Sekirei - Beauty of Truth - OOC

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Awesome, I hope I didn't overdo it a bit. But I found myself interested in this type of character, it usually is a fair abit away from my militaristic characters. :-D
Would I be able to post now or should I wait for the others?
for eigen plot related reasons, it may be beneficial for nova to be more of the fighter human, brandon the normal action survivor human/resourceful one, and kagemura the smart guy tactician human. that way all the humans have a role?
That would be fine with me, it would also fit Haruto pretty well. If nobody would like to take such a role, my character would be ok with it.
I'm not really sure what you could do right now outside from running into Izumi and Brandon which will result in little happening, or running into Sayo/Kage/Rei/Sora grouped up in that fight they're having. In that case you can try to wing either Sora or Rei but it's really up to their respected players. Rare's been really inactive and Sora is a guy so have it as you will. You could also just do your own thing but I really don't have anything else planned at the moment.
i am with him winging sora...provided you are ok with their destined ones being more bromantic than romantic
I'm sure I've stated that im ok with that in previous occasions.
should I just chalk it up that no one cares about Azami living or not? Also to Nova there are three other sekirei on the ground fighting as well. The two you mentioned are on top of a building. I believe.
Yes, I didnt mention those because he wasnt able to see them and the ones that were fighting up top were more easily spotable.
i am waiting on Rare, but if she's still inactive, then i'll proceed - just let me know
I'll give her one more day. If she doesn't post you can puppet Sayo as you will.
i don't think Rare is in this roleplay anymore at the very least she isn't showing much interest in it. Raz if you'd prefer to dump Rare's character you can do so and just play Sora with Nova as ashikabi or you can puppet Rare's character until or if she posts again.
I am still here. While I would like to avoid partnering my character with a male sekirei (No offense Raz, just a preference) I see that not much activity has been had in the RP. Can we perhaps nudge all the people here with a list of their names? Perhaps that would give the call out. Also we could search for players abit more and if we would have to restart the RP so everyone would fully enjoy it from the start? Perhaps many people avoided it thinking it was very deep into the plot. Just my 2 cents.
Dude without Rare it's just us three and I'll bump up the interest check again but I doubt we'll get more people.
Coming in from the interest check... time to get my char up :)

Name: Habane Suichiro
Nickname: Suichi
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Special Skills: Street Fighting, Gambling, Bluffing, Reading People, Improvisation.
Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Suichi is a confident guy, especially when he's playing someone. Of course he'd rather talk down a person rather than fight them, but if it comes down to blows he won't complain. He loves gambling for the thrill of it. Money is never a concern; in fact hardly anything concerns him. Well, until his sister is brought up, that's when his mood takes a shift to the worse. Family is king in his mind. He'll do anything for his sister. He is not a man to turn down a fun challenge. He has a hard time seeing social barriers as he feels he can just talk to anyone he wants at any time he chooses. He tries his best to be polite, but his upfront and –often overly– friendly mannerisms sometimes can get in the way of that. Cheating is totally fine in his books, because he'll use every tool he's given to get the advantage.

History: Born and raised in Tokyo, Suichi grew up as the black sheep in his family. He always got into trouble and picked fights with other kids his age. The only person he got along with was his little sister Midori who was three years younger than him. His parents did what they could to get him on the right track, but gave up after many failed attempts; the only family member that could keep him in line was Midori. When he was old enough, he was kicked out of the house and he found a place with some punks he hung out with.
He got a tattoo of a flaming skull on his chest on a dare without any regrets. He felt it was something cool. One of his buddies ended up getting him to try smoking as well; he hasn't quit since. He became fascinated with gambling and swiftly became quite good at it. He knew for a fact he wasn't the best, but he was confident he could give "the best" a run for their money. School and education were never a thought in his head as the only thing he ever felt he needed was gambling and his sister.
By the time he turned twenty, he made a fair living gambling and moved out to live completely on his own. His roommates were cramping his style anyways. That summer his parents and sister went on a vacation. On their way to the airport the brakes of their car cut out and they went off the road they were driving on. All of them made it to the hospital, but only Midori survived. Suichi took her in to take care of her for her last year of high school and gave her the option to stay there for college. She ended up moving out, but staying nearby just in case she needed Suichi or vice versa. From then on everything he did was to take care of her.

Other: He has a silver pocket watch with a picture of his family in it.

When in Combat she wears a mask that looks like this:

Name: Kitsune
Nickname: The Tricky Sekirei
Sekirei Number: 77
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Sexuality: Straight

Sekirei Norito: By the joy of my Pledge, My Ashikabi's worries shall be whisked away.

Sekirei Type: Illusion Type Sekirei – Kitsune is a type of Sekirei that operates on deceiving her opponents to either wear them out or trick them into bad situations where her teammates can take advantage of it. These illusions cannot cause real physical harm.

Personality: Kitsune is a very playful young woman. She loves joking around and playing tricks on other people just to see their reactions. She wears her emotions on her sleeves. She doesn't like to fight, but when the time comes around she loves frustrating her opponents by playing with them. She cares not for rules. She likes those that show kindness and tolerance. Very few things can actually hold her attention for long as she has a very curious nature and likes to wander. She loves sweets. She hates tyrannical people. As free willed as she is, she is very loyal to those she views as her friends.

History: Kitsune could only remember boredom as she was raised. She found there were dreadfully few things she could actually do there and found that to be stifling. The person responsible for raising her and number 99, Irina, was a complete tyrant and gave only the minimum hours of free time that they were allowed. This caused Kitsune quite a bit of distress as she rather enjoyed her free time as it let her do what little things she could to entertain herself. She grew a strong friendship with Irina and they promised that whoever one chose would be shared between the two of them.
As soon as she was let free she went wild trying whatever she could. She even caused some trouble with the police, but ended up easily evading them. She was let free in a different location than Irina, but that didn't stop her from trying to find her. With no knowledge of where she was, Kitsune's search would be a difficult one. She refused to stay near the HMTAI area and stayed on the move. The food she got was either stolen or given to her. She never went to sleep in the same place twice.
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I've got no problems with the characters unless I'm missing something guys do you have anything you want to say?
Nova - if you wanted to meet up with my chars, pursue down the alley
If no one has a problem with it, I'll get a post up tomorrow. I'm distracted by other things at the moment which is making it hard to focus.
Not sure exactly what you're going to do but go ahead and do what you will Yah. Keep in mind we're kind stuck in a strange loop here. Kagemura is missing his sekirei and Nova can't be in this rp without a sekirei so unless Sora gets winged by his guy Nova is going to need to make his own sekirei.
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