Searching for Light

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Lucinda continued to sob for some time after the bear was placed in her arms though she curled up around it. She was simply upset, that was all there was to it. She didn't calm until only a few hours before she woke up. When she awoke she rubbed her eyes and hugged the bear close, not realizing that this was bear was returned to her. She slowly sat up and looked around, her hair an absolute mess. She rolled out of her bed, grabbed her staff, and got changed.
Rea was still asleep, drooling on her pillow. She still needed to recover from using so much energy so she slept. The keyblade wielder shivered a bit as she didn't pull the blanket over her. She hoped that Lucinda wasn't too upset with her.
Lucinda got dressed and stared at herself in the mirror. Her eyes were still puffy from her sleep which made her sigh yet again. She splashed some cold water on her face and headed to her little kitchen to make something for herself. She wasn't mad at Rea, not even upset with her. She was still angry about that guy trying to lie to her. It almost made her mad enough to break something but she kept her feelings in check, if she got too upset her magic could wreak havoc, this she knew from experience. She soon had some french toast made for herself and she curled up on the couch to eat it.
A still tired Rea walked out of the bedroom, still in pajamas and half asleep. "Mornin..." She yawned as she sat down next to Lucinda. She sprawled out as much as she could, yawning as she tried to get the tiredness out of her system. She looked over at Lucinda, raising an eyebrow. "How are you feeling? You doing alright?" She asked, remembering how the girl was sobbing.
"Just a bad dream," Lucinda replied when she was questioned, "There's probably some more in the freezer if you want some..." She spoke quietly and a bit coldly. As they sat there she ate silently, her staff close at her side. She didn't feel safe right now and certainly wasn't going to let her guard down. She was half afraid Baron Blade or some other villain would pop in and try to attack. She seemed to stab at her food a bit angry as she ate, she hated feeling scared and hated people not taking her seriously, which she was pretty sure that guy was doing. Just because she looked like a kid didn't mean everyone should try to talk to her like one.
Rea frowned before pulling Lucinda close. "Hey, what's got you so down? Is it Aaron? Yeah, he's a bastard who hacks a bit too much, but he wasn't trying to scare you. He just doesn't know how to deal with a genius like you." She looked over at the tower. "Besides, I checked the security system last night. It works just fine." The red head played with a lock of Lucinda's hair, hoping to calm her down.
At first, Lucinda was startled when she was pulled close to the red head. She then looked at her. "He's a liar. I don't like liars," She said coldly, "And someone like him.....he shouldn't be trying to break INTO places. He should be trying to better things if he's such a good hacker. And he treated me like a little kid." She leaned her head against Rea and set the plate aside, the food only half eaten at this point. She was starting to calm down, the feeling was just familiar to her. She'd lost a good chunk of her memories so she never talked about the past. The only thing she could remember was having an older sister. But for all she knew she could've been killed by some lunatic. Slowly, Lulu shut her eyes and seemed to calm down more.
Rea chuckled at her complaining that he was treating her like a kid. "You wanna know something, Lucinda? He's just a kid himself. He's only 22. He tries to act older than he actually is." She rubbed the girl's head, smiling. "Plus, he's a dick. A handsome dick, but a dick nonetheless!" She yawned as cuddled with Lucinda. "And I'm sorry to break this to you, but a lot of people lie. It's pretty much impossible not to lie once in a while. However, the worst lies to watch out for are when someone tells you they're your friend before turning around and stabbing you in the back." Rea closed her eyes, tired.
"I know people lie," Lucinda said softly as she snuggled against her, "But that doesn't mean I have to like them. He was saying you weren't gonna wake up for a whole month...." She yawned as they sat there. "But even if people lie.....I can trust you right?" she asked in a soft voice. She was starting to fall asleep again, the sleep from that night wasn't exactly the best and she wanted to sleep a little more. She kept her head resting on Rea as she sat there. She trusted Rea, she wasn't sure why but she did.
Rea smiled as the younger cuddled up to her. "Of course, Lucy. You can always trust me." She murmured, giving a yawn as she felt herself start to fall asleep. "I'd never hurt you intentionally... but sometimes I make stupid mistakes... don't hold it against me too much..." She thought of Logan and sighed pulling Lucinda a bit closer.
"Lulu," Lucinda mumbled as she was nearly asleep. She soon fell asleep, completely relaxed. She was soon asleep and felt relaxed. Jim came in to check on them, only to find the two girls cuddled together. He smiled and turned around, he wasn't about to disturb them. As he headed out he couldn't help but smile. Lulu was finally starting to grow up, finding a friend she could trust, finding something to fight for. It was wonderful to see her finally having people to talk to.
"Right, Lulu." Rea sighed, her silly nickname for her younger sister slipping out. She slept for a good hour before waking back up, looking around before carefully sneaking out from Lucinda's grip. She went to grab her supplies, knowing they had to leave soon. However, she would hate to wake Lucinda up. So the girl left quietly, hoping that Lulu wouldn't notice.
Lulu slept for a little longer than Rea. By the time she'd opened her eyes Rea wasn't there. She looked around with a frown and cleaned up her plate. "Rea?" she asked loudly as she looked around, "Y-you still here??" She frowned and grabbed her staff, afraid that strange boy had taken her again. She started to rush about, getting things ready in a small bag of holding. She packed away a few other staves as well, her backups. Most of the time she stuck with her main staff, specializing in elemental magic, however different staves allowed her to cast different spells.
"Lucinda? I'm right here." Rea said, walking up to the girl with her bag slung over her shoulder. "Sorry bout that, didn't want to wake you up." She gave a sheepish grin before looking over the girl. She seemed prepared in a sense at least, but Rea couldn't see many bags on her. "You getting ready to go? We don't have to leave right away if you don't want. I don't want to rush you."
Lulu smiled. "I'm glad you weren't carted off by that weirdo!" She replied with a grin, "And trust me, I've got everything I need. Just need to tell everyone I'm leaving....they may try to hand me a few things knowing them." She laughed a little as she stretched, "Thanks for not waking me though. It was nice to get a little peaceful sleep." She couldn't help but smile now, things were going to be fine she always stayed on the bright side of things. She started to head out to tell everyone she was going when a large man suddenly rushed her from the side and picked her up in a bear hug. "Little Lulu! You think you can go anywhere without tellin' me first?!" He boomed in his loud voice. He had a large grin on his tanned face as he held Lulu, making her look even smaller by comparison.
"I was gonna tell you!" she whined as he held her tightly, "Unkle Haka! You're crushing me!!!"
The man known now as Haka laughed and set her down. "Sorry little one! I often forget how tiny you are!"
Lulu simply made a face at him.


((I know...there's a lot of them. I'm trying to keep it down to the main and my favorites >.<))
"Jesus!" Rea yelped when the man suddenly grabbed Lucinda. She had her keyblade out before relaxing and letting the weapon disappear. "You have a lot of... interesting uncles and aunts Lucinda." This man was just... scary. Yes, she admitted it, she was scared. The man was huge and could easily crush her. Sure, she was taller and more muscular than Lucinda, but if this guy turned on her, she wouldn't stand a chance. At least the others she had a small chance against them. This guy though... Her instincts were screaming at her to run. However, this was one of Lucinda's uncle. He wouldn't hurt her, right?
Haka then turned to Rea with a big smile. "You must be the new friend I've heard about! Nice to meet you! My name is Haka!" He said cheerfully, "I just wanted to check on Lulu and see her before she leaves. I've gotta head out, got a bad guy to go beat up. You make sure she eats okay? She never eats enough, that's why she's so small!" He smiled and handed a small trinket to Lucinda before heading off without a second thought. Lulu looked at Rea. "Sorry about him. He doesn't know what an indoor voice is." she explained.
"I'll keep an eye on her." Rea promised, feeling immensely better when the man left. "It's fine, he just startled me a little." She gave a sheepish smile before nodding. "Let's go say bye to the rest of your relatives. Then we can get started on our next world." She knew exactly where she wanted to take Lucinda. It was a world with a hero, so it wouldn't be too different.
Lucinda nodded and walked to find the rest of them waiting for the two. Legacy and Tachyon both handed her small trinkets as well, Tachyon giving her a pair of goggles and Legacy giving a ring that was a replica of his own. Jim however simply whispered something in her ear, a little advice for if she ever got scared or homesick. Lulu smiled a little and thanked them. The three then smiled at Rea. Jim handed her his spare flask. "You sip this carefully alright? It's pretty strong Whiskey." He said sternly, "and you take care of yourself." The other two nodded in agreement.
"Will do. And don't worry, the most she can get is a scratch with me around." Rea said, giving Jim a huge smile before turning to Rea. "Ready to go?" She asked the blonde, letting her spend a few more moments with the relatives. She knew that leaving your home was extremely hard, especially for a girl who only knew the one world. Rea had been travelling the worlds ever since she was young so she didn't really feel the effects.
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