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XD now let's not degrade a good brain, next thing you know they'll invent something to make you feel useless :P
By the way, are we going to keep the 'Activate' part of the transformation phase? I figure we might as well ditch it since as we said back then it sounds kinda stiff.
Are we going to have this discussion again? I was sort of glad it was over with XD

But at the same time, I do think it's stiff... The only porblem is we couldn't agree on anything.

I had an idea that since the female senshi use "make-up", which is a way to get pretty, we could use some sort of equivalent for the males. Something like 'habiller' which means "to dress up fancily", or 'disguise'... Bah, still doesn't sound as good as make-up :(
@Olissa Alright, I'll make a post shortly and I'll add the sailor senshi appearance on his profile after that. I'm fine with ditching the Activate part for the transformation to be honest, at least for the guys.

@Adira Lol...good luck matching someone up with Lief who can actually stand him XD
@Adira Lol. Well, looking forward to it regardless :D

And...on second thought...@Adore Delano, @Syelle. Is it okay for Lief to come in? I don't want to butt into an important conversation.
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@Mosaic Yeah! Bring him in ^^,

What about "ignite"? I think it sounds pretty catchy.
Capricorn Power, Ignite
Capricorn Star Power, Ignite
etc etc.

Maybe "engage", "enhance", "trigger", "unlock"
It's almost 5am, I'm just moving my fingers, my overtired brain is doing all the thinking. xD
@Syelle Woohoo~! Okay :D

Ignite does sound cool, but that word would just fit the guys using the fire element more....

Engage or enhance sounds good. about "Unleash"? lol go to sleep missy!

I think that Leif would wear kamen rider like clothes for his senshi

I edited a couple things in the profile and got rid of the heterochromia thing since I though it was too much.
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And if both of them liked him, there would be love triangle drama...oh dear XD
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@Mosaic Yeah! Bring him in ^^,

What about "ignite"? I think it sounds pretty catchy.
Capricorn Power, Ignite
Capricorn Star Power, Ignite
etc etc.

Maybe "engage", "enhance", "trigger", "unlock"
It's almost 5am, I'm just moving my fingers, my overtired brain is doing all the thinking. xD
Hah, so you live in the UK, Ireland, Iceland, Portugal, or one of the western African countries! Handy.
I'm GMT+1 here.

And Chibiusa is more of a talker than a listener if my memory serves me right, so they'd chat each others ears off XD
Off to look at the changes in the profile, and the post.

For all intents and purposes, since the girls have Make Up, why not give the guys Wake up. Essentially they're waking up their powers and waking their alternate persona. Plus both are part of normal morning routines, girls put on make up, and all kinds of other long rituals, while guys simply wake up and usually are ready to go after running a bit of water or gel through their hair.
@Olissa lol omg, I really want to see the two of them chattering away. It'll be a battle of who talks the most XD

Wake up sounds fine. We could always use "Swag Up" too...ehuehueheuehue...
Er, yeah let's not go there shall we XD
Haha, what about turning the M around making it wake up? XD Nah, but the others sound okay, except simply 'on' or 'up' is a little short. 'Activate' or 'awaken' could work, but I still like 'stage on' ^^

I knew I'd heard that before XD
Any ideas why that was thrown off the table? 'cause the discussion I think continued on about Activate and Awaken.
And I know it was said before, but for the life of me finding a good reason why we didn't go down that route I couldn't get. And I got lazy and didn't want to search the first 15 pages all over again XD
Plus now at least now there's a good backup reasoning why to reintegrate a previously mentioned idea XD

Also, I'm working on an idea with Mosaic, that I need your opinion on. If y'all like it, we'll implement it, if not, it'll be thrown off the table or back onto the drawing board, either way. (It's still subject to change, and I need to work out a few kinks before I present it, but expect it within... the next hour? or so?)
Anyway I like wake up, so no problems there. Also you're scaring me a bit with this idea... :x Making me think it's something big and scary.
Oh yeah, maybe we should have a turn system to make things more organized. If someone wants to skip their turn they can just say so on OOC or if someone doesn't post when its their turn after two days their turn is skipped. What do you guys think?
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