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May be interested. Need to reread everything :3
I am not sure how to make paragraphs with this code. And the Latin sentences confused me. If I am rejected, I understand. I had that happen before, but I am trying to be flexible with my characters. Knowing me, I made mistakes. Be gentle ... ~_^ I am ready for any and all criticisms.

Dame Charlotte des Chaine d'Este Sauveterre

Three Hundred Seventy-five

Dame Charlotte des Chaine d'Este Sauveterre is an agile, dextrous female with speed that can kill. She also possesses the powers to control water vapour only to freeze it in the air and telekinetically move ice, snow, and precipitation by will power, using it as projectiles. Dame Charlotte is an expert swordsman, though lacking physical defences having a weak body. With wind at her back, she loves to fight, drink, and socialise in either armour or makeup and men's formal attire.

Icelandic (Fluent); Swedish (Fluent); Norwegian (Fluent); Danish (Fluent); German (Polite); French (Conversational); Latin (Fluent); Scots Gaelic (Conversational).

Dame Charlotte is tall and statuesque, with long, beautiful platinum blonde hair flowing down past her waist. Her elegant Face features a long and high thin nose, prominent cheek bones, narrow jawline, and pointed chin. She is muscular but has little to protect her skinny body when she is not wearing a full set of solid silver armour. She carries no shield nor helmet, but is always on hand for combat with either her regal cutlass or rapier. Armed for duty with a short sword in her right hand, she never, ever carries or uses a musket, thinking it is bad form. When not wearing armour, she wears men's formal attire to socialise, which has alienated many people in her ranks and class of high society. And when wearing men's clothing, Dame Charlotte only wears silver, white, and powder blue, preferring a cape with everything she wears to keep her warm.

"Audemus Jura Nostra Defendere!"

Dame Charlotte is a cold, frosty, nail-biter in battle, but loves to drink and socialise with her kind. She would take almost anyone on in a sparring match or for fencing other members or nobility, but she would never draw blood on her kind. Dame Charlotte loves her people fiercely and is equally as fierce in loyalty and patience. She longs for the day she finds the one who got away, but knows her favourite lover is gone forever. Pining away for him, she writes poetry that is darkly and morosely depressing yet spirited - just like her. She has a very bad sense of humour, and it gets the best of her, and plenty of people see the worst of her when no one likes her jokes. Other than that, Charlotte is the foremost military mind whenever she gets accepted into a new societal group. She finds herself lonely and depressed, but gets spirited away when people are together and drinking - telling stories of long ago and people they once knew ... she lives for that and the fight of her life! And she is always ready for the fight of her life, no matter when it may come.

"Sic Semper Tyrannis!"

Born in Vik, Norway, Charlotte was raised by an Oracle from the Kingdom of Iceland passing through seeing a young girl beating up a boy. The Icelandic woman found out the young girl's name was Charlotte and took her away from neglect, abuse, and poverty to live with her. The Oracle taught Charlotte how to control magical powers imbued in her when a powerful nobleman had had his way with her, implanting his essence. Charlotte had trusted that Nobleman, but she had been abused and taken advantage of by him, and for her troubles, she gained the powers over the wind, ice, and precipitation. She counted the years that she could gain a physical prowess to attack other such nobles with the sword: the same weapon they used to subdue those they deemed lower than themselves. The Oracle taught Charlotte all she could, and Charlotte left to train herself in wilderness survival. It took a while, but she found another love interest in a traveling swordsman who claimed to have fallen in love with her after several passionate nights of love-making and days of swordplay. She gained knowledge of the sensual world and the fighting world, but his lust turned to blood, and she was bitten on the neck during a moment of intense passion, and she fainted dead away until about fourteen hours later. When she awoke, the sunlight burned her skin, and she felt weak as a cat. On sheer impulse, Charlotte fled into a cave and was attacked by a flock of snowy owls. She surprisingly found it easy to kill three, and in an intense fit, she bit the neck of the largest one, accidentally swallowing its blood ... and liking it! She followed suit with the others until she had had her fill of blood. Exhausted, she hid until night-time, sleeping. This continued for months until she had wandered through the wilderness, onto barges and boats at night, until she had reached the French Empire. Something had drawn her here; or actually, it was someone who drew her here. She had never heard the word "vampire" until her saviour had found her and taken her into his eastern French villa, making a home for her and teaching her all he new. Her new life had begun.

"DEO Vindice!"

First Viking female of the Kingdom of Norway knighted by a nobleman as a Dame of Scandinavia. She is a free knight owing allegiance only to her homeland and the Sauveterre line.

Excellent swordsman and great at chess and writing poetry. She would not last in a fight without her armour, though, but she is nimble and quick! Her sense of humour is sour and sexualised but only because that was how she was treated by men and boys her own age growing up. Being a victim of abuse has made her stronger emotionally, but it has also made her hypersexual at times, either by deed or speech. Sometimes unstable emotionally, she longs for a companion but shuts them down for fear of rejection and has a hard time finding compatibility with peers. When not searching for love, she makes friends easily in drinking situations or social activities, but she is ever ready to fight and longing for the fight of her life!

Does something really go here?

Dame Charlotte loves fighting and longs for war, but she loves her people fiercely even more. Loyal to a fault and with the patience of a saint, do not call her a liar or question her honour! That is when she loses her patience! Elegant and beautiful, she loves the Kingdom of France, and she loves crimson roses all the same. Her solid silver suit of armour is her most prized possession, but to socialise, she enjoys wearing men's clothing in powder blue, silver, and white. It reminds her of snow against the sky. She also has a kindred spirit with white snowly owls and the ones she keeps in a private Aviary she maintains. Avid chess player, poetry writer, and arm wrestler, Charlotte loves competition and Sauveterre her master and sire. He is her lord and saviour. And she is always ready to fight to the death for him!

Did you go to Catholic school? What is up with all this Latin?!
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@__<;;; I am not sure I did that properly. This code is mind-boggling cumbersome for neophytes such as myself.

Any advice on how to go through the code in less than two hours would be helpful.

I went into Applebee's today and the food was so bad, that I did not leave a tip. The waiter wanted a tip, so I said, "Here's a tip! Never eat at a restaurant next to a pound!"


How is THAT for a sense of humour???

I thought I had patience, but this is difficult.
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Will likely have a character up sometime this week if that's cool. Also the code for the sheet is gorg btw oh my.
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@Silver Soldier Charlotte

All the Latin is filler; it's just a way to see what something will look like with a bunch of text.

You can make paragraph breaks within the sections by hitting return twice. Use of the code was optional, so you could always submit the information directly if that'd be easier. I understand if you're committed to making it work at this point, though, if you put a lot of time into it already. :o
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@Silver Soldier Charlotte

While I appreciate all the effort you've made (I know code can be difficult) I will say that characters for this must be original characters-- not characters from video games. If you want to create a new, original character I will consider your application.
Character Name -- Damien Tomour d'Este Sauveterre

Age -- 142

Age Turned -- 28

Nationality – American

Languages -- English (F) French (B)

AbilityShadow Stealth and minor Darkness Healing


Femine face, with soft hazel eyes, semi long free flowing blonde hair, and a lean body. He isn't very tall, considered rather small compared to most other men of the time he's at least a head shorter than them.

Transformation --

Eastern screech owl Rufous Morph

Personality – Quiet and reserved, he a lot of times will prefer to be quiet and listen to others than speak much of himself. Loyal, almost to a fault, and soft spoken when he does speak.

Biography – Damien Tomour was born from a highclass, European bloodline, but was born in America. His mother and father wanting to give him a link to America and Europe, as to give him a stronger hold potically and socially when he inherits the household name. Living in America was never quite easy, but due to his lineage he was able to get the best education provided, and despite so many religious groups he remained rather firmly atheist though very open minded.

When Damian was about 10 and a half, there was a sickness that ran amuck in town, and when his mother went to town to buy some paints and canvas that where imported specially for his 11th birthday.. she fell sick. The sickness left her bedridden, and she lived for a couple more months before she passed on in the middle of the night. On his 11th birthday, his father gave him the paint, canvas and brushes his mother had obtained to give him.. and he cherished it deeply, however he could not bring himself to paint. When he turned 13, he finally picked up the brushes and paints, and.. He began to paint, letting his mind free to guide his hand he began painting with such a natural and admired way, that he was able to grow his reputation and become a great painter, managing to paint a portrait of his mother from memory he gave it to his father, who was growing increasingly frail.

By around 13 and a half his name was being spread out of America and to Europe, where one noble commissioned a painting from him, wanting a painting of how life in the Americas was like currently. He was honored by this.. and while lending his ear to many in town, listening to their worries over failing crops, possibly starving yet another winter, worries that what little livestock they had would grow diseased and all would be stuck by sickness again, he had an idea for what to paint for the commission. He painted a scene, showing a rising dawn, the backdrop bright with hope.. but in the foreground showed the people in misery with their daily struggles, all looking up with hope to the bright sky.

With his painting sent and safely delivered, the noble was thrilled by the work and proudly showed it off to other nobles, speaking of the painting and often reading the letter that Damien sent along with it to explain his process. In the letter he spoke of how he lent those around him his ear, how at ease the people where around him, of the information he gained, and how he took everything and channeled it into the art. That noble was highly proud of the painting and fascinated by the way the art came to be and thus told and spread the knowledge out to everyone he knew, bringing even Salvadore in to listen. Salvadore liked both the wonderful painting, and he was very much interested in the knowledge in the letter, that ability to so easily have people talk to you about just about anything? Considering who and what his bloodline is that skill would aid them greatly in keeping their secret tucked out of sight.

As he grew older, and gained more experiences he found he was able to put those around him at ease, and with that ease he also was able to learn of information that normally would never be shared with the public. People who felt a guilt over having killed or witness another being killed in the rough fights between any man or woman often went to him, knowing he lent his ear to all and that he did not judge in the way that society would. Often these words would inspire his paintings, which, due to the various things he would learn or hear as he lent his ear, made for highly varied paintings.

When he got to 14, his father finally died, having died of an illness also he inherited the family line and name and kept mostly to himself, painting in all his free time. He lived his life in quiet peace, unknowing of a noble making the needed preparations to find him, and bring him back without any hassle or need for delay, going through the effort of a almosy political dance to get a way to the Americas and back. However one day at around his 28th birthday a male noble paid him a visit, giving him an offer.. an offer he couldn't refuse, an offer to return to Europe and more. He agreed, and with his paints and brushes packed he sold the rest of the paintings off, and left with Salvadore. When he reached Europe once more his birthday had come and he turned 28, it was once his birthday passed that Salvadore lead him along to a quiet part of the woods in his lands, and turned him from mear mortal, to a being of the night, a vampire. With Salvadore's teachings he learned how to morph into his form, a small, agile owl from back in America, and he learned how to survive in general. He was the ever quiet, faithful student, and when the teachings where done he took to a highly simple life in a village tucked away from sight by a dense forrest. He painted, and bought paints and canvas as he required to continue his passion, and always continued to fly as the owl he was, following little 'itches' to paint or fly he took great care to remain in his peaceful life, that is until news of the ball came. He packed up, leaving the peaceful village to go set himself at the manor with his little comforts to be there for him if he found himself in need in comfort in the ball.

Skills and Shortcomings – Damien is a great painter and has a love for painting, often he will be found painting scenes of nature, or just letting his mind guide the brush in hand to make somethig up. Damien is not one who likes to fight nor is he that good at it, and would much prefer to settle things in a different way then violence, avoiding it. While he is a great listener, is not as good of a speaker, and will not always speak where he can be heard without realizing it. He is adept at flying in his morphed form, spending a rather large amount of time in his owl form it has become like that of a second skin to him, and he will feel vulnerable when he has not taken flight for a couple of weeks.

Miscellaneous – Damien is awefully clumsy for a few hours after he turns back from his owl morph form. If he is painting something at times he will not pay attention to his surroundings and paint often ends up all around the painting area. Once, while he was flying as his owl form, he accidentally flew straight into a window, scaring those inside who rushed to see him dazed, and the family took care of him while he recovered from landing on his wing wrong, ensuring his wing healed propperly.

((Slight edit to make more sense and clear up any sort of conflict found, such as explaining he was turned at 28 and explaining why the huge gasp in time between hearing of him and finally finding and bringing him back.))
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Character Name -- Damien Tomour d'Este Sauveterre

Age -- 142

Age Turned -- 28

Nationality – American

Languages -- English (F) French (B)

Ability – Shadow Stealth and minor Shadow Healing (( Shadow Stealth ))


Femine face, with soft hazel eyes, semi long free flowing blonde hair, and a lean body. He isn't very tall, considered rather small compared to most other men of the time he's at least a head shorter then them.

Transformation --

Eastern screech owl Rufous Morph

Personality – Quiet and reserved, he a lot of times will prefer to be quiet and listen to others then speak much of himself. Loyal, almost to a fault, and soft spoken when he does speak.

Biography – Damien Tomour was born from a highclass, European bloodline, but was born in America. His mother and father wanting to give him a link to America and Europe, as to give him a stronger hold potically and socially when he inherits the household name. Living in America was never quite easy, but due to his lineage he was able to get the best education provided, and despite so many religious groups he remained rather firmly atheist though very open minded.

When Damian was about 10 and a half, there was a sickness that ran amuck in town, and when his mother went to town to buy some paints and canvas that where imported for his 11th birthday.. she fell sick. The sickness left her bedridden, and she lived for a couple more months before she passed on in the middle of the night. On his 11th birthday, his father gave him the paint, canvas and brushes his mother had obtained to give her.. and he cherished it deeply, however he could not bring himself to paint. When he turned 13, he finally picked up the brushes and paints, and.. He began to paint, letting his mind free to guide his hand he began painting with such a natural and admired way, that he was able to grow his reputation and become a great painter, managing to paint a portrait of his mother from memory he gave it to his father, who was growing increasingly frail.

When he got to 14, his father finally died, having died of an illness also he inherited the family line and name, and kept mostly to himself, painting in all his free time. However one day a male noble paid him a visit, giving him an offer.. an offer he couldn't refuse, and offer to return to Europe, and more. He agreed, and with his paints and brushes packed he sold the rest of the paintings off, and left with Salvadore. When he reached Europe once more, Salvadore lead him along to a quiet pert of the woods in his lands, and turned him from mear mortal, to a being of the night, a vampire. With Salvadore's teachings he learned how to morph into his form, a small, agile owl from back in America, and he learned how to survive in general. He was the ever quiet, faithful student, and when the teachings where done he took to a highly simple life in a village tucked away from sight by a dense forrest. He painted, and bought paints and canvas as he required to continue his passion, and always continued to fly as the owl he was, following little 'itches' to paint or fly, and took great care to remain in his peaceful life, that is until news of the ball came, and he packed up, leaving the peaceful village to go set himself at the manor with his little comforts to be there for him if he found himself uncomfortable in the ball.

Skills and Shortcomings – Damien is a great painter and has a love for painting, and often will be painting scenes of nature, or just letting his mind guide the brush in hand to make somethig up. Damien is mot one who likes to fight or is that good at it, and would much prefer to settle things in a different way then violence, avoiding it where he can. Damien, while a great listener, is not as good of a speaker, and will not always speak where he can be heard without realizing it. He is adept at flying in his morphed form, spending a rather large amount of time in it his owl form is like that of a second skin to him, and he will feel vulnerable when he has not taken flight in a couple of weeks.

Miscellaneous – Damien is awefully clumsy for a few hours after he turns back from his owl morph form. If he is painting something at times he will not pay attention to his surroundings and paint often ends up all around the painting area. Once, while he was flying as his owl form, he accidentally flew straight into a window, scaring those inside who rushed to see him dazed, and the family took care of him while he recovered from landing on his wing wrong, ensuring his wing healed propperly.

((If need be I will edit to make this work, just lemme know if any changes are needed ^^))

That's a fine start, though I need you to more thoroughly explain what shadow stealth and shadow healing entail. Also, please proofread carefully and correct any typos and word choice errors. (Watch your then vs. than and a few others). I'd love to see a bit more development of how/when he met Salvadore and why he was selected to join the family. I assume because Salvadore wants pretty paintings, but please provide a bit more detail. We might also need to rework some of the history so it fits into a more historically accurate sense. Early 1600s in America was the beginning of European colonization and it would've been very rough at that time.

The information provided in the CS serves as a sort of writing sample. I'm not trying to be overly harsh, but I want to make sure that everyone is up to par with a general advanced writing level. Thanks. c:
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@Silver Soldier Charlotte

While I appreciate all the effort you've made (I know code can be difficult) I will say that characters for this must be original characters-- not characters from video games. If you want to create a new, original character I will consider your application.

Whose character is from a video game?
The person the post was directed at.
The person the post was directed at.

Ohh. Lol. I'm only asking because I looked up the name and nothing popped up because I was curious what game she's from. o.o
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That's a fine start, though I need you to more thoroughly explain what shadow stealth and shadow healing entail. Also, please proofread carefully and correct any typos and word choice errors. (Watch your then vs. than and a few others). I'd love to see a bit more development of how/when he met Salvadore and why he was selected to join the family. I assume because Salvadore wants pretty paintings, but please provide a bit more detail. We might also need to rework some of the history so it fits into a more historically accurate sense. Early 1600s in America was the beginning of European colonization and it would've been very rough at that time.

The information provided in the CS serves as a sort of writing sample. I'm not trying to be overly harsh, but I want to make sure that everyone is up to par with a general advanced writing level. Thanks. c:
Ah, alright, I do at times struggle for the then and than ^^; i'll look through.. see where I got them confused and fix them, also I will make sure to add the information regarding the Shadow healing in, but had put a link to the information regarding the Shadow Stealth in parentheses. Do you want me to write out that information onto my sheet instead of putting the link down..?

As for the time period I know it would be rough.. but I figured that with how you put not to have an overwhelming amount of tragedies that what I put over his troubles might be enough. I don't want to tip the balance of things accidentally, and I will add more to what would make Salvadore want Damien to begin with. Also a side note please tell me if I start using '...' too much or if once again I somehow messed up the then and than usage. I often am a bit, well insecure about what I put and it was pointed out to me that I often will use the '...' in excess, and I never did get the rule of then and than set firmly in my head, though I am working to fix that.
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Sorry. Just giving a heads up that I won't be able to participate in the RP. I simply don't have the time at the moment .
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@La Reina

Not a problem-- thank you for letting us know. c:

✵Ruadh De More d'Este Sauveterre

Age Turned

Iron Skin
Long-Eared Owl

Irish Gaelic (F)
English (F)
Spanish (C)
Italian (C)
French (B)


One would hear Ruadh before they saw him. He's loud, boisterous and prone to words that would make men and women alike blush in court. Yet, once you laid eyes on him, you'd understand. The man looks like only comes in one volume. Ruadh is tall, but not in a way one would call fantastical. Some may have to look up, others down, but most of the populace just tilts their head a bit. His bright read hair is where most people's eyes land. He leaves it short on the sides but longer uptop, usually forgoing fixing it. His beard is far more kempt, cut close and neat. That's with the exception of the scar that runs over his lip and across his cheekbone. The story changes about where he got it with each retelling, but that's for another time. He has glassy green eyes that have seemed to grown paler as he's grown older. He says his eyesight is quite fine, but others might disagree. Strong nose, shapely lips, possiby stark cheekbones, but they've lost their prominence as Ruadh has become more sedintary in his position.

Ruadh doesn't keep up with the latest fashion and, for the most part, is dated when it comes to outfits. Though, he will make a conscious effort to try when invited to a public event or gathering. Still, it's without all the fineries that people of higher stature lean into. Usually, a button is unbuttoned, a tie is not fully tightened, or his boots will be caked with mud. Despite many a tailor's attempts, his outfits are ill-fitted for his form. He's broad-shouldered and barrel-chested from years of fighting. His arms retain muscularity from that time as well, but his middle has gone soft giving him an obvious belly that strains even them most forgiving of waistcoats. Yet, that does not take away from any intimidation his height and width provide him, nor does it mean that he is soft in the manners of speaking or acting. Ruadh still knows how to fight, and will go easily into a challenge.


Ruadh is transparent as well-shined glass. He's not a political man. He does not scheme. Sometimes he plots but only for profit. His feelings, concerns, and opinions are laid bare as flesh. This polarizing attitude is the sort that makes easy friends and enemies. Friends are welcomed into his company with the ease of one sliding into a chair. He is prone to embraces, hard slaps to the back, and sharing alcohol with the ease of sharing the same space. Due to his upbringing, he fails at having a courtly attitude and will gab with amusement and laugh so hard it vibrates crystal.

On the other side, if he finds himself in the company of enemies, he will not go quiet and dark. He will still be warm and welcoming, but he'll also be quick to insult and quicker to lose his temper. Oh, Ruadh's temper. It is a nasty and fast thing, like a snake treading water. It is usually only reserved for those that he does not trust nor care for. It can flare up as easily as insulting his hospitality, looking at one his favorite people wrong, or speaking ill of his homeland. He's quite keen on punching, though he can use other weapons if need be. He enjoys heavy and blunt things. And it should be known, he is never guilty about his actions or words--temper involved or not.


Ruadh was actually born Iacobson De More, but his mother always lovingly called him Ruadh due to his bright red hair. So, his birth name was quickly swept away and is only known to those that he trusts fully and without a doubt.

Honestly, Ruadh would have never had the life he's had, had it not been for the English. Born in the early 1560s, his upbringing was not noble or rich. What little wealth his family had could be accounted for in land and only land. Still, he didn't starve and he was taught enough to get by.

During the first Desmond Rebellion, Ruadh watched from afar. Like many an Irishman, he hoped they succeeded. Yet, the destruction that was wrought turned Ruadh from a spectator to a member. When the English employed their "scorched earth" tactic, Ruadh's farm was one of the many that were hit. While his family made it out alive, their farm, their livestock, and their entire lives were turned into smoke and ash. Ruadh swore revenge.

He would get that revenge in 1580 when the second Desmond Rebellion reared its head. He participated in the rebellion, learning guerilla tactics and war strategy. Yet, Ruadh was not a noble and lacked the clout to do anything but participate in dirty tactics and violence. When it seemed as if the Irish were losing, he knew that he would not be given sanctuary if he bowed the English. So, he escaped in a ship that was headed to Spain, one of the few allies that Ireland had in that battle.

There Ruadh would make a name for himself. He would use what he learned of guerilla tactics to ambush British spies, ships, and military. He would feed the information back to the Spanish, and in return, he would sell the goods he obtained.

In 1588, when the Spanish Armada swept off to go fight the British, Ruadh realized that he had to change his game in order to still stay relevant. He's gathered quite a few contacts from the time he'd sold off British wares. He used them to start a lucrative, and somewhat legal, business. Against all odds, he became an Irish tradesman in the middle of Spain. Though, he was backed by a Spaniards that had government ties, which never hurt. He used his talent and knowledge to procure hard to get items, through less-than-legal means, for rich clients. At first, he helmed these operations, but as the company became larger, Ruadh sat behind a desk and hired the right people to take care of things. If anything, his clients enjoyed not dealing with stubborn Irishman.

Behind the scenes, Ruadh began learning how to read and write. English came first followed by Spanish and its sister language Italian. He still knew Gaelic by heart, and he would use it many of his secretive goings-on. In that time of him becoming a more cultured individual, he was invited to a party in France. Usually, he would send one of his most trust delegates, whose words were as good as his. Yet, this client ensured quite the profit if Ruadh showed up himself. He realized quickly, standing amongst the elite and pampered, he was here to be more of a show piece than a businessman. That would have led to an unprofessional fight had it not been for the interest of one Salvadore. They discussed business and fine art all evening. While Ruadh didn't have the taste for it, he did have the taste for how rare things were and why they were that way.

Salvadore and he would run into each other a handful of times afterward. Each time discussing the various goings on the world and always circling back to art. There would come the day, though, that Salvadore would ask for him to gather a piece that otherwise was not on the market. It was the in the basement of a rich French noble, who would not let it see the light of day. The noble wasn't enjoying it or celebrating it. No, he was hoarding it because he could hoard it. Given their budding friendship, Ruadh stated that he would do this for free if Salvadore would remain his confidant in finer things, he having no taste for it.

Getting the art was easy. It was like an exchange of hands. Ruadh was actually amused by Salvadore's inclinations and wishes, that he would see to whatever the Italian man wished and usually without a price. Things progressed in a way that Salvadore revealed what he was and wanted to put Ruadh and his company in his family. It was a proposal that Ruadh didn't quite understand at first, but as things became more clear Ruadh became more interested. So, he accepted.

Ruadh grew his trading empire as the years progressed. He stayed mostly in his villa in Spain, but he would travel to and from France to be with his new family. The "Ruadh Trading Company" became a staple for both legal and illegal goods. While it never shadowed legitimate, country owned traders, it did make quite the handsome sum in acquiring all sorts of goods from all sorts of places. Yet, Ruadh has never forgotten his roots. Even though Salvadore owns a nice share of his business, Ruadh still employs more Irishmen than most, and thoroughly enjoys ridiculing the English.


Ruadh owns his own trading company. He has a Villa in Salmanca that he runs most of his business out of. He also has a small piece of land in Ireland, that's mostly for housing the descendants of his family. Obviously, he has an apartment in the Sauveterre estate.


Ruadh is a businessman above all else. While he is not a man that is comfortable politicking, he knows how to deal with his clients and get things done. He also knows about infrastructure, and how to manage all of its parts. That being said, he's not the charismatic face of his own company. He's the brains and sometimes the muscle.

He is a brawler, easily enough. While he does not have formal training, he has fought in guerilla based wars and tended to many a drunken adversary. He's tall and tough, and he can handle himself in a fight. Yet, if one was to give him a formal sword and ask him to duel, Ruadh would laugh. His fighting comes from a more primal place.

The Iron Skin ability he received upon becoming a vampire is quite useful. It makes his skin impenetrable to most weapons, blunt blows, and it makes his own attacks far strong and more formidable. That being said, it doesn't stop him from being burned, frozen, drowned, asphyxiated, or otherwise incapacitated in ways that do not imply puncture. Also, he can only activate the ability for a limited time. The longer he has it going, the weaker he will be coming out of it. Usually, he requires more blood after using it and a long nap. So, he only uses it when he needs to.


✵ Even though his battle is over a hundred years old, Ruadh still doesn't like the English. Quite frankly he'll choose to fight them over talking to them.
✵ He isn't a violent man, but if he is insulted or his livelihood, of the livelihood of those he cares about, is threatened, he will react in a bloodthirsty manner.
✵ Drinks too much.
✵ He loves dogs. He owns several of varying pedigrees. They range from Irish Wolfhounds to Small Poodles.

Art by Masayoshi on tumblr
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Okay, first and foremost, this is me fluffing history with some historical points I pulled from Wikipedia. So please correct me if I'm wrong. Also, I couldn't find many nocturnal animals from Ireland because searching for "Irish Nocturnal Animals" leads to Irish reviews of "Nocturnal Animals." Also, let me know if Salvadore wouldn't participate in the things you said. I'll edit it. I was just trying to think of the most canon explanation why.
That was fast. Also, hello, Rekt. c: I'll read through it and let you know!

It's good to see you around.
Wip--but currently, Aless is an inspired writer who was very involved during the Italian Renaissance. He enjoys fooling around with just about everyone and always seems to have his own personal agenda.

✵Alessandro Biancardi d'Este Sauveterre

Age Turned

Poison Kiss

English (F)
Italian (C)


Tall, dark and undeniably handsome. That's Alessandro. The man holds his head high and walks with a gait that could be easily interpreted as cocky. A lover of fashion and trend, he dresses sharply and isn't afraid to be a little extravagant during masquerades and galas.

His mane is grown but never left unruly—instead constantly manicured so it seems like it took little effort while in actuality it did. A lot. His light blue eyes contrast sharply with the rest of his fine, darker details and they always hold a mischievous glint fitting of a man like him. His beard oddly enough, is a point of personal pride and he maintains it with discreet intensity.

Beyond that, the profound writer is broad shouldered, statuesque and taut. Despite his chosen craft, his limbs are muscular and trained, though they only really became that way years after Aless was turned when he realized that he'd be using this body for a long, long time.


Anybody who knows Alessandro would describe him as spirited, at the very least. He's always been an outspoken man—both in his writing and in his spoken word. Perhaps it's the way Aless rarely backs down from a debate or how quick he is when it comes to repartee, but the man oozes an easygoing confidence that greatly solidifies his spot as one of the court's most charismatic men.

But all that charisma does not come without an agenda. Unlike his close friend, Ruadh, Alessandro lives for politics and court intrigue. Schemes, plots, gossip are all second nature to him and something he is ruthlessly talented at. Every move he makes while on the floor, ever single gesture and handsome smile, is one that has been measured and planned.

But it was not Alessandro's way of honeying his words that drew the Grand Sire's attention to him. No, it was the writer's forward and perhaps even scandalous thinking. He was a loud voice among those leading the Italian Renaissance and being turned did not alter that. He remains a dangerously liberal thinker and always aims to push the envelope. Whether it might be taking on less then orthodox lovers or tackling dead set traditions in fervently written manifestos, he's a little revolutionary at heart.

While on the topic, Aless's lovers also serve as his sole source of blood. There is no doubt that Alessandro's more indulgent than he should be but control over that type of thing comes with experience and that's one thing that Aless hasn't gotten enough of, well…at least when it comes to the drinking bit anyways.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nunc elit pharetra nulla, venenatis hendrerit, mauris nec odio eget sed at. Augue morbi vel tortor vel congue aliquam, sed lacus velit ut vel, nullam turpis ac luctus fusce justo, purus suscipit curabitur enim. Eget vel non, rutrum quis nibh dui posuere magnis, imperdiet dapibus cras, diam rem euismod, amet sollicitudin. Ac aut ligula sapien in sem, dolor wisi mattis commodo lacus nunc, pede nunc turpis odio. Mattis aliquam, enim impedit consequat pretium, sapien diam, felis molestie, magnis mauris. Scelerisque ut sit hac amet non congue, enim nibh posuere, ac donec enim, nulla malesuada magnis vitae. Hendrerit orci amet in dignissim ligula scelerisque, hendrerit neque suscipit. Orci ullamcorper quam adipiscing luctus porttitor maecenas, nulla ac a, turpis lacus. Ultricies ac lorem proin tristique, auctor donec pulvinar libero, tincidunt lobortis sollicitudin, urna tincidunt viverra, et leo.


As the sole son of the Biancardi household, Alessandro inherited his childhood estate and the rest of the property from in father at the age of twenty three . This includes a few acres of farmland, a villa out on the country side and approximately five vineyards.

Preferring to spend the majority of his time in France, almost all business aspects are managed by Alessandro's younger, more responsible relatives.


Alessandro's defining skill is his unsurprisingly his ability to socialize. He's incredibly practiced at the art of conversation and is just as likely to strike up a talk with a pretty noblewoman as he is to a lowly servant just barely reaching adulthood. He knows how to get information out of people…sometimes even without them noticing.

It was Aless' ability with ink and a pen that got him involved with the Sauveterre household. His writing is refined yet approachable and so long as you've met the author at least once before, you can't help but read his papers with his distinct voice in your head.

While he is far from the best fencer in the realm, Aless is still a sufficient enough swordsman. He's a bit lackadaisical when it comes to the craft however, seeing it as more of a hobby rather than a skill to be utilized. He'd much rather talk someone to bed than stick a blade in them.

After turning Alessandro developed the ability to poison someone through direct physical contact with his tongue. While it is his preferred method, a passionate kiss is not necessary in delivering his poison. The toxin is actually located in his saliva but he'd never admit it. Killing a man through salivate doesn't sound seductive at all!

As mentioned, this ability is most common application is mouth to mouth contact, but Aless can simply line the edge of a wine glass of an enemy with his tongue and it will get the job done just the same. The poison is slow working, debilitating and resembles syphilis, with the only difference being it can be cured if treated in time.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nunc elit pharetra nulla, venenatis hendrerit, mauris nec odio eget sed at. Augue morbi vel tortor vel congue aliquam, sed lacus velit ut vel, nullam turpis ac luctus fusce justo, purus suscipit curabitur enim. Eget vel non, rutrum quis nibh dui posuere magnis, imperdiet dapibus cras, diam rem euismod, amet sollicitudin.

✵Valentina d'Este Sauveterre

Age Turned

Thought Empathy
Red Fox

English (F)
Spanish (F)


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nunc elit pharetra nulla, venenatis hendrerit, mauris nec odio eget sed at. Augue morbi vel tortor vel congue aliquam, sed lacus velit ut vel, nullam turpis ac luctus fusce justo, purus suscipit curabitur enim. Eget vel non, rutrum quis nibh dui posuere magnis, imperdiet dapibus cras, diam rem euismod, amet sollicitudin. Ac aut ligula sapien in sem, dolor wisi mattis commodo lacus nunc, pede nunc turpis odio. Mattis aliquam, enim impedit consequat pretium, sapien diam, felis molestie, magnis mauris. Scelerisque ut sit hac amet non congue, enim nibh posuere, ac donec enim, nulla malesuada magnis vitae. Hendrerit orci amet in dignissim ligula scelerisque, hendrerit neque suscipit. Orci ullamcorper quam adipiscing luctus porttitor maecenas, nulla ac a, turpis lacus. Ultricies ac lorem proin tristique, auctor donec pulvinar libero, tincidunt lobortis sollicitudin, urna tincidunt viverra, et leo.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nunc elit pharetra nulla, venenatis hendrerit, mauris nec odio eget sed at. Augue morbi vel tortor vel congue aliquam, sed lacus velit ut vel, nullam turpis ac luctus fusce justo, purus suscipit curabitur enim. Eget vel non, rutrum quis nibh dui posuere magnis, imperdiet dapibus cras, diam rem euismod, amet sollicitudin. Ac aut ligula sapien in sem, dolor wisi mattis commodo lacus nunc, pede nunc turpis odio. Mattis aliquam, enim impedit consequat pretium, sapien diam, felis molestie, magnis mauris. Scelerisque ut sit hac amet non congue, enim nibh posuere, ac donec enim, nulla malesuada magnis vitae. Hendrerit orci amet in dignissim ligula scelerisque, hendrerit neque suscipit. Orci ullamcorper quam adipiscing luctus porttitor maecenas, nulla ac a, turpis lacus. Ultricies ac lorem proin tristique, auctor donec pulvinar libero, tincidunt lobortis sollicitudin, urna tincidunt viverra, et leo.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nunc elit pharetra nulla, venenatis hendrerit, mauris nec odio eget sed at. Augue morbi vel tortor vel congue aliquam, sed lacus velit ut vel, nullam turpis ac luctus fusce justo, purus suscipit curabitur enim. Eget vel non, rutrum quis nibh dui posuere magnis, imperdiet dapibus cras, diam rem euismod, amet sollicitudin. Ac aut ligula sapien in sem, dolor wisi mattis commodo lacus nunc, pede nunc turpis odio. Mattis aliquam, enim impedit consequat pretium, sapien diam, felis molestie, magnis mauris. Scelerisque ut sit hac amet non congue, enim nibh posuere, ac donec enim, nulla malesuada magnis vitae. Hendrerit orci amet in dignissim ligula scelerisque, hendrerit neque suscipit. Orci ullamcorper quam adipiscing luctus porttitor maecenas, nulla ac a, turpis lacus. Ultricies ac lorem proin tristique, auctor donec pulvinar libero, tincidunt lobortis sollicitudin, urna tincidunt viverra, et leo.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nunc elit pharetra nulla, venenatis hendrerit, mauris nec odio eget sed at. Augue morbi vel tortor vel congue aliquam, sed lacus velit ut vel, nullam turpis ac luctus fusce justo, purus suscipit curabitur enim. Eget vel non, rutrum quis nibh dui posuere magnis, imperdiet dapibus cras, diam rem euismod, amet sollicitudin.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nunc elit pharetra nulla, venenatis hendrerit, mauris nec odio eget sed at. Augue morbi vel tortor vel congue aliquam, sed lacus velit ut vel, nullam turpis ac luctus fusce justo, purus suscipit curabitur enim. Eget vel non, rutrum quis nibh dui posuere magnis, imperdiet dapibus cras, diam rem euismod, amet sollicitudin.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nunc elit pharetra nulla, venenatis hendrerit, mauris nec odio eget sed at. Augue morbi vel tortor vel congue aliquam, sed lacus velit ut vel, nullam turpis ac luctus fusce justo, purus suscipit curabitur enim. Eget vel non, rutrum quis nibh dui posuere magnis, imperdiet dapibus cras, diam rem euismod, amet sollicitudin.

Also a wip--Valentina is more wholesome and genuine. Quite charismatic, she's also a great dancer and entertainer.
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I am highly interested in this, and shall get to work on a character tonight. It will take me a bit to finish, as I will be drawing him. I also need to brush up on my knowledge of the Ottoman Empire, as that is where he will be from.

Also, with the emphasis on proper grammar expectations, I feel I should make sure you all know that English is not my first language and that I am dyslexic. I always read over my writings at least twice before posting, so I catch most things, but I do still make minor errors from time to time. Should I be accepted, I want to make sure that you all know that I will gladly correct any mistakes that are pointed out. I hope this is not an issue.
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