[Samuel x Roman]

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"You could get a trade job," Roman suggested to Evan quietly with a shrug. "Like, construction or something like that. I know London wants to be a teacher, like Mum."

"No, Mum is a primary school teacher and I want to teach high school English and Literature," London corrected her twin, playfully nudging him on the foot with her own foot. "So I'll have to go to uni. I wanted to go to Monash like you but I guess I can do it in Ballarat or Bendigo or something."

"What would you do with the baby?" Their parents were busy all the time so London wouldn't be able to leave their child with his or her grandparents too often.

"I was thinking of taking a gap year while the baby's very young," said London. "And then maybe Evan's mum could babysit while I'm at school. Do you think she'd do that, Ev?" London asked her boyfriend.

Roman turned and murmured into Samuel's ear, "I'm not going to uni anymore, I'll go to an arts school and do tattooing." Roman had wanted to major in arts and music for the longest time but after Samuel saying he could be a tattoo artist if he wanted to, he had other ideas.
Samuel turned his head and smiled brightly at his boyfriend, he'd support him to do either, or whatever else he wanted to do. But he knew he was talented and that he would be the best tattoo artist ever.

"And then you're gonna tattoo me for real" Samuel mumbled back and planted a quick kiss on Romans jaw before comfortably resting his head back on his chest again.

"Mmm.. My mum loves kids, she'll be down for it" Evan kissed London sweetly on the head before turning to Samuel "You should wait a year too and then you two can study to become teachers together"

"If I don't get to play soccer" Samuel reminded him, half joking half not and Evan rolled his eyes. Samuel knew it wasn't super realistic and at some point, he had mentioned teaching as his second option to Evan and probably Ricky, he still didn't mind the idea, hu just hadn't given it much thought in a while. It was fun to hear it was something his boyfriend's sister considered doing as well, although she seemed more certain of it.
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"I didn't know you wanted to be a teacher," Roman murmured curiously with a small smile on his face. He trailed his fingers up and down Samuel's forearm as he imagined his boyfriend being a teacher. "What would you teach?"

"He'd teach sport, of course," London speculated.

"Hey, don't put Samuel in a box and judge him by his interests," Roman told his sister sternly. "He could want to teach History, or Chemistry, or, fuck, I don't know, Japanese."

"Or Maths. Because PE teachers generally teach Maths too."

"You're so annoying."

London snuggled further into Evan's chest and looked up at him with a pout. "Roman's being mean to me."

Roman flipped her off.
"Isn't that just how he normally is?" Evan jokingly asked his girlfriend, and stroke her hair a couple of times to comfort her because of her mean brother.

"Do you want to get more on his bad side that you already are?" Samuel warned his friend, besides Roman was only mean when people deserved it, like when his sister seemed to think the only thing Samuel cared about was sports, how rude, he turned to her, "And I'm not even that good at math"

"better than me"

"That's not an achievement"

"See, you're mean to" Evan whined but then continued in a matter of factly tone, "you are both mean, and that is why you are dating"

"To answer my very nice boyfriend's question," Samuel said and gave Evan a glare, "I'd either want to be a teacher for young kids and get to teach them to read and shit, or I'd wanna teach, like, English or Spanish or something"

He shrugged.
"It's just an idea, I haven't thought about it too much"
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"You'd be a good teacher," Roman told his boyfriend honestly as he continued to trail his fingers up and down Samuel's arm. He would support Samuel throughout whatever career choice he decided to pursue, because that was the kind of person he was. He just wanted those he loved to succeed.

"Wow, Roman, you didn't even make a mean comment!"

Roman threw a small twig at London and it bounced off her forehead. "Ow."



"You're the embodiment of Dolores Umbridge."

"Wow, family gatherings are going to be fucking hilarious when we're older," London remarked with a small snicker. "How many kids are you gonna have, Roman? Twelve?"

"Eighty-seven. You're not allowed to have any more kids."

"Don't tell me what to do with my uterus."
"You two are hopeless" Samuel chuckled at the siblings usual squabbling.

It was actually kind of nice though, that they were still their normal selves despite everything. And it was nice that he hand Roman wasn't arguing anymore. And it was nice to just sit there with his boyfriend, his boyfriend's sister, and his best friend, talking as if there were no real worries in their life.

But as much as Samuel hated to admit it to himself he couldn't really be truly happy even then because he knew that as soon as they left and he was back to being by himself he'd feel like shit again. But he would try to ignore that for now. He rested his head back and closed his eyes, enjoying being close to Roman.

"If this is what said family gatherings are going to be like I'm leaving Roman and his eighty-seven children" Samuel mumbled jokingly with a slight yawn.
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"So I was thinking we could get ice cream and go to the movies sometime," Roman said to Samuel as they linked hands and began to make their way out of the theatre.

Two weeks had passed. Ingrid had taken London to an ultrasound and received a fuzzy and unclear sonogram of the baby in her womb. Brooklyn had expressed that he wouldn't be coming home again until Christmas. Stellan was still angry with Evan but Roman had calmed down considerably when he had received assurance that he wasn't going to walk out on London and her baby.

Of course, Roman had spent these two weeks worrying about Samuel and the fact that he had been disowned. He hadn't brought it up exactly, but had asked Samuel every now and then if he was okay and he had made sure to pepper his boyfriend with plenty of love and affection.

And, there had been the rumours. "Evan Johnson knocked up London Hemlock." "Samuel Ortega is a pussy." "Roman Hemlock is scared of puppies." Roman had no idea how these rumours had come out, but he tried to sweep them under the carpet.

"I mean, we'd have to go to Ballarat because this town has like three streets in it but --"

Roman cut off as they stepped out of the theatre, London and Evan just behind them, to see a small group of people with Jess Martin in the centre. And she had a dog on a leash.

Roman's heart was hammering in his chest but he didn't look at the dog. It's fine, it's fine, it's fine, it's on a leash, it's fine, it's not going to touch you, it's fine --

"What the fuck do you want?" London snapped at Jess.
Two weeks after they had made up and Samuel still wasn't feeling much better. He wasn't sleeping well, too busy questioning why all his efforts had never been enough to his dad and what part of his life he had actually been living solely for himself.

Samuel did feel like he was doing a pretty good job hiding it for once, though, because when Roman asked him if he was okay he really was feeling fine simply because he was there. And Evan was too busy fussing over his girlfriend to notice he had been skipping out on soccer practice.

Samuel was glad things seemed to be shaping up well for them though, they both seemed happy and Samuel kept getting updates on the situation for both of them and Roman as well, who seemed to take the whole thing a lot better now that some time had passed.

Samuel was just about to ask why his boyfriend had just stopped talking when he noticed Jess. With her dog. The dog, who Samuel had met several times while they were dating was unlike Daisy basically just a puppy with only being a couple of years old. She was still full grown though and she was big for being husky.

"Oh wow, no need to be rude" Jess responded sweetly to London, she was obviously not going to act in a way that could be portrayed as the nasty person she actually was "I don't mind though since you're just being hormonal, right?"

"What the fu-"

"I was just here to apologize to your brother and Samuel for being so rude to them at the party" she loudly interrupted Evan before he could defend his girlfriend, making sure everyone was hearing how nice she was being, even though she was bringing up one of the rumors which for some reason had spread out on school the past week or so, "I hope you don't mind Trixie, she needed a walk and she hasn't seen Samuel since we broke up, I bet she wants to say hi"

"No, that's fine, we're in a hurry" Samuel insisted cooly and put his hand around Roman and started to turn to get them somewhere that wasn't close to the dog. Jess seemed to have something else in mind though and parted from the group, and walked in front of them, still far away enough for Trixie not to be too close, but she was still there barking happily upon realizing there was someone she knew there, "I'm serious Jess, back off!"

"Aww c'mon Samuel, you're going to let me apologize right? I'm trying to do the right thing here" Jess continued to speak in the same innocent voice, and then pulled a surprised faced, as if she just realized something, and turned to look at Roman, "Wait you're not actually afraid of dogs right? She is very nice, she won't do anything"
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That bitch.

Roman kept his eyes glued to the ground as Jess spoke. It was clear she had an agenda and she had meant to do this, to aggravate Roman and Samuel and London and to scare the shit out of Roman by bringing her dog. Roman didn't even know how she had found out about his phobia, but she had, and it was working.

He was almost shaking as she mentioned it to the popular people who had come to watch the show. Of course. Of course this would be her revenge.

"Just back the fuck off, okay?" London snarled at Jess from behind Evan. "Whatever you did you deserved it for being a fucking cunt --"

But it was too late. Roman finally looked up to see the large, fluffy dog, bounding over to meet him.

Immediately a deep panic settled over him and ripped into his flesh like hooks. It dragged him away from Samuel and from Trixie has his hammering heartbeat became the only thing he could hear. The dog, which he might have realised was a beautiful creature if he wasn't so terrified, stood on her hind legs to put her front paws on his chest and try and lick his face.

Roman stumbled backwards and his head hit a small rock, cutting into his cheekbone and causing it to bleed as he starting shaking so hard he was almost convulsing. All Trixie was doing was sniffing him and licking his chin, but all Roman could think of was the time when he was nine, when a soft tongue had been sharp teeth and warm slobber had been his own hot blood.

He didn't see London march up to Jess, snatch the lead from her and harshly push her down to the ground. He didn't see his sister put the dog's leash back on and gently pry the creature away. All he saw was his own blood.

Weirdly, when the dog was away from him he started to moan, "Get it off, get it off, get it off!"

And then the laughing started. Everyone laughing at him as he trembled on the ground with his own blood pooling around his head. Laughing as he was exposed to his phobia.
London was the first one to act, getting the leash and getting the dog off her brother. Evan was the second one, as he started yelling at people that this "wasn't a fucking joke" and they should "fuck off". The laughing started to die down not only because Evan was shouting, but because people seemed to actually notice that Roman was bleeding, and no matter how much of an asshole a person can be that seemed to make them shut up and even leave in some cases. Most likely to avoid getting involved.

Samuel did nothing at first, looking at his boyfriend in absolute horror, not knowing what do do. After a moment of trying to collect himself enough to actually do something he dropped down to his knees next to him. First things first. Roman was going to bleed out if they didn't do anything.

"It's off you, she can't hurt you" Samuel mumbled as he went to rummage through Romans bag for his needle, continuing to mumble until he found it"It's okay, it's going to be okay"

He tried to remember exactly how Bella had done it all those weeks ago, but his hands were shaking in the same way they had the last time he had seen his boyfriend laying in his own blood, incapable of helping himself. Back then Roman hadn't been violently shaking in fear though and that almost made the whole situation scarier, and he just couldn't remember what to do.

"..London!?" Samuel managed to get out, voice breaking slightly, as he turned to the girl still holding back the dog. Evan acted quickly and grabbed Trixie's leash so that London could come help, and actually started to walk away with her so she couldn't get back to Roman again.
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Roman was still shaking and making little gasping noises as he tried to breathe. It was like the dog had bitten down on his throat and cut off his breathing, forcing him to choke on the words he tried to say. Get it off, get it off. He could still feel the dog's paws on his chest and his tongue on his face.

London came hurrying over, knelt beside Samuel and took the needle from him. "Hold his arm to his side," she said. This was difficult for Samuel to achieve since Roman was shaking so hard, but once he had managed, London opened the epi-pen and stuck it into Roman's vein.

Immediately, Roman stopped shaking and let out a sigh as the feeling of the cool liquid running through his veins seemed to wake him up a little from his stupor. But he still felt horrible, and scared, and embarrassed.

There were a couple of people still there, and they were still laughing at him. He sat up groggily, set his sleeve down and flickered his gaze between the five or six people still there, the people who would spread the rumours and probably upload the video someone was taking to Facebook.

Roman usually wasn't afraid of what people thought of him. But this was different.

He got to his feet and made his way to the theatre bathroom as the people continued to laugh and leer at him. He couldn't take it. Once in there, he continued to hyperventilate and grip the sink as his vision went blurry and he couldn't think.
He hated Jess and he hated these people who would actually laugh at someone else's pain. Samuel stood up slowly and turned to the laughter and snickering.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Samuel shouted them to angry to do anything else, then he repeated Evan seeing as he wasn't there anymore, "Get the fuck out of here"

When he was done he stormed past London and back into the theater after Roman, who was nowhere to be seen, so he figured he was in the bathrooms. Samuel knocked carefully on the door despite his anger, before slowly opening it.

"Roman are you oka-" Oh right, Samuel stopped himself, Anxiety.

It was horrible to see his boyfriend in such a state of panic and every fiber of Samuels body wanted to pull Roman close hold him until he was okay, but had already made that mistake once and he was not going to make things worse.

"I..." Samuel realized he wasn't sure what to do even then, he only knew not to touch him unless he hurt himself, and he wasn't hurting himself which meant he couldn't do anything but... What? Watch as he was panicking?

"Roman I'm here, alright, and no one except London is coming in," Samuel said carefully, but calmly, not wanting to distress his boyfriend any more "I'll back off if you want me to"

He wouldn't actually leave the theater just step back from the bathroom door if that was what Roman wanted, or possibly go make sure London came in alright since she would know what to do better than him, just like when he had been bleeding.
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Roman just leaned over the sink and retched as he tried to make himself breathe again. He was unsuccessful, and instead just coughed until he vomited up saliva and phlegm from his lungs and then looked up at the mirror, where he could see his pale, purple-edged face, reddened eyes and the deep purple bruise on his cheekbone.

Why are you like this. You're so pathetic -- who's scared of dogs? Dogs! You know who -- you, you are, you actual pathetic cunt, what the fuck is wrong with you, you're such a loser --


Roman punched the mirror, hard. It shattered, the pieces falling into the sink and down against the ground. He hadn't cut himself, miraculously, and somehow he could breathe again.

He picked up one shard in his hand and slumped down against the wall as he looked at himself in it. He wasn't crying but his voice was choked as if he were, and he was shaking again. "What's wrong with me?" he whimpered, dropping his hand and clasping his fingers around the shard. Blood seeped through but since he had had his needle recently, it was just bleeding normally.
He got no response as if Roman couldn't even hear him, and that was probably the case. So Samuel stood in spot until-

No. No no no.

By the time Samuel was on Romans side he was already on the ground, mirror shard in a firm grip. Samuel quickly grabbed Romans hand, bent up his fingers to get the shard out and grabbed it so that he couldn't get to it again, not caring if he got cut as well in the process. He inspected Romans hand, noting that It had cut him, but that it was bleeding at a normal rate.

Okay. Samuel backed off and sat down in front of his boyfriend, putting the shard behind himself, out of reach for Roman. He was still avoiding touching him, but he was close enough to stop him before he did something more that could hurt him this time.

"Listen to me Roman, there is nothing wrong with you" Roman always talked him out of crying fits, which was far from what his boyfriend was experiencing now but it was the only thing Samuel could think of doing to stop Roman from thinking there was something wrong with him, "There's nothing wrong with you and you are a good person, the best person I know. I love you, and so does your sister and your family. It's okay to be scared, okay? There's nothing wrong with that"
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Roman grunted as Samuel took the shard from him and put it out of his reach. No, he wanted it back, maybe if he squeezed hard enough on it --

Samuel started talking and through his ragged and pained breaths, Roman managed to hear his words and register them. Samuel telling him that there was nothing wrong with him and it was okay for him to be afraid, telling him that people loved him regardless. Basically, everything Roman had been telling him over the last few weeks.

"Samuel, no one is afraid of dogs," Roman croaked, casting his eyes away to his very bruised and very bloody hand. "No one. And they were laughing at me."

Usually Roman would just brush those things off but this was so different. Homophobic slurs meant nothing because he wasn't ashamed of who he was. His phobia ... that was something he was ashamed of. It was different.

The door opened and London and Evan came in. "Roman, I -- oh my God!" London gasped as she saw the mirror and Roman's bloody hand. "Are you okay?"

"Call Dad," Roman croaked. "Please, I need to go to the hospital."

London nodded and left. Roman leaned back against the wall and closed his eyes.
"Is it illegal to threaten someone to break their arm?" Evan asked and Samuel gave him a look that said 'not now, "Alrighty"

Evan took the hint and followed London out to make the phone call. Samuel stayed, to keep an eye on Roman, just in case he'd get another wave of anxiety. But to know he was clear enough in his head to realize he needed to go to the hospital was enough for Samuel to calm down slightly. He was still more worried than anything, but he could let out a relieved breath, pull his legs up to his chest and rest his arm on his knees, slightly more relaxed.

"Plenty of people are afraid of dogs, you know" Samuel mumbled, looking at his boyfriend who was so so beautiful and strong even when he was down and bloodied "And even if there weren't it'd be okay. Everyone is afraid of something, if those assholes were exposed to whatever they are afraid of they sure as hell wouldn't be laughing"
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"Not to this extent," Roman breathed as he gestured to his hand.

There was so much wrong with Roman and he hated it.

About ten minutes later his father walked into the bathroom, followed by the school principal. Stellan wore his uniform, evidently having come from work, and reached down to very carefully help his son to his feet. Roman let him since he had calmed a little and cradled his bloody hand with his clean one.

"I'm sorry about the mirror, sir," Roman croaked to Principal Turner.

"We'll pay for it --"

"Nonsense, Sergeant, your wife has worked for this school for many years," said Mr Turner. "We'll pay for it."

Soon, Roman was sitting on the edge of a bed in the hospital with Samuel on one side and London on the other as a nurse stitched up his hand. Stellan turned to Samuel.

"London was hysterical on the phone -- can you please tell me what happened?"
Samuel knew Stellan was protective over his kids but he didn't know what his reaction would be or how much Roman wanted his father to know. Samuel decided it was better to just tell him the gist of it than nothing though, if one of the other two who were there felt like they wanted to add more, they could.

"There's been a rumor going around about his phobia in school" Samuel answered without taking his eyes of the needle going through Romans hand, wincing internally every time it did, Samuel really wished he had managed to stop him before that had happened, "So this girl who doesn't like us because... She thinks we're the reason her boyfriend broke up with her, I guess? Brought her dog to scare him, so yeah..."

He shrugged.

There was obviously more to it all, but Samuel wasn't about to tell his boyfriend's dad that she was trying to get revenge after they went out of their way to make sure her reputation got ruined. Which they had only done in the first place because she had... Taken advantage off him. And Samuel figured that saying she brought her dog was enough for him to fill in any pieces.

In all honesty Samuel just wanted Jess to stop, it was probably she who spread all the rumors in the first place, but that hadn't been enough for her, but hopefully sending Roman to the fucking hospital would. Then again, she was a terrible person.
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"It was her, Daddy," London said to their father in a much calmer tone than before. "Her name is Jess Martin, she told everyone I'm pregnant and about Roman's phobia then brought her dog to scare him."

"How do you know it was her?"

London reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone. She showed them all screenshots of Jess's Facebook conversations with one of London's friends, telling him about London's pregnancy and Roman's phobia. Then her phone started dinging, and she opened to a video uploaded by Jess.

Of Roman, and the dog.

London gasped and tried to pull the phone away from Roman but he snatched it with his good hand and watched as he fell to the ground, and started to quake as the dog licked him. It ended, and Roman scrolled down to read the comments. Most people were telling Jess she shouldn't have uploaded it, but a lot of them were mocking him.

He wasn't surprised.

Stellan stepped out of the room to make an immediate phone call to Principal Turner. London began to cry softly because her brother's secret had been leaked. The nurse finished up with Roman's hand, bandaged it and told him to wait while she fetched a prescription. Roman just sat and stared at the wall as he realised everyone knew and there was nothing he could do about it.
"What the fuck is wrong with her, don't she know when to fucking stop?" She obviously didn't and Samuel could feel the rage start to fill him up. He stood up paced forward as if he were to leave the room, but he realized it wasn't like he could find her and punch her or something so he stopped by the wall and kicked it once to let some anger out.

"I hate her, I hate her, I hate her" he didn't even feel bad about saying those words about her out loud anymore, making him feel bad was one thing but messing with Roman like this. She could die for all Samuel cared.

He sat down again with a defeated sigh and looked over at his boyfriend, who was the one this actually affected and who didn't deserve any of this. Samuel had been the one who had dated her for god's sake, she should be targeting him not Roman.

He wished he hadn't told Roman about her in the first place, so he wouldn't have gotten involved. But he had and Samuel had no idea how to fix it. How to make people not know.

"Roman, we'll-" We'll, what? Tell people not to talk about it? Make sure no one even looks at you funny? There was nothing "...I'm sorry this happened"