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Kazu still being unconscious his new runes began to glow a bright red instead of a pale blue. His skin showed a dark red, his hair was now black and his eyes were glowing white.
Lila stared at him, shocked slightly. She wasn't sure what happened but he had changed in appearance. Lila knew he was familiar but from where?! She couldn't figure it out, then it hit her, he was her half brother... she then remembered what happened, and pressed her hand against her cheek.
As he regained consciousness he smiled as he regained his old appearance. "I had a sister...?"
Lila was pressed up against the wall, her body trembling while she pressed her hand to her cheek. He sweater had slipped down again revealing a whole lot more of her runes as they had started to run from her arms down her sides.
"Your my sister! The only one who was kind to me when I was with my father." He then notices her runes. The same thing happened as before. His arm shines a bright white and kazu clenches it in pain. "You and I have the same demonic runes lila!"
Lila stared at him, and blinked several times before fixing her sweater. "But what about the other hm? Why do they have runes too?!" She got up, and shook her head, and started heading off towards the bathroom.
"Damnit lila! I don't know but you and i came from the same evil father!" He said as he tried to go after her.
"That dosen't mean a thing!" Lila entered the bathroom, and slammed the door shut. She moved over to the sink and shoved her hands beneath it after turning the tap on. She watched the water gush out onto her hands, and then she cupped her hands together, and rubbed her face with the water. She was still trembling, and she was beginning to freak out slightly
"Lila please come out! Please! Don't leave me again! Your all I have and Ill never lose you again!" He said knocking on the door
Lila pulled open the door, and looked at Kazu "Look this is just all too sudden... I just... I need time okay?"
Indigo watched as the fireball hit Kazu then Lila moved back. Once she heard the two talking about being related she took a step back to give them space. "Uh maybe I should uh go." She moved back further not sure how to access the situation.
"Alright I understand... I'll go...goodbye lila" he said as he disappeared in thin air leaving an essence of frost in the air behind him.
Lila watched Kazu leave, and sighed leaning against the bathroom door frame. She was getting slightly tired, yet there was still a lot of unpacking to be done. She rubbed her arms as she stared after him.
"Do you need help unpacking?" Indigo asked looking at Lila. "It wouldn't take me long and you could just tell me where to put everything." She wanted to atleast help in some way.
"I'll give her some space........ time to test my new power!" He said as monsters began appearing around him. "Alright! Haaa! Ice air bomb!!!!" He did a huge airel ice bomb and it exploded and froze everything in the vicinity solid.
"I don't even know where to put everything.." She responded, "The person who is suppose to tell me, is currently not home, so I'm stuck having to manoeuvre around boxes.." Lila smiled "I'm sure I can handle, thanks for asking though."
"Well if you need anything just come on over." She said with a smile. Indigo waved as she left the house and once she was home she returned to painting the door.
Lila groaned, and then sat down on the floor. Today turned out to be interesting, and she wasn't really sure if she wanted to do anything else but just sit on her butt, and do nothing
(This was done after a lot of thinking!!!!)

*Time jump*

Lila woke in bed, and stretched. 'How long was I out?' Getting up Lila trudged towards the kitchen to find something to eat, or drink. She wasn't really sure if she was hungry, or just wanting to do something. Lila opened the fridge, and took a brief moment of staring into the fridge, the coldness of it not even being able to reach her. Sighing Lila shut the fridge, and looked around the darkened kitchen. The boxes were still scattered all over the place, and Lila was just wearing her sweater shirt. She was rather warm, and it was starting to bother her slightly.
(I'm sorry I haven't posted.. I'll drop out if you don't want me in anymore since I haven't posted in a long time and you've already got the story so far.)