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In my experience turn systems never turn out well, for various reasons. For example if someone isn't able to post one day that stops the entire RP. It also ruins the natural flow of things, for example you would never be able to speak directly to the person who posted before you. Sometimes you need to post a lot, and sometimes you almost don't have to post at all.
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No it's not, it's just kinda an extension to the 'Zodiacs have no leader' problem fix idea thingy...

The idea (courtesy of Mosaic) is as followed
*darn it got ninja'd answering this first*

Thanks girls I've got this, as I said just earlier in this chat, until order is needed again, the order is a bit freer and can be moved around. Meaning people can hold a conversation a bit, instead of having to wait till everyone has posted again. It is still advised to wait at least a turn or two before posting again, especially in multiway conversations (like the group talk in the separate room, and the fourway conversation in the hall)
I think some common sense is all that's needed when it comes to posting, making sure you don't post too much or too little. And we can all help each other out by bumping someone if they're being inactive or telling them if they're going to fast ^^
Now, where was I, the zodiac leadership issue.

The Zodiacs have a bit of a difficulty to figure out who their leader is for obvious reasons. There'll be more natural leaders in the group, but that doesn't automatically announce them team leader, whereas Chibiusa is a leader due to being princess of the Moon, and the rest are her court.
So we know certain planets affect certain zodiacs, and I'd like to play on that.

If a zodiac teams up or is near his planet, his power is stronger due to his connection to that planet.

That means: if Capricorn is near Saturn, his abilities are slightly increased and give him an advantage.
In theory this also creates a hierarchy form that does NOT need to be followed. Zodiac is ruled by a planet, the planet is ruled by the Moon. Meaning one leader in the end, Chibiusa/Moon. In the case of Saturn and Capricorn however, I highly doubt that they'd be leader and follower like that, due to him being a lot stronger and older than she is, so individual 'teams' (for lack of better term) can sort things out on their own.

Now, this creates another issue in terms of numbers.
The list normally goes like this:

The Sun rules Leo.
The Moon rules Cancer.
Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo.
Venus rules Taurus and Libra.
Mars rules Aries.
Jupiter rules Sagittarius.
Saturn rules Capricorn.
Uranus rules Aquarius.
Neptune rules Pisces.
Pluto rules Scorpio.

Since Pluto is out of play, Scorpio would be assigned to some place else. Some sources say Scorpio falls under Mars, despite being a Water sign so off to Mars he goes (and I find that hilarious for other reasons).
And Leo would have to be moved to a different planet since there is no Sun sailor and it'll be too much of a hassle and change of so many plans to bring one in, and I'd prefer it if the Moon was simply leader over the Planets, instead of adding to a zodiac as well, so Cancer would needed to be moved too.
That would make the list.... something along the lines of this?

Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo.
Venus rules Taurus and Libra.
Mars rules Aries and Scorpio.
Jupiter rules Sagittarius and Leo.
Saturn rules Capricorn.
Uranus rules Aquarius.
Neptune rules Pisces and Cancer.
(Italic is for those that haven't been taken yet)

So that means five out of seven Planets have two zodiacs, and two are left with only one. (And with no active players for Sagittarius and Leo Jupiter is on her own for now)
We could leave it at this, be done with it, but we could do another thing. Open up two more Zodiac slots.
Namely Ophiuchus, and Cetus who were suggested to be added to the list back in 1970. This doesn't make more work for the people already here, it simply opens up an opportunity for others to play, and gives Saturn and Uranus a second Zodiac.

So, what do you all think? "Divide" the zodiacs amongst the planets? or just let them be a ragtag group as they were originally?
I think that's a really good idea!! I don't know how Chibiusa is going to react to not having a zodiac and learning that she would technically be leader of both groups, even though she's one of the youngest xD I think she'll be jealous xD
We could just make it so they're usually organized into those teams on main missions, but there would be occasions where members from different teams would fight together under dire circumstances, or if there was a surprise attack.
That way everyone can get a chance to know all of the members of the senshi.
The missions that the Resistance used to do will become a little bit less over the course of time, as the dark side is going out to specifically chase down the Senshi, all of them, meaning they'll have to do more fights and rescues than missions.
Most of the time I'd expect the group to be relatively together as a whole, due to the fighting needing all the strength they can get.
And the main point of the return of the girls is they are to rid the city of evil, and the only way they can do that is with Chibiusa, who can't do much on her own.
But I can imagine that Chibiusa'll pout for no getting to group together with some of the guys all on her own :P
Lol. She could always just pick which team she wants to go with depending on her mood or go with a team depending on their battle strategy.
Okay let me rephrase it: The 'teams' are not actual teams as they are more simply groups that amplify one another's powers (Doesn't do anything for the girls now that I think about it)
There isn't a need for separate teams, plus it kinda disrupts 70% of the currently planned events. They could indeed venture out if they wanted to, but it's mainly as a device to improve their chances, not to split it up.
If it's a split up situation it won't work well with the story XD
I know the original idea was to split the senshi into small groups, but to make it work I had to adjust it a little.

So, what do others think, is it something we can use, or should we leave things as is. And if we do use it, what are we to do with Saturn and Uranus' issue of having only one Zodiac that gets 'powered up' by the planet. Add two more to the list, or leave things the way they are. :) I don't mind any one of the paths so it's in your hands now mwahahaha
Haha I was writing a completely different reply when you posted that, Olissa. I'm glad though, 'cause it clears a lot of stuff up. I have to say I was against the idea of forming teams inside the teams that were already teams and bleh :P Anyway I would like to point out that two zodiacs get boosted by Venus at the moment, while none get boosted by Jupiter. Even later on when more awaken that doesn't change, since they haven't signer up to the RP. Other than that it seems pretty cool, and perhaps they could even do combo-attacks or special boosted attacks or something like that :)

And simply opening up more roles doesn't resolve the issue that we don't have people to fill out the roles that are already open.
I agree with Adore. We don't have enough people to fill the current zodiacs we shouldn't add more.
I pointed the none for Jupiter out as well, due to no one wanting those two zodiacs yet. It's simply how it's arranged XD Nothing that can be done about it at this point, but oh well, hope ohters'll sign up soon then hm
I can't say I'm particularly fond of the unevenness of it all. And if we opened up two new roles it'd be like "hey, there's the twelve zodiacs and the two that didn't make the cut!". It's kind of a cool idea, but if we can't solve the problems at hand with what we have I'm going to vote against it.
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