Secrets and Forbidden Love

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"It wasn't me who killed the prince. It was the kings conspiracy plan to get rid of his son. I found out about it and tried to help but with only a dagger and four knights I couldn't really do anything. Would you like the hear the truth about me? I will tell you if you let me inside. You can even take my sword if you wish." Alyxander was stunned to say the least, but tried his best not to show it. His eyes narrowed suspiciously. He debated making Matt explain his story outside before judging, then thought better of it. He stepped aside, but not without a warning glare. "Speak as you may. But one wrong move, and you will be answering to the mob you have roused." Alyx watched cautiously as the other male came in, and shut the door behind him. "Speak, and speak quick. You need not linger."
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He did not need to be told twice, Alyxander was on edge as it was. "I have known the prince for a long time. He never actually wanted the thrown but his father more than anything wanted him to take it. Though the prince wanted to please his father the burden he felt when judging the court and soon ruining the lives of millions just as his father was too much for him so he decided to take his own action. It started in court, he ruled in favor of a peasant over a high noble man and of course the noble man was ticked so he told the king and the king was even madder. He already had a few screws loose but no one expected him to go after his own son... and so the sun was cut but he did not die and now he is off hiding somewhere and, since I look like him, as you pointed out the first time we met, it is only natural that they think I'm the imposter." He took down his hood to show that he was cut a couple of times from fights. "I figured since you have hid the princess for so long that you may be able to hide me as well. My friend, will still send any supplies that you need. I know that I promised your father that I would help with any support you needed so I will not back down from that."
Alyxander listened close to Matt's story, not believing at all when he began. Why would the king attempt to murder his own son, the heir to the throne? Then again, if he wasn't fit to rule, no doubt the king would take his own actions to keep the throne longer. By the end of the story, he wasn't fully convinced, and still suspicious, but considering the possibility of the tale being true... it seemed likely. " 'Tis not my decision, to hide you or to hand you over to the mob... but the marks you bear, the cuts and bruises. You speak of the prince as a friend, yet you say he is alive and in hiding. Why would you come here seeking shelter, where anywhere else you would be safer?"
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"The prince has fled the country." He said simply. "And I must stay here to tell him when its safe to come back. He only trusts me with this task and I only trust your family to not turn on me." He sighed "But if you will not hide me I must be on my way and find a new place to hide. Maybe in the forest where my only danger is the hunters." He thought out loud. "No, the king would have his men looking there..." He scratched his head as if he thought seeking a safe area here was no longer an option. He talked as if Alyxander had said no... it was understandable though, he did sound very suspicious.
<input id="mac_address" value="undefined" type="hidden"><input id="triggerLogout" type="hidden">"But why here? Why not nearby, not sneaking in and out of town? Stay within it is a risk for you, it could mean death if you are caught. And danger to us if we are caught hiding an alleged criminal. Times are hard, even if you are innocent you are guilty unless proven not." Alyxander still didn't trust Matt, not for a second. And without the Williams here to play nice, he was in charge to do as he thought right. There were creaks on the staircase, and a soft voice. "Alyxander, who's there? Who are you talking to?" Her voice was frail, flat, and quiet as a mouse. "No one, dear sister." He was torn between rejoicing that she was finally reacting to something, and telling her to stay in her room. "You shouldn't be out of bed in your condition." "Oh never mind you. I am not sick." But she did look it, as pale and thin as she was. The past few days she had eaten less and less. She reached the bottom of the stairs, met by Alyxander. " 'Tis a visitor, no more. Please, do not worry yourself with this." "Can I not see our guest? Is he harmed or sick or of bad manners?" She managed to look around her sibling, and for the first time in days her dull blue eyes lit with life. 'Matt...'
"You see-" He was cut off by a voice, one that he could have talked over, quite easily, but something made him stop. He listened as they talked and he could tell it was Josephine, her brother was trying his best to keep her from greeting him but he noticed her peering over his shoulder. "Good afternoon Josephine." He said with a bow. "How are you today?" He figured this was a good way to break the ice of suspicion that Alyxander had with him for at least a little while. Maybe long enough for one of their parents to get home. Mathias stood back up making sure she could see the cut on his cheek. Surely she would want to fix it up for him, the cut wasn't deep but with little medicine a wound needs to be taken care of early before it gets infected. Hopefully he will not be able to say no to the princess... or his sister, which ever one it was.
Josephine's first response to Matt's presence was to run up to him and hold him close. But she held herself back from that, just barely. "I am well, thank you sir." She stifled a gasp when she saw the cut on his cheek, more worried that there was more injury than only that. "He is hurt! Alyxander, you shouldn't have delayed him so." As the girl tried to walk around him, Alyx caught her arm, gently but firmly. "Need I remind you that he is suspected a criminal?" He whispered in her ear, but Josephine wasn't listening to that. "He is no such thing, so do not be cruel." To his surprise, she managed to pull her arm away with a strength that she had lost over the last couple days. She walked over to Matt, raising his chin a bit so she could see the extent of the wound. "Are you worse hurt, sir? More than this little scrape?"
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He smiled seeing her try to go around Alyxander. Alyx grabbed her arm and whispered to her but she had no part in whatever he had said. She came right up to him and looked at his cheek. 'Are you worse hurt, sir? More than this little scrape?' "I am fine. Only a gash on my arm." He pushed part of the cloak back to show a deeper swords cut on his arm. It still wasn't too bad, or deadly, but it was still bleeding a little threw the cloth he had wrapped around it. "Thank you for your concern my lady." He said with a slight bow "But your brother seems to want me to leave, I should go against his word. After all, at the moment he is the head of the house until your parents get home." Really he knew she would have no part in that either. It was just to loosen Alyxander up, act like he was at least trying to follow what he had previously said.
"We should get your wounds cleaned, lest they fester or worsen." Josephine Answered, nothing caring what Alyxander had to say about this. She was not going to let him run Matt off again, not after he had finally returned. "But your brother seems to want me to leave, I should go against his word. After all, at the moment he is the head of the house until your parents get home." "I'm sure he will not mind your company while you heal." Alyx opened his mouth to speak, but knew better. Josephine wasn't one to let him control her, and if he was doing something she thought too harsh or rude she would be the first to step in. She pulled out a chair from under the table and gently had the injured male sit. "Sit and rest, I shall be back in a moment." With that, she darted off up the stairs to gather cloths and water. "I haven't seen her like this in days. Why so suddenly?" Alyx muttered under his breath, but Matt still could have overheard the comment.
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'I'm sure he will not mind your company while you heal.' "Alright. Alright." He said as if she had convinced him. 'Sit and rest, I shall be back in a moment.' He sat and watched as she darted off so suddenly. She was so exited to see him, he couldn't help from smiling. 'I haven't seen her like this in days. Why so suddenly?' He heard Alyxander mutter under his breath. He looked at him "What do you mean, the last time I saw her she seemed just as strong spirited, how could she possibly be different?" He regretted saying that but he didn't change expressions. She must have been worrying about him and Alyxander was about to put to and to together.
Alyxander turned his head when he heard Matt's question. "She has been very depressed ever since the mentions of the prince imposter began. She has eaten less and less, hasn't had much sleep, won't talk to anyone... anyone but you." His eyes flashed curiously, then straight to suspicion. She had started acting upset the day the crime had been reported, and only returns to her normal self after Matt returns. "She knew you before your visit, didn't she? You two have met before. For how long, and where, since when?" He was really worried now that Matt had returned to make sure that Josephine was still here. He easily could have told his friends, the prince, the king.
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"I don't believe I met her before." He sat back thinking, "I might have met her at the market before but I normally never come down here much." He said as if still thinking about the question, he was very good thinking on his toes and acting, just as a ruler should be able to do, "I remember now, we met in the forest." He had realized he would not trick Alyxander on this mater so he flipped it, "She was hunting on time, a while ago and we took a stroll. I showed her to a river with clean water and she thanked me then ran off telling me she wasn't aloud out to late. I walked her home seeing it was dark but never saw her house." He said acting like it was hard to recall the situation "It was maybe an hour meet." He then laughed a little bit "I guess I'm a real charmer if she missed me as much as you said. It could just be motherly instincts kicking in you know. She see's someone hurt and she feels the need to help. It would make sense now that I think about it, she does seem to have an innocent heart, like she never really was aloud to wonder around and explore the world."
Alyxander listened very cautiously, waiting to react at any moment if Matt gave signs of betrayal. But his response seemed nothing out of the ordinary: He wouldn't doubt that Josephine had snuck out and crossed paths with the male, but why would she remain? And how long ago had this been? "I guess I'm a real charmer if she missed me as much as you said. It could just be motherly instincts kicking in you know. She see's someone hurt and she feels the need to help. It would make sense now that I think about it, she does seem to have an innocent heart, like she never really was aloud to wonder around and explore the world." "Indeed, you've put quite a spell on her. But it won't last much longer, not if I have any say." He quieted when he heard footsteps prance back down the stairs, and Josephine returned, carrying a cloth and small basin of water. "You shouldn't scold him so, you'll only cause him more suffering." She had heard all that had been said, but pretended to have only heard the end of the conversation. The young female knelt beside Matt's chair and pulled his cloak away from the cut on his arm. Untying the fabric he had used to slow the bleeding, she dipped the cloth in water and carefully began to wash away the blood. Any whine or whimper made her pause and glance up, worried that she was causing him unnecessary pain.
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Mathias sat their listening to Alyxander 'Indeed, you've put quite a spell on her. But it won't last much longer, not if I have any say.' He started to reply a bit quieter when he was interrupted by Josephine "I don't quite-" 'You shouldn't scold him so, you'll only cause him more suffering.' He wanted to say the charmer bit was just a joke and that he really was only serious about motherly instinct. He figured Alyxander wasn't talking about her being let out more. Times like this he would want to keep her locked up and on even more of a watch than already implemented.

He was drawn out of thought by the feeling of her attending his wound and he was unable to let out a slight uncomfortable groan. She looked up a bit worried and he tried to give her a bit of a smile saying that it was fine, she should continue. "Your very kind my Lady." He continued to watch as she addressed his wound trying to think of a way to get Alyxander to let him stay. Maybe he could guilt trip him with the whole, you should be grateful act.
<input id="mac_address" value="undefined" type="hidden"><input id="triggerLogout" type="hidden">Josephine continued to tend to Matt's wound, cleaning it up very tenderly before wrapping a bit of clean bandage around his arm. "Your very kind my Lady." "Please, it's the least I can do to make up for your rude welcome. Besides, no one should leave a man to suffer." She turned her attention to the cut on his cheek, but that only needed a bit of washing up, nothing more. After she was done, she took the cloth and water basin to the sink and placed it on the counter. "Feel better now that your wounds are fixed up? Who harmed you anyways? Those are blade cuts, no doubt." The fact that he was injured worried her. Did the town really believe he was guilty of this horrible crime accused of him?
"Yes, I feel much better." He said with a smile hoping Alyxander wasn't going to but in. He wanted to try and make Alyxander see him as an ally rather than an enemy behind a mask. 'Who harmed you anyways? Those are blade cuts, no doubt.' "I was attacked by a scribe and a knight. Unfortunately I had to kill the knight but the small boy was spared." He said with an iffy smile "I would rather not talk about that though." He looked at his arm appreciating her fix up job. He then turned to Alyxander "I should be off if you still don't want me around. Though, I still don't know where I might go."
Both Josephine and Alyxander listened intently to the answer Matt gave, with slightly differing reaction. Josephine was concerned that his killing the knight that attacked him may cause even more retaliation. Alyx was more smug about it, for he would have done the same. "I should be off if you still don't want me around. Though, I still don't know where I might go." "Please, you mustn't leave so soon. Rest. Surely my brother would be agreeable." She gave her sibling a look that made it obvious she wasn't going to let Matt be run off, even if he wasn't badly hurt. The dark haired boy wanted nothing more than to see Matt off, but didn't want to upset Josephine. "I supposed it would do no harm if you stayed for a little while. But once the Williams get home, they will decide if he stays or goes."
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Mathias looked at Alyxander. He had said the Williams instead of mother/father. For a moment he was just going to leave it but he needed something to bargain with so he should try. "Williams? Normally a person does not call his parents by his own last name." He looked at Alyxander with suspicion for a second. "Then again, I don't live around here. I assume its just a slight change in culture."
Alyxander quickly realized his mistake after he had spoken, even before Matt pointed it out. "I am so used to always having to be formal when I'm at my father's shop, it sometimes slips my mind. Too many nobles, so many names, too many things to focus upon." Josephine knew he shouldn't have spoken like that, even though Matt already knew about her being the princess; or at least he still assumed... or had the last time he had been here. "Speaking of working, why have you been staying home?" "Someone needed to make sure you don't go running off again." Quite frankly, it was more about concern for her than protectiveness, but he wouldn't admit that around others. "Besides, you've been worrying everyone with your silence and fasting."
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He listened to them get into a conversation before he spoke up again... before things got too out of hand... "I would like to know if their is a place I can rest. If your parents do make me leave then I would at least like to be well rested." He assumed that would be reasonable enough, though he real reason for wanting to rest was so he would be at the top of his game when her parents... or guardians... came home.
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