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Ever since returning to the ship with Saki, Yumi proved to find troubles at every turn. Not only did she cover extra shifts to make up for a member of the kitchen staff taking leave, but she spent an extraordinary amount of time in her room. Since Yumi had a room all to herself, none could say exactly what consumed her attention, but the result was the same. Yumi's presence on the ship all but vanished. Even on the day of the briefing, she remained aloof, making it difficult to notice she was there at all.

But after arriving at Somnus, she seemed more than ready to spring into action. Even with the city practically in ruin, Yumi ran forward with determination, this time without any of her crewmates for support. Sprinting through a largely dilapidated area, Yumi sets her sights on a different target. While many of the crew were focused on refugees, Yumi understood she'd be of little assistance in helping calm and protect panicked refugees. After all, a major downside to looking like a child in a crisis, is that you command the attention and respect of nobody. Worse yet, the people nice enough to show concern for a lost and wandering child would actively hinder everything she wanted to accomplish. Coupled with her unsavory heritage, she'd more likely just be a nuisance to the people of Eustia. Even if by some miracle she stumbled on the few who'd follow her, she lacked the ability to protect and repel threats.

Therefore, Yumi spent her time ferreting out kidnappers and other unsavory types who intend to make things more difficult for the fleeing refugees. With her skillset, Yumi found this process more or less straightforward due to her ability to nullify the element of surprise on which these types thrived, killing off a number of kidnappers and bandits. However, with the battlefront quickly approaching this area of the city, Yumi needed to take her first big risk in order to stay out of the line of first. Darting out from behind a corner, she is immediately shot in the chest with a six-shooter. Much to Yumi's surprise, these bullets are made of metal, quite an oddity.

After lying dead on the ground briefly, Yumi rewinds to the moments before her untimely demise. Without the use of her time anchors, Yumi was now far too deep away from her allies to return to safety, especially with a skilled marksman seemingly hunting her. Yumi immediately takes cover in the most strategic hiding place she could find. In her location, she assessed that she could realistically relocate three times before the gunman pinned her down, but that was under the assumption that her assailant couldn't maneuver vertically. Since Yumi didn't get a look at her attacker, this could prove to be a fatal assumption.

Clutching her dagger, Yumi listens to her surroundings carefully, hoping to either capitalize on a mistake, or for external factors to change the situation.

It was quite a surprise for Silva when she returned home to see her old friend, Maximilian visited her. "Oh no, you're always welcomed here." Silva said with a smile, replying Max's greetings. Though her cheeks turned slight red. She took a seat besides Max on the couch. "Ah, thanks..." She thanked Shion as she served tea for the two. She immediately took a sip of her tea and take a deep breath after that. Before she turned her eyes to Max.

At the mention of re-enlisting, Silva blinked her eyes "Eh...?" Surprised at the offer, she shifted her gaze to the table. "Um... Uh..." She turned to Max again. "I don't know what to say... I'd be honored to be part of the Crusade again..." Silva sounded unsure of her decision, still surprised after all. "But I... Do I have some time to think about it or is it a decision that should be said now?" She asked, deciding not to directly say 'yes' or 'no' to the offer.

There she was, the famous Captain of the Lughanta. It was hard to miss her. After all, the vampiress was expecting her in the tavern. Nevertheless, for the moment, she simply observed the brunette. Keeping her eyes on her, but not for too long. She had to make sure she didn't look suspicious.. Yet anyway.

As always, a smile was crept on her face, but it was hard to see that. The cloak was hiding most of Eve's face, so it was difficult to distinguish her from a mere mundane. The tavern was packed as well. Captain Agatha sure chose a well known tavern in the marketplace of Eustia.

The only thing on Eve's mind now - was the approach. How would she make her presence known? She wanted information, and perhaps she'll get it on the Lughanta and, or from the Captain herself. Thanks to her vampiric traits, she was able to hear her order a wine. Mentioning something familiar, the vampiress couldn't help but widen her already sheepish smile. Oh, she was such a little devil, now wasn't she.

No point in waiting anymore, she gulped down the remaining wine. Standing up, she moved through the crowds, passed a few tables before taking a seat right next to Agatha. To the Captain, she was just another customer. Before Eve gave her a look, she made sure her eyes changed color. They were now brown, and not red, but only for the time being.

"Chateau Florentina.. How much of that wine do you have stocked up on the Lughanta.. Dear Captain?" Playfully, she whispered in her direction. A second later, she leaned in towards her, before continuing.

"I hear the one who makes such wine is a part of your crew. Is that true?" Giggling "Mmmm.. Charlotte. That's her name, yes?"

"How important is that blonde Nosferatu to you, hm?"


"...Are you sure that you didn't see it at all?" She asked as she finished her description of the Guzheng, followed by the merchant's shaking of head. She couldn't help but sigh in response. It seemed as everything was way harder than she expected. She said a simple thanks and turned her back to the man before making her way to the door. The ringing of the bells was the sound that marked her exit. Shiro, her little comrade, made his way trotting to her before looking up to her. "I haven't found anything... Sorry." Shiro was disheartened. It was clear as he hung his head down. Taiyoko simply smiled and patted his head as she knelt down to talk with him. "Don't worry. We might still find it today..." Although she uttered those words kindly, time was short, and so she kept on searching throughout the marketplace, at every possible store she could find.

Taiyoko's steps were faster than before. The sun was starting to set and she didn't have any more time to waste. She had searched all the shops she could, taking special care with the ones hidden or the ones that seemed shady. Of course, one with as much discern as she had could hardly tell a shady store from a normal one, although she tied it strongly to the man's suggestions. Even so, time was short and, in the end, she wasn't capable of finding the Guzheng, or any trace of it, for that case. The thieves that stole it left little trace behind, be it due to their speed or their ability at leaving little clues behind. She also kept herself alert to smell or anything that she could track, but she couldn't find anything that matched the odor she had acquired from the man she had knocked down.

Everything seemed to point that there was little to no chance of Taiyoko locating this on her own. As the sun's light was gone and the stores began to close at the marketplace, she was given little choice. Taiyoko sighed and turned her back to the search, she herself had acquired little knowledge of the thieves, but mayhap the man had managed to find something useful. It was as good a bet as any. In the end, she couldn't even locate Gorgutz, for that matter, and she decided that truly, going for the ship was the best idea.

As she made her way to the inn she was staying, she thought of the description that the man with the gauntlet gave her. A large yellow ship with a ring around it. The description felt familiar for some reason, but even then, piecing it together gave her no new knowledge. She was very sure she had heard or saw something, in the least, similar to his description, but it was too clouded in long memories she couldn't bring it back anymore. She found her way to the inn she was staying, as per pay of the show, and made her way to the room. Upon entering, she felt it... Empty. Without the Guzheng, it felt as if the room was a little larger than before. Usually, she would return to prepare herself for researching what she could or aiming for new research areas, but right now, she had little time. She simply switched to more formal clothes, although by Harukayama standards, they were still vulgar. Thusly, she made her way out of the room, her next stop being the port.

It was a nice night outside, the breeze felt cool and the skies were clean. The walk to the port was one filled with the wondering of what would happen from here forward. Having lost her Guzheng, she wouldn't be able to perform. Even were it resolved quickly, she had no chances at getting money in order to keep going on with the adventure. She was with little choices and she certainly had no skills to work somewhere else, after all, she was a wanderer. She never stood in a single place. She pondered, for a few minutes, what else could she do in order to find both the money and the chance to adventure and keep her research going. The fine man, or should she say, Orc, Gorgutz, seemed to say something working for a mercenary group. If the Orc still had time to watch her show, then that meant she likely would still have free time every now and then. Her research would likely continue as well, depending on what they would be doing or where they would be going. When one door closes another opens, maybe this was her chance to get a job more akin to her nature if anything. Adventuring was always interesting, after all.

Now that she had remembered her encounter with Gorgutz, however, she felt the need to write something about him. Had she not left her notebook at her inn room, she'd probably pull it out at this moment and write something along the lines of:

Along the lines, Orcs eventually managed their way into society again. If I had to wager anything about them after meeting one... I'd say that they haven't changed their nature too much. Instead, all that happened is that they became more... Soapfisticated.

Taiyoko had little trouble to find the port, and even less so to find the large yellow and red ship that the rugged man had explained to her. It was truly something that stood out, and it was then that she managed to remember from where she the memories of the ship came. Of course, they came from Venesia. She remembered it's name, Lughanta. Surely, she had known it from Venesia. Remembering it only now, however, she felt a little at odds. Was this the ship both Gorgutz and his friend worked on?

The ship itself was marvelous, impressive craftsmanship of which could only be seen here. Harukayama hardly had any needs for such. Those who were able to fly, flew across the sky without anything to hold them, those who weren't used what they had in hands. The only times she could compare the technology of the two worlds, and even so sparsely, was during the commemorations, when they would use fireworks to make the skies lighten up in flame and fire that illuminated the sky in bright colors. The young fox youkai reminisced these events as she walked around the Lughanta, emerged in analyzing it and it's grand design. Truly it was a marvelous construct. In truth, all of these were. Those outside of Harukayama had a certain ingenuity to them that she could never truly understand. When they wished to fly, they constructed something so that the unable could. When they wished to use magic, they constructed the many magiteck mechanisms that are now part of their society. It was curious how they managed to bypass their wishes through sheer technology, something Taiyoko could only see as a mark of tenacity and sheer power of creativity. Cleverness was perhaps the best ploy that the humans could use in their favor, no matter the problem.

As Taiyoko's slow stride made it's way around port that held the ship, she couldn't help but notice a few hands at work by the side of it. It seemed like, if anything, they were loading it with objects of survival. The young fox imagined that someone there might help her, but as she made her way closer, she noticed another Youkai that caught her eye. One with a set of large wings, she was instantly reminded of the Dragons that roamed Harukayama. The land there was truly alive. Theirs was a secluded kind that kept most to themselves. She remembered she was lucky to meet one during one of the many encounters among clans promoted by the Revered Elder, large festivals with much food and many events to show the different cultures of each clan. Among the clans was one of the many individual Dojos, this made solely of Dragons who wished to show their might in the battle events of the reunion. It was a beautiful event, and Taiyoko was able to play the Guzheng in the festivals as well. However, the battles allowed her to meet many members of the Dojo, which was a wonderful experience.

Approaching the young girl, perhaps she was lucky enough to have her know her or, in the least, remember her. She made her to the girl who was carrying the boxes and, seeing a moment in which she was carrying none, made her presence noted. "Excuse me, could you help me find someone?" She questioned, almost not sure of her sights. Could she have been lucky to have met one of the few people from the festival who she actually managed to talk with? If so, perhaps this would be much better than she expected.
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"Yes that is I, but no, the flying squadrons out stripped your advance heavily, so we were ordered to fall back and help you all catch up, though for now I could len-" Getting cut off mid answer the Blood Devil would have taken offense, but given the situation it could be overlooked. the Celestial seemed rather perturbed. Well now, to see such emotion from her kind, how interesting.

Watching the former fly off, yet another would disturb her, a human by the looks and smell of it. Sighing a bit audibly at least the man had learned her name and had the nerve to speak directly with her. That was more than she could say for most of her ship based allies. Short of Duty very few of them had garnered any trust or comradery from her, well minus one who had died.. Well in his memory this man's words could be worth listening to.

"Yes?" Such a simple request, befitting a subordinate of his superior, did he hold that Celestial in such high regard? "Hmm, I shall inquire upon this issue. It seems it might offer an interesting diversion in the least. Very well, Matthew wasn't it? I as a noble of my House shall take up this task."

Flying off after the Celestial it wasn't long till the pair would find out the Commanders plan and of course Voyd would be involved. As the Commander went over the plan once more, Sorina holds up a hand to stop him. "No, we should keep it as is, Voyd shall go inside and we'll take out the rest of his support, and save the other hostages. He can save the primary and fight the boss to save the little Princess. If he dies, then we'll do it, besides neither of us can be as sneaky and under handed as he." With her passive aggressiveness it really did seem she knew about that kiss somehow, though she may have been acting like her normal self at anyrate.

@Izurich @Accelerator


Gorgutz was dismayed, not only had the runt won and got away with a well deserved beating, hurting the poor cook in the process, but now most importantly Orksen had nothing to eat.. Least nothing good, the kitchen hands below decks were absolutely shit with their boss sidelined, they had challenged Gorgutz to make better food himself. And so it would be, sniffing the cupboards he had an idea for two dishes, but he would need the help of someone else, or a cook.. For whatever reason his instincts told him to seek Venrid out.

Bashing on his friends door and hunching over to go in, the man was sleeping in the middle of the day. "OI UMMIE WAKEY WAKEY HANDS OFF SNAKEY! Yah wanna make money an I wanna eat!" Grabbing the mattress and unceremoniously dumping it into the floor, the Orc had of all things on a safari hat and a bundle of rope. "I gotz two fingz I wanna make but ta get em wez need ta climb up a mountain ta find the ingredients! Or we kan goes to a store maybe, but real men needz adventa! If da food is a hit den wez can market it like one'o those Auntrapmanueres an get rich, an I needs you ta check the quality! Now get up Ummie!"

Giving Venrid one hell of a wake up call it was anyone's guess what the mad Orc had planned to create from the inner machinations of his mind.


Mentions: @Karyra | Sonya​

Before Cera could continue...

"Listen, my name is Sonya Faero. I am unarmed, and my job is to find survivors. I'm also a Drow, but I'd never hurt someone who didn't deserve it, and you and your child deserve better than staying here in the rubble."

Sonya appeared beside her, trying her best to defuse the situation. She even stood in between the half-Infernal and the fearful female Drow, with her hands up in the air, indicating that she has no malicious intent to her. Cera merely looked at Sonya as she continued on, with mixture of surprise and awe. In fact, the half-Infernal expected that she will be the least person to get involved with the ongoing incident.

"Please, it's dangerous to stay here. The Celestials are trying to retake the city. They won't discriminate if they think you're in the way."

Cera nodded earnestly, while giving an acknowledged grunt.

With the combined efforts between the two, the victimized Drow in front of her eventually stood down and dropped the weapon in hand. Cera immediately nodded at the other volunteers, telling them to stand down. She assigned some of the volunteers to escort the female Drow and her child to the checkpoint where they have landed on, while the rest remained with the half-Infernal.

Before the female Drow departs from the group...

"Y-you guys are going to save the... others, right?" She asked emotionally, while facing Cera and Sonya. "They... took most of us and headed towards the capital..."

The Drow showed the direction where the refugees were forcibly taken to.

"Got it." Cera replied firmly. "We'll get them out of here safely."

"Alright!" The half-Infernal began rallying the volunteers. "Make sure she and her child reaches the checkpoint in one piece!" She ordered. "The rest of you, follow me!"

The group pressed on, continuing their search for innocent civilians and refugees displaced by the ongoing civil war. Judging from the cries of battle echoing in the air, it can be safely assumed that the Justicars and their forces were approaching fast to their location. Cera has to act fast, as the last thing she want is to get involved with the Justicars.

At first, the region were mostly filled with dilapidated houses and stores, along with cramped roads and alleyways. As they continued on however, the roads became wider, and the buildings becomes more intricate, although most of them are severely damaged. They eventually reached a town square, with a large property, most likely a government house overlooking it. The area was dimly lit with lanterns, indicating the place was not abandoned.

Cera began her approach silently, as the area is most likely occupied by the Cabal or the Word of Kharlan. As the group gets closer, numerous cages in several sizes and shapes can be seen dotting the town square, caging several people there. The half-Infernal instinctively frowned at the sordid view. At this point, it can be deduced that it was the Cabal's work.

However, something was amiss.

It was too quiet.

One of the caged male refugees exclaimed at Cera and the others when he noticed them. "Get out of here! It's a trap!"

As soon he was finished, battle cries can be heard as numerous scrappy grunts charged from the buildings and shadows nearby, immediately surrounding the rescue group and trapping them at the town square in a circle. They trained their weapons on them, ready to strike in a moment's notice should anyone in the group decides to play hero. Within the midst of hired mercenaries and under-equipped soldiers, a middle aged man sporting an exquisite armor walked towards the trapped group.

"Well, well..." He said with a mischievous tone, his ominous eyes set on Cera. "Looks like someone's trying to play hero today."

Then he burst into a cackling laugh, with the crowd behind him soon followed. The half-Infernal merely gritted her teeth, while hotly staring at his scarred, bearded face.

"As much as I would like to see some happy endings, I'm afraid that's not gonna happen."
He smirked, revealing some of his missing teeth.

"However, there is a way to resolve this nicely."

Cera knew the answer, before the bearded man in front of her announced it.

"Surrender yourselves. If not..."

The Cabal officer took out his golden revolver, and aimed the male refugee who tried to warn the rescue group. Without a blink, he shot him in one of his legs. The half-Infernal helplessly watched the victim as he fell and suffered from the injury.

"... He dies. Do you feel like a hero, yet?"

The bearded man mockingly announced, as he cocked his revolver for the next shot, should Cera and the others remain indecisive. The crimson-eyed sellsword began to think for a solution as she glanced at Sonya and her fellow volunteers. Considering that most of them were lightly armed, Sonya included, it certainly felt like there was nothing much she could do. Should Cera decide to fight her way out of here, the casualties would be staggering.

Thus, she decided to lay down her weapon once more. Once she took out Scarlet Princess from its magnetic holster however, some of the Cabal grunts that were surrounding them were struck with Magitek projectiles and arrows. They scrambled, trying to find cover as they were attacked.

"Kill those slavers! Glory to the Word of Kharlan!"

One of the attackers yelled as two groups of Kharlan cultists charged, attacking the Cabal forces. Before Cera and the others knew it, a battle has erupted in front of their eyes. But all is not lost, as the half-Infernal realized that this is their chance to break out and save the refugees trapped in the cages.

However, a detachment of Cabal grunts has been assigned to guard them while the remaining forces deal with the cultists. With her Magitek sword in hand, she twisted the hilt. As the Exceed Engine within the sword spurred to life, Cera pulled the trigger stationed at the hilt, spraying the sword with Erchius. She slammed her weapon to the ground, creating an arc of fiery energy wave in front of her that struck some of the enemies advancing to her location, knocking them down.

"Sonya!" Cera turned, shouting at the Drow thief. "Get the refugees out of here! I'll hold them off as long as I can!"

Specific Mentions of: @Miya | Cera
"I-... I see..."


The knife fell from the Drow woman's hands and she pulled her daughter close. "T-the Celestials... I-... I have a child with me..."

Well, fear as a tactic to make the woman move out of the ruins certainly worked. But in the end, Sonya was pretty sure that she was lying about the Celestials. Then again, she was tasked with getting people out of the city while they just worked to raze it. So... maybe there was a good chance that her saying the Celestials wouldn't discriminate was the truth.

"O-... okay... please, lead us. I-if... if the Kingdom is really here to keep us safe then take me to them. I... I just want my child to live."

And they all shuffled off to take the kid and female Drow to the ship. Hooray, they were victorious. And then the female Drow pointed out that there were more captives and pleaded for them to help those too. Well, at least Sonya was sure that this particular woman wouldn't kill them.

"Got it."
Cera replied firmly, making Sonya regret her decision to help. "We'll get them out of here safely."

The half-Infernal began rallying the volunteers. "Make sure she and her child reaches the checkpoint in one piece!" She ordered. "The rest of you, follow me!"

"Yay.... I can't wait..."

And so they pressed on. And Sonya remained towards the back, trying to keep out of sight as much as possible. She didn't like walking out in the open, and the way that woman spoke there were a bunch of survivors in one place. Which... she didn't know how much Cera suspected that this was a trap, but Sonya assumed it was a trap.

Then they reached the dimly lit town square and Sonya was certain this was a trap.

"Stop!" A caged refugee yelled. "Get out of here! It's a trap!"

Called it.

Sonya managed to circle around, using the sides of buildings and the natural shadows to blend in. Thankfully, the distraction of a group of volunteers and Cera was suitable for bragging about how he had the upper hand, blah blah... Sonya quietly moved to the cages, not quite there but almost when the gun went off. No one was dead, but the vocal refugee would need help soon.

Thankfully, just as Cera started to lay down her arms, backup arrived. Well, if you could call cultists that would later attack them backup. Sonya seized the opportunity to moved around quicker and start on the cages.

"Sonya! Get the refugees out of here! I'll hold them off as long as I can!"

"No, I thought I'd just sit on my ass and twiddle my thumbs while everyone fought off the nutty cultists..."
Sonya mumbled to herself as she touched the lock of the first cage. "Okay, everybody out, find a safe spot together and help guide others there while I finish freeing the rest of you! When I'm done we're heading back to the ships!"

Of course, one of the slavers noticed and was not thrilled about his loss of property. No sooner than the freed refugees exited the cage and slipped away than a handaxe sprouted in the bars of the cage, just barely missing Sonya.

"I'll kill you for that!" He screamed, swinging his short-sword at Sonya.

"Get in line, buddy."
Sonya replied moving back to evade the blade's downward swing. "Maybe after a few lessons in swordsmanship."

Her counterattack was to get in close and deck him before he realized his disadvantage. With a quick step and a windup, he was thrown back with a broken nose. He wasn't down for the count, but Sonya followed up with a kick to the head while he was recovering.

She had freed all except the wounded refugee, saying the same thing pretty much each time. More and more, the slavers were involved with the fight with the cultists and Cera, which meant that while she still fought off a couple more enemies, they were wounded and easier targets.

Of course, for her trouble of fighting the jerks Sonya had a few small cuts and bruises when one surprised her while she was unlocking a cage. She was in better shape than most of her opponents, which was good. But what was bad was that the last cage had been front and center in the conflict. And the refugee needed to be carried or helped in order to escape effectively.

As she climbed to the top of the cage, she saw one slaver feverishly guarding the cage. Sonya jumped down, landing on him and the unexpected weight caused him to stumble and then fall. A few quick cuts to the back of his legs and ankles ensured he wouldn't be getting up for a while. Sonya kicked him deeper into the fray, and quickly unlocked the cage.

"Okay, time to go!"

She said it loud enough for both the refugee and Cera to hear, hoping that Cera could provide protection from the rear as they fled the chaotic scene. It would be tricky since the man she was helping to his feet was injured in the leg.

Opting instead to carry him piggybacked so that she could run away from the fight, she ran quickly towards the general direction that she pointed the refugees.

They greeted her and she kept running, "this way. We're getting out of here, and I'm sure you'd all prefer it to be as fast as possible."
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Miya
Messenger Team


Ersaro "Deadeye" Duskwood, Drow sharpshooter extraordinaire, expert at taking down targets with incredible accuracy, results of natural talent, training, experience, and last but not least, his custom-made Magitek six-shooter. The ashen-skinned dark elf didn't receive his moniker just like that after all. Currently employed by the Cabal as one of its many elite enforcers, Deadeye found himself in a bit of a pinch here... well, let's just say that this particular day job was going downhill fast, one he'd be glad if he got to keep his head after this was all over.

Damned Celestials raining down from above, imagine that! Woke up one morning, drank a cup of coffee, and boom! Angels and their Kingdom cronies crashing the party and fucking up things for everyone. "Holy shit... Pun intended." He thought as he received his boss' orders, he was assigned to overwatch duty on a tower while the bastard gathered his belongings to leg it out of there, even paid up a handsome sum of money up front and more on the way should he survive. Well now, he couldn't exactly refuse, could he? Besides, it wasn't like his chances were much better siding with those overzealous ringheads. Thus, the gray-haired drow found his golden eyes staring out of the Watchtower's window, alert for any sucker that would come into his sights, hopefully, it wouldn't be one of those angels.

"...heh." What luck, he spotted his first target dummy of the day. Not even bothering to discern the exact nature of his target - they obviously weren't glowing and flying so not an angel - Deadeye drew his custom six-shooter, dubbed "The Bad", and BANG!!, took a clean shot at his target, hitting them squarely on their chest with his lightning-propelled solid bullet. "Too easy." His revolver switched the barrel with a quick click as he finally took a good look at his... non-existent kill...? "Wha-...?" No no no, impossible, he was absolutely sure the bullet hit its mark so... why couldn't he spot anything, there should be a corpse lying there! Did he... missed? Preposterous, he never missed!

"That... bastard!" Deadeye took a deep breath, veins popping on his forehead, they made him miss! Oh, they'd pay for this, whoever they were, the moment they showed up even a single strand of their hair, they're dead! Thus, he waited... and waited... and waited... then, "Oh fuck!"

The stalemate between Deadeye and Yumi were cut short as a contingent of Justicars flew overhead, keen eyes searching for any kinds of hostiles to smite, forcing the gunman to take cover for fear of being seared by literal solar beams. He could take out one Celestial at best but what about the rest? Nope, not worth it. He would wait until they passed the location and resume overwatch duty.


@Miya @Karyra

"W-what?! Hey! My merchandise!!" One of the gangsters, the one with missing teeth, the head honcho of this particular Cabal group shouted at the top of his lungs. He could just see his florins spilling away along with the escaped slaves, those damned sluts! Oh, death would be a mercy once he got his hands on them! With the charging cultists keeping most of his enforcers busy, he was forced to play his ace, "Gun'thar! Abu! Get those bitches!" He snarled and in response, two of his gangsters broke away from the formation, chasing after Cera, Sonya, and the escapees.


With the Drow having to carry an injured man with her and Cera escorting the slaves, their pace was considerably hindered. Their path took led them through dark alleyways, echoes of the battle across Somnus ringing even there, and after a few moments, they arrived at an opening, a little open square behind buildings where small kiosks were set up, of course, they were all abandoned. However, Cera and Sonya couldn't help but feel they were being watched...

True enough, they could hear ominous clanks of heavy armor echoing within the opening as a figure stepped out from the shadows covering the alley up ahead. "Gun'thar found you..." A big brutish Orc, just as green yet larger than even Orksen stood before them, clad in spiked plates, carrying an oversized mace as if it was no more than a wooden stick. "Boss tell Gun'thar to get you!"

The escaped slaves were visibly afraid, some of them tried to back away but crates and barrels were dropped from the window above, creating a makeshift barrier than blocked their path. {b]"Hehehehe... you think we'd just let you run that easily?"[/b] A raspy voice joined in with the orc's as a shadowy figure swiftly jumped down, taking position beside Gun'thar, a Drow male clad in leather armor dyed black, twin daggers strapped on his waist.

"Now remember, Gun, our job is to capture, not kill... except for these two bitches, though I'd prefer we spare them, who knows, maybe Boss will let us keep them. They'd look good in collars..." His leery yellow eyes raked the two women's form, "Especially you, luv, I'll keep you safe," He grinned at Sonya, "Fellow Drows have to look out for each other, hmm?"

"Okay, Abu! Gun'thar try not to kill!" The Orc heaved as bellowed, raising his mace as he roared, he didn't sound very convincing for obvious reasons. He charged straight at Cera, maybe attracted to the color of her eyes like an angry bull.

Meanwhile, Abu vanished from his spot, a mere shadow as he zig-zagged towards Sonya, subtly throwing a few needles laced with sedative poison at the female Drow.

Staying Team



The Nephilim took another sip of the tea, it was brewed well, Shion was growing up to be quite the skillful girl, just like her older sister. He took his time as Silva mulled over her words, the knight wasn't surprised the sniper didn't immediately jump on the opportunity. The trauma that prompted her resignation in the first place was still there. He didn't want her to dwell on them forever of course but he wasn't going to force her to just forget it either. "..." He finished his cup then was about to pour another when Silva finally mustered herself to speak.

"The honor is mine," He smiled as put the kettle down, "Of course, take your time, I am not demanding a direct answer. I can't anyway, I am not your superior anymore." He chuckled, "Though, considering our current circumstances... I think we both know you should make a decision sooner than later." He gulped down a cup then made a motion to stand up,

"I should be going now." He approached her, looking into her golden eyes with his sapphires, "Think about what I said, okay?" Then if she didn't have anything more to say, the Grandmaster would leave the Sloan's residence.




"Hmmm?" Was someone speaking to her? Agatha perked up at the girlish voice coming from her side, glancing an eye there, finding herself face-to-face with a brown-eyed... petite girl wearing a dark cloak. She mentioned the Lughanta and she knew about her identity. Agatha didn't know her company was that famous outside of Venesia? An adoring fan? How odd, but then again, if there was the place to encounter oddities, taverns were the spot.

"Oh no, I am ordering something else," The brunette decided to humor her, "I have enough of Florentina in my ship. Enough for every crew to have their share." She shrugged, finding the small girl's lack of personal space to be quite... annoying but there was a certain... charisma in her voice, a certain accent she was familiar with but couldn't remember at the top of her head. Kamov was right, too much wine messed up with her short-term memory.

Her brown eyes blinked in epiphany when the much shorter girl mentioned a certain bloodsucker in her crew, no, not the living weapon of a princess but the elegant dark lady instead. "How did you..." Her brows furrowed, it wouldn't take a genius to put two and two together, "So, Charlotte's acquaintance I see?" Agatha chuckled, sipping her sparkling wine, "I bet those are fake eye colors, just like hers, aren't they?" She put down her glass, "Important enough, though knowing your kin, you likely already know everything I can say, isn't it, vampire?" Until the petite pink-haired girl gave her name, Agatha would just settle with that.




"Fuh..." The golden-haired Ryuu wiped her forehead, she had carried quite a lot of crates so far and it was good work out. Saki's hands were on her waist, doing a little back stretch when she was approached by a stranger... "Yes?" scratch that, a kin, a fellow Youkai though she was a Kitsune. "Hey there," The calm dragon offered a smile, pleased to see someone from their distant home, her teal eyes studying the white-haired Kitsune with similar eye color as hers. "Of course, who do you want to see?" Was the Youkai lost? Apparently not as she was looking for the Captain of this particular ringed airship, "That'd be Captain Agatha but... she's away right now, I can get you to meet one of her officers though." Saki nodded as she motioned Taiyoko to follow her, "How should I introduce you by the way? I'm Miyamoto Saki by the way, maybe you have heard my clan's name before."

"Oh..."" Masumi Taiyoko... of course she knew her, the eldest daughter of the Masumi Daimyo and clan's heiress, (in)famous for her disobedience and talents in the musical arts. Fancy to meet her here, "It's an honor, Taiyoko." Saki elegantly bowed, much like a warrior to a princess, now to let her meet with Aster.

Approaching the blue-haired man, Saki gestured to Taiyoko, "Aster, this is Masumi Taiyoko, she's here to see the Captain but... since she's away and all."


"Yes, Lady Masumi, I am Aster, second officer of the Lughanta. How may I help you?" From the way she carried herself and how Saki behaved around her, it was safe for Aster to assume that this Fox Youkai was an important person, "Unfortunately, Captain Nightingale is away right now, but I can speak for her."
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The Gezhung proved far more illusive to track than its appearance had first let on. While not extremely common among the travelling musicians of the day it was also not exceedingly rare. Most shops and collectors carried a few of them of varrying size and make, and there wasn't a lot to distinguish them apart from one another. Tending to use similar string and wood to fashion its base, the most one could do to attempt distinction was engrave their name upon the instrument or make one with exceedingly rare items just for the hell of it while sacrificing sound quality.

This the case and without an inkling of the type or craftsman for the Kitsune's instrument, Venrid was forced to speak with several underground dealers regarding the subject and often repeating himself. Asking about a recently stolen Gezhung, one that had been owned by a renowned Youkai performer, and was in pristine condition. Those three details were all that were that would be necessary to draw a buyer interests or get the thing out of their hands. However, along with every other thief in the city and the surge of activity from Somnus trade, it made getting details on the right one a search for divine providence.


Having visited many taverns and bought information from mercs, bartenders, shady types and a few waitresses who stuck his fancy. Venrid had learned at least of a den of thieves in an outlaying village that often traded exquisite and exotic goods with the locals. Said to house a community of foreigners and novelty craftsman alike, the consistency of their trade but limited supply of raw materials was suspicious enough to verify the claim. Traveling out that direction on foot, he entered upon the establishment looking to buy a Gezhung discreetly. After much talking and reading between the lines, it happened that a friend of a friend of his was able to fill him in on the business and knew that the instrument was already in the hands of a backdoor trader within the capital.

Receiving further information on the identities of the two thieves who had peddled it off, he made sure to pay them a small visit soon after and before they had loosened the change around their waists. Approaching the less reckless of the two, alone, and in a weapons shop. The man was looking over an assortment of cloak and dagger items, before Venrid bumped into him and he wheeled around with a riled voice only to bolt for the door upon receiving a wicked smile. Waiting till he was just outside the door, Venrid being prepared tackled him to the ground. After a nice conversation with a crowd of folks watching and a cold dagger held up nice and close to one's neck, the man told Venrid about the whereabouts of the trader before having his coin purse nicked nicking.


Trailing around the city in search of the place, Venrid almost gave up and thought the information a lie before noticing an ugly rat of a man trying to slip into a stagecoach with a bag of money. Swiftly grabbing him by the collar just before he could get his feet in, Venrid lifted him off his feet with one hand and dragged him off into a nearby alleyway. Having an equally pleasant conversation that only required a little of brute force when peppered with lies. Venrid finally arrived at the grand conclusion of his hunt. The Gezhung, brought in but hours ago had already found a wealthy buyer overseas in the markets of Venesia. Having seen the wonder of Taiyoko's performance in the past and long awaited a replica to find itself on the market. The deal had been almost instantaneous and was already well off on its way to the island nation.

Asking of the ship with which it was to be transferred, all Venrid got in return was the name Von Drake and some trouble in the form of city guards. Managing to disable them while fleeing for the docks, he made a round of the city, being sure to be seen in all of its corners before ducking out of sight and evading their grasp. Crafting a swath of reports on his whereabouts across the city in hopes to throw off any trail left behind in his wake, he eventually retraced his step and sought out the docks. Using the name of his newly acquired mercenary band, he stroke up conversation with several mercs, sailors, and captain aids.

Inquiring about Captain Von Drake, there were numerous rumors and conflicting stories about the man, but all painted a rather clear picture of him. He was the silent type, a man of few words but the center of attention when he did eventually speak. A nocturnal fellow much like Venrid himself, he usually only ever did business or settled into port when the sun was down. Wearing long, padded clothing and hiding his entire body from view, only his red scarlet eyes were visible from the outside. Thought to be a vampire, and one who raided ships at night as an aside job on top of hauling cargo. He was said to have never lost a single florin in the act, selling ship, crew and cargo alike. Word from Venesia was he wasn't a native, but seemed to make his business out of the place.

With all of this in mind and having done his part of the bargain in full. Venrid slowly began to make his way toward where he remembered the Lughanta was docked last. A bit difficult to see it's glow when so close to the cities late night illumination, its fire ring shown dimly in contrast to the bright city streets and sky light which sat suspended high above, revolving a far reaching light in all directions to warn distance ships. Discerning it from the rest of the crafts, he slowly ascended the ramp up deck, where his body signaled it was ready for a quick rest after the day's events.

With flicks of dried blood still plastered on his face, and heading for his bedroom chamber, there came a pair of Youkai round the corner who took note of his figure. Clicking his tongue upon having forgotten to tell the Kitsune a time for their meeting, it seemed she had gotten pretty chummy with one of the on board crew mates.

@Yzmael @Izurich




The Following Day

There came a dull pounding at Venrid's chamber door in the late hours of the evening. Paying it hardly any attention behind his clamped eyelids, the sound of the door's lock being ripped from its frame and loud quick thuds of a giant's feet accompanying it mustered not a single disturbance from his peaceful slumber. It was only as the loud and smelly breath of the green skinned warrior invaded his face and nostrils while grasping his shoulders and shaking his whole frame about like an irresponsible mother, that the locks behind his eyes faltered and opened wide.

At first response, he thought the ship was under attack yet again either by an outside force or one that had infiltrated its way inside. With his consciousness bursting to the surface of clouded thought, the context of the spit ridden blabbering of the statue of muscle soon had it slipping back under the fog of drowsiness and curtains of sleep.

Hitting the wooden floor of the ship with a loud thump as he was spilled out along with his mattress, he half considered the event a dream as the lull tempted his rationality. Only as the Ork continued to boom in his uncontrolled volume in the small spaced room that somehow amplified it to even greater decibels, and pierced his ears with a ringing did he fully come to realize that this was what he was to wake up to. Alongside the dull ache of lying atop morning wood it was only befitting of his luck.


"Antra -- what?" He asked eventually in confusion. Not getting an all too clear answer, but lengthy reply instead he simply ignored the words and fought against the imposing gravity of the floor.

Waking his body with each movement, his anger swelled alongside it until his eyes and brow seemed to merge. Reaching for his dagger discarded with the rest of his things the night prior, he drew it in blind rage only to meet the eyes of the beast when turned around. Having a sixth sense of sorts about him for danger and fighting intent, either inherent in all of his kind or self polished by experience. The big green golly giant stared Venrid down with matched blood lust that promised a swift if not bloody mess in return. Answering to what senses remained upon waking, the dagger was sheathed and followed by growling in contempt, before a string of words were spat.

"I shoulda left you in Somnus."

Rubbing his head furious and running the same hand over his face, he looked around at the mess of his equipment before asking the obvious.

"The hell can't yah get the kitch to cook yah something huh!?"

Receiving a full length story about how the cooks were lousy and a fight between crew and the numbers guy, Venrid waved his hand in admission to the fact his whole plan on resting up was now as good as flushed down the shitter. Heaving a large sigh before an equal yawn, he headed for the deck in his skivvies. His morning already ruined by the bloody Ork he couldn't very well leave him to run the city free. While civil and soapfisticated the day before, all it took was a kid for him to snap and rile up the city streets. With how he was now there wouldn't even be that, and it wasn't like he could go hunting him after the events late last evening.

Assuming there'd be enough eyes on him to support a bounty, he would have to take the beast on a wild goose chase instead. Siding with this decision as he stormed across the deck, he went in search of a large metal bucket. Grabbing one from the cleaning crew he filled it to the brim with cold brisk water before ordering the Ork to dunk it on him. Shaking dry and getting his mane of hair under control afterward, he began to return to his chambers.

"The hell yah wantin to cook huh?"

While never going to culinary school and despite what appearances may potray, Venrid knew quite a good deal about the trade of cooking. From simple dishes like soups and breads to the more exotic, such as blood based foods and seafood delicacies. Much like his combat experience, he was a well rounded chef, but expert in no specific field. Seldom cooking for others aside from in mercenary bands where none knew how or upon ships as a cooking aid, he rarely made noise with his cooking, but at the same time he'd never heard a complaint. Recalling these memories and the peaceful days of his childish youth in his mother's kitchen, his mind wandered off to reminiscence while the Ork explained his plans and Venrid geared up for them.


Recalling the sweet smell of apples in the oven on a cool summer's breeze and the warm odor of biscuits in the cold morning's of winter. The scenery of that small woodlands cabin came back to him in vivid detail. His mother, despite being frail and loving was strict with his upbringing. Perhaps a response to his early disobedience she had tried relentlessly to drill a respectable sleep schedule into his daily life by pestering him awake in the early eve's of the morning. Much like the Ork moments prior, if his mother were a giant, muscle headed stinking green skin who had no concept for sensibility. She too was a thorn in the side of his sacred slumber

Though, his protests then were usually met with clever ruse instead of loud jabber. She knew he could never refuse to help or to look after her. So taking full advantage of this she would give him disappointed looks before leaving his side to allow sleep to lull him into a sense of respite. Soon after, depending on whether he'd fallen asleep again or not. She would speak to him of leaving for ingredients or that they were low on food and needed to get more.

After she'd left, his mind would of its own will awaken to thoughts surrounding her safe being and run over the dangers that he knew all too well. From the local guards who were openly corrupt and had a loud complaint from local women to wild animals that roamed the nearby woods and the very weather itself. Before long he would picture her calling out to him for help only for no one to come to her side. Then, without doubt or further dosing he would not return to sleep and instead be out the door after her fully clothed in seconds. Only at once to find her waiting there just beside its frame with a soft innocent smile and a crafty yet delighted giggle.

The chain of events now were very much similar to then. He'd douse himself down with water to shake off lethargy and head straight to the woods. Now it was for the mountains in search of whatever Gorgutz had chalked up in his mind instead of necessities. But recalling those memories as he donned his bow, gauntlet, and gear by habit. His anger ebbed and face softened by small degree. Checking he had all that might be necessary to scale a mountain and hunt god knows what, he turned to Gorgutz who stood behind complaining of taking his time.

"So. The fuck is this mountin?"

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Sneaking about the wartorn city, Charlotte made the gauntlet of Somnus, weaving in and about neighborhoods as she dodged hostile combatants and the less than reliable elements of the invading celestial army. While it quickly became evident that most of friends, allies and acquaintances had the presence of mind to leave the city before the conflict and unrest came to a head, Charlotte still diligently visited their places of residence or workplace, occasionally finding it fit to smite any looters she found in her path.

Her younger sister, Noir, of course, was no exception. Charlotte knew that the shorter girl would have left long before she would have been put into a situation where she would have had to fight. More than likely, she would have moved along with her maids and property to another one of her houses or estates; to find where she was, she'd just have to snoop around each one to get a proper idea. Nonetheless, the golden-haired vampire saw it fit to pay Noir's Somnus estate a visit. Situated in a particularly elite and wealthy neighborhood, the fighting had yet to reach the houses there. A Determined force of Cabal regulars and elites still maintained a strong, entrenched line there. It was not all-encompassing, however. Uninterested in parlaying with easily frightened soldiers in civil war, with a small effort, she was able to slip through the line. She noted that if she did it with such ease, it was likely others had as well. She kept her guard up accordingly.

Wandering the familiar paths of the neighborhood, the city streets were eerily quiet, much on the account of the absence of its wealthy residents. Walking up a certain road and approaching a certain estate of her sister's, it too was no exception with its elaborate wrought iron gates uncharacteristically haphazardly thrown open. Not expecting to be greeted in such an environment, the vampire kept a careful approach as she entered the estate, glancing left and right as she walked past the garden. Electing to not enter the house through the main entrance, she flew up into and past a window, entering the mansion. With no candles or magitek lights lit, the corridors were exceptionally dark. Thankfully, such environments were not at all a trouble for somebody such as Charlotte.


As she walked quietly through the halls, she noted how much of her sister's valuables had been left behind. Of course, there were no longer any slaves, but heirlooms such as paintings, furniture, and various expensive gilt objects lay at rest in their original positions. The house was vacated quickly but carefully, as expected of her sister.

The intact nature of the estate was curious, though; although the neighborhood as a whole felt as if it were mostly untouched, there was no doubt looters out and about right now. With Noir's estate having had a particular reputation for being grand and wealthy, it was a surprise it was not an immediate target. Curious indeed, Charlotte made her way to the main hall, wondering if she would have the opportunity to encounter looters and smite them too.

During the stalemate between Yumi and Ersaro, Yumi finds herself in an awkward situation. In her current position, the allied celestial forces would be completely unable to distinguish her from a rouge. Yumi had been working diligently to stay out of the way of the main engagement, but while she was pinned down by the gunman, she was getting further and further behind her expected trajectory, which meant that she could expect the flanking troops to enter this area soon. In order to avoid being killed in friendly fire, she would need to make a full retreat from the battlefield at full speed and hope that she didn't run into further complications that she couldn't outrun in the meantime. But, in order to retreat, she needed to avoid the gunman's line of sight. To avoid the gunman's line of sight, she needed to know where he was in the first place. And finally, she had to do all of this within an unknown, but likely brief timeframe.

Certainly, the situation was a mess, but Yumi kept her calm, piecing together all the information that she had to find the best course of action. While she didn't know the gunman's exact position, she knew plenty of areas that could not have been the case. Firstly, she didn't see him, therefore he couldn't have shot from any area that was directly in front of her. Secondly, she was not shot from the side or behind, as the bullet definitely hit her from the front of her chest. Thirdly, due to the first two statements, the gunslinger must have shot her lethally in the chest from long range with a weapon that fires solid bullets one at a time. The only person that would fit these precise conditions was the legendary Deadeye. Fourthly, if the person that shot was Deadeye, then he definitely shot at the first moment she became vulnerable. Fifthly, that moment existed at the moment Yumi came around a corner. With all that information put together, there were only a few possibilities left.

Yumi clutches a small compact mirror, thinking to herself, "Shinobu, just so you know, I learned this one from you..." Yumi quickly flashes the mirror towards a building that she suspects Deadeye to be occupying from relative safety. Naturally, the mirror is shot almost immediately, and it completely blew her cover, but the information she gained was priceless. While she guessed the location completely wrong, Yumi could tell the trajectory of the bullet from the way her compact shattered. Sure she was a bit cut up from the glass shards, but this was much preferable to a bullet from one of the deadliest gunslingers around. With that trajectory, Yumi successfully pinpointed Ersaro's location.

Unfortunately, this only confirmed that she was perfectly pinned down. While it would take her less than .15 seconds to move to cover that would allow her to escape, she knew better than to try that against this specific opponent. Instead, Yumi decided to take a gamble. If the Celestials take the short flank, he would be forced to back off while she got to escape. But if they decided to take the long flank, Yumi would be spotted, and forced to not only test the legendary aim of Deadeye, but also then need to outmaneuver flying Celestials long enough to demonstrate she wasn't a threat.

Fortunately for Yumi, the Celestials end up flanking short, which enables her to successfully flee. Without her time anchors, Yumi could no longer afford to help support the mission, so she sprints away from the battlefield as far as she can. Meanwhile, she thinks about how she'll ultimately rejoin her comrades.

Yumi runs until she finally loses every ounce of energy in her body. She stays alert only long enough to stop the bleeding caused by the shards of glass before collapsing.
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She was so, so glad they were scared.

At first Oriana didn't know what was happening — before, she could read her enemies and react accordingly in but a split-second. Now, she felt herself hesitating, toes curling within her metal boots — waiting for the mercenaries to lay down their arms or run away. It was a stepping game of hesitance... They just happened to break first.

But a Justicar made their entrance, wrath personified. Melted flesh and bone assaulted her senses, far more pungent than the odor from the burn she had given the Cabal leader earlier. Screams and prayers for mercy — cut short by bloody gurgles — raked through the air. The Celestial twisted herself as quickly as she could away from the carnage.

(But not fast enough. She still glimpsed blood arc through the air, following the glowing metal of a divine blade. A chill pricked down her arms.)

The child. Where was he? Oriana tethered herself back to the current state of affairs by focusing on her charge. She strode back to the guardsman's desk — the craven had abandoned his post at the slightest sign of chaos — and was pleasantly surprised when the recent hostage welcomed her approach. All would have been well, despite the fresh episode of slaughter. As a rule, Justicars give a short admonishment before flying off somewhere, and Oriana assumed it would have been same this time around. She didn't bother to identify their… savior in favor of tending to the shaken and wounded child in her arms. But then the Justicar called her by name.

She glanced up, meeting Uriel's stony gaze with a look of surprise at the fact that she had been addressed… By another Justicar she had trained with, no less. Her expression quickly mellowed to neutrality, almost mirroring the blatant frigidity of his. Even if she didn't share any bad blood with most Justicars, Oriana thought it would be wise to keep herself from drawing on old familiarities. The topic was too… touchy. "I was hardly at risk." The Celestial shifted from one foot to another, drawing attention to the fact that she too was fully dressed for combat. Save for the heavy decorative parts and color theme, Oriana wore armor that made it seem as though she was cut out for the same detail as her warrior brethren. Her sudden movement also served to keep her in front of her newest charge, to shield his eyes from the violated bodies and the Justicar's unflinching judgment. The way Uriel talked about the human, she didn't entirely trust him or any of his kind near the young one. "Not to mention I have always favored the shield over the sword. I was playing by my strengths."

Most importantly, they can't all swoop in, all burning light and molten wings. Had she done that, the hostage would have been bleeding out on the pavement with his throat sawed to the bone. Not everyone could treat the One's children with the same kind of reckless abandon. But of course she didn't say that. Maybe she should have.

"And you have always been easy to disappoint," Oriana added as she knelt in front of the boy, gently easing a whisper of magic from her fingers to curl up to the light gash on his neck. Even with her eyes still trained on the closing wound, Oriana gave off the impression that she was watching for any sudden movement from the other party — if her sideways position and her stiff posture were anything to go by. After a pregnant pause, the healer said, sounding less severe and more of herself this time, "Shouldn't you be somewhere else, Justicar?"

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That certainly went better than expected. He left the bank in the hands of the kingdom's soldiers, thinking that all the ale he could carry was his only reward but it seems word travels fast during times of war. Whenever he passes a fraulian soldier, he would get looks of fear, awe, admiration or even a mixture of all three followed by three words that seemed to have become synonymous to him.

"Demon of the Bank." When you first hear these words, it sounds like a title that would strike fear into the hearts of men... but in retrospect, it doesn't sound so intimidating. If anything, it makes him look like a loan manager handing out loans with absurd amounts of interest.

Not long after he had arrived at their headquarters to stash his spoils of war, he was suddenly summoned once again by the kingdom's forces to handle another situation.

Upon arriving, he immediately questioned the person in charge about the task at hand, thinking it was going to be a similar operation than the last. The harbinger was just starting to chug at his bottle of ale when he heard what Ariel did.

Only the sound of glass smashing on the floor cut through the dreary silence that had enveloped the meeting room. All those present would be able to feel the an astounding amount anger, frustration, and hatred emanating from the Infernal. If one were to look close enough, they might even see a black aura wrapping around his form. His red eyes seem to be an even brighter and fiercer hue now as if they were burning with rage.

Even though he was in such a state, he did realize that Sorina intends to assist him in this mission, despite how she made it sound like he was supposed to storm the building by himself because he was expendable.

"Leave the bastard who has her to me. I don't want any of you to intervene..." He ordered and seemingly within the blink of an eye, the Harbinger vanished into thin air.

Moving towards the temple were Ariel was being held captive, Voyd couldn't help but be bothered by what the Captain had said. The man who has Ariel hostage goes by the name of Sengal of the Beast Blade. He couldn't quite place it but something inside him urged him to be wary of this opponent. After all, nobody gets a title like Beast Blade or Demon of the Bank without performing incredible feats.

"I may be forced to utilize that then... I just hope I don't hurt her in the process."

The Infernal starts scouting the area upon arriving in the vicinity of the temple. He takes out a couple of stragglers along the way without attracting any attention of course, whether it was using the shadows to do his bidding or just cutting them down quietly with Huginn.

When time finally came for him to enter the temple, he again decided to take the unconventional route of finding an alternate way. Despite the fact that nobody expects the enemy to storm the front door, doing so would still give away the element of surprise. And for an enemy of seemingly great renown throughout the Kingdom's forces, a quick execution would be the best course of action.

The harbinger would then use the shadows to his advantage as a means of hiding his presence as he navigated the many corridors of the temple. He would eventually arrive at a large circular room that seemed to have been used as the main worship area before the civil war. Standing at the center of it was a youkai matching the description the Captain had given him during the mission briefing. In front of him was the familiar figure of the blonde, blue eyed messenger that he had just been stargazing with a few nights ago. Ariel was seemingly bound in chains and had earned herself a few bruises on her face and all over her body possibly due to disobeying Sengal's orders or not giving into his demands.

At any rate, he could feel rage taking hold of his decisions. All he wanted at that moment was to bring a gruesome end to the person who dared lay their hands on Ariel.

Without any hesitation, he assumes the stance needed to perform a Maeburedo technique. With him in a crouching position, and his sword's bladed edge facing outwards, he lunges towards Sengal from the shadows with a burst of speed powerful enough to send a shockwave behind him which propelled him even faster forward. He unsheathes Huginn from Muninn seconds before coming into contact with his target and letting the force from his speed cut through the youkai as he passed him. If luck was on his side then the attack would have finished Sengal off. But he knew better than to trust in the whims of Lady Luck so he quickly assumed a defensive stance afterwards, not letting his guard down for a single moment.

"Eehehehe, kill as many as me and maybe they'll give you a less terrible name." Sorina says in response to his new nickname, he seemed awfully into this, so she did have the right of it in a manner.. Ah well, it would be something to deal with later she says in reflection to her thoughts. Watching Voyd depart Sorina turns to her Celestial Partner who was being oddly silent, as she stares at Sorina with her piercing blue eyes.

"Oh my, let me guess your sister?" Taking note of the shocked or somewhat suspicious glance, Sorina chuckles. "We have family as well you know. We shall recover your sister safely, but for now I need you to do your Duty." Allowing Voyd his time to reach the interior via his own means, unlike Voyd she didn't much care if they were alerted to her presence.

Kicking the main door in and spearing the first person beyond it, she charges letting out a battle scream, her new partner close to her rear as the pair advance. Seeing Voyd's attack, it was reckless, more than that he had the same hate filled gaze that this other Celestial also had. Well, well, Voyd, still making poor decisions are we? I thought you might have learned a little.. while my sister had an honorable death I will not aid you this time... While I may not hold it against you and to the whims of emotions to end you for her death, you none the less make the same mistakes, her death meaningless..

"Oh well Duty calls."

Glancing at what few helpers he had and the hostages, Sorina takes a more direct approach as the Youkai stands..or rather remained standing. "Throw down your arms or throw down your lives! I shall only offer you this once!"

"Heh, well now, aren't you a loud one...but I'm afraid I can't play with you little one." Cracking his neck, the figure seemed rather well built, as his eyes meet Voyd's then the woman's he shrugs. "What? She fell down some stairs. And they say I have bad manners, here you come, attacking from the dark, not even a hello. Well not like I didn't run into little shits like you in the pits. But that Captain pushed his luck, I told him anymore attacks and we would kill the hostages. Get to work land, and smash the two battle bitches in. I'll take care of this little shit, personally."

Tapping a wooden sword on his back, of an eastern design, he smiles. "What? Don't look so surprised, I always keep it to my back for little shits like you, was a gift from an Imperial Officer that made a great deal of coin off of me, though I think once I deal with you I'll let the little miss go... One piece at a time. Which is kinda hard to do with a wooden sword. Nya-yan~" Shrugging it seemed the man was largely desensitized to violence and would make good on his threats.

"Ah well, it can bludgeon someone to death all the same. Though Young sneak thief, you should know, you've left your little wench wide open." Aiming for her with the blade, he waits for his guard to switch over, before rushing in, going for a punch, but smirking "Just Kidding;" Then suddenly dropping low with his catlike reflexes to deliver a kick, keeping the sword in his right hand guarding his back. "..times two."

@Accelerator @Izurich


"OI! NOW AIN'T DAH TIME FER KWESTINS WE GOTZ TA CLIMB!" Orksen says in reply to Venrid's request.
Noticing the look of the Mercenary, Gorgutz pauses briefly. "Mountains make fer Gud Omes don't dey Ummie? Dah ships crew dates me ta make ah bettah dish, so we climb'n up ere, cause Green is best. So ta be da best we gotta get dah best, so den we kan just buy ole shit ta serve em afta and dey too dumb ta know n'bettah." Gripping his hand on the cliff face the Orc does bother to add in what they are after.

"We'ze up ere fer mountain boar, da Devils red balloons wit da vines, and some erbs, all her erbs ummie! An Chickens! An Onions! And Otta Fingz!"

Scaling the mountain regardless of the Human's protest, it at least wasn't a very tall one, though it seemed as always, madness followed in the Orc's wake, catching his hand on a small animal perched on a ledge above him, the Orc grins madly as he feels hooves. "I Haz a pig!"

With a baaaaaaaaa sounding in response, the Orc narrows his eyes in feral rage, grabbing the beast by the leg. "YOU'S LIE TA ME!" Pulling the animal in his fury, Gorgutz yanked the small mountain goat from the ledge, laughing as it plummeted to it's death, before suddenly stopping as if nothing had taken place, going back to his climb. Upon reaching the summit, he slaps Venrid on the back, nearly sending him toppling to the ground below.

"Okayz Ummie! Now we start dah Search!"
Reaching into a treetop Orksen finds a beehive, seemingly unphased by this, the Orc grabs the beehive, throwing it at Venrid's feet. "Oh Ummie get dah honey! Wez can sell it!"

Seemingly unconcerned with the swarm of chaotic rage he had unleashed upon the mountain Orksen shrugs, looking for the herbs for his recipe. Noticing some of his so called Devil Balloons as well as some mountain boars in the distance, Gorgutz runs a hand under his Chin as if in deep thought as his Safari hat shields his eyes from the sun.

As if conflicted the Orc glances his vision between the two the Orc comes up with the most cunning or perhaps moronic of plans. "Oh Ummie! Kick Da Bee's ova into doz pigs!"


Mentions: @Karyra | Sonya​

While Cera was holding her ground against the Cabal grunts, Sonya rallied the refugees away from the battle. She even carried the previously wounded male refugee who was shot in one of his legs. Upon hearing the call by the Drow thief, the half-Infernal did an Inferno Slash to her remaining enemies, covering her retreat as she made her way to Sonya. She also reloaded a new vial of Erchius into her magitek weapon.

Instead of taking the main roads, Cera, Sonya and the group of slaves used the dark alleyways, avoiding as much detection as possible. They eventually reached another open area where people probably used to congregate, due to the wooden kiosks that were set up in the area. However, Cera felt they are far from safe. Then, from the shadows in front of them, loud, clanking footsteps can be heard advancing to their location.

"Gun'thar found you..."

The half-Infernal shakes her head as a heavily-armored Orc announced his presence, who was wielding a large mace. He was huge, even larger than Gorgutz if they ended up standing side by side. With her weapon in hand, she attempted to shield the refugees behind her, but it was not enough to assuage their fear. With their path of retreat blocked, a male Drow with a leather armor and twin daggers revealed himself as well. She looked at the male Drow with disgust as he stated his interest on herself and Sonya, and even go as far as asking the brutish Orc try not to kill them.

Cera gave a final look at Sonya. Then, the Orc half-heartedly replied to his partner's request, and charged straight to the half-Infernal's location with a roar. Midway through his charge, he jumped to the air, attempting to do a powerful overhead attack with his large mace. With a surprised grunt, Cera did a dive-roll to the sides, avoiding his powerful attack. The humongous mace crashed at the pavement, leaving a sizable hole and spewing debris around.

("That was close. I guess he wasn't planning on having me alive, or he's content with what will be left of me once he's done...")

With a formidable foe in front of her, the half-Infernal began to have doubts on her own fighting abilities. If anything, her enhanced strength gained from her Infernal heritage does not matter much against a brutish Orc of that size. The large Orc once again dashed towards Cera, this time swinging his mace towards her horizontally. The sellsword quickly did a backflip, barely dodging the attack, and the mace obliterated one of the wooden kiosks nearby.

As soon she landed on her feet, an idea came in mind...

... Although it felt like it was a longshot.


The half-Infernal raised her hands, while holding her weapon. She looked fearful all of a sudden.

"Th-this little humie here works for Gorgutz! He's a big warboss now, trying to seize some gitz for his good cause!"

Cera slowly paced backwards, just in case the huge Orc decides to attack her.

"How about you gitz join us? Considering 'ow strong you are, Boss Gorgutz will definitely pay you more than that wretched 'umie you served with!"
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Messenger Team

@Click This

As the golden-haired vampire continued wandering the chateau... it seemed the complex was truly abandoned or was it really? It was the home of a Nosferatu Mistress, things weren't always as it seemed. Charlotte was the older sister of this particular mistress but even the closest of siblings had secrets the other didn't know about, made even more likely due to the nature of their society.

Once Charlotte arrived at the lobby, the first tell-tale signs of an unknown visitor became apparent as the front door was sealed from the inside through a rune symbolized by a floating magical circle. It wouldn't be strange to think that Noir was the one who did it to prevent robberies... but then again, why didn't she seal the windows too? Also, the patterns of the rune were neither Nosferatu or Blood Devil in style. Someone else set up the seal. The situation just turned intriguing indeed.

Her path would eventually take her into the mansion's wine cellar, however, it wouldn't be the wine that'd grab her attention the most. It was the fact that there was a door-shaped hole on one side of the wall with stairs leading even deeper below ground. If Charlotte listened closely, she could hear echoes of tools and magical spells being cast, plus, the smell of a living creature, distinctly feminine.

Investigating this secret section of the mansion would eventually lead her out of the dark corridor into an open space in which a sizable vault door stood at the farthest end. Just in front of the door, surrounded by various tools and magical devices, was a figure fiddling with the vault's door, their back facing her, identity unknown but the distinctive wide pointy hat gave a solid clue.


"Oh...?" It seemed the interest was mutual as the figure perked up before turning around in alert, reddish brown eyes blinking as she took the vampire's figure. "Uh... Are you the owner? ...I can explain." The gray-haired Lilim dropped her tools and threw her hands up, but her muscles were tensed, an instinctive reaction to an unknown threat. "Okay, uhm... I... uh..." Her eyes shifting, one hand adjusting her hat, "I thought the place was empty and all so... uh..." By Lilith, she was caught red-handed, only a simpleton couldn't see that, "No rash decisions now, vampire lady! I'm not a common thief, I swear!"



"Come out, you little shit!" Deadeye's keen eyes never left the spot where he last shot the mirror, no one would get through the street while he stood to watch. Excluding Celestials of course because they flew... they didn't even need to use the street. Yep, his contract didn't include facing off against angry flying fanatics, and anyone who disagrees would eat his lead.

"..." After a while, the Drow sharpshooter sighed as no signs of the previous assailant ever turned up since the little mirror, it seemed they fled when he hid from the Justicars. Oh well, he did his job anyway. Still, he would love to square off again with this foe, the foe who made him miss...


Yumi's sprint through the war-torn streets of Somnus finally came to an abrupt end as her body's exhaustion took her consciousness away. The black-haired half-breed was obviously exposed to the many hostile elements roaming the subterranean city, sure she was small and usually inconspicuous. However, it would only take a stray bullet or explosive...

"Hey, is that...? You, fetch that girl for me. Now."

"Y-yes, Master!"


"Oh, awake, I see." A suave masculine voice would greet Yumi's ears as the girl slowly regained consciousness along with the tantalizing smile of warm broth soup. As her eyes refocused, she'd find herself lying on a bed in a rather simple bedroom. Her wounds were already cleaned and bandaged.

There was a male Drow sitting on a chair facing the bed, also beside the bed was an end table in which a meal was prepared. The aforementioned Drow was examining Yumi's unique weapon, "I saw you collapsed in front of my house... told one of my servants to pick you up. Name's Arkon, merchant, and entrepreneur, how I wish we could meet in more favorable circumstances."

He introduced himself then pondered,"Honestly, I thought you were just some stray cat Youkai but this... weapon," He roamed his eyes, gray-toned fingers hovering the fine blade, "I've never seen anything like it, who are you? What are you doing here?"



"You never know what these... filth," Oriana could just hear the proverbial spat from his scornful words, "Holds behind their backs, never underestimate evil." He hated to see the once strong and honorable warrior turned into this soft and meek, caring for a single insignificant human child in place of her own well-being. The goal versus the risk involved just didn't make sense, if it was saving the Divine-Queen for example, hands down, Uriel would agree with her. She needed to get her priorities straight, emotions ruling over logic was no way of a warrior... oh, of course, she wasn't a warrior anymore, but a pacifist fool. How unfortunate...

"Of course." The Justicar pursued no further arguments but to say he believed her excuse would be a lie, why else would she even bother to talk with the scum instead of ending them? It was always the child. "And you are overestimating the worth of these mortals." He replied before flying off, continuing his task of patrolling around the forward base.


"N-...nnn..." The human child finally mustered the courage to look up at Oriana but the previously pure relief in his eyes was now slightly clouded by fear, not to the Cabal, fear of the other 'savior' that just left them. This white-haired angel looked just like him, wings, halo, and armor... so... were they good or bad? Having no choice to go anywhere else, the boy stayed with Oriana though his eyes shifted now, back and forth glancing between the Celestial and his surroundings.

Justicar Team


@Accelerator @RedArmyShogun

"Duty..." Zephiel muttered under her breath, an Infernal speaking of duty... what nonsense was this? Still, the fact stood that Azrael entrusted this particular Blood Devil to accompany Israfil, that meant something even though she wouldn't admit it out loud. Huffing, Zephiel was in a silent agreement with Sorina as she too charged forward towards the temple's door, slamming one side of the double door shortly after Sorina kicked the other.

"Ariel!" The Justicar immediately screamed her sister's name, her eyes immediately spotting the chained Celestial, brimming the fury in her sapphire gaze, "You're dead, scum!!" The warrior-angel wanted to just charge towards damned cat bastard but his little gang held her and the Blood Devil back, "Tch!! Get out of my way!" Forced to engage them, the Celestial was forced to let the so-called 'Demon of the Bank', a harbinger to keep the Youkai bastard busy. She couldn't believe it, fighting alongside a Blood Devil while having a Harbinger trying to rescue her sister! Oh Almighty Sol, what was the meaning of this?!
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Yumi wakes up only about an hour after she first lost consciousness, and as she wakes, the first thing she does is look across the horizon to figure out her circumstances. She quickly notes that she isn't alone, but she grows anxious when she sees her prized possession in the hands of a stranger, even if said stranger likely saved her life. Although the look of distress shone through Yumi's traditionally muted expression, she didn't make a move to take it back right away, instead, hearing the man out.

From the introduction the merchant gave, Yumi immediately caught on that this Drow was knowledgable enough to know the composition of her blade. Even moreso, it was entirely possible that he knew more than he was letting on. At the very least, he wasn't related to the Entier family, or she'd already be dead. Yumi picks herself up so that she is sitting atop her shins as she reaches her arms forward onto the bed to stretch out her back, before returning them to the area just in front of her.

Yumi's soft voice comes out, "I'm afraid that I'm not anyone important... Especially not as important as that blade would suggest. It was a gift from someone very important to me, so I'd ask for its timely return. I don't feel comfortable when it is not in my possession. But ummm, my name is Yumi. I'm a sellsword with the Lughanta. We were operating in the area, but I was driven from my position by the "Deadeye". I need to get back to them before they presume I'm MIA. I shouldn't stay here, but..." Yumi bows her head to the Drow, "Thank you for keeping me safe. I'm sorry that I don't have anything to reward you for your kindness."

"Oh yes, I assumed as much." Her brown eyes squinting to the thought of it. "A cheap wine with a cheap taste.. Am I right?" Eve almost chuckled, wondering what Charlotte would say in this situation. Nevertheless, the Captain got curious enough, and was able to deduce a few things right off the bat.

"Well.." She began, keeping her eyes fixated on Agatha. "Just a familiar face I haven't seen in a while, it's just that.." To Eve, Charlotte was many things. They were friends maybe. Acquiantances yes, rivals? No. Not in her eyes, though that feeling was obviously mutual between the both vampires.

If there was one thing they did have in common - it was the safety of their kin, and now - the Kindred were in danger, just like the rest. The hate the Empire had for anything but humans, was moving forward to something ominous. And Eve always loved adventure that had some if not a lot of danger and risk involved.

Captain Agatha was something alright. Eve wouldn't expect anything less. Who knows, maybe Charlotte shared all of her secrets with the Lughanta. A sigh of relief escaped the vampiress' lips. "Pretty much, yes." She was direct, and felt that there was no reason to go around the truth. Why delay the inevitable when the truth will come forth any moment now.

Eve enjoyed games, or keeping up charades, but to a point. The Nosferatu would rather show what she is to the rest but what fun would that be?.. "As for my eyes.. They have a different color.. --" From brown to scarlet red they became. "For the sake of amusement.." Keeping a rather enthusiastic expression plastered on her face, she was very much enjoying her conversation with the Captain.

And now, a sigh of disappointment escaped her lips.. "But with the looming threat from the Empire.. They may have to stay brown permanently.."

Eve's expression changed rather abruptly, but to a much more positive one. For the vampiress, it was quite easy to move from one emotion to another. If anything, that is one of the reasons for why she could be considered a trickster. One would never really know what she's thinking. Looking at Agatha once again, she continued. "However, I am sure you've got something planned right? I mean, you captured the little sister of the Empress.. Faking a kidnapping.. And then.. You saved her from an actual kidnapping.."

"But but.. Before we move forward.. I'd really like to board the Lughanta. What do you say? Room for another.. Nosferatu? And you can call me Eve.." The vampiress smirked, wondering what the Captain would say or do.
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Mini Collab with RedArmyShogun​

Just as luck would have it, his attack had been completely ineffective, or rather it had failed to even connect with the youkai. The only possible explanation would be that he dodged the strike at the last second but only moved subtly enough to avoid the attack while giving the impression of remaining motionless in the first place.

The youkai tried to explain himself when he noticed Voyd's concern for the celestial, claiming so far as Ariel falling down a flight of stairs as the reason for her numerous injuries and accusing him of being rude for attacking from the shadows without any sort of a warning.

Sengal would then retrieve a bokken strapped to his back to quickly catches Voyd's attention. The intricate carvings throughout the sword as well as the pressure he felt just from being in its presence suggested that the sword was indeed one of the five he had been looking for. With that sudden discovery, the battle had quickly shifted into his enemy's favor. If that sword's notoriety was indeed more than just a myth then the upcoming battle being difficult would be quite an understatement.

Just as the youkai was threatening to hit Ariel with the sword, Voyd in turn, started rushing towards her in order to parry the attack. The infernal only realized that he had fallen into Sengal's trap when he felt the wind knocked out of his lungs accompanied by numbing pain on his solar plexus. It was followed by a well-placed kick that knocked the Infernal off his feet.

Quickly rolling out of the way to avoid any more strikes, Voyd gets back on his feet and tries to attack Sengal from a distance. He would first partially unsheathe his blade and perform Shadow's Reach, an attack that launches 13 shadow strikes at the target, followed by Nether Blade, firing several crescent shaped beams towards the Youkai.

"Hah, tooo slow, and same tricks still! Shadows and flanks." Jumping backwards in a flip, the youkai smirks. "Though more direct." Landing on his feet, the Gladiator runs off at speed, using pillars for cover, short of physical gifts and a spirit partner that he rarely made use of, he had no magitek, no powers, only agility and strength like a jungle cat. Yet he had survived for years in the pits and from there to the upheaval of Somnus. "Nya-yan. Aren't you an interesting one?" Pouncing from the shadows by using a pillar to propel himself the Gladiator grins as a number of the crescent beams miss their mark, only plucking some of his hair in one case. In all likelihood he would be adept at the use of stealth and ambush had he chose to.

Closing in, the cat man first goes for a diving elbow, before stretching out his hand to catch Voyd's left shoulder, continuing by flipping his body up and over, his face briefly meets with Voyd's, a smile plastered across his face. "Up and over, one two, I'm on top." Using his momentum and strength, Sengal flips the body guard up and over, his chest and face connecting with the ground, while the Youkai lands on his own feet, back facing the ground in and arch as his left hand supports his weight. "Nya-yan, I'm not done just yet! The Audience always liked a good show!" As he says this, Sengal flips around on his left, lifting his body upwards in a twister like whirlwind, diving knee first into the Harbingers back, aiming for the small of it, no sooner had he connected, did the Youkai begin a vicious knee assault into Voyd's right ribs, a crack eventually would be heard as the Youkai laughs, leaping off on his right foot as the later attempts to defend himself, bouncing up and down on his two legs, the Youkai seemed to have an unusual fighting style, with his knees rising high and his fist making jabs. He was by no means a swordsman, and likely literally beat his opponents to death with his bare hands.


The sudden counter followed by a flurry of powerful melee attacks didn't even allow Voyd to reflect upon how all off his attacks had missed their mark. Throughout the duration of the battle up to that point, he had never expected that someone who owned the renowned bokken, Kohakuren, would be more proficient in hand to hand combat.

The Infernal realized just how costly a mistake that had been when he suddenly found himself lying on the ground, coughing up blood, and with virtually the right side of his ribs broken, as well as the Divine One knows how many more bones in his body. Every labored breath he took was accompanied by a sharp pain in his lungs giving a glimpse just how severe the damage Sengal did to his body.

After being pushed this far by his enemy, Voyd's choices were quickly running out. He could barely pace his breathing, much less be able to defend himself, From the way the youkai has behaved until now, it was clear that Ariel's life would be in danger if he ever fell here and now…

" *cough*I don't have…. Much of a *cough* choice now, huh?"

"Heh, what's that? You saying your last words, brat? Fine, I'll allow it"

"Let Luna's Chaos flow through me
Break the Ephemeral Seal
And unveil the madness within
So that all my enemies will come to know...

M Y M A L E V O L E N C E"

A chilling breeze could be felt by all those present followed by the sudden dimming of lights in the room. If one were to look at Voyd now, they would be forgiven if they said that he was absorbing darkness into him as they witnessed his form change into something that can only be vaguely be called human. Swirling vortices of darkness were churning all around him and seem to form his clothing and even his body now. In place of his hands were now claws that looked so sharp, they resembled hunting knives. A crooked, wicked, and cruel grin was now affixed to his face while his normal red eyes were now burning with such intensity it could be compared to the hottest regions of the netherworld. Still, despite these changes, perhaps the one thing that everyone would notice the most was the massive amount of malice and killing intent emanating from the monster that had once been Voyd.

As it picked itself up from the ground, none dared to move a muscle in fear of attracting the monster towards them. Even Sengal had been frozen in his spot the whole time. A couple of Sengal's lackeys who managed to free themselves from the paralyzing fear that had took hold of them not too long ago decided to flee in terror from the dark humanoid only to be impaled to a wall when it noticed them running and sent spears made out of darkness as it stretched its arm towards them.

Setting its attention back to the youkai, the Harbinger quickly rushes towards its enemy. With sword in hand, it delivers a harrowing downward slash with such speed that the youkai is forced to block the attack with his sword rather than dodge it like he had been doing earlier, and with enough force to break the ground he had been standing on. A plethora of similar attacks followed, seemingly coming from all angles at one time as Sengal, who had been on the offensive from the very start was now being forced to block and parry attacks that he could barely see, even with his heightened senses. Even with one of 5 Great Swords, one that's renowned for its defensive prowess, he still cannot hope to match someone who is well versed with the way of the sword when it comes to sword fighting. It had been possible before to fight the Infernal kid with just his speed and his fists alone earlier, but ever since that kid transformed into the monster he's facing now, Sengal knew very well that the only thing keeping him alive is the sword in his hand, which has been pretty much guiding him where he needs to block.

Despite this, the Harbinger still managed to deliver several none fatal cuts until it managed to sever an artery on the youkai's sword arm, disabling it in the process. The moment he dropped Kohakuren, the Harbinger stopped his onslaught and seemingly disappears only to reappear behind him. Before he could comprehend what happened, an innumerable number of strikes cut through his body. He falls to the floor, motionless, a pool of his own blood now starting to form all around his body. Nonetheless, he was very much still alive, if only barely. With their boss incapacitated for good, his followers all try to flee the temple, only to be dealt with by Kingdom forces who had recently arrived and positioned themselves to eliminate any stragglers.

With no hostile force left, except for the injured youkai, the Infernal approaches slowly, retrieving the sheathe of its sword as it walked towards its prey. The sheathe transforms into a rifle with just the press of a button, and aims it at Sengal but strangely enough, it doesn't fire it right away. Almost as if it was letting him say his final words. He understands this and only managed to smile bitterly for the moment at the sudden reversal of fates.

With a heavy sigh, the youkai opens his mouth but no sooner than a single syllable leaves his mouth, the monster fires his rifle in point blank, leaving a giant gaping hole where Sengal's face used to be. As if pleased with itself, the Harbinger cackles maniacally at what it had done while returning the rifle to its original state.

After the final threat had been eliminated, it began its approach on Ariel. Unlike when it had approached Sengal before, it was doing so calmly and gently, not like someone who was stalking prey. Upon reaching her, it kneels in front of her and stretches its hand towards her in order to check on her... but for anyone's point of view, especially a certain Justicar, they could be forgiven for thinking that it was out to harm the messenger next.

@RedArmyShogun @Izurich

Silva merely nodded to Max. "I'll... be sure to let you know soon..." Silva said, knowing full well that she can't make a decision immediately. "You do realize I'm still working for Lughanta right?" She reminded Maximilian of the fact that she's still part of the Lughanta crew. "Anyway I shouldn't hold you here any longer..." She said as she lead Max to the front door.

"I'll talk to Agatha about this first thing tomorrow..." She said as she watches Max wearing his shoes. "If... you're worried about that... Don't worry, if I'm already working like this again, I should be fine." She continued with mentioning that the past trauma wouldn't affect her much anymore. Even if it still hurts to remember. As Max stood up, she leaned close to hug him. "If... war do come out again... Please take care of yourself... I don't think I could handle losing you like Geoffrey..." Silva said, slightly sobbing as she mentioned her late-husband death.