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@Ali I figured I was. :P

Goodbye charlie! YAY! BYE CHARLIE! ok, who's next?
Ps: all showers are on the first floor (ground level), shared. The bathroom in the dorm rooms holds just a sink and toilet basically. ;)
@Ali Just a few more steps and... Oh my God it's a Narwhal! Nuuuu! NARWHAAAL! X'D

@Olissa Noted, headmistress ^__^

I miss the adorable @Vinyl TwT

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@Olissa Oooo okay ^.^
So wait, refresh my memory, what exactly is in each dorm room and how big are they?
20 showers (all in one 'room' each shower is individual with a door in front of it that can be locked), breakfast hall large enough to hold 60 people at once, 10 rooms for first year students (houses 20 first year students, all look out to the woodlands), maintenance closet, janitor's closet.
30 rooms (houses 60 second-last year students)
2 beds
2 desks
2 closets
2 nightstands
1 bathroom with toilet, mirror, sink
1 double window showing either the central plaza or the woodlands.

Sorry for the ugly sketch, this was done quickly with a not so effective program because the program I wanted to use wasn't on this laptop XD


Moon dorm is the mirror image of this.
@Ali Same here X'D

@Olissa Cool! Thanks for making a sketch for this. It doesn't have to be detailed, at least we have an idea where everything is :)
His curses are temporary, unless he self crafts and loads them. Those are only for the ones that he has a huge grudge or vandetta against and those are evil and permanent. >:D

As for length, I'd say a week at the most and a day for the minimum.
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@ChaosMage "If nothing came of his curse shot by then, he would pump a couple more into Sebastian before he departed just for kicks."

Meanie. I like him already XD
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@ChaosMage as I said before, classes won't start till the next day, 'today' is Monday, only arrivals and opening dance in the evening. 'Tomorrow' is Tuesday, then the classes start. :)
@Olissa Sorry, I missed that. I'll just paint that up to his idiot part of his brain in a future post. :P
Barely at the school and already wishing for his first class hm XD
.........perhaps. xD
Okay, I'll give roleplaying as a girl a chance..


Alon Amihan


19 • Female • Human
Basic witchcraft that cover the following:
• Ability to cast a minor curse
• Ability to induce nightmares and good dreams

• Inflicting temporary cramps and also numbness on a certain area of the body

Sporting short and layered auburn hair, she had it cut in a way that when she tucks a few of them behind her ear, she would look like a boy. Thin lines run under her dark-brown eyes as a result of occasionally staying up late to play with people's dreams and under that is the almost invisible dimple on her left cheek whenever she smiles. Having a small frame, she stands at 160cm and weighs a hundred and six pounds. Being very conscious with her build, she keeps an active and sporty lifestyle to compensate for her huge appetite. This girl loves to dress up though is usually found dressed in the university's school uniform, mainly to express her freedom from her culture's conservative dress codes in her local schools. However, she still adds her own accessories to the uniform, namely thin hoop capiz shell earrings, a necklace with a blade pendant, and a red bow at the back of her head that holds her fishtail braid. It was quite obvious that she was thrilled being able not to hear her conservative clan's qualms anymore with regard to the way that she dresses now, even if she was just modernizing her ancestral tribe's outfits. To rebel even more against her family's whims, she crossdresses as a boy on certain occasions.

Coming from a provincial community, she is very polite - or too polite perhaps as this has caused her to be taken for granted a lot of times. However, that did not stop her from still being nice. She is also oblivious towards sarcasm as it does not happen a lot in her town. Most of the time, this girl gives off a childlike demeanor despite what her wardrobe could offer: always smiling, eyes wide with curiosity and wonder, and her actions are sometimes misinterpreted as gestures of romantic affections. She laughs at the corniest of jokes, gets contented at the simplest of pleasures, and apologizes for the least offensive things. Some say she is as soft as silk that is prone to crying at the mildest of insults, when in reality, she is often not bothered at all since she doesn't understand half of the insults thrown at her in the first place, most especially street cursewords. Lay off a "yo mama" joke at her however, and she will surely be offended.

Named after the waves caused by the northeast wind, Alon was born in a conservative family of the southeast island called Siquijor. Her family came from a long line of faith-healers and shamans but as modern technology and various religions began to take over, the idea of folk medicine and shamanism have been shunned. Only a few including herself still desired to practice the old ways and this prompted her to move out and live on her own. Her parents were distraught at first but then supported the idea in the end for as long as it made her happy, and from then on Alon began to search for a proper school that will respect her beliefs and practices. It was then she found the university and decided to develop her skills there. (9)

Theme Music:
"Isip Bitaw" - Pinikpikan
"Ani-Wana" - Pinikpikan

Voice Actor:
Ma. Carolina Bello

• Using a special needle made of rose thorns and a voodoo doll, and also provided that she has in her possession an item that came from her victim (e.g. a strand of hair, an accessory, clothing, etc.), she can inflict cramping pains and also numbness on certain areas of the body depending on where she stabs the doll with the needle. Without these three items in hand, she cannot perform this kind of witchcraft.
• Casting a minor curse requires her to at least have one object in her possession that came from the victim. With this in hand, she would then be able to cast minor illnesses to her victims like stomachaches, fever, vomiting small, foreign objects and bugs, chills and hair fall. Being able to possess something that actually came from the victim (nails, fingers, hair, blood, urine, stool, etc.) adds more power to her curse. Again without this, she cannot perform her witchcraft.
• Though she aims one day to be able to conduct love spells and enchantment to help the rejected (she loves matchmaking games), she can only cast a spell that would either induce good dreams or nightmares to her target with or without the use of an item belonging to the victim. However, whatever goes on in that target's dream is something beyond her control as it will only either contain the target's deepest personal fears, or the things that they have always yearned for.
• Incantations, prayers and series of chants are required in order for her to cast spells.
• She avoids working with mind readers as much as possible. She doesn't like them convincing her to use her powers to expose other people's fears and wants through dream reading/interpreting.
• She loves to fight in close combat using blades and her scarf/bow, partly so she could snatch something that belongs to her opponent to be used in later spells.
• She is in her second year
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this girl better stay the hell away from Killian. xD
I'll say she's good. Will list her and whoever I may have forgotten tomorrow
@ChaosMage But why noooot? X'D She could learn a lot from him.
@Olissa Thank you! ^__^
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