Saved Your Life

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Wyatt held her close, not wanting to ever let her go... wanted to keep this feeling. Her being in his arms felt like home... he knew that sounded silly but it was true. For the first few moments he kept the kisses soft and tender. He slowly began deepening it.
She felt his pace increase and she matched it, gently molding her lips with his, her hands moving up into his hair. She smiled into the kiss, and gently tugged his hair playfully.
All his thoughts seemed to disappear... nothing else mattered at that moment. He felt her hand go through his hair he actually liked that. Wyatt slowly brought his hands to her hips pulling her closer closing the remaining space between them... then suddenly Wyatt decided to try something a little different. In between each kiss he gently bite her bottom lip.
The first time he bit her it totally caught her off guard, the time after that she actually began to like it, then suddenly on the next one she let out a small moan. Everything felt on fire, every time he bit her, waves flew down her making her want it even more. And everywhere he touched her felt like electricity was connecting them. Especially where two of his fingers had, weather purposefully or accidental she didn't care, had found their way just barely underneath her shirt and was touching her skin.
Wyatt was a little surprised when he heard her moan... however that encouraged him to continue, so he did. He slowly brought her against the wall still kiss her, still biting. He to was starting to feel hot. As he kissed her he slowly put his hand under her shirt.
Soft moans escaped every now and then as they kissed. Suddenly her cool skin was set on fire when his hand rested on her bare side, causing her moan to deepen. She slid her tongue into his mouth, tangling her own with his.
As there tongues wrestled for a few moments his hand slide further up into her shirt, he cupped her breast and slowly started to grope it slowly, giving her time to decide rather or not she wanted to go further.
She became very uncertain. She had never been this far with a boy... or anyone for that matter. It did feel amazing, but she didn't feel ready. She gently pulled his hand down some so that it was on her stomach, but she didn't stop kissing him. "too fast" She muttered between a kiss, running her fingers through his hair again.
Wyatt quickly removed his hand from under shirt and wrapped them back around her waist. In between kisses he said, "O.... kay..." After a few more moments of kissing they finally pulled away from the kiss and both seemed out of breath. Wyatt looked down at her, smiled slightly then his expression changed to confusion, "Why... do we keep doing that?..."
So he was just as confused as she was. She bit her lip thinking, their bodies still pressed against the others. "I don't know..." She admitted. "All I know is it feels so good... and It's all I've been able to think about since the first kiss." She admitted
He continued to look down at her, "Well... the feelings seem to be mutual then... What, should we do cause I am totally lost. See where things take us or?..."
"let's just see where this takes us." She said with a smile as she gently played with his hair. "But we need to be 100% honest all the time. Okay?"
He slowly pulled his arms away and Smiles his usual smile, "Ok. That sounds like a plan then." He gently kissed her lips for a brief moment.
She kissed back and pouted slightly when he pulled away. "Like for starters, your kisses are addictive, don't tease."
He couldn't help but grin when she said this. He felt like he accomplished something and he wasn't sure why., "Ok, ok. Fair enough." And with that he pulled her into a hug.
She hugged back smiling. This was almost as good as kissing, almost. She did enjoy being so close to him, touching, everything. "Your turn."
Wyatt pulled away slightly so he could look at her, "Honestly when my sister walked in on us the first time I was actually kinda upset because we had to stop." He rubbed the back of his head.
"Yeah me too." She said agreeing with him. Though she'll probably be upset every time they have to stop. "I... I really liked it when you were being more dominant..." she said blushing slightly. "Like... really liked it."
He raised an eyebrow a little surprised, "You did?" He even sounded a little surprised. He rubbed the back of his head, "I just kinda lost it with the hair thing you did and the way you kissed... my uh, instincts kinda took over I guess." This time he blushed slightly.
She smiled and kissed his cheek. "good to know." She laid her head against his chest and closed her eyes listening to his heartbeat happily.