[Samuel x Roman]

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Evan, Allison and Samuel had already gotten ready before to birthday twins and the younger kids got up. Even was wearing pastel purple T-shirt with his basketball shorts, Allison looked adorable in a cute purple skater dress and Samuel's outfit that day consisted of a pink and white floral t-shirt, tan chinos, white socks with a single pink stripe around the edge and a pair of running shoes, since they'd be walking all day. They dressed all the younger kids in nice purple and pinks as well. So that way they were all matching, which was silly, but it was also very apparent that they were a family.

They arrived at the amusement park, Samuel was once again happy Roman and London knew French so they could get their tickets without a hassle and enter the gorgeous park. It was apparently the smallest Disney theme park, but Samuel doubted that mattered because it was still a Disney theme park and the four oldest members in their group had not been to one in about ten years and for the four youngest this was the first time.

Eden and Stella were both looking around with wide eyes, looking absolutely adorable. Stella was holding Eden's hand in one hand and Harper's in the other while Allison held Harper's hand. Even though they seemed to be keeping track on one other they could definitely get lost, but Samuel was prepared and got out a marker ha had brought from home.

"Isn't it?" Samuel agreed with Roman, crouching down, being mindful of Letha in the baby carrier he had strapped on, to start writing out his and also London's phone numbers on all the kids' arms, including Allison's, "Are you guys excited?" he asked the kids while he was at it.

"Yes! Super!" Stella said happily, and Allison nodded in agreement, "Yeah, It'll be fun, I wanna see if I can remember anything from when we were in California, I think a lot of the stuff is meant to be the same yeah?"

Samuel didn't point out that she had been way too young to remember California and instead happily said, "Yeah I think some of the rides are the same, but they might still look different," and then stood as he was done writing the phone numbers.

"Okay, if any of you can't find anyone else of us you need to go into a restaurant or to a booth or anyone who works here and ask them to call one of the phone numbers on your arms, okay?" Samuel asked, after getting some nods he addressed the rest of the group, "so, what do we want to do first? I think it's up to the people celebrating their birthdays, yeah?"
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Roman definitely agreed with writing the phone numbers on the kids' arms. While they would certainly be keeping a close eye on all of them, they were in a huge and crowded place and things could happen. It was better to be prepared than to be freaking out over a missing child.

Roman looked up at London, since it was as much her birthday as it was his. "What do you want to do first?" he asked his twin sweetly.

"Um ... I think we should find a nice ride to go on with all the kids first? And then we can split off into smaller groups so the people who want to go on the big rides can go and the rest of us can do something more child-friendly?"

"Sounds good to me. Samuel, lead us to the teacups, you're good at finding lame rides."
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"You're such a meanie today,"
Samuel laughed, "I can already tell you're turning into a cranky old man,"

But even so, Samuel spotted the classic teacup ride on the map and directed them all there. It was an adorable ride, themed after the Mad Hatter in Alice in Wonderland, which Samuel loved because he really liked the books. It also looked really lovely in bright pastels with lanterns hanging from the ceilings.

After lining up for a while, which was always a gamble with young kids, but they seemed to knee themselves entertained by playing in the small amount of space they had, they got to spaces on the ride. Each cup fit about three or four people so they had to split up. Samuel and Roman would go in one with Letha, who honestly didn't count as a person since she was just strapped to Samuel.

"Okay does anyone wanna go with London, Evan and Allison?" S
amuel asked the kids, "We'll be next to each other so we can try to wave to each other as we spin, it'll be fun," Eden looked unsure, and without saying anything he dragged Stella, who seemed to be considering her options, with him to stand closer to his daddies.
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"I go wif Evan and London and Allison!" Harper said excitedly, bouncing up and down. He scurried over to stand with his cousin and Roman smiled because it was very adorable.

Soon they were all seated in their nice teacups, and the ride began. Of course it was pretty boring for the adults, since it was literally just a rotating seat that wasn't even going very fast, but the kids seemed to be having the time of their lives, and even if Roman sooked about it, Disneyland was first and foremost for the kids. So, he was glad that they were having a nice time.

They got off the ride and went a little way away to discuss their plan of action and when to meet up. They agreed that if they split up, London and Roman should be in one of the two groups since they both spoke French and therefore could communicate with someone if need be. In the end, the only change between the two families was that Harper went with his cousin and aunt and uncle. Then they went their separate ways with promises to meet up for lunch in an hour.

"Stella, Eden,"
Roman said to his gorgeous twins, "what would you two like to do?"
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"I wanna go woosh," Stella reached her hands up in the air, "And wosh," and then down again.

"You wanna go on a rollercoaster?" Samuel asked and Stella nodded, so Samuel referred to the map he had, "Well, there doesn't seem to be all that many rollercoasters we could go on," he said, the ones they had Stella was most definitely to short to go on, "There is this ride that'll go woosh but on the ground I think, does that sound okay?"

"Yes!!" Stella decided, so they went there, however since Samuel was holding Letha he wouldn't be able to go, and young kids had to go with an adult. So for both Stella and Eden to go, they would have to line up twice. As it turned out though, based on the height requirements painted up as lines on a wall, it seemed like Eden was actually a couple of centimetres on the short side.

"Aww shoot, Edie," Samuel said sadly, "Would you be okay with waiting with me and Letha while Stella and Daddy go on the ride?"

Eden looked a little hesitant and just a little sad but nodded and let go of Stella's hand. It was really sad and Samuel wouldn't have suggested the ride if he hadn't thought Eden was tall enough, "Then you get to decide what we do next, kay?" Samuel said and took Eden's hand, "Let's say bye-bye to Daddy and Stella for now," Samuel said and waved to the other two,

"Buh-bye," Edie said, a little happier now that he knew he got to decide the next activity all by himself. Stella jest seemed excited to go and had taken her Daddy's hand, pulling it while going, "Cars! Cars!"
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Roman squatted down to give Eden an apology kiss to the cheek, sad that he couldn't go on the cars but happy he didn't seem to mind too much. Then, he took Stella's hand and stepped into line with her, so they could await to go on the cars.

After a short wait, it was time for Roman and Stella to have their turn. Roman helped her into a light blue car and took the driver's seat, though he would let her pretend that she was driving if it would make her happy. Honestly, there wasn't much Roman wouldn't do to make his children happy, because he loved them so much he felt like he was going to explode.

Soon the ride started and Roman began to zoom along down the little road. "Woosh!" he said to Stella as they went, the wind blowing her adorable curly hair in all directions. He would have to tie it back when they got off so it didn't get in her face for the rest of the day. "Woosh! Woosh! Wooooooooosh!"

They did a couple of laps of the track before their time was up and they had to get out of their car. Roman got out first, picked up his little girl and gave her a big kiss to the cheek, then carried her over to where Samuel, Eden and Letha were all waiting.

"Hello, dear family!"
Roman said happily. He set Stella down, squatted down next to her and tied her hair up in a high bun while he spoke. "Edie, you get to pick what we do next! What would you like to do, sweetie?"
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While Roman and Stella lined up Samuel sat down with Eden on a bench and brought out the map, they Samuel pointed out all the rides and activities they could go on, and Eden listened and pointed to the ones he thought seemed fun and Samuel told him what he thought they might be like, it wasn't like he had been there but he knew if something was a ride or something to watch.

They settled on the Alice in Wonderland labyrinth. It was one of the Disney movies they tended to watch quite a lot at home and Eden liked Cheshire cat and the mars hare and the bunny a lot so it was probably thanks to that he chose it.

Then they went to go watch Roman and Stella go in the cars, it looked like they were having a lot of fun which Samuel was very happy about. Eventually, the ride was over and the other two rejoined them.

"Yeah, Edie, show them which one you picked," Samuel said and handed Eden the map.

Eden found the place, pointed towards it and happily chirped, "Alice!" and then grinned at his daddy, waiting to see if he liked his decision.
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"Alice? What a good decision, Edie, we love Alice!" Roman said excitedly. He did love Alice in Wonderland, so he wasn't lying at all. He gave Eden a kiss to the cheek, then helped him to his feet and soon they were on their merry way.

They made it to Alice's Curious Labyrinth, stopping along the way so Roman could buy them all some snow cones, and since it was his birthday Samuel wasn't allowed to say a thing. Soon they had made it to the nice maze, and Roman lead his family onward. It was beautiful and very nicely decorated. Roman loved it a lot.

They were about halfway through the maze and came across the caterpillar that smoked from the hookah. Roman put both of the twins next to the mushroom, one on each side, then backed up so they were there and so they could take a nice picture.

"Samuel, did you bring your camera?"
Roman asked. He wanted as many nice pictures from this amazing day as possible.
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"Did I bring my camera? Roman, who do you think I am?"
Samuel said in a joking manner and got out his camera out if his backpack. He stood next to Roman, put the camera up to his face and said, "Smile!" the twins both grinned and Samuel snapped two or so pictures.

He looked them through to make sure they were okay, before taking Letha out of her carrier and handing her to Roman, "Here I want you to stand with them for one of them," he knew it was a bit of a hassle, but he just wanted options in case he ended up making a scrapbook project for their Paris trip at some point.

After the picture was taken they continued their trip through the labyrinth. Samuel kept his camera up though, occasionally snapping pictures of his family. There were a lot of candid ones, of things like Eden and Stella running ahead, or Roman just looking pretty. And some more posed ones. He was getting a little better at taking pictures at this point, none of them was by no means masterpieces, but that wasn't really the point, the point was catching the moment.

They got out of the labyrinth quite a while later, they had really taken their time to look at everything, there was no real point in rushing it since it was something they had all wanted to see.

"So, do we want to meet up the other's for lunch or do we feel like we have time for something else?"
Samuel asked, more to Roman than the kids this time.
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Roman checked the time on his phone, which had of course been adjusted to Paris time, and found that it was nearing the time they were to go and meet up with the others. "Nah, lets just go and have lunch now," Roman recommended, and soon they were on their way.

They found London, Evan, Allison and Harper at a cute little cafe, having already claimed one of the biggest tables the little place had to offer. Roman sat down next to his birthday twin with his husband on his other side. The table seated eight so with Letha in her carrier, they fitted very nicely.

When the waiter came around to take their orders Roman requested a large bowl of chips for their kids to share and a slice of lasagne for himself. London sweetly ordered a chicken and leek pie and they all got milkshakes to compliment their meals.

When the server left, Roman turned to his niece and son. "So what did you guys get up to?"
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they found the rest of the family and all sat down to eat. Samuel ordered a salad for himself but wasn't going to complain about the milkshakes just because t wasn't the healthiest option. It was Roman and London's birthday, it was worth celebrating.

"we went on some of the bigger riders," Alisson happily informed her uncle, "Though there were some of them Harper couldn't go on so me and Daddy went on them and mummy went to go on some with Harper,"

"Yeah but Harper was tall enough for most things so we mostly did things together, most things here tend to aim to be an all-ages kind of thing, " Evan added, and turned more to Harper, "We had a whole lot of fun, yeah?"
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"Yes yes yes, super fun!" Harper said excitedly, nodding his little head up and down. "I wuv Disneyland! Is there a Disneyland in Astraya?"

"No, unfortunately, which I consider a most hideous injustice,"
Roman said.

Harper looked at him, confused by all the big words.

"Maybe they'll build one one day."

After lunch they toured the park a little more, met some Disney characters, went on a few more smaller rides and just had a generally great time. All in all, Roman and London had an amazing birthday with their family. Despite his reservations against turning the hideous age of thirty, Roman was glad he had been able to commemorate the day with such a special event, and he was delighted that he got to have his family there by his side with him.
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The next couple of days of their trip was spent touring Paris. It was a lovely town and for someone like Samuel who was a total history nerd seeing all the monuments for real was quite incredible. The kids, of course, weren't as amused by it all, they would have probably preferred a beach vacation, but they did get to have a lot of nice food and desserts at the various restaurants and cafes they visited so they actually didn't complain all that much about all the walking and looking at old buildings and statues.

They had however, saved the main thing for last. Namely, the Eiffel Tower. They had gone to see it once already, but only from the outside. Today was the day before they would be leaving France to go back home to Australia, and it was also the day they had set aside for actually going up in the Eiffel Tower.

They had finally made it and were now standing on the ground in front of the impressive building. Samuel looked up at it with a very clear frown. He had been nervous about this for a while. He couldn't have been in France without going up the Eiffel Tower, but it involved going up and it wasn't really a secret that Samuel didn't enjoy heights, and on top of it, keeping track of the kids and making sure they didn't fall or anything while climbing the stairs. He knew they couldn't fall out of the actual tower, though an irrational part of his brain was a little afraid it would happen, but they could fall and hurt themselves pretty badly. So he was worried.

"Don't tell him I said so, but I think Samuel is kind of scared," Evan stage-whispered to his wife in order to poke fun at his friend.

"Come on, heights is perfectly reasonable to be afraid of, like, you can't all tell me that you are completely okay being like 300 meters above ground with nothing but steel bars in the way so you can't fall?"
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"Naww, sweetie, it's okay, I'll protect you," Roman said, pulling his husband in close for a nice kiss to the forehead. He understood that Samuel was nervous and he honestly didn't blame him, but he also knew Samuel would regret it for the rest of his life if he didn't go up the tower today, so, Roman was going to make sure he did it.

And so they began to make their way up the tower. Letha had to be carried, of course. She was strapped to Samuel's chest so Roman and London carried a twin up the stairs each, since they were little and would easily get tired. But soon, they reached the very top of the tower.

The view was breathtaking -- it was like they could see all of Paris from where they stood. Roman stared at it in adoration for a few moments, before he set Eden down on his little feet. "Okay guys, be careful, got it? Don't mess around. You can't fall off but we don't want you to trip over."

The kids nodded and went off to look from the edge, so Roman turned to his husband, holding out a hand. "You okay?"
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The walk up was actually terrifying to Samuel, he had to keep his gaze on his feet and his feet only in able to even be able to do it. And even then he feared every glimpse he got of the ground underneath. After what felt like ages of climbing stairs they hd made it past the first two floors and gotten all the way to the top. And though the rest of the group seemed eager to go closer to the edge and get a look at the view Samuel stayed with his back pressed against the wall and Letha in a very firm hold even if she was in her carrier, as if he was afraid the little girl would fall out somehow.

He kept his gaze still glued to his feet, and he'd be lying if he said there weren't some tears in his eyes, but Roman's voice pulled him out of his worried and scared thoughts a little, "No we're really far up, I don't like it," Samuel whined like a child. He moved his gaze up to Roman and then also saw the kids curiously looking out at Paris and Evan pulling his wife and daughter along to go look at the town through one of the telescopes.

He focused his gaze on Roman's eyes just to not accidentally look out on the view, "I'm just going to stay here until we're done I think," Though he knew for a fact that he'd regret not looking out just once, but still, it seemed a little too scary.
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Roman sighed and licked his lips. He wasn't going to force Samuel to do anything he didn't want to do, but at the same time, he felt this was a one-in-a-lifetime opportunity that his husband would greatly regret not taking if he had the chance. And Roman felt that life was far too short to be living with many regrets.

So, he gently pulled his husband in close, holding him around the waist with Samuel's forehead gently leaning on his chest. Letha was calmly relaxing between them, not squished, but cosy and warm.

"I'm going to lead you over, okay?"
Roman said softly. He walked them over to the edge, a little way away from everyone else so they weren't crowded too much, and positioned them so Samuel was facing away from the gorgeous view. Baby steps.

"Okay, you're right at the edge, and you can open your eyes and have a look whenever you want. It's completely up to you. I'll be here, I promise."
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Samuel didn't protest when Roman pulled him with him. He knew he needed someone to push him to do it if he wanted to at least take a glimpse of the view, and he did want to see it. And he had even made it all the way to the top so just standing pressed against the wall would be such a missed opportunity.

So he kept his eyes shut and face pressed against Roman, seeking comfort from his husband and daughter as they approached the edge, then finally Roman told him that if he did open his eyes he'd get to see the view. Samuel hesitated for a moment, or two. He wasn't actually sure how long, probably more time than needed though. And then he finally opened them to see the breathtaking view below. His heart was still beating hard and fast and he had to stand completely frozen in spot or else he'd get scared, but for now, he was relatively fine. It was scary, but if he wasn't moving it didn't feel like he was at risk of falling, plus Roman was close and that made him feel a little more at ease.

"It's gorgeous," Samuel said, voice a little shaky, "Thank you," it was just a small thanks for helping him be able to see the view, he wouldn't have been able to do it by himself and now he could maybe even snap a picture or two, but for now he almost didn't want to tear his gaze from the view, afraid he'd be too scared to look at it again if he did.
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"You're welcome," Roman murmured. The view of Paris was breathtaking behind them, but in that moment, Roman couldn't think of anything more beautiful in the whole wide world than the beautiful man in his arms. The way he looked, pictured against the gorgeous Parisian skyline ... nothing could compare.

Roman felt so serene in that moment. He felt like everything in his whole life was working out the way it should be. He had a great job, an amazing house, wonderful friends, four gorgeous children and the most wonderful, beautiful, perfect husband he could have ever wished for. Even if he was thirty now and getting older, even if he was approaching his middle age, he couldn't have been more happy with how his life was playing out. He didn't know what he had done in a past life to deserve such amazing karma, but whatever it was, he was so thankful for it.

Slowly, Roman reached up and cupped his beautiful husband's face in his hands, turning him back to face him. Then, he leaned down and pressed a soft, tender and loving kiss to his perfect lips. In that otherworldly moment, he felt infinite, and he had never felt more at peace. He was so grateful for this man, this divine being in his arms with whom he had chosen to spend eternity with. Samuel. Samuel John Colin Hemlock-Ortega.

Roman pulled away, leaning his forehead against his husband's, and murmured in French, "Je t'aime plus que la vie elle-même."

I love you more than life itself.
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For a moment, after that kiss he felt perfectly safe despite his fears, "I love you too," Samuel murmured, he didn't know the exact words Roman had spoken in french, but he had heard je t'aime so many times he couldn't even doubt what it meant.

The months after their trip to paris were comfortably uneventful. Life was good, Samuel and Roman worked, the kids went to daycare and grew older with every single day that went by. Letha turned one and it was with great happiness her parents saw her grow into the adorable little toddler she was, learning to stand and take a couple of steps, which allowed to play more with her siblings.

Life wasn't always perfect, it never was. There was the occasional off day, for both parents and children. Some days Eden was a little grumpy, on other days Harper got scared of a bug and needed his parents close all day, some days were bad days for Roman and some for Samuel. But all in all things were completely and utterly perfect.

Summer vacation passed as quickly as it had come. They made a couple of trips to the beach, Samuel got Evan to help him build a greenhouse and some makeshift soccer goals in the backyard. The house they had moved into about a year ago felt perfect and completely theirs and Samuel loved it.

But as the summer ended it was time for a very big day, a day Samuel felt a little conflicted about. Harper was starting school, Samuel had no idea where the years had gone but he almost didn't feel ready to see him off for such a big adventure, even if they'd come pick him up as soon as it ended. His mother had informed him that that feeling was perfectly normal. But still when he woke up that day it was with conflicting feelings of pride, worry and fear that their little boy was growing up too fast. Still he had gotten up early that morning and forced Roman out of bed as well so they both could help Harper get ready.

They made their way into the little boy's room where he still was sleeping soundly, Samuel who already was dressed for a day at work in beige khakis and a white polo-shirt, turned the lights on and gently shook Harper awake, "Rise and shine sweetie, It's a big day today!"
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That feeling he had felt atop the Eiffel tower had carried on across the next few months, and Roman's life was, for the most part, completely perfect. There were problems here and there, but nothing he and Samuel, with their immense love and devotion to one another, couldn't work out. Everything was folding out amazingly and Roman couldn't have been happier.

Today was a very important day. Harper was starting Prep -- it was his first day of school. While Roman was incredibly proud of his gorgeous little son and couldn't wait to see what he accomplished in the next chapter of his life. But, it felt like he was growing up a little too fast. Roman almost wanted him to stay their sweet little boy forever, but he knew growing up was necessary, and they needed to support their son through the process.

So, Roman, still stubbornly dressed in his pyjamas, had followed Samuel into Harper's bedroom to wake up their little boy and get him ready for his big day.

"What today?"
Harper asked groggily, twisting onto his back with his eyes closed, clearly not to thrilled about being woken up.

"Your first day of school!"
Roman said excitedly, sitting on the edge of Harper's little bed and pushing a hand through his soft hair. "Come on, don't you want to start school? It'll be fun!"

Harper opened his eyes and shook his head. "I wanna stay sleep."