Rulers of Night [OOC]

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I used Alexander because he was the only character I felt I could write right then. Anyway, feel free to interact with him- or any of my other characters (just tell me which one and I shall make a post for them). I want to get this role play going again, and perhaps it'll work out by giving everyone a little more freedom in their actions. While we're still making plans and have plot lines in mind, I also encourage simply role playing and seeing what happens. It helps if one is trying to come up with new ideas. ^^
Yay. :3 If you want to run into me f my characters, just tell me which and I can make it happen. ^^ Or... ask someone else. It's good if we involve people. o.o
I still without an idea of a plot so....
Doesn't matter. Just send him somewhere and wing it. ^^ Message someone... like...say... Horizon? And ask if your characters could cross paths somehow.
thanks for the heads up, Gladis :] appoligies for my slow posting..I'm so busy at the moment.. I'll try to get on more to post when I can.. since I don't want to leave Vio in limbo beacuse its mot fair on them :] also to give you a heads up..I won`t be on from the 20th to the if my characters are holding anything up..please feel free to god mod them in my abscence :]
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I'm quite busy with all kinds of stuff, but a post will be made soon. Thanks for not letting this RP die Gladis :)
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me too
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I am still around guys, even if I haven't made a single post yet. I'm also up for a collab with anyone if they so wish to do so. Just PM me. It may be good for the plot xD
I used Alexander because he was the only character I felt I could write right then. Anyway, feel free to interact with him- or any of my other characters (just tell me which one and I shall make a post for them). I want to get this role play going again, and perhaps it'll work out by giving everyone a little more freedom in their actions. While we're still making plans and have plot lines in mind, I also encourage simply role playing and seeing what happens. It helps if one is trying to come up with new ideas. ^^
Would it be alright if Chloe stumbled upon Alexander? (As I said before, he could be the one that invited her to the party) Then he might give her a clue to find the mysterious purple haired man (lol). We could make it into a short collab Gladis, if you could find the time for it of course ^_^'

Also, I won't be online due to national celebrations here over the weekend, but I'll be around again starting Tuesday! :)
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Ok, thank you for letting me know. ^^'

And yes, go ahead and have her in into Alexander. :3
Someone alive???
Yes, very. I do have to apologize for not making a post as of yet, uni work has kept me terribly busy. I'll try to make a post before next wednesday, but since I have a lot of other deadlines coming up, I'm not sure if I'll make it.

Many apologies, especially towards you @Gladis
I'm still out of ideas...

I can only think about Ju going to work...
I'm still out of ideas...

I can only think about Ju going to work...
Well, we can always make a short fighting scene if you want to? :) Chloë just had her share of blood though, so I think she'll stop by Alexander first, but afterwards she could happen to run into Ju, if that's alright with you (and if I can find the time lol).
Well, we can always make a short fighting scene if you want to? :) Chloë just had her share of blood though, so I think she'll stop by Alexander first, but afterwards she could happen to run into Ju, if that's alright with you (and if I can find the time lol).
Is your character a vampire then?

Like I said to the other guy (Which name I can't remember), Ju is a fight-to-death man, the fight would only stop if one of us die OR someone stops us...
Is your character a vampire then?

Like I said to the other guy (Which name I can't remember), Ju is a fight-to-death man, the fight would only stop if one of us die OR someone stops us...
She's a ghoul, but hmmn... In that case I'd rather not :'D