~Save Me~ (Serpentine and Azumari)

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Aiah sucked in air through her teeth as Alastor pressed a handkerchief against her cheek. "Ah..." she winced, squeezing an eye shut from the pain. The noble scoffed and shook his head, a scornful smirk on his lips. "Stop worrying over her, she is fine." he snarled, narrowing his eyes at Alastor.

"Don't tell me how to do my job " Alastor gave Aiah a light peck on the cut glaring over at the noble. He puts the handkerchief back in his pocket sighing softly. "My lord we should beef up security around and inside the castle."
Aiah closed her eyes as Alastor pecked her cheek, retaliating against the noble. The noble growled under his breath and slammed his fork down before standing and striding out. The king looked over at Alastor and nodded, calling out an order to secure the castle. Aiah opened her grey eyes and felt her beating heart continue to race. "I-I could have died..." she said softly, staring at the wall ahead of her.

"I wouldn't have let that happen Princess...plus I think the noble was trying to scare you" Alastor whispered the last part to her last. He smiled softly holding her hand gently.
Aiah listened to Alastor and nodded slowly as he held her hand. She turned and pressed her forehead against his shoulder, calming herself down. "Thank you, Alastor." she said quietly. The shouts of the king were heard as he left the table with the guards, heading to secure the castle.

"You should finish your food princess. You father and mother will be worried."Alastor chuckled softly then goes back to eating his food slowly.
Aiah nodded and slowly started eating once more. She could only handle a few more bites before pushing her plate away, having lost her appetite. "I will wait for you to finish, Alastor." she said, placing her hands on her lap as she glanced over at him, feeling her stomach tight into nervous knots.

"You still have cake upstairs you can eat later" Alastor finished his food getting up slowly holding her hand stretching a little " let's go princess"
Aiah nodded and stood, grabbing hold of his hand, feeling her mood brighten slightly. "Alright, come along then." she said, slightly hesitant.

"I won't let anything happen to you Aiah but forgive me if I don't sleep tonight I want to make sure no one is after you" Alastor smiled patting her head gently walking her to her royal bedroom.
Aiah slowly nodded, searching over Alastor with worried eyes, but nonetheless accepting it. "That is fine, thank you Alastor...I'm sorry that you can't get any sleep..." she said, somewhat regretfully as she followed him into her room.
"Hmm.. Don't be worried about me princess I'll be okay without a few hours of sleep. You want me to sleep with you don't you?" He nudged her a little before kissing her life.
Aiah blushed as Alastor kissed her, turning her grey eyes up to his. "T-That isn't a bad thing is it?" she asked, feeling her heart thump against her chest.

Alastor shook his head chuckling softly "It's not bad princess" he goes into her room first looking around then looks into the bathroom making sure everything is okay. He leads her to the bedroom kissing her cheek.
Aiah nodded and followed Alastor into her room, letting him kiss her cheek. She looked around after he did and went to go sit on her bed. Then, her gaze turned to the box of sweets on her dresser. Aiah stood up and walked to the dresser, grabbing it. She brought it to her bed and sat down, opening it and scanning the the contents inside. She sighed and picked up a slice, starting to take a bite from it.

"So you can eat sweets but not food princess" Alastor laughed softly taking off his shirt laying down on the bed closing his eyes.
Aiah nodded and took another bite of the cake, feeling her nerves go down slightly. "It helps with nerves...do you want any?" she asked, turning to look at Alastor. She paused when she saw him laying on her bed. "You know, why don't you rest for half an hour. I promise to stay awake and wake you up. If you're going to be awake all night, you at least deserve that much." she said, tilting her head as she looked down at him.

Alastor shook his head chuckling softly "I'd rather kiss you for half an hour princess" he sits up slowly looking at her.
Aiah raised her eyebrows as a deep blush overtook her face. "W-Why, that was a rather bold comment, Alastor. Surely you don't mean it." she stuttered, feeling her heart beat quicken.

He lays back down closing her eyes slowly putting his arms behind his head. "I do mean it Aiah even it you don't believe me" Alastor smirked kicking off his shoes.
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