Set Sail! A Fantasy Pirate Crew Search!

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Actually I'm gonna need some help in getting this started. I'm not sure how I'm gonna manage to get everybody into the main setting which is the future ship.
As for Icy, someone just announces that someone is looking for a crew and she will be attracted to it. Or a brawl in the streets would be a delightful treat
@ArgonianScum Could we also do a tab for all our characters? That way they are all in one place and easily accessible?

As for starting, I guess we should determine how they get their ship. Is it a gift? Is it stolen? Is it already in possession and being advertised that a crew is needed? Etc..
1688622785859.pngNAME: Aconite Bane

AGE: 28

SPECIES: Chimera

> 179cm (Head to foot)
> 196cm (Tip of the ears to foot)



RANKING: Bounty Hunter/ Man-for-Hire

> Agility and Keen Senses - Being a mix of animals he cannot even name, he has quite the stamina as well as the maneuverability to execute his job. Though his senses are sharp, he somehow actively just just uses two at a time [Disregarding this when in combat. He is sharper when he is not thinking].

> Summoning - Learning the art from a young age when he started the craft, he would use the spell to summon creatures to help him with the hunt. Down side of this ability is that he needs to lead the creatures back or kill them after they completed what was needed. Either way, his energy is exhausted after.

He never lets the creatures stray around. He does not want any of them to be in this world for long.

> Hardy body - Much like a cockroach which is difficult to catch and kill, Aconite could survive injuries in which humans can't. This does not mean that he is invulnerable.


Well known as the psychopathic bunny man, Aconite is hired due to his hyper focus on the target. He would stop at nothing to take his price. He would use everything under the sun and every means in the book to take out his target. This could include kidnapping family members, razing the house to the ground, and other questionable acts not spoken in public.

If not on the hunt, Aconite could be seen people watching or engaging in pleasant conversations. He would help anyone needing it in exchange of an apple.

Aconite, though deadly, is quite gullible and has lacked a bit of common sense. Well, to him, who needs that kind of brain power when most of his problems are dealt with with blood?
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Actually I'm gonna need some help in getting this started. I'm not sure how I'm gonna manage to get everybody into the main setting which is the future ship.
Well my chars are in the hall of your ship the others could be travelling with you from one of your resupply runs etc
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@ArgonianScum Actually, if it's alright by you, could we copartner this story? I have some ideas for the world building. I believe we should flesh some things out before getting started, figure out the goal of the crew(for example in One Piece, Luffy's goal was to become King of the Pirates), and come up with other ideas if need be. As of right now, everything is very open and uncertain, which could be a good thing cause it leaves room for creativity but too much so then there's no real clear guidelines.

Of course if you would prefer to host this by yourself and keep it an open group discussion then I respect that as well, up to you on what you want to do.
@ArgonianScum Actually, if it's alright by you, could we copartner this story? I have some ideas for the world building. I believe we should flesh some things out before getting started, figure out the goal of the crew(for example in One Piece, Luffy's goal was to become King of the Pirates), and come up with other ideas if need be. As of right now, everything is very open and uncertain, which could be a good thing cause it leaves room for creativity but too much so then there's no real clear guidelines.

Of course if you would prefer to host this by yourself and keep it an open group discussion then I respect that as well, up to you on what you want to do.
I like the idea of having help with world building and story writing. This story is a simple idea but not having any boundaries or directions is gonna definitely lead to problems.
I think I have a vague idea of how the main plot is going to get started but we can discuss to see if we can come up with a better plan.

@ArgonianScum Could we also do a tab for all our characters? That way they are all in one place and easily accessible?

As for starting, I guess we should determine how they get their ship. Is it a gift? Is it stolen? Is it already in possession and being advertised that a crew is needed? Etc..
Yeah I need to figure out how to make a tab I'll work on that today.
OOC: I can't see the pm i sent you mate also since she's in a pub does my back story still work or should i change it.
Is it to late to hop aboard?
I don't believe so, I don't think there's been a limit and we haven't quite started yet.

So far we have a Bard, a Cook, possibly First Mate, an Alchemist and a Gunner. I believe that's all but I could be missing some.
Is it to late to hop aboard?
I don't believe so, I don't think there's been a limit and we haven't quite started yet.

So far we have a Bard, a Cook, possibly First Mate, an Alchemist and a Gunner. I believe that's all but I could be missing some.
well darn lol, thanks anyway
I believe we do not have a navigator, Helmsman [Or whatever you call that] and fighters. We need lots of fighters >.>
Is it to late to hop aboard?
I don't believe so, I don't think there's been a limit and we haven't quite started yet.

So far we have a Bard, a Cook, possibly First Mate, an Alchemist and a Gunner. I believe that's all but I could be missing some.
well darn lol, thanks anyway
I believe we do not have a navigator, Helmsman [Or whatever you call that] and fighters. We need lots of fighters >.>
My other char is a doc
Hey everyone! Me and @ArgonianScum have been working together for the world building and have things pretty much set to start us off. Please keep in mind that it is a WIP. Things will be added to it but this is just to help start us off. I will be making a thread to post everything in later today and will post a link here soon.
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Here is the link to the World Building thread. It will be added with the others so that it is more easily accessible. Thank you for your patience!

Also, as of right now, me and @ArgonianScum have decided that the story will begin with all the characters meeting up in a pub to answer a flier that had been asking for a crew. It will be here that they are given their first assignment: To steal a ship.

@Rads I understand that your characters will be stowaways and this can still work if you wish to continue that route, it would just be a bit longer till they are revealed when the ship is taken. Of course, it is completely up to you, if you don't wish to wait for the crew to steal a ship then you are more than welcomed to have your characters appear in the Pub with the others.

I believe I'll be adding to the World Building thread a section about, "The Story So Far..." So that everyone is caught up to speed and we understand what is going on.

So once again, the story begins in a Pub with the captain waiting for possible members to answer her flier in search of a crew. This is the opening scene. I believe @ArgonianScum has redone their story bit so everyone can go take a look at it. From my understanding, I believe everyone whose character sheets were accepted can go ahead and reply to the Story thread now.

For those who have yet to get an answer if their characters are accepted or not, please refrain from any In Character replies as of now until @ArgonianScum gives the go ahead.
Just read through the lore. Oh my god! I could take that to my advantage. I am very excited on this!
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