[Samuel x Roman]

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Samuel was happy Cameron was willing to apologize. In a way, Cameron had been just as quick to judge Matthew, it was more justify since Matthew had been the first to attack him, but it also wasn't really fair to uphold Matthew to some kind of different standard, especially when anyone who wasn't as blind to other people's feelings as Matthew could see that Matthew actually had a huge problem with figuring out what people thought or felt.

But not only that, Cameron was willing to listen and talk about it, because he was a good friend. Not that anyone ever doubted that as one would doubt it when it came to Matthew. Honestly, it was no wonder that Matthew was quick to judge people, that seemed to be all he got from others.

"No I mean, there's no need to talk about it if you've been through the same,"
It was a very Matthew thing to say at a time like this, but surprisingly he actually continued, and thus also contradicting himself, "I'm just always looking for approval, you know, even all the studying was me trying to please them. Which is why it had been so hard to see someone who could meet their expectations without even putting any major effort in. And my parents don't even like Elissa, you know, and she's everything they want for me, but she's still not enough, because they just aren't ever satisfied. So I know what it's like, and I'm sorry, I really wouldn't have started about anything other than the tour if I knew that,"

The fact that Matthew was apologizing now, not months later was truly proof of how far he had come since he had the same kind of fight with Roman. Cameron might not have known that, but Samuel was sure Gabi would fill him in on it later.

"I still feel weird about the tour, but I get that it's not my place to lecture you about it," He said with a small sigh, his voice was slowly going back to its usual lack of emotion, but in a way that was comforting because that had to mean he wasn't feeling as upset anymore, "I guess it's just hard because I know I won't be able to help Gabi much when you're gone, because I need to be with Elissa and Will? And everyone else has kids as well, so I'm just worried she's taking on too much and I should have said that before I attacked you,"

"Matthew," Gabi said gently, "me and Jojo will be fine, I'm an adult, if I need help I'll ask for it from people I know have the time, it's sweet that you're so worried and that's a trait we all love you have, but you have to make sure that's not the only thing you see, okay?"

Matthew looked at Gabi for a moment or two before properly whipping his tears once and for all and going, "okay," then he was quiet for a moment before saying, "I'm sorry," and it wasn't just directed to Cameron this time, but all of them, he was apologising for causing the situation. Then he glanced over to where Elissa had gone. But made no effort to move, clearly unsure if that was the best decision, clearly he wasn't used to Elissa being upset with him like this.
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"I accept your apology, and like I said, I apologise for any part I've played in this," Cameron said without hesitation. He then gave Matthew a small smile before returning to where Gabi was seated. He put his arm around her and kissed her on the cheek once more. Roman watched them both and then glanced back at Matthew. This had been a very interesting day.

Roman was about to offer to get Elissa when she entered the room, Will in her arms, a frown on her face. She went to the couch, saw that Samuel had taken her spot and sat in Matthew's lap. Their baby was awake and was peering up at his father with a curious expression on his face.

"I'm sorry for going off at you,"
Elissa said quietly. "I was just really angry, because I just want everyone to get along, for the kids' sake and for our own. But I know it started because you were just worried about Gabi, and you may have taken it too far but it started in a good place, so I'm sorry."

She looked up at Matthew properly, and her eyes widened. "You were crying? Oh my God, because of me?!"
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Matthew wrapped his arms around his wife without hesitation when she came to sit in his lap and she held her, and thus also their little baby tenderly.

"No, because of myself, don't worry Elissa," he leaned in and placed a kiss on his wife's cheek, "You were right it wasn't okay. We're both just stressed right now,"

Samuel decided he had done his best he could to be a supportive friend and stood to go sit with Roman and his own little baby now, "Yeah babies tend to be kind of stressful," he pointed out but ran his hand over Letha's short soft blonde hair, because he loved her even if she caused some stress. He was purposefully directing conversation elsewhere, he, Gabi and Elissa all knew Matthew wouldn't want to talk much about his outburst now that they had gotten it out of the way and Samuel was certain he and Elissa would sort things through when the rest of them left.

"But you'll get used to it, somewhat, it gets better the more experience you get at least," he added with a shrug. It was easier with Letha than it had been with Harper, she was calmer as well, but just knowing what they were doing helped.

"Yeah, god I'm really grateful for Cameron actually knowing stuff about taking care of babies," Gabi said and leaned against her boyfriend, "And it's not like I won't be able to talk to him when he's gone so he can still give me tips, so in that way I actually have an advantage in my opinion. Plus I feel like I could talk to Kebi and get tips from her as well, I'll probably be visiting you when you're gone anyways so Emmie won't miss out on seeing her sister,"
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"I'm sure Emmie would like that a lot," Cameron said softly.

After the outburst, things seemed to settle back to normal. They were able to talk and joke and have fun, but there was still a slight tension in the air, one that was impossible to ignore. But it didn't inhibit them from getting back into a good mood very much. Elissa spent the entire time cuddled up against Matthew's chest, their tiny baby in her arms. Both of them looked peaceful.

After a few hours Cameron announced they had to go pick up Emma-Marie, so they left. Roman and Samuel stayed for a little while longer, but eventually they had to leave too, and so they drove off in their car and picked up their kids. Roman hoped that today had been a learning experience for Matthew, and that he would use it in the future to better himself as a person. Because while he certainly wasn't a bad one, he still had flaws to work on -- but that was simply because he was human.
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After that incident during their first meeting with Will and Jojo Samuel had made sure to text Matthew and make sure everything was alright. And they were and Matthew had also told him that he was glad it had happened in a way because now he actually had a better understanding of Cameron and apparently he found it a little easier to be around him. So, Samuel felt happy their friends weren't upset and could go on with his own life with his family without feeling guilty.

By the end of august, they had something very exciting planned. They were going to Paris. It wasn't the best timing what with Roman and Samuel just having moved and all, but it was Roman and London's thirtieth birthday and they couldn't let that slide without a big celebration. So, they had booked in a trip work the Johnson- Hemlock-Ortega households to go together. Well, they had booked it months ago obviously, but it was now time to go.

That morning they Samuel had woken up the kids, and Roman, early, gotten everyone into the car and then driven to pick up the Johnsons. They were just one too many people for the car, but Evan had somehow managed to convince London and Roman that one adult could take one of the youngest kids in their lap. Since it was just a one-time thing to and from the airport they decided it would be safe enough, and Samuel was driving and he was kind of known for being the slowest driver at least, even if he was a little nervous about it.

They arrived at the airport and parked their car in the long-time parking lot, which would be a little pricey but now they didn't have to bother anyone by forcing them to drive them too and from the airport.

They got inside and went to line up to check in their bags, luckily all the kids were tired and not running around too much. Letha was sleeping in Roman's arms, Stella and Eden were sweetly holding hands, yawning occasionally in unison, Allison was holding Harper's hand to keep track of him, and probably just because she loved her little cousin.

"Who wants juice?" Samuel asked as he found some packages of juice rummaging through his carry on bag for their passports to have everything ready for when it was their turn to check in their bags.

"Why would you bring juice knowing we're gonna go through security?" Evan asked, he looked just as tired and dishevelled as the children.

"I meant to have everyone drink some in the car but everyone was sleeping, so we're gonna have to drink it before we go through,"
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Roman felt and looked like death. He had been so rudely dragged out of bed at some ungodly hour to go to the airport. He was wearing a long grey T-shirt over a pair of black leggings and some plain converse sneakers. His hair was a mess and he had huge dark circles under his eyes.

But regardless, he was still excited, because he and his family were going to Paris to celebrate his and London's thirtieth birthday. As much as he didn't want to turn thirty, he was still so excited to be travelling overseas, to a country he had longed to visit for years, to celebrate this momentous occasion. And he was even more excited to be going with his sister, her husband and all their children. So, he had a smile on his face as they walked through the airport even if he looked like a drug addict.

"I'll have some juice,"
he said, taking a juice box and sticking in the straw. Letha was strapped to his chest in a baby carrier and was peacefully dozing against his shoulder.

"Juice! Juice!"
said Harper excitedly, bouncing up and down on his feet and sweetly holding his hand out for a juice box as well. London took one from Samuel, gave it to the little boy and then took one for herself.

"Thanks, Samuel,"
she said. "But I feel like you're taking over my role as the mother hen."
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"aww London, I've been taking over your role as the mother hen for years now,"
Samuel said and gave her a little wink as he handed Stella, who was reaching her hand up and making a whiny sound a juice box. He also handed Eden and Allison ones while he was at it, "Just kidding, I'm actually just taking inspiration from you in the hopes that I one day will be just as good of a mother as you,"

Samuel and Roman didn't have any clear-cut gender roles in their home, one of them hadn't taken on the role that was stereotypically a mother's and one a father's, they mixed it and that was they way Samuel liked it, it was pretty undeniable though that in just seeing how Samuel acted with the kids he tended to fall into a more stereotypical motherly role. Which he honestly didn't care about at all. All types of good parenting were valid parenting and he just wanted his children to grow up happy and healthy.

They all sipped on their juice and eventually, they got to check in their luggage, which meant they had a little less stuff to keep track on, but of course then there was the business of going through security and the kids were actually starting to get more energy now. Maybe the juice hadn't been the best idea.

After lining up some more, which involved a lot of trying to get Stella to stay with them, they went to go through security they got all their stuff in the plastic bins and checked to make sure the kids didn't have anything metallic. Evan went first so he could keep track on the kids once they came through, then Allison. Then Stella decided she thought it looked fun and wanted to go through by her self and so she did.

The moment his twin left is side though Eden seemed to get distressed, and he looked up at Samuel with big terrified eyes and then went to hug his leg, "Aww Edie, you just need to walk to your uncle, it'll be fine, don't worry," E
den still shook his head so Samuel picked him up and turned to the people working the security, "Can I carry him through?" They gave him a sympathetic smile and nodded, and so Eden and Samuel went through the metal detector together without any difficulties, "That wasn't so bad, was it?" Samuel asked and pressed a kiss on his son's cheek before putting him down to wait for the others.
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Harper went after Samuel and Eden, and then London. Then Roman, who had actually taken his piercings out for the occasion, followed afterwards. Soon they were all through and were picking up their belongings from the security personnel. Then, they were on their way.

After quickly grabbing a bite to eat, they made their way to the terminal, and soon they were seated on their plane. There were nine of them, so they had had to book quite a few seats but they had managed to get them all together. There were rows of three -- Roman and Samuel took the back one with Letha in her baby seat, London and Evan had taken the front row with Allison, and Harper, Stella and Eden sat between them all. That way, the kids were surrounded by adults on both sides, Roman and Samuel could be close to their kids and everyone was with someone who could keep them company. Though they would likely switch a few times throughout the trip.

Roman put his carry-on bag on the floor and sighed. He was seated closest to the window, so he could turn and put his legs on Samuel's lap, but Letha's seat was in the way so he wouldn't be able to stretch out totally. "My legs are going to fall off."
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It took a little while but sone they were all cooped up in the plane. Poor Roman, of course, had to struggle to find room, especially now that Letha occupied the third seat in their row, "Maybe you can swap with Harper after take off and force you poor children to have your gigantic legs in their laps," Samuel suggested half-jokingly. Even he thought flying was pretty uncomfortable, it had to be terrible for his husband. He didn't want him to leave him until after take off though, he still found flying pretty scary.

Soon the plane started to move and it was time to go up in the air, Samuel leaned in and peaked through the seats where the kids were seated, "You guys excited?" he asked with a smile, even though he was a little uneasy himself, there was no point in freaking out the little ones as well.

"Yeah!" Stella chirped excitedly, clearly just curious about what the new experience would be like, Eden seemed a little uneasy because he didn't really know what was going on though so Samuel reached between the seats and ruffled his hair a little, "We're gonna fly high up in the air Edie, isn't that cool?"

"Mhm?" Eden said, still not sure about it obviously but seemingly not as uneasy. It was often just a matter of attitude when they were small like this.

Samuel leaned back in his seat, grabbed Roman's had and gave him a slight grimace of a smile as the plane picked up speed, "Well, I'm glad they seem positive at least,"
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"It's going to be okay," Roman murmured, gripping his husband's hand with both of his own as the plane began to lift off the ground. He had never found flying scary, but he understood why other people did. It was quite overwhelming to people with a fear of heights so Roman did not blame his husband at all for feeling nervous.

He only let go when the plane was steady in the air, and even then he didn't move. He only let go so he could shift around and put his legs on his husband's lap. He had them crossed at the ankles and they were awkwardly dangling off a little, but it was a lot more comfortable than before.

"Oh my God," Roman groaned. "I feel a hundred years old, is this what you feel like when you turn thirty? Can I rewind a little, I don't think I'm ready for this."
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The flight went really well, there wasn't much turbulence so Samuel wasn't all that scared after take off. They had brought snacks and some activity books for the kids so they were having the time of their lives. They had to stop and get on another flight once, which was a little annoying, but it was honestly expected with how far away from Europe they lived.

After what was about a day of travelling they finally made it to France. Samuel tried to get the kids excited about it but both he and them were desperately tired luckily getting their rental car, which was a minivan that did have enough seats, without much trouble as London and Roman spoke French, which just made everything a lot easier.

They arrived at their hotel long before it was time to actually sleep, but they were all jetlagged and tired so they were all just planning on getting to their rooms and go to sleep for a while. The hotel was a nice one, and they had reserved two apartment style rooms, the Johnsons had one and the Hemlock-Ortegas one, though they were on the same floor so they still felt kind of connected to each other. They had decided it was for the best so London, Evan and Allison didn't have to deal with Letha crying in the night and things like that.

The room was really nice, clearly well kept, no funny smells as there sometimes was in hotel rooms, it was decorated nicely on homely but everyone was a little too tired to be too excited, "So let's try to figure out who sleeps where shall we?" Samuel said with a big yawn.
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They arrived in Paris but everyone was too tired to be really excited, so they just quickly made their way to their hotel and checked in as fast as possible. Roman said goodnight to his sister, brother-in-law and niece, then carried his two daughters into their own little apartment. The place was lovely, though Roman was so exhausted he felt like he was going to drop dead, so he couldn't really admire the decor with much enthusiasm.

Roman said, setting down Stella so he could tip the bellhop who had brought their bags. "Right, collapsible cot in our room for Letha, the older kids in the other room ..."

Soon, they were all tucked in, with Stella and Eden occupying the double bed in their bedroom and Harper occupying the single. Letha was dozing away in her cot in his and Samuel's room, and after changing out of his travelling clothes and into some simple pyjamas, Roman crawled into bed beside his husband.

He laid down next to him and cuddled him tight, glad for the warmth and comfort after such a long day. Then, he kissed Samuel just below his ear and murmured, "Bienvenue à Paris, mon amour."

Welcome to Paris, my love.
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The next day was their first full day in Paris and also Roman and London's birthday. Though they were planning a full day in Disneyland they had decided to let the birthday twins sleep. Samuel Evan and Allison had all gotten up early to make them all breakfast, though Allison and Evan were doing most of the job, Samuel just kind of cut up fruit and also some carrots they could snack on throughout the day.

They friend eggs, bacon and pancakes along with some various bowls with different types of fruits, then they had set the table in the Hemlock-Ortega kids, save for Letha since she was sleeping in the same room as her daddy. Then Evan went to go wake up London and Samuel Roman so that they would be able to show them both the surprise breakfast.

Samuel entered the bedroom and gently shook some lie into Roman, "Roman love," He murmured, climbing up into bed and kissing his neck sweetly, he kind of liked that he was allowed to wake him up by himself today, it meant some nice extra kisses like that one, "wake up, it's a very, very special day today,"
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Roman got to sleep in that morning, which he was very glad about because he was incredibly jet lagged and felt like death. He didn't want to get out of bed even if it was his birthday and they were going to Disneyland that day. He just wanted to hibernate for a few years and then get up and resume with his day.

When Samuel came in to wake him up, Roman groaned and kept his eyes closed as if he was pretending to be asleep. As if Samuel would fall for that. Maybe if he pretended to be dead he would be able to stay asleep for a little while longer.

Despite pretending to be asleep Roman sat up and wrapped his arms around Samuel's waist, though he kept his eyes firmly closed. Then he laid back down with his husband in his arms and held him tightly, preventing him from escaping. "Let's stay here."
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"Roman, nooo," Samuel laughed as his husband locked him into his embrace. He still snuggled closer a little because it was very cosy. He even had to remind himself that he was on a mission to get his husband out of bed, because he really could have stayed there just cuddling with Roman all day if he got to do whatever.

"You have to get up, we have a nice surprise for you and London," he explained, "And all the kids want their Daddy to come join them in the kitchen," Samuel nuzzled Roman's neck a little, he was so happy they were back to being okay after that incident a while back, he didn't know how he could ever live without his warmth and comfort.

"Also, the more time you spend in bed, the less time we'll have at Disneyland,"
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"Uuuuugggghhhhhh," Roman groaned loudly, still acting like a little shit. But he realised that he couldn't stay in bed forever and that he was being an asshole by refusing to partake in the activities planned by his family, so after a little bit more mental complaining, he sat up and got out of bed.

Whatever reservetions he had felt about getting up were immediately eliminated when he saw the delicious breakfast that had been prepared for them. London entered the room around the same time and both of the twins' faces lit up with a bright smile. Their family was amazing.

"Oh my goodness, you made this all for us!?"
London asked sweetly. She bounced up and wrapped her arms around her husband, then went and gave her little daughter a hug as well. "This is so nice of you all!"

"Yeah, thank you a lot,"
Roman said equally as sweetly, kissing Samuel on the cheek even if he knew his husband hadn't done shit.
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When Roman finally decided to comply Samuel picked up Letha who seemed to just be waking up due to the livelier atmosphere in the room. They went out to the kitchen and Roman, and also London who arrived at about the same time, got to see the breakfast they had made, or well, Allison and Evan had made, but to be fair Samuel did chop some fruits, help set the table and wake up the kids.

"Anything for you two, on your thirtieth birthday," Samuel grinned and directed Roman to a chair, "You're old like us now," he kissed the top of Roman's head and sat next to him. They all started to get foods on their plates, Samuel and Evan helped the little ones and soon they were all having a taste of the very lovely meal. Evan and Allison had really outdone themselves, sure it was just simple bacon eggs and pancakes, but it tasted really great and Samuel would never be able to accomplish the same.

"So, how does it feel to be old now? Is it any different? Did you wake up with back problems and a sudden need to buy a motorcycle because you've realised you're over thirty and need to feel young again?"
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Roman glared at his husband for joking about him being old. "No, but I'm edging closer to a mid-life crisis and that'll be when I realise I hate you and I need a new spouse, so watch it, mate."

Of course that was completely untrue. Roman would always love Samuel. But he couldn't deny the fact that it scared him a little that he was thirty years old. It meant he was growing older. Of course, it didn't mean that he was spectacularly old at all, but it felt like he was edging closer and closer to that and therefore running out of time with his family. But he knew he had a good fifty years left with his gorgeous children and beautiful husband, so he deigned not to worry about it too much at the moment.

"Roman, don't be mean to your husband."

"It's my birthday, I can do whatever I want."

"Oh, true. Be as mean to Samuel as you please."
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"Wow, no don't be mean to Samuel,"
Samuel said, jokingly referring to himself in third-person, "He is very nice and does not deserve that no matter whose birthday it is,"

"Well you did just call him old so maybe you deserve it a little," Evan laughed and then proceeded to shove a bit of food that was contained both bacon and pancakes into his mouth.

"What no, I'm just stating facts!" Samuel said, then he decided he needed more people on his side so he sweetly turned to Eden, who peacefully was eating his pancakes, and softly said, "Edie, it's not right to be mean to people right? Especially when you're nice, like me?"

"Yeah! Papa nice!" Eden said happily and then continued, "And Daddy and uncew Evan and auntie London and Allison and Hapeh and Stewwa!"
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"Nawww, Edie," Roman crooned. He reached around Samuel to brush a hand down the length of Eden's soft cheek. "I think you're the sweetest of them all."

After the lovely breakfast, they all went to get ready for Disneyland. Roman dressed himself in black skinny jeans and a purple T-shirt with a cutesy drawing of Tamatoa from Moana emblazoned on the chest. He decided to do a nice gold eyeshadow look to compliment the gold tones on Tamatoa's shell, which he paired with winged black liner, a nude lipstick and a white highlighter. He ended up liking his final look a lot.

London's outfit was not as specific to Disney but she still looked lovely in a pastel pink sleeveless top, which was tucked into white denim shorts, and a simple makeup look. They all piled into the minivan, Roman deciding to drive since he had Googled the route and was able to understand French road signs. And soon, they had arrived at the most magical place on earth.

Roman was almost bursting with excitement. "Four adult tickets and five child tickets, please," he said to the clerk behind the screen in perfect French. Once they had received their plastic wristbands that had their passes printed on them, they entered the theme park, and the biggest smile crossed Roman's face. "This is incredible."