Run away love.

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Faith was a little surprised to see the guy she had ran from again and rolled her eyes "No, I'm collecting wood so I can throw it in to the lake" she answered sarcastically, a defense mechanism for her to help keep people away, and carried on picking up large pieces of dead wood
"I see. So you have decided to become a beaver. Well in that case you will need help with the bigger logs. I saw a nice sized tree that had fell not long ago. Would you like me to help you haul it to the lake?" He asked teasingly. He understood and respected sarcasm. He was known to use it sometimes to push people way. But humor worked too. Especially if the person admit expecting it.
Faith raised an eyebrow at that before giving a smirk "great. Lead the way. If you're lying to me though I might have to use you as the timber instead" she answered with a casual shrug
Griffin's mismatched eyes sparkled with laugher even though his face remained serious. He moved away from the tree with a casual ease. He headed back the way he had come. He hadn't been lying there was a good size tree that had recently fallen not far from where he had spotted her. He tried to stuck to the truth as much as possible. It made it easier to remember what he had said. "Will this work for your damn miss beaver?"
Faith followed after the stranger with careful steps before slowly approaching the tree, she smiled softly as she knelt down by it and ran her hand over the trunk and knocking against it a few times before shaking her head "it's still alive and a tree this size has a good chance of regrowing believe it or not"
"I didn't say it was dead." Griffin reminded her. He leaned casually against a near by tree. "I simply said that I knew where there was a tree that had fell recently. This tree fell recently." He explained seriously.
Faith rolled her eyes and stood up "well, if you're done wasting my time I have things I actually need to get on with" she snapped and stood up with a glare, she hated time wasters and this Griffin guy really seemed like one
"Hey I wasn't trying to waste your time Miss Beaver. I was trying to be helpful. You never asked if the tree was dead. How was I suppose to know that was a requirement?" He asked defensively. He didn't seem to be getting off to a good start with her. He had never been good with people. He didn't know how to earn her trust when he trusted no one.
Faith dusted herself off and shook her head "I wont use trees that are still alive" she stated before grabbing her stuff with a grunt "I'd be careful if I were you, I heard there are traps all around this area"
"I will keep that in mind before I make such a suggestion again." Griffin reassured her. He wasn't sure how to take her comment. Was it because she was suppose to be linked to a goddess? Then how did she excuse trapping wild life? One could survive without having to kill. "If you don't use live trees does that mean you don't eat meat? Because if you don't eat meat then there shouldn't be any traps near your place."
Faith shook her head "I eat meat. It's mostly to do with the circle of life. That meat will go on to be life force for others where as cutting down trees does nothing but kill the trees. At least the meat will go on to be used for something else where as using wood for furniture or weapons or whatever cuts that cycle because all that wood has left is to rot away"
"Huh. Never thought about it that way." Griffin said thoughtfully. When she put it that way it sort of made sense. He had never really thought about it. He never wasted anything he always used whatever he had to the fullest. But that came from growing up with almost nothing. "I will watch out for traps. I'll probably see you around since it seems that we are staying in the same area."
Faith nodded once before starting off again "oh and one more thing, I wouldn't touch the lake water by where the cliffs are. It's full of parasites. The river water is safe though"
"Good to know." Griffin nodded his thanks. He gathered his sticks and headed in the opposite direction. She was an interesting woman. He didn't understand her at all. But he wondered if he ever would. Woman were complicated.
Sure, Faith wasn't keen on the Griffin guy but he at least needed to know about the water although now there was a chance he'd end up finding her cabin since it was so close to the river. With a small sigh she headed back to start her repairs
Griffin watched her rather than returned to his cave. He didn't have tat much time. He needed to gain her trust. But how? What would make her incline to trust her. He smiled as an ides csm to him. But he would need to wait a few hours before it would work.
Faith headed back to her cabin and began to repair the roof and touch up a few other bits that needed repairing before making a finishing rob and even had enough left over to make herself a bow. The teen warmed up the stew from the previous night before making her rounds in the surrounding forest to make sure no one had come snooping.
Griffin ran straight for Faith. He made sure that he ran far enough that he short of breath when he reached her. He leaned against a tree near her. "You have to find a place to hide. There are people in town looking for you! You have to hurry! They're on their way here!"
Faith jumped Griffin ran towards her. She frowned at that and shook her head "there's no way. No ones knows I out here besides you" she answered before swearing, turning on heel and ran back to her cabin because if people really were coming after her she needed to get her stuff.
"The guard that you yelled at yesterday must have thought you looked like that missing princess to." Griffin explained as he ran after her. "I haven't talked to anyone. I heard them talking when I went into town. I thought you should know."
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