[Samuel x Roman]

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And so, Roman leaned over the sink and Samuel helped him rinse out his hair. He looked up and was immediately weirded out by how blond he was. It had been ages since his hair and been this light, and it looked shocking above his dark brown eyebrows. But it wouldn't be like this for long, thankfully.

"Holy shit I look like Draco Malfoy,"
Roman commented, pushing a hand through his damp curls. The colour was very pale, almost white, but a little yellow. That was okay, though.

"I think I'm going to just put the teal in now," he said. "I mean, it'll turn out a little more green than blue but that's fine, I don't really care. What do you think, my sweet?"
"It looks nice," Samuel reached up to touch the now light hair on his boyfriend's head, it sure was different from what he was used too, Roman could totally rock blond though, honestly Samuel suspected Roman would look good in any colour he chose for himself, "and yeah I think it will work fine for the teal, let's do it, I'm excited,"

Samuel sat Roman back on the chair and repeated the application process, only now with the much more pleasant smelling blue dye. He made sure to avoid getting any of it on Roman's ears and tried to avoid it o his neck and forehead to avoid staining.

"It's going to look really cool" Samuel decided when he was done and all of Roman's hair was covered, the couldn't really see how it would properly look until it was all washed out and dried but Samuel had a good feeling about it, "I think we can rinse out mine and apply the toner while we wait for yours to be done,"

The jar of teal dye said to keep it in for fifteen to twenty minutes but his mother had told Samuel over the phone that it didn't really matter if they kept it in for a bit longer since that kind of dye wasn't harmful to the hair or skin in the same way the bleach was.
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"I'm going to make you a deal, Samuel. I will pay you a billion dollars a day if you agree to massage my head every day," Roman said as Samuel finished massaging the dye into his hair. God, it felt amazing, Roman wanted Samuel to do it all the time. Thankfully, they lived together.

The dye was now in his hair and Roman was very excited to see what the end product looked like. It had been a while since he had had a strange hair colour and he had missed it very much. Bella and Matilda always looked lovely with their interesting hair, so he wanted to join the club again.

"Okay, let's rinse yours out," he said, and so they rinsed out the bleach in Samuel's hair one more time. It was now fully white, and it looked quite lovely. Roman was tempted to ask Samuel to just leave it like that.
They did and Samuel spent a good amount of time just staring at his reflection for a while because the white colours looked so incredibly different on him, and didn't look silly like the orange had, but he was still determined to get rid of any yellow tones and make it a little ashier. So, the spent some time putting the toner into his hair, which to would have to sit for a little while and then they moved on to rinsing out the blue out of Roman's hair.

While helping Roman rinse it out Samuel could see that it was turning out well but as soon as they were done Samuel grabbed a towel and ruffled Roman's hair with it to dry it, and kept it on Roman's head as he lead him to stand by the mirror.

"And the big reveal," Samuel chuckled and Removed the towel from Roman's head to reveal the brilliant teal colour his hair now sported. It looked absolutely amazing, the colour looked really nice next to his pale skin and the greenish tones in the blue worked well with his green eyes. Samuel, at least, loved it.

"Roman, I feel the need to inform you that you look ridiculously hot and I have never been more attracted to you," Samuel said matter-of-factly, he was only half joking because holy shit did Samuel think he looked good in the new colour.
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Roman spent a good ten seconds turning his head to look at different angles of his new hair. He absolutely loved it. The colour suited him well -- the bluish tones worked well with his skin, and the green hints matched his eyes. And it didn't even look weird against his eyebrows -- which were darker than even his normal brown hair. No, he had made a good choice.

Roman smirked and turned around to kiss his boyfriend on the cheek. "Thank you, gorgeous. I'm sure you'll look amazing with your nice new hair too."

And so, they proceeded to wash out the toner and Roman dried Samuel's hair for him in the same way as Samuel had done, before directing him to the mirror for the big reveal.

"Oh my God," he murmured, running his fingers through his boyfriend's gorgeous new hair. "You look glorious. I have never been more attracted to you. You remind me of Daenerys Targaryen from Game of Thrones."
"I don't even watch game of thrones," Samuel chuckled as he looked at his reflection, the show was a little too much for him, "But I like it, it turned out nice,"

This was probably the most out of the box thing Samuel had done with his appearance, but he was glad he had, it looked seriously cool, and while he would have never gotten away with this new look back with his old friend's in Maryborough there was nothing to be worried about now.

He turned to Roman to give him a warm smile while also taking a moment to just admire of gorgeous he looked in that moment, hair still a little damp, a different colour but absolutely and one hundred percent gorgeous.

"Come here," Samuel mumbled as he wrapped his arms around Roman's neck and pulled him in for a deep and passionate kiss, something he had refrained from doing as they had been dying their hairs as to not mess anything up.
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Roman allowed Samuel to pull him down to his level and kissed him back, never complaining when his boyfriend wanted to share affection. He lowered his hands to grip his boyfriend's waist as they locked lips, the first time in a couple of hours, which was far too long in Roman's opinion.

Roman was just happy because Samuel was happy. And, because they both had beautiful and amazing hair now.

Roman pulled away, though he kept his hands on Samuel's waist and leaned their foreheads together. "Come on, let's go show people," he suggested, pulling away to hand Samuel his jeans before he put on his own.

Roman and Samuel hadn't told anyone, other than Susan, what they were doing, so it was going to be a nice surprise for everyone else. Roman took Samuel's hand and lead him upstairs to the living room, where Elliot, Matilda, Bella and Blake were watching some movie.

"Holy shit," Elliot said loudly, before either Roman or Samuel even said anything.

"I hope that's a positive 'holy shit'," Roman teased, leading Samuel over to the couch.

"Of course it is -- Jesus, you look amazing," said Bella.

"Why thank you."

"Samuel, you look awesome," Elliot complimented.
While Samuel was excited about the whole thing he wasn't really the type to show off things in that way, but he still put on his pants and let Roman pull him along to go up surprising everyone. And surprised they got. But it was all positive reactions it seemed so at least it was confirmation that they weren't completely delusional about thinking it looked good.

Samuel smiled a little at Elliot's compliment, he wasn't really used to receiving comments about his appearance, other than by his boyfriend, since he always looked so plain, "Thanks, I guess"

"Gosh I'm getting kind of inspired now," Mathilda said from her spot, the small girl was curled up in her boyfriend's lap as usual, her blue and pink hair was a little faded by now and Samuel wouldn't be surprised to see her re-dye it sometime soon,"You both did a really nice job, I really love the colours, they suit you"

Samuel smiled a little brighter, happy they had actually accomplished something nice and not messed up and he was sure his mother would be a little proud to see that her son had managed to do something nice with his hair as well.
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"Thank you, Tilly, my sweet," Roman said happily, leaning back into the couch cushions and draping an arm around Samuel's shoulders. Roman was greatly enjoying the compliments and appreciative looks they were receiving -- he was a sucker for any type of attention, as everyone who knew him was painfully aware of.

"Hey," said Elliot sharply, pointing at Roman in an accusing manner. "Just because you got new hair, doesn't mean you get to be cocky and compliment my girlfriend."

"Woah, shit, calm down, El."

"Nah fuck you." Elliot protectively pulled Matilda closer

Roman rolled his eyes. He didn't care. He was happy, and so was Samuel, and that was what mattered.
"And I'll put all the warranty papers in the bag, but I'm going to guess you'll want to wear your glasses right away?" The store clerk said, sounding all chipper handing Samuel a small plastic bag with said papers and some wipes and cleaning fluid for his new glasses.

It had all started when he had to do a sight check so he'd be able to get his license, and as it turned out and as he informed Roman when he came home, his sight was apparently shit. In all honesty he had known for a while, it hadn't been too much of a problem in highschool and he had just assumed he wasn't supposed to see the board all the way from the back of the classroom, but now that he had spent almost a year at university squinting down at the professor it didn't really come as a surprise. And his eyesight wasn't really all that bad, just an inconvenience and apparently enough for him to need glasses if he wanted that stupid license.

"Yeah, thank you," Samuel said and received the bag and the case with his new glasses. Roman and he had been to pick out the frames, a pair of pretty plain plastic black ones, about a week prior and they had paid for them and sorted everything out then, they were just at the store to pick them.

"Have a nice day," The clerk whished the two as Samuel stood and pulled his boyfriend out of the store, he had of coursed brought Roman with him to pick them up because he liked having his boyfriend with him when he had to do things that were out of the ordinary,

They stopped right outside the store, Samuel just hadn't felt to be inside under the judging eyes of the people who worked there, and took the glasses out of the case, put the case in the plastic bag and held the glasses out a bit from his face, frowning slightly and hesitating to put them on, "Ugh, this on top of the hair is going to completely kill my cool jock persona I've built up,"

It was clearly a joke, but unlike the hair which he very much liked and which had been his own decision, he was feeling a little more self-conscious over the whole glasses thing, it didn't really feel like him, at least not the person he used to be, if he really thought about it, it probably suited him a little better now but he still felt weird about it.
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"Honey, I'm sorry, you were never a cool jock."

Roman had been quite surprised when he had learned that Samuel needed glasses. He had never considered it before, and had always been under the impression that his boyfriend had perfect vision. But, no, apparently that wasn't the case, and his boyfriend actually had a slight visual impairment.

But, of course, it meant nothing. Roman had a thousand different medical issues so it wasn't like Samuel's newfound impairment would put a significant dent in their lives. No, in fact, it was nothing more than a minor inconvenience, one that really wouldn't affect either of them all that much.

They were stopped in front of the optometrists' and both of them were getting looks, probably because of their nice hair. Roman loved both of their new colours but that wasn't important right now. Samuel was obviously insecure about his new accessory, which Roman had predicted.

"Come on," he gently encouraged, taking the glasses and putting them on Samuel's face. "You look so cute," said Roman sweetly. And he really did. He looked adorable.
"I look nerdy" Samuel corrected but didn't object to the cute part, he still objected to being called the word sometimes, just because it was fun, but would generally let Roman call him that, and besides, hearing that Roman thought he looked good in his new glasses made him feel a little better about wearing them and thus, he didn't take them back off again, "Then again, that might actually be a more accurate representation of who I am so,"

Samuel chuckled a little and shrugged and gave the street a look around, while his sight wasn't that bad, the glasses certainly was an improvement, everything was a lot sharper and clearer and he could actually read the signs a little bit away, Samuel found it to be a genuinely cool contrast and he couldn't believe he hadn't even realized his sight was bad before.

Samuel then turned back to look at his boyfriend. He was actually able to admire Roman from a distance now, not that there was too much of a difference from when he hadn't had the glasses on seeing as they were standing close to one other but still, he bet he could take a couple of steps back and still be able to perfectly see his absolutely gorgeous features.

"Wait, that's what you look like? I'm breaking up with you," Samuel said it with a small mischevious grin, he couldn't resist saying the very obvious and cliché joke. It was nothing more than that though, he loved his boyfriend and would do so even if he wasn't so hot, that was just a very nice bonus.
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"Oh, shut up," Roman chuckled, stepping forward and jokingly shoving Samuel with his arms, using absolutely no force whatsoever. "You're lame. I'm breaking up with you."

That was a joke, of course. Roman could never even dream of breaking up with his amazing boyfriend, not when he loved him more than anything in the entire world. No, Samuel was too big a part of Roman's life for him to consider letting him go. And Roman had no problems with that.

"Come on," he chuckled, flicking Samuel on the forehead and kissing him on the cheek. "Let's go."

They had had to travel into the actual city to get the glasses, and Roman hadn't wanted to drive so they had taken the train. "Do you want to go get lunch before we go home, or something?" Roman suggested. It had been a while since they'd gone on a date.
"Yeah," Samuel agreed, finding the idea of getting lunch quite brilliant, "Let's go to an actual restaurant while we're here,"

It didn't have to be anything nice or fancy at all Samuel just wasn't wasting an opportunity of being in the city on fast food, no matter how much his boyfriend loved KFC and places like that.

"We'll just walk and see if we can find something on the way?" Samuel suggested, grabbed Roman's hand and started walking down the street on the lookout for a restaurant that was within their price range and that had food they both would want to eat.

While walking Samuel noticed they were getting more looks than normal, they still got the occasional look for holding hands in public even in Melbourne, not necessarily mean spirited ones but looks nonetheless, this was different though, probably because of the hairs, he had noticed Bella and Matilda getting the occasional glances because of their hair colours as well, so Samuel should have expected it. He wasn't sure if he liked, he wasn't like his boyfriend who enjoyed getting attention, but at the same time it was nice to be able to think that every look they got only was due to Roman's eye-catching teal locks or the fact that Samuel's hair definitely didn't sport its natural colour.
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Roman pouted but didn't complain, he knew he would survive without the KFC for one day, and besides, he had wanted to go to a cute little restaurant with his boyfriend as well. So he wasn't going to kick up a fuss about it.

Eventually they found a cute little restaurant selling a variety of cuisines, so Roman lead Samuel inside and they were seated at a small table in the back of the room. Roman thanked the waitress, then nudged the menu over to his boyfriend.

"I honestly think you look adorable," he told Samuel seriously. "Ten out of ten. Would recommend."
"Thanks" Samuel gave Roman a small smile, even if he didn't feel the same about the eyewear his boyfriend deserved some appreciation for making him feel better, and if he liked them he liked them, Samuel wasn't going to try to convince him otherwise, "It's just different, but I'll probably get used to them eventually,"

Samuel looked down on the menu, he could probably take the glasses off now that he was reading something so close and was just going to sit and talk with his boyfriend, but he honestly kind of liked being able to see things as well as he was supposed to, so he kept them on and tried looking for something on the menu that seemed nice. Usually, he would go with something like a salad, because it was healthy and it was honestly one of his favourite foods, but today felt kind like a treat yourself to something gross and unhealthy, that wasn't KFC, kind of day so he was leaning more towards getting a pizza or something like that.

"It's just like, how the fuck did I go so long without noticing?" Samuel questioned his own inability to realise things weren't supposed to be blurry, because that was something that honestly baffled him as well, sure he had noticed it enough not to be surprised, but only just this past year. Then again he hadn't had any major problems with his vision growing up, and no one in his close family needed glasses so he had had no reason to believe he would need them.
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"Well, I mean, they said your eyesight isn't that bad so I guess it wasn't so much of a problem that it actually impacted you much," Roman assumed. He wasn't an optometrist but he guessed the issue wasn't any more difficult than that. Samuel would be fine. And he still looked stupidly cute.

The waitress came around and Roman ordered a slice of lasange with a side of fries, as well as an iced coffee. Once she had taken Samuel's order as well, she left the boys alone and Roman pulled a pen out of his bag, only to use it to doodle on Samuel's hand.

"Either way, now you can get your licence, and you can see," he reminded Samuel. "I mean, you're talking to Mr Walking Medical Issues here. I'd give my right leg to only be partially blind." He chuckled, letting Samuel know that he wasn't upset or anything. "You'll be fine."
When the waitress came to their table Samuel ordered said pizza, a Hawaiian, even if Roman definitively would murder him for wanting pineapple on his pizza, but he figured he would really want to taste anyways since he wasn't very fond of the cheese. For someone who was so amazing at cooking he sure could be picky with his food.

"Well yeah, you're right" If Roman managed all of his health problems Samuel could definitely live with some bad eyesight. Samuel tended not to complain much about his health around Roman, and honestly other than sometimes feeling a little too woozy after getting minor scrapes while playing soccer, the occasional sleep deprivation headache from waking up mid sleep to easily, and now his eyesight he didn't have much to complain about. So, he simply didn't, "and wearing glasses and being able to see is going to be better than just not being able to, so, I guess it's whatever,"

The waitress came back with their drinks and placed them in front of them before disappearing off, Samuel took a couple of sips of his water, he always had a tendency to just order water to his food, before continuing, "Evan is totally not going to let this slide though,"
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"Don't worry, I'll protect you from the Big Bad Evan," Roman teased back, sipping his iced coffee. Honestly, he'd look for any excuse to argue with Evan. It was just what their relationship was like. They both knew the other liked them, but they had a feuding relationship and that was fine.

"Evan will just be jealous that you're not as cute as him," said Roman wholeheartedly. He then remembered something, and reached into his pocket to pull out his phone.

He found a picture that London had sent him that morning, of Evan asleep with his hair messy, and little baby Allison sleeping on his chest. London had added several heart emojis to the picture. He slid the phone across the table to show Samuel.

"See, if you photoshop Evan's face out it will be a very cute image."
"Noo, they are both adorable, oh my god" Samuel insisted, he knew Roman was just saying so because of his little feud thing with Evan, and because of the fact that Samuel had just told him that van was definitely going to be an asshole about the whole glasses thing, but it didn't take from the matter that Evan and Allison were incredibly cute together.

"And I'm going to assume you have a picture of Evan covered in hearts because London sent it and not because you're having an affair with my best friend," Samuel said, clearly joking, he didn't doubt his boyfriend's faithfulness to him one bit, "Or maybe I should be worried about all the bickering? Is it all just a façade?"

Samuel slid the phone back over the table to Roman, pulled down his newly acquired glasses a little and peeked over them, if he was going to have to wear them he was at least using them for dramatic effect when joking, and looked at him with raised eyebrows and a somewhat suspicious expression, but as usual he couldn't keep the pretend up for too long before he ended up grinning at how silly he was being.