Saved by a werewolf (white bane and winter)

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Kat grasps his hands and look at him tears fell. She slowly breath soft gentle breaths and was relaxed. She didn't want him to leave her though.
"You're fine." Jake then stated again as she began to relax. At least she wasn't freaking out, not freaking out was a good thing. "All better?"
Kat shook her head. "He going to find me. He going to hurt you and kill me and and jake don't leave me please" tears fell scared
Jake sighed and shook his head. "This guy won't be doing jack shit." Pulling away from her, he took a step back and rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm going to show you why, keep an open mind and try not to scream as it will bring trouble to us both. Okay?"
Kat nodded slowly. "W what is it you will show me?" She ask sat up a little and place her hand on her ribs watching curious.
I could so get killed for doing this....exciting! "You'll see." Closing his eyes, Jake began to focus on himself and make some changes. After a few moments a new figure now stood before her, two feet faller then his other form and looked at her with an amused expression before sitting down; raising his right hind leg to scratch his ear. "Woof."
Kat jump and stood quickly fell over the chair wince held her ribs. A bit scared she look at the wolf form of jake. "J jake y your a wolf?" She slowly move her hand forward toward the wolf as if asking permission to touch him.
Jake huffed, shaking his head slightly at her reaction. Humans, so easily scared by the unknown. Then he looked at her and yawned, giving her a look of recognition of her question. Taking a look at her hand, the wolf lowered his head so she could touch the softer section of his fur.
Kat scooted close and touch his fur. She smile softly "wow. Jake this is amazing. So that is why your hands are so warm" she put her arms around his neck and hug him. "Your secret is safe with me" she whisper
In this form he tended to usually be intimidating but right now he looked no more other than a large puppy with his innocent expression. Jake shrugged, he didn't know why his hands were so warm and when she hugged him his tail wagged. Then he snorted in relief.
Kat giggle never have giggled before. She smile and manage to sit on chair. She heard rain and stood held her ribs walking to look out. She lock door and turn open sign off and close blinds. "No one wil come if it raining" she went to the desk slowly and jump hearing thunder and screamed hid under the desk shaking. She was scared of storms cause of her ex. She hug her knees tears fell shaking.
It was good to know someone wouldn't come in thanks to the rain, Jake really didn't feel like changing back right now. Though it was apparent from his expression that he wished Kat would stay in one spot and stop moving. Hearing her scream his ears instantly laid flat against his head as his lips pulled back in a snarl as he looked around to see what had caused her fright before it vanished and once again began the look of innocence. She was scared of thunder. Walking on two legs, he picked up the desk with ease and moved it away; looking down at her curiously before he got back on all fours and wrapped himself around her. His large head ending up by her feet and he huffed slightly to get her attention as the tip of his tail moved to wiggle against her cheek.
Kat look up and snuggle closer to him. She stroke his hair on his head. "I'm scared" she whisper buried her face in his fur tears fell shaking
Jake huffed again and his tail lowered back down to the floor. Hearing she was scared, he licked the back of her hand and grumbled slightly. It almost sounded like he said "Don't be."
Kat snuggle into his fur close her eyes. "Don't leave me jake" she whisper stroke his fur held on
Jake snorted, pushing his head gently against her foot and his tail thumped against the floor. It was obvious what he meant. The wolf wasn't planning on leaving anytime soon.
Kat was exhuasted and in pain. She held onto him and fell asleep against his fur.
Noticing she was now asleep, Jake closed his eyes after yawning. While he wouldn't fall asleep it would be nice to rest his eyes for a bit.
Kat woke early in morning and couldn't move. Her side and ribs were so sore she barely sat up and cried in pain. She coughed and slowly stood lean against the bookcase. "Jake it morning." She whisper so he change back and not be a wolf in daylight thinking it bad if he is.
Once morning came and Jake heard Kat's voice he yawned and slowly rose himself to all fours, stretching with a yawn. Looking at her he nodded before changing back, once again returning to himself only wearing a pair of jeans. "Man, that floor is a killer." He chuckled while rubbing his stomach.
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