Seiko Academy of the Arts

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!


Hell's Harem King
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
Online Availability
Week days I work from 6pm - 11pm and weekends are unpredictable.
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Transgender
  4. Primarily Prefer Male
I'll play them all if I like the plot but I go for mainly fantasy and magical. I like anything that wouldn't happen to you in everyday life. I mean if you can live it why role play it.
Seiko Academy is one of the most prestigious school of the arts in the world known for their spilled departments: General Studies, Music, Drama and Art. People from all over the world strive to attend hoping to make themselves known in the world. Though out the year may contests are held not only in school but with other leading schools in the arts.

In Character Thread


redefining the department

  • The General Studies are basically those who take normal classes and not specialty art classes like the others. However, they can choose to arts special class as an elective. These are students who are often studying in fields that have nothing to do with the arts like science or medicine. Which the school offers they are just not as big as the arts which are what the school is known for. That doesn't mean they are not known for others just not as big like top 5 schools in the world.

  • The music department is for those wishing to study in performing music. The music department is split into two groups one for those who sing and those who play an instrument. This class is for only those who wish to perform in music for those who wish to study it in other terms are put into the third sub-department.

  • The Drama Department is also split into two those who perform and those who work behind the scenes. Both of which are very important in producing a performance. Like the music, they have a third study area for those who want to say learn the history or teach it for example.

  • Just like the others Art is departed into two and only two those who do the art and those who study it. Those who do the art often paint, draw or sculpt whether it's digital or not. The Art Department covers anything that is not a performing art.

General Info

The school is designed as four buildings surrounding a central complex and is very nature-friendly. Part of the complex extends onto a lake, and it's not unusual to find vines and flowers climbing in the gardens. Each outer building is the dorms to one of the four Departments. The central complex is the class rooms, staff rooms, the library, and privet practice rooms for the performing art students.
Dormitory Info


This is layout of dorm rooms. Also the besrooms are the dame size even though it doesnt showe that in photo. Remember this is a general idea of what they look like.
I figured I'd make the furnishing in front room/bedroom looked like:
Minus the decorative plants, photos, bedroom rugs, and curtains. Those are things students add.
Bathrooms look like this.
Under the sink outside the bathroom is a small washer and dryer.
Uniform Info

General Deperment
Music Deperment
Drama Department
Art Department

The photo above are the basic ways you can wear the uniforms.

Guys wear pants or shorts and girls wear skirts of any lengths as long as it covers what needs to be covered. Pants and skirts can be black, shades of gray or place in your Department color.

Guys can have their shirts unbuttoned on normal days as long as they wear an under shirt of the department color or basic colors of white, gray or black. Button down shirts can be white or shades of gray. Shirts must be button down and can be long sleeve or short sleeve or even those short poof sleeves for girls.

Jackets(winter)/cardigans(fall)/vest(spring) are either black or your Department color. Black will have your Department color outlining the school logo on the left Brest.

Girls must wear heels, nice clean boots in winter, Mary Jane's or any other dress shoe. Guys will wear dress shoes or nice clean boots(winter). All shoes must be black or dark brown.

Girls and guys wear either tie or ribbon. Ties/ribbons can be any shape size or style as long as they are Department color.

For all formal events, students must wear their jackets/Vest/Cardigan, ribbon/tie, and their shirts must be tucked in and buttoned up.
RP Rules
  1. All Iwaku rules must be observed (obviously)​
  2. NO smut. This is a cross age group RP. If you want to get Smutty do it in your Pm's but keep it within site rules. You know the rules.​
  3. This is not a sandbox RP. Interaction with other characters and general compliance with the overall plot is a must. Everyone must interact with everyone.​
  4. All posts must be 4-5 sentences in length, Minimum.​
  5. Do NOT use colored text in your posts unless it's your name at the top of your post in Department color. The colors can be hard to read for some people. (images and banners are allowed)​
  6. Do not leave other players behind. (collab posts are not only okay but encouraged)​
  7. Please post at least one post per day. (contact me if you can't post)​
  8. Respect fellow players​
RP Characters Sheet

Feel free to add onto the sheet. But you must have these things. Also, there will be no more 2nd years allowed until the rest fill up evenly this also goes for art and music deparments.

Role: (staff or student)
Age/D.O.B: (please at the date of birth and youngest teacher age is 26.)
Year: (for staff this be the year they started working here)
Photo: (anime or anime like art simple photos please)


1st Years

@Brother Gabriel
2nd Years


3rd Years

4th Years



  • Mosley Old Hall.jpg
    Mosley Old Hall.jpg
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Now that I have the coding done I can start the rp on my phone.
And the first post is up everyone whoop!
I tagged everyone in it o.o
It's also on the very first post called In Charater Thread. Under deception
Since you tagged us within a spoiler, it didn't send out an alert.
Bruh, I think you mixed up something

Capture.PNG Capture.PNG

Our ID's are totally identical, is it just coincidence or something?
*Stumbles in*

Uuwaaaahhh!!! Is this place still open for last minute sign-ups? I still retain my memories from high school.

Hhhmmm... Bootstrap resume time!
-I was also an arts student (specializing in piano)
-I'd served on student council from a grade rep all the way to council president in twelfth grade.
-Well versed in student affairs as I was the council's PR manager for two years straight!
Are you still accepting characters? If, I'd like to join.
Unfortunately, I have a really busy schedule so I might not be all that active. The least I can do is once a week. The most.... Probably three days a week?
But not now. I'm on holiday so I'm not busy at the moment.
Are you still accepting characters? If, I'd like to join.
Unfortunately, I have a really busy schedule so I might not be all that active. The least I can do is once a week. The most.... Probably three days a week?
But not now. I'm on holiday so I'm not busy at the moment.
That's fine. I ask once a day but once a week is fine. I'd perhaps make your charater sickly of sorts. This way it's sort of a reason why she wouldn't be their when we are going and you haven't replied.
*Stumbles in*

Uuwaaaahhh!!! Is this place still open for last minute sign-ups? I still retain my memories from high school.

Hhhmmm... Bootstrap resume time!
-I was also an arts student (specializing in piano)
-I'd served on student council from a grade rep all the way to council president in twelfth grade.
-Well versed in student affairs as I was the council's PR manager for two years straight!

As long as tag says open sign ups we are.
Okay, great! ^^ I'll prolly have my chara sheet done by tomorrow.
Perhaps, I could make it that she's constantly busy and when she does have free time, she's usually really tired? But if that doesn't work then I'll go with her being sickly.
Okay, great! ^^ I'll prolly have my chara sheet done by tomorrow.
Perhaps, I could make it that she's constantly busy and when she does have free time, she's usually really tired? But if that doesn't work then I'll go with her being sickly.
which ever works for you
Didn't get a notif that the IC was up. Currently don't have a way to bring Rinea in at the moment.
Role: Student
Name: Octavia Siegrfried Mauhler
Nickname: Ms. Osm (awesome b/c her initials)
Age/D.O.B: 19, December 29th
Gender: Female
Height: 167cm
Weight: 65 Kilograms
Year: Seniour
Department: General
Student Council Position (If there is one): Council Vice-President

Bio: Born and raised in the fairy-tale like alp town of Berchtesgaden Germany, Octavia was that daughter of a German banker and his British wife. Her family was modestly wealthy considering they owned not one but two luxurious mountainside homes that were built in the forests near Watzmann mountain that overlooked the small town. The location was perfect for her upbringing, the air was crisp and fresh, the forests surrounding her home was always an exciting maze to explore, and most importantly, it was secluded away from all major European cities. Indeed, the town was a major tourist attraction but it was one of those towns where tourists and locals would learn to coexist with one another to the point both parties don't even realize their differences.

For most of her early years, Octavia was looked after by her mother because her dad was constantly away on business trips and other job related tasks. It was inevitable because he held such a prominent position in the bank and his coworkers and bosses needed him to go all over the globe. At home her mother taught her the piano from the tender age of 4, just a little something that she did to pass time. To her surprise, Octavia picked up the instrument rather quickly. Learning the basics was like learning to eat for her, memorizing key signatures and incorporating them into her playing was like trying to learn her first few words (took some time but didn't take too long), and by the age of ten she could play through an entire selection from the Hungraian Rhapsodies without the sheet music.

She was truly a prodigy at least according to the folks whom knew her well. Not only did she have the born talent for playing the piano, but she was also a master of academics and was top of her class for consecutive years! At the end of seventh grade, her parents approached her to inquire as to what she was planning for her future career. To their surprise, she didn't want to become some world renowned pianist or teacher, she just wanted to become a neurologist claiming that she wanted to study how music impacted the mind and also how it could heal people's inner turmoils. She said she'll continue her practice with the piano and she did fancy the idea of going international with her born talent. The reason being that she would not be with family for most of the time because of her job (Cough cough, daddy, looking at you!!!) and she didn't like that way of living.

When time came to apply for high schools, Octavia received offers to attend various state run Magnet Schools as well as an invitation to join to IB program. With these offers, Octavia held back on answering them for a while so that she could write up and send her application to Seiko academy. She applied only for General Studies even though it was likely she could've easily gotten into the Music program but she chose not to, she was going to hang onto her dream of becoming a neurologist.

Her outstanding academic record coupled with her incredibly charming essays plus a nice little story of how she was a longtime volunteer at a Salt Mine (Har Har) made her a prime candidate for attendance. She got her offer, but it wasn't a normal offer. The offer included a full ride for all four years with the condition that she'll continue her outstanding performance. By then it was a no brainer for Octavia, she packed her bags, said good bye to her alpine town and hopped aboard a plane with her father to Japan.

At the same time, her grades did not falter even though she had the extra responsibilities added to her plate. Octavia proved herself to be proficient in understanding all three main branches of science offered in school and said that it was nothing more but like child's play for her. In addition to this, she has found the time to get involved in the Music department through the core classes that it offered and also a few after school rehearsals where she would sit in for pianists if they couldn't make the practice.

All in all, she looks forward to her forth and final year at Seiko academy.

Note: I've taken the endeavor to create a rather... unique student. Something tells me that I may have made her a bit brighter compared to the other students but I feel this is necessary. Typically if you get to the seat of student council president at your school, you're one of the top achievers and brightest students at your school... so I'm just trying to mirror that. Anyways, Tally Ho!

[Her first year at Seiko was rather adventurous. Beginning with her career with the student council, she applied and received the majority vote to become the ninth grade representative on the student council (probably due to her cuteness). Later in tenth and eleventh grade she was selected to be the PR manager for the council team . Now in her forth and final year, Octavia got the vote for Council Vice-President. Her secret to success included a combination of the following:

1. Her experience with student council
2. Her initials (Osm, pronounced 'awesom', employed as an effective campaign slogan)
3. Her cuteness (Uber important)
4. Her contacts within the student body (very important to help sway the votes into your favor)]
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