about to say, but he continued despite his embarassment "Th-thinking about you..." he finished, his voice was quiet again and he had that strange feeling welling up in his chest once more... It bugged him a little that he couldn't quite figure out what it was yet.
Alvie's eyes widened and she blushed a dark scarlet, her heart thumping madly. "Y-You were thinking of me?" she asked quietly, the feeling growing in her. The feeling that she couldn't figure out whatsoever. She wished desperately to know what it was, but it was something she had to find out herself. Alvie smiled brightly and let go of Dante's hand. She closed her eyes and pushed herself up into a sitting position, wincing once, stopping to gather more strength. Then, she sat all the way up and opened her eyes, looking at Dante, her smile returning. "Well, that makes two of us. I think about you, too, when I need to find the courage to keep going." she said, blushing darker, if it was even possible. Alvie grabbed Dante's hand once again and squeezed it gently before closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. She opened her eyes again and looked up at the ceiling, tracing the lights with her amber eyes. "Sometimes I wonder how I was able to meet someone like you. Given how I've been treated all of these years, I never thought that someone like you would come and make everything brighter. Even if it sounds cliche." Alvie said softly, turning to look into Dante's eyes again. As she said those words, a certain feeling of truth ran through her body.

When Dante noticed Alvie blush, he felt himself blush a little more and nod in response to her question, that feeling he still had from this situation was growing stronger, he needed to figure out what exactly this feeling was sooner or later, but that would probably take a while. When Alvie smiled, letting go of his hand b efore making herself sit up, Dante didn't stop her this time, he just hoped it didn't hurt her too much, but when she smiled again, he realized she was alright for the most part. What she said made him blush a little more, but he smiled, happy that he wasn't the only one who did that, he felt Albie grab his hand, squeezing it gently, he squeezed back to let her know he wasn't nervous about it anymore. She talked a little more before looking into his eyes, and Dante found himself looking back in a sort of trance for a moment before he spoke "I guess it was pure chance... Or fate... If you believe in that sort of thing." Dante said with a smile, he didn't mind if her words sounded cliche, something about her words made him feel happy on the inside... He himself had never thought he'd be able to get himself out of that vicious cycle he was stuck in, but little did he know that all it took was to read Alvies diary to change all of that.
Alvie sighed and closed her eyes, the pain throughout her body just a dull throb now. "I hope my parents don't find out about this." she said out loud, the nerves already jumbling around her body. They might not even care, but she didn't want to burden them any more than she already was. "Then again, I don't think they would really care. After all, they're too busy trying to-" Alvie stopped, clamping her mouth shut. She hadn't noticed that she was about to tell about her parents and their abusive relationship. Not to mention that Alvie was caught in between them, so they often took their frustration and anger out on her. School wasn't the only place she was abused at. The thought didn't bother her too much, but when she saw parents showing their kids love and kindness, it often made Alvie envious of them.

Dante had a worried look on his face when Albie mentioned her parents finding out about this, he remembered that his own parents probably wouldn't be too happy with him to say the least if they heard about what had happened here. As Alvie talked a little more, he grew even more worried, but it was about Alvie rather than about the events that might ensue at his own house, though Alvie suddenly stopped talking when she said that and Dante looked confused. "Y-you don't have to talk about that if you don't want to..." Dante said, looking a bit nervous as he said that, but he squeezed Alvies hand a little tighter in an attempt to comfort her.
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