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Epic Magitek Fantasy Roleplay - OOC Thread

This is the OOC thread for Skyward Miracles.

Although in practice, most of our OOC activities will be in the Discord Server. I highly recommend you to join if you haven't. You can get answers faster, have fun, and build a sense of community together.

I will be mostly using this OOC for announcements and such, but players (even those already in Discord) are welcome to post your questions here.

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Question 1: Terrain for the battlefield. Is their hideout a small island surrounded by water or what?
Question 2: What exactly makes Yellowbeard famous? Is he a powerful fighter? A fat rapist? A charismatic but still violent criminal?
Question 3: Can we assume that our characters have been in fights with each other before, or is it like, our first time even interacting with each other?
Question 4: Does the Lughantha have separate cabins, or just a bunch of bunks?
Question 5: Are there magical radars on airships?


I just have questions in terms of the airship, Erode asked about the rooms already,

1, how are meals handled for the non-human crew? I mean I doubt those who drink blood and the like just walk around taking snacks out of people sleeping on the ship. Though they could just feed on someone in port, or enemy combatants I guess.
2, is there anything special we should know of, such as giant gears turning that will crush you, or any typical utlities the ship doesn't have (such as a sickbay, reading room, etc)?
3. I'm not seeing any obvious weapon emplacements or openings on the ship, is it unarmed? Or just uses some sort of magic, ramming speed captain? Though I'm guessing a mute point as we'll mostly be doing infantry fighting.
I'm just trying to figure what the quality of living is there, or generally how it is day to day. Ships tend to differ greatly in that regard, some are floating prisons, some are rather nice.

1: Yep
2: He is like Black Beard yo. Cause of his successes, other pirates flock to him, making him even more dangerous.
3: The former, this ain't the first time.
4: Some cabins, some bunks. The crew is small for a Cruiser-class ship (usually 600+)
5: Radars to detect Mana yes, useful for detecting big Magitek presence, like other airships.


1: Only Sorina and Charlotte drink blood lol. Well, they'd give you blood bags, I guess. Refrigeration is a thing.
2: The ship pretty much like a modern-day cruiser combined with Golden Age of Piracy era aesthetics. There are no giant gears, this is Crystalpunk, not steampunk. Ley lines (wires) for Erchius flow tho? Yes. As said before, the ship crew is small, just half of the usual cruiser-class ship so more place for amenities.
3. Privateers and Pirate airships are optimized for boarding. There are cannons, but not as many as military airships.
4. Quality is on the higher average compared to the standard sailor. The Company is freaking rich.
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Agatha's Team will land on the Midas' Port (Left) Bay, reuniting with Shinobu, Sorina, and Charlotte. Objective: Take over the Bridge
Laura's Team will land on the Midas' Starboard (Right) Bay, reuniting with Saki, Helen, and Wukong. Objective: Hunt for Yellowbeard


NPC Profiles updated. Check out the first and last post of the Character Index thread. First is for my NPCs, Last post is for Sky's NPCs.
@everyone Heads up! I will be going on a vacation (to Skys' homeland) from 3rd -> 10th May 2017. Internet will be limited to Hotel wifis. So be good mercs and please don't kill Herman. : )
Bam! Big post to close the Arc! Feel free to do your closing posts, on your own or collabing with another player should you choose (including myself).

My next GM post will open up Chapter I.

As always, any questions/concerns/comments about the post? Just tag me or direct message.
There, Chapter I is officially in motion! You guys want to step up our game? I give you a stepped-up game.

As usual, please, if you have any concerns/comments/suggestions/issues, tell me.
With the recent droppers, 2 Spots are now available!
CLOSED, Spots Fulfilled.

Should the RP interest you, feel free to contact me through this thread, PM, or our Discord Server ( Discord - Free voice and text chat for gamers )

We will do these to get you started:
  • Give you a tl;dr of the major events leading to the current IC situation
  • Work with you regarding your character concept
  • Figure out how to insert your finalized character into the RP
With deep regards,

P.S: Here are the important links posted in the first post of the thread

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