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I will update cs tomorrow, I totally forgot sorry.
Haha, you know what fair enough :p I'm still deciding on my character. Can I role a pseudo-Allocer? Fire Lion Wrath Knight minus the 36 legions at my beck and call?
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Whatever floats the boat of Charon, the boatman of the Burnings Hell, sure.
Seems like your getting a good sized group now

Male | Deadwood | Sloth

Like the people of his Sin, Cernunnos, Speaker for the Wilds is negligent of Hell's affairs. Even in Sloth, Cernunnos dares not dabble in petty wars in spite of the disunity of the Circle, and cares little for the lives of Hell's demonic citizens. A nomad and loner at his very core, the uneducated Cernunnos has wandered aimlessly all through the lands of Sloth looking for comfort and safety in the fields and grasslands, sharing his presence and time with the various beasts of his Circle. An individual who takes comfort in the wilds, Cernunnos travels far and wide, befriending all demonic animals from harm. In turn, they are drawn to his altruistic ways and, like dogs to men, swear their allegiance to him via grunts and groans. He has travelled far and wide, and knows the vast majority of his Circle except the marshlands, as Belphegor's automatons roam heavily there. Currently, this Deadwood Speaker is burdened by the state of his Circle. For far too long, Belphegor has experimented on creatures - torturing them, turning them into something less than themselves. His hatred for Belphegor's ways are arguably as hot as Wrath's charred landscape. It was enough for Cernunnos to care not for the lives of others, but he cannot neglect the call of beasts - that's why he has such a solid relationship with them. To Cernunnos, Belphegor, who is nihilistic to any and all life, is appalling.

Cernunnos is a Deadwood - distant cousins of the common Tree-folk, Ents or Treants. Born of the cruelly tainted lands of the Circle, the Deadwoods are caustic husks. Unlike their more lively cousins, the Deadwoods grow deep within the swamp areas of Belphegor's lair - perhaps the pollution of all the dark magic, potions, and chemicals have affected the trees and Ents and turned them into what Cernunnos currently is. Unlike Ents, who have leaves and healthy bark, the Deadwoods have no leaves or any prime source of nutrients. That is why a Deadwood's lifespan is much shorter than a normal Tree-folk individual. Usually dry, cracking, or thorned, the Deadwoods are unlike Ents in skills or abilities. The Ents have skills over nature, the Deadwoods have skills over Belphegor's chemical spill. Deadwoods are, for most Ents, either the butt of jokes or the objects of great pity. That treatment from the Ents solidifies Cernunnos' unwillingness to care for any being save for animals who don't know how to be prejudiced.

Character's History:

The lifeless sapling that would one day be Cernunnos was, for some reason, fortunate enough to survive a Circle that was frequently the battlefield for small skirmishes. So fortunate in fact, that the sapling survived countless years until it grew to become a mighty tree - one whose leaves encompass a wide area and whose fruits are actually very sweet. The space beneath this mighty tree was common ground for strolling demons and prankster Satyrs. One day, a horned demon carved in the name 'Cernunnos' on its bark, picked a fruit, and left. A word in some demonic foreign language, perhaps? For some reason, the tree remembered that time, and all the other times Demons would pick his fruits. It was irritating, and he wanted them to stop. As an insentient tree, Cernunnos wasn't at all special. There were a lot of trees like him that housed a lot of fauna and had a lot of delectable fruits. In times of ephemeral peace, strolling Demons would rest underneath the shade of these trees… only to be driven off or killed by Sloth's many beasts. It was unsettling, but it gave Cernunnos and his kin some solace. It turns out, many demonic animals roamed those lands as the years went by - having been protected by the tree's natural defence. The thickness of the leaves gave little critters shelter, and the width of the trunk gave larger beasts shade. It was these everyday manifestations of mutualism that
the tree that would one day become Cernunnos appreciated.

In the years of observing life in Hell, Cernunnos concluded that Demons were burdensome, irritating, and more often than not, cruel. The cruelest of them all, however, was a demon named Belphegor. The swamps were toxic enough, but the trees that would one day become Deadwoods were no where near that awful place. When Belphegor started dabbling in the sciences, his inventions and lairs started exuding poisonous gas and chemicals. Many demons in the vicinity died, many others were mutated, and the rest were forced to flee. The others who stayed were experimented on, given extra appendages, or were amputated and left for dead. Belphegor was a mad scientist, and if Cernunnos were alive then, he would do something about it, since he was the most sympathetic towards the beasts and animals. It was not long after, when the swamp wasn't a swamp but more of a junkyard and highly radioactive and polluted place, that the tree-species were given life. The potions and chemicals that were in the soil were soaked up, the gas in the air was absorbed, and the trees turned sentient. Cernunnos was perplexed at the phenomenon, proving once again that anything was possible in Hell. He was no longer a simple tree. He lost his vast tree size, instead becoming about an eight-foot tall, lifeless husk monster. It was weird, since in place of a head, were nothing but a mass of sprigs, thorns, and branches that formed into moose-like antlers.

Filled with confusion, Cernunnos and his kin scrambled. It took the now-living tree a long time before he started actually doing the things he's observed like walk, run, jump, move, climb, etc. It took him even longer to speak, as he was either alone or in the company of simple-minded creatures. Even now, he speaks either in extremely vague grammatically incorrect phrases, one-word answers, body language, or simply saying nothing. Because of his tainted nature, grotesque mushrooms and parasites would grow and creep into the crevices of his wooden skin. He had prehensile tentacles of rotvine behind him, and his legs bore no toes, just roots in the shape of taloned feet. More than once Cernunnos attempted to attack Belphegor for what he's done to nature, but his defences were too great. Hopeless albeit vengeful, he left the wilds and ventured out of his Circle. Currently, he is trying to look for other Deadwoods, or at least a means to rid Sloth of Belphegor's taint. Over the years, he has journeyed into unknown lands, met friends as well as enemies, was tutored in Druidism, and failed to enjoy life even in the company of beasts.

Position, Rank, or Occupation:

Cernunnos is a wandering Druid. His inability to speak fluently makes many demons misunderstand him and sometimes even perceive him as hostile.

Skills, Abilities, Equipment, Weapons, and Armour:

Cernunnos lacks a lot of basic skills, even the skill of fluent speech. He's a primal individual and is a master of hunting and stealth. Years of being an insentient tree has made Cernunnos adept at observation, and is still an expert at stealth being able to look like a normal albeit wilted tree. He has enhanced strength due to his size, mass, and density, although he lacks in mobility. Even if he is considered an "uneducated" being, he is capable of rational thought and strategic planning. The challenge is actually conveying these ideas and expressing them to people who can actually talk.

Like all if not most Tree-folk, Cernunnos has the ability of self-manipulation. He can turn his hands into blades or other weapons and regenerate from breakage. Coupled with his Druidic powers, Cernunnos has displayed limited control over other, albeit only wooden plants. He can utilise these two abilities to absorb bark and increase or decrease in size by either absorbing bark or chipping himself of mass. He can grow a spiked carapace and control the prehensile vines in his back. The demonic mushrooms that have grown on his skin are poisonous and can emit Belphegor's poisonous gas as part of his extra abilities due to his mutation. He can also absorb water from his roots to replenish himself if ever he's thirsty. Since his feet are roots, he literally drinks with his feet.

The reason why he's called Speaker for the Wilds even if he has limited speech capability is because of his solid connection with beasts and animals. For a time, the beasts of Sloth thought him to be a predator, but were moved by his protective nature of beasts against hunters. Some animals even actually recognise Cernunnos and follow him. He currently has a demonic hornets' nest inside of his husk-like body. For some reason, he can "communicate" with them, or at the very least, the hornets emerge from Cernunnos' crevices when their living home is attacked. They could be simply protecting where they live and not care about Cernunnos at all. Once released, they seek out enemy with viciousness and ferocity. These are also mutated insects, having been living in a highly irradiated space and thus are immune to poison and resistant to strong winds. They can burn though.

Weaknesses, Annoyances, Dislikes, Fears:

Cernunnos' greatest weakness should be clear. He's a tree; fire is both his weakness, dislike, and fear. He feels mutually about lightning, since trees are often struck by lightning. His annoyance is civilisation and demons that care not for nature. He also fears the Circle of Wrath as the simple descriptions of Wrath are akin to nightmare fuel for Cernunnos. He dislikes cruelty and the unjust treatment of beasts and nature, although would be surprised if a sentient demon had the same views as him.

His biggest weakness, even bigger than the elements of fire and lightning is his inability to speak clearly, as it has hindered him from doing a lot of things in the past.
@Damien Kriez yo
Take Two

Male | Leonin | Wrath
Allocer is the last king of the Leonin, a nomadic tribe of feral Knights and clan of constant division and infighting, bonds of necessity rather than camaraderie. He is a fearsome fighter and a commanding presence, two qualities all Leonin share though not necessarily all Kinights as all demons are permitted to travel within the Knights' protection as expendable familiars and indentured servants. Allocer is fiercely prejudice against non-Leonins however and only the Leonin and those few who prove themselves are treated as equals, though this is not always more advantageous.

To be a Leonin's equal is to be his rival, worthy of the full brunt of his carnage and the lash of his blade. War beats in the blackened hearts of every Leonin and thier king is the drummer, he wields his knights as a lance directing their fury and constanly moving them from the ever-shifting lava-tides. His power is absolute though his word is not final. A shift has taken place in the Knights, the infighting has grown worse and they've begun using the servants as spies. Allocer feels his hold waning and fears he will soon be forced to abandon the Knights entirely as the threat of a coup compounds his daily stresses of leading his knights away from the civil war.

Knights hold their own opinions on who should lead Wrath to Heaven's gates but so far Allocer has remained impartial, a fact that only furthers the gap between he and his followers. What none know however is why a tyrant fueled by war and death would avoid such confrontations.

What none know is Allocer seeks the Infernal Spring himself to gain the magic of an Ifrit he lacks as a Leonin and with it bow to the planes of Wrath to his dominion.

Character's History:
Allocer was born and bred from war, some say he rose from the very lava fields himself full of flame and fury. While this is merely a whisper, Allocer speaks little of his time before overthrowing the last king and is intent to leave that shred of fear in his Knights' minds as mutiny seems more likely each day.

In truth, Allocer came to be as any other Leonin, a bastard of hate and the half breed of a Leonin proper and whatever unfortunate Servant caught his eye. Brought up within the Knight's sphere of protection meant nothing for a young Leonin as he was Equal and therefore fair game for the larger stronger knights. Often they would challenge the youngling thinking tearing his mane from his scalp would be a bit of fun only to end up in a pool of their own blood, or worse, magma.

Allocer grew under the watchful eye of the former king Alacarr both knowing they would do battle some day. Allocer continued to slaughter all challengers until finally they simply stopped. It drove him mad. War was the way of things and he would have it. He began challenging full grown knights, Leonin bound by honour to accept. It was in this way Allocer climbed the ranks until he was at last able to challenge the king and claimed his rightful place at the head of the Knights.

The battle was bloody and brutal, Alacar a competent wizard as well as fighter. Fire and death mingled as Alacar's flaming sword slashed and seared Allocer's body. The contest continued until Allocer's fur was blackened and charred, scars he still carries to his day. Engulfed in rage and fire, Allocer lept atop Alacar and ripped out his throat with his teeth, a dishonorable display for a Knight but Equal in the fading sight of the late king Alacar. His flesh blackened and fangs bloodied, Allocer claimed the WizardKing's weapon and place of honour.

Position, Rank, or Occupation:
Last King of the Leonin

Skills, Abilities, Equipment, Weapons, and Armour:
Allocer is a living weapon. Primal ferocity embodied, the large feline demon is clad in armor fashioned of obsidian and molten glass, the destructive elements of nature honed to a razor's edge and put on display for all to hold in fear ans wonder. He is a seasoned fighter and, though he holds other demons and their reliance on magic in contempt, his wings allow him to fly with the fastest of the 'weaker' races. Like all creatures born of Wrath, Allocer is resistant to fire.

Weaknesses, Annoyances, Dislikes, Fears:
Allocer is a living weapon. A lack of magical ability and a life of bloodshed mean Allocer is only capable of destruction. Should his fears come true and his people rebel he fears the lesser races will be slow to accept his rule. More than anything though, he's worried how lonely Wrath will be when he kills them all for treason.

REMINDERS: I intend for my first post to be a betrayal as hinted at in my Character Bio, I just wanted to symbolize the "real" Allocer's legions in his backstory as I'm essentially playing a reimagined version of an "actual" Duke of Hell. Also, darkness is eternal.​

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Female | Pyura Chilensis/Tunicate | Envy

(Provide a short personality description with a bold name, as well as a description of her race and what Sin they a part of.)

(One to two paragraphs for personality description. As for race, you will have the freedom to write about whatever comes to your mind. You can choose to talk about the race's name, history, physiology, culture, habitat, army, beliefs and behaviours, etc. If you're making an angel, just a personality description would suffice.)

Character's History:
(For angelic characters, take not of the quotes that each Archangel is saying in the Angels section. Your history must coincide with their quotes as your history must answer the question, "Why are you going to Hell?" Their quotes are essentially them talking to your angelic character.)

Position, Rank, or Occupation:

Skills, Abilities, Equipment, Weapons, and Armour:
(Demonic characters are more reliant on their skills and inherent powers and abilities, while angelic characters are more reliant on their weapons and armour which can makeshift the effects of various powers. Demonic powers are more diverse as they are dependent on the environment and demonic race. All angels, however, have only one or one or two unique powers and their common set of powers written in the Angels section.)

Weaknesses, Annoyances, Dislikes, Fears:

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Can I have one of the sins? I don't really care which one.
@PontiwontiPrime You're accepted. Nice character, one who's rooted to Celtic culture. Pun intended.

@Wittiford R. Eference I'll be fully studying your character when you're complete, since you just sent a draft. I like the name Allocer, though, and I've read about him too. In another Roleplay in some other, now dead site, I played a demon called Alloces and played more on his knowledge in astronomy. He looked like a black silhouette with stars in his body, like Andromeda from Heroes of Newerth, although mine didn't look at all like the written description. I see you based yours more on the supposed historical appearance than what he teaches humans. What I must see though, is how he relates to the rest of the world as well as the more authoritative figures of Wrath such as Abaddon, as well as Wrath's beasts and the like, just so I know how your character will be treated. Also, Wrath is currently in a state of civil war - Abaddon's devils vs Baal's vs Ares'. How does Allocer respond, what is his reaction? You're on a roll though, keep it up and I look forward to seeing Allocer in the roster.

@Ghosty You don't have a CS yet but I did some research on your race. I'm quite intrigued about what the demonic version of a real-world animal would be in Hell. Needless to say, I'm excited. Looking forward to this girl as well.

@Salsacookies How's your Gluttony character doing?

@TenThousandWishes Just choose any sin you'd like or if you like, you can be an Angel. The angels are pretty lonely. Currently there are characters from all sins except Avarice and Pride, and I'm excited to see what a player could come up with.

@Nameless People are rolling in. Are you interested now? :)
@Damien Kriez It took me most of the day to try and find a picture I liked and once I did I ended up running into a site that brought up P. Chilensis. It is quite an intriguing animal (???) and I've done a lot of in-depth research on it that helps round out my character. I'm running into a few creativity issues though so don't be surprised if I send you a message or two. :)
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@Damien Kriez Thank you for the writing notes. Aye, I figured since Alloces was supposedly one of the 72 kings banished by Solomon and this takes place before the Fall I'd make him a lion king :p I also think the fact he leads a 'pride' is worth noting. All joking aside, I apparently didn't make it very clear but Allocer sees any non-Leonin demon except those stronger than him as inferior and expendable. I forgot all about the civil war though, thank you for reminding me.

EDIT: Changed it a bit but it may still need work since it's super late so suffice it to say he'd probably support Abbadon since he wants to be an Ifrit.
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Haven't went to writing yet, still looking at other creature designs for my Gluttony guy. I really wish I could find a good picture for the Alterego from Evil Within, and there is a different phase for my main guy I'll show you. Overall, it's solid.
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