[Samuel x Roman]

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"Yes, I am one hundred percent cheating on you with Evan, shit, I didn't think you'd find out," Roman said in a very dead and monotone voice, but with a small smile on his face. He flicked his boyfriend on the forehead and took his phone back, smiling at the picture.

"But, nah, they're super cute. Holy shit, Allison is going to be a year old in a month."

The realisation hit him just as the waitress came with their food. Roman snapped out of his trance to thank her but was still slightly dazed. His little baby niece was going to be a year old in only a few weeks. He couldn't believe it.

"I'm going to cry."
"Don't cry in the food, love" Samuel chuckled and reached out to gently pat his boyfriend's cheek a little, "It's almost summer so you'll get to see her soon and she's going to be just as adorable s she was when she wasn't a year old,"

Samuel did agree with Roman, though, thinking about how much the little girl had grown did have him feel a little emotional. A year had passed very fast, and they hadn't gotten to see as much of Allison or her parents as they would have if they had lived at home still, and every time they had visited it had felt like she had grown incredibly much. Samuel couldn't wait until they all lived close to one other again, even if that might be years in the future.

"What are we doing this summer?" Samuel asked casually as he started to cut up his pizza into slices, they hadn't really talked much about it and Samuel had just assumed they'd be going home and visiting family, but he wasn't opposed to actually doing something either, "Only going home or should we actually plan something?"
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Roman was not prepared for Allison's first birthday. He really wasn't. It seemed like yesterday that his life had been flipped over by her birth -- he had fallen in love with her they day she had been born, but now, she was almost one year old. Things were going too fast.

His thoughts were disturbed by Samuel's question, and a smirk played on the edges of his lips. "Okay, I'm going to tell you but you can't tell anyone you know," he said, eating a forkful of lasange before continuing.

"London overheard Dad on the phone. He's planning a trip to California over Christmas, but none of us are supposed to know so we have to act all surprised when he tells us."
"What really?" Samuel said, stopping himself from rolling up one of the pizza slices, eyes wide in surprise, he had not at all expected that answer, not for a hundred years, but if that really was the case Samuel was incredibly excited. Everyone going to a trip together sounded like the best way to spend summer ever, especially with how little they got to see each other what with Samuel and Roman living in Melbourne.

Then it started to sink in that they weren't even supposed to know yet and Samuel's shocked but excited expression turned into a slight scowl.

"Wait, no, why did you tell me, Roman I'm shit at acting," If anyone was better of not knowing for the sake of Stellan not knowing that they all knew it was Samuel, Roman had seen him trying to lie and act before, it was a disaster, "I can't pretend to be surprised, you suck,"
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"I told you because you wanted to know if we had summer plans, you little shit," Roman chuckled, reaching up to brush some of his teal hair out of his face. There was no malice in his words, nothing but affection, in fact. "Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answer to."

Roman was incredibly excited to be going to California. The only foreign countries he had ever visited were New Zealand and Sweden, and while they were both beautiful countries that he had loved a lot, he was looking forward to seeing America for the first time.

"Just hide your face in my shoulder if you can't act surprised, we can pretend you're overwhelmed by the euphoria," Roman suggested half-jokingly as he loaded his fork with more lasange.
Samuel gave Roman a half-hearted glare as he told him not to ask in the first place, as if he could have actually known Roman was going to reveal such a thing, although Samuel could obviously tell his boyfriend was just saying it to tease him a little by the tone of his voice.

"Or I'll just pretend as if I'm an emotionless robot and not react at all" Samuel chuckled, Roman's idea was definitely the better out of the two, "Or maybe me panicking about how to act surprised will look like I'm surprised,"

Samuel finally took a bite of his rolled up pizza. The pineapple tasted absolutely amazing with the savoury food, he had always liked adding fruits to regular food, it just tasted really good in his opinion. He chewed and swallowed properly before continuing to talk, he had some manners.

"Hang on, will we stay at a Hotel?" Samuel asked, deciding to just be excited about the actual trip instead of worrying about being how to act when they got the surprise revealed to them, "Do you think there will be a pool? I've never really stayed in a hotel, whenever we go abroad we go to Barcelona, and then we just stay with family,"
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Roman pretended not to even notice the pineapple on pizza dilemma. He found it disgusting but neglected to make a comment.

"Well, we don't exactly have any family to stay with so we'd probably stay in a hotel, yeah," Roman affirmed, nodding slightly. "And it'll probably have a pool. Most hotels have a pool. London didn't hear much when she was eavesdropping so we don't really know exactly what's going to be on the itinerary, but if we don't go to Disneyland I am going to cry."

Roman absolutely adored Disney, it wasn't a secret, so he would be incredibly disappointed if he and his family didn't visit the theme park while in California. He wanted to go to the Happiest Place on Earth very much.
"As if anyone would dare to skip out on Disneyland when you're coming with" Samuel chuckled, he knew his boyfriend loved Disney with all of his heart, "If not, I will personally make sure it happens"

Of course, it wasn't as if the rest of Roman's family didn't know about his Disney obsession so there were no doubts about them taking Roman there if they actually went to California, and in all honesty, Samuel couldn't see who would object to it even if Roman hadn't loved it so much. And on top of it all Allison was a little kid, and while she was too young to really understand what they would be doing no one would deny a little child going to Disney land.

"I can't promise you I will go on any tall rides" Samuel said in a joking voice, although he was pretty serious, he wasn't a very fun person to bring along to theme parks since he didn't deal well with the heights, he was on board with going on any rides that kept relatively close to the ground though, "I will, however, take pictures of you with all of the princesses,"
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"That might not be the best idea," Roman said jokingly, nudging Samuel's foot under the table. "If you let me get too close to the princesses I might run off with one of them."

Roman was joking, of course. Roman honestly couldn't see himself being with anyone but Samuel, even if he was bisexual and hadn't been with a girl in over a year. That wasn't an issue for him. He didn't miss females at all.

"I think I'll run off with Moana, I've been crushing on her hardcore for a while now," he said, continuing on with the joke. "Or maybe Ariel."
Samuel chuckled a little and smiled at Roman as he joked, he didn't mind it at all, because both of them joked around like that all the time and while Samuel might be a jealous and possessive idiot at times he knew the difference between reality and a joke.

"All that is telling me is that you have a thing for people who have something to do with water," Samuel said, laughing a little at his boyfriend's choice of characters, "what do I need to do to get you to stay? Pour a glass of water over my head?"

Samuel nudged Roman's foot back before taking a bite of his pizza, looking at Roman expectantly as he did so, waiting to see what Roman would come up with.
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"Hmm ... maybe that would work," Roman teased back, nudging his boyfriend's foot again in a playful manner. "I mean, it'd make your shirt stick to your abs and it would look very hot."

Samuel always looked hot, though, so it wouldn't be that much of a difference.

"But both Ariel and Moana are amazing singers. Last I checked you weren't an amazing singer," said Roman with a small sigh, as if it was a shame that Samuel possessed average musical abilities at best. "And they both have amazing and swishy hair. Your hair is amazing, yet, it is not as swishy as I would like."
"Okay first of all, how dare you insinuate that I am anything but an amazing singer" Samuel said as if he was incredibly offended even if h, in fact, could not actually sing al that well at all, "I would sing right now to prove it, but we are in public and no one is ready to hear my amazing voice,"

Samuel but the back of his hand to his forehead and sighed dramatically and then went back to practically grinning at Roman because of the silly jokes they were making.

"And my hair isn't swishy because it's too short" Samuel defended his recently dyed hair "And you don't want me to have long hair, believe me,"

Roman had seen pictures of the longer hair Samuel had had when he was younger and it was an actual disaster, but back when he was like fourteen Samuel had been too lazy to have it cut and his mother had always liked his hair a little longer so she obviously hadn't stopped it.
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"You're such a dork," Roman chuckled, reaching over to brush a hand through Samuel's very cute and very soft curls. The silver colour suited him incredibly well, even if it was just as obviously unnatural as Roman's new teal shade. Samuel just managed to pull it off, and it was gorgeous,

"And, you're right, I don't want to see you with long hair. You'd look like Harry Styles." Roman made a face. He hated pop music.

"I'm kidding. I'd never run off with a Disney princess. I love you too much. I might run off with Aladdin though."
Samuel couldn't help but smile a little at the I love you Roman sneaked in between all of the joking, no matter how often they said those three words to each other it always made Samuel incredibly happy to hear. He would have returned the words with some affection, take his hand or gently run his hand down his cheek or something like that, had his hands not been all covered in pizza grease by then. So the smile would have to do before Samuel continued on with the joking.

"Well that's just because he spends, like, the entire movie shirtless" Samuel teased, then he made an expression as if he just realized something and continued in a suspicious tone, "come to think of it, Ariel doesn't really wear a shirt either does she,"

He took a sip of water as he pretended to get this revelation some thought.

"You just want to hang around hot shirtless people all day," Samuel said once he had put his glass back down and pointed an accusing finger towards his boyfriend "Admit it."
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"What's wrong?"

"I'm ... I'm scared."

Roman was sitting on his and Samuel's bed, watching Gossip Girl, when Bella came down the stairs. Roman was confused, not because his best friend was in his bedroom at all, but because she looked terrified. She was pale, and she couldn't look at him. She was fiddling with her hands, her pink head hung in shame.

"Why are you scared?" Roman asked, concerned. He sat up and closed his laptop, patting the space beside him. "Has something happened?"

"Y - Yeah ..." Bella trailed off and came to sit beside Roman on the bed. "I ..."

"You can tell me," Roman said gently. "I'm your best friend. You can tell me anything."

"I ... I think I'm still in love with you."

Roman was shocked, and silent. He had not been expecting that at all.

Bella continued in the same nervous tone, on the verge of tears. "I ... I don't know. I haven't really dated anyone after you, and I always thought it was because I hadn't met the right person but I was always jealous when you were with someone, I just shoved it to the back of my mind. I thought it was because you're my best friend and I didn't want to lose you. But ... on Halloween, when I did the salt off your neck, it ... it just reminded me of when we were together and I just ... I miss you so fucking much, Roman, but you're happy and you're with Samuel and I can't ruin that." Bella was crying now. "I can't ruin that, because you love him more than anything. And I know it's selfish and it's cruel but I just had to tell you, I couldn't not tell you. I'm so sorry."
It was an afternoon when Samuel came home from soccer practice to an empty house, or at least a quiet house, he was pretty sure his boyfriend would be home by now at least. He didn't announce his presence with a hello to check who was home when he walked in the door, Samuel never did that really, instead, he just said hi to whoever he ran into on his way down to the basement. Today that was no one, and he started to walk down the stairs but stopped himself about half the way down.

He could hear voices, Roman's and Bella's to be exact. This wasn't all that weird at all and normally Samuel would just continue down the stairs, say hello to whoever was hanging out with Roman in their room that day and head over to shower after practice, but today the tone of their voices seemed different, more serious, as if something really bad had happened.

Since rest of the house was dead silence so Samuel could hear every word, he wasn't planning on eavesdropping or anything, just to listen to hear if it was something that would take long. But then he heard what they were talking about and his feet just got stuck to the ground.

Bella was in the midst of explaining something, something Samuel regretted even hearing a word of. She was just starting to tell Roman how she got jealous of the people he had been with, how Halloween had reminded her of it all, how she missed their relationship.

Samuel didn't know how to react. He didn't feel the jealousy he usually felt when people approached Roman, this was way too different because it was Bella who Samuel trusted and who was a nice and good person, and she was clearly torn up over the matter as well. No, Samuel felt himself suddenly feel confused and almost a little scared after hearing what he hadn't even been supposed to hear in the first place, and his heart was beating faster in his chest as he debated what to do. Stay where he was and hope they would notice him? Wait to hear what Roman's response would be? That wouldn't really be right, but what if it was something Samuel needed to hear?

He decided he couldn't do that, no matter how bad he just wanted to hear Roman turn her down before he moved on. Honestly, the most decent thing was probably to let them know he was there and that he had heard, but he was unsure as to how. Still, he had to, so he carefully continued down the stairs and walked into the room, to find both Bella and Roman seated on the bed.

"Hey…." He started carefully, then he got quiet, Bella was crying and suddenly he almost felt guilty, not over hearing what she had said but over the fact that he was part of what stopped her from being happy, "I'm just going to grab a towel and some clothes, I'll leave you alone in a minute, sorry,"
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Roman just stared at Bella while she explained, his face blank, his posture rigid. He had no idea what to say. Bella was his best friend, his first love, one of the most important people in his life. He loved her, but not in a romantic way. He didn't want her like that anymore. He loved Samuel, and only Samuel.

Samuel, who had just come down the stairs.

Bella jumped, looked at Samuel and covered her face in shame. Roman looked up at him with panicked eyes and an otherwise calm expression. He felt sick. He didn't know what to do or how to respond to this new revelation without hurting Bella.

"Bells," he began quietly, looking back at Bella, who was still hiding her face in her hands. "I ... I'm sorry ... I love Samuel. You know that, right?"

Bella nodded, sobbed and looked up. "I know, it's just ... God, I feel shit. I'm so sorry."

"Maybe ... maybe you don't actually feel this way, you just think you do."

"How am I meant to know that, though?"
Samuel quickly headed over to the dresser to grab the things he needed, wanting to get out of there to make sure Bella could talk without feeling too bad. But at least he got to hear Roman tell her that he loved him, which made Samuel let out a little sigh of relief. And hearing the idea of Bella maybe not even feeling that way at all was quite comforting as well.

Samuel couldn't help but to try and think of a way for her to get to know that. Because he really wanted it to just be her thinking she still was in love with Roman after all these years, it would make everything so much better.

But he didn't know. Things with Roman had been so easy, they had just kind of faded into their relationship and decided to just make it official already, they both had known they liked each other, but in this case, even Bella wasn't completely sure on what her feelings were. So, Samuel tried to think of the times when he wasn't sure about something, like when he had been the one sitting with Roman on the edge of the bed right after he had gotten him to admit his sexuality. They had kissed and then Samuel had felt a lot surer.

But Bella couldn't just kiss him obviously. Samuel didn't want her to kiss Roman. Roman was his boyfriend and her getting so close to him had been what started this. He found that he had stopped up what he was doing completely and was now just standing there staring down at the dresser as he started to think in the ropes of Bella kissing Roman. Was it selfish of him not to let her do that? He wanted her to be happy too. And it wasn't like Samuel could say his lips hadn't made contact with anyone else's while in his relationship with Roman, sure he hadn't wanted it to happen, but this would only be for Bella to figure things out so it wouldn't mean anything to Roman either.

"I really didn't mean to listen" Samuel swallowed hard and turned to the other two.

"…but, you said the salt thing was what sparked it, right?" He nervously pushed his glasses up on his nose to have something to focus on while he spoke rather than to look directly at Bella, he really couldn't believe what he was about to suggest, "So would doing something like that help you figure it out? Like if you were to kiss him, do you think you would know?"
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Roman and Bella both looked up at Samuel in shock when he said those words. That was the most uncharacteristic thing Roman had ever heard Samuel say. He was actually suggesting that Roman kiss another person, that Roman kiss Bella. He was actually suggesting it.

Of course, Roman had kissed someone else while with Samuel, but that had been for the musical. That was different. This was ... this was serious. This was Bella.

"I ... probably," said Bella, ashamed, ducking her pink head again. "I mean, yeah, it likely would. But ..."

"Are you okay with that?" Roman asked Samuel, slightly worried that his boyfriend would grow insecure about it. He didn't want this to cause a rift between himself and Samuel, nor himself and Bella, or even Bella and Samuel. He just wanted them all to get over this and move on.

But he had no idea if that was possible. He didn't know if this would affect the dynamics of the house or not, but he really fucking hoped not.
If Samuel wasn't really okay with it, not at all, but if it would help he could let it happen. Had it been someone he didn't know he wouldn't have even considered it, because it was someone he was friends with he could force himself to think it was okay.

Besides since, he had kissed someone he couldn't take it back, and it made it okay, it was just kind of… making up for it, and it would help Bella along the way.

"Yeah, as long as it's just a kiss, and if it would help," Samuel said, voice a little weaker and not entirely sure of himself, but he tried to make it clear it was okay and that they had his permission, his head turned to the ground as he continued, "and, I dunno, if I can stay here, if that isn't super weird? I just…"

He tried to pinpoint why he felt like he needed to stay to know if it turned out she liked him or not. In the end, It would be a matter to be sorted out between them. But there was this small part of him that couldn't stop himself from being scared that maybe it would lead to something else. Roman had dated her before after all, what if all he needed to realized he missed her in that way too was to try it out again. The thought actually made Samuel feel kind of sick, so he did his best to push it out of his head, it was probably just his jealous side making him think like that. He knew Roman loved him.

"It would just feel better if I don't have to wait outside" he mumbled finally, and glanced over to the two, this was uncomfortable to everyone involved, really uncomfortable, and he didn't want to make it worse.