Roses And Thomas

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Shadow just sighed, and continued eating his breakfast.

Raikoh chuckled slightly. "I figured that much, but still. Stupid move, Haley. Did you not understand the 'manipulative for a living' part about him? He's a trickster. Dealing with him is like playing a game of chess while arguing with a lawyer and trying to figure out how a magician got the coin from your closed hand onto your shoulder without you noticing." he said, and sighed. "He just... He's done the same thing to me as he did to you."
Hannah smiled and kissed his cheek.

Haley looked up at him, ' so what, i admit it... but still.' she looked down, " I am going to never be fixed.. whatever I do, I won't be." she looked up into his eyes before looking down. She bit her lower lip, before she got up, ' i better go get some food." She muttered. she stood up, playing with her necklace.
Shadow smiled at her and kissed her lips.

Raikoh nodded, and kicked the wall by the hole, causing a rope ladder to drop. He motioned towards it. "Ladies first?" he suggested, unsure of whether she would climb or just orb. He was going to climb either way, he hated orbing.
Haley sighed softly. Looking at the rope. she then nodded. She walked over to the rope before she started to climb it. She hadn't said a word. she really was upset. she still had some tears fall everynow and then.
After she had gotten to the top of the rope, Raikoh climbed it with the ease of a monkey. He placed a hand on her shoulder, to stop her. "Haley..." he said softly.
Haley sighed lightly, she was just waiting for him as she was about to walk, she felt his hand on her shoulder, she turned and looked at him confused.
When she turned around, he pulled her close and kissed her deeply. He absolutely loved the sight of someone suffering physically, but couldn't stand to see them suffer emotionally.
Haley felt her lips being kissed. She was shocked, but slowly wrapped her arms around his neck and began to kiss him back.She stayed close to him, she closed her eyes when she kissed him too.
Raikoh continued to kiss her for another moment, and then pulled away, staring into her eyes.

Harri emerged from his room. "Huh. Keagan left. Alright." he went back into the kitchen and made another breakfast sandwich.
Haley blinked when he pulled away, " What was that for?" She asked curiously. She closed her eyes softly as she thought. she blinked softly and stayed in his arms. Silence.

Hope grinned, " Long gone.. if he stayed sooner you would finally could see what I can do.... well what we were supposed to do for a lifetime and never happened." She smiled lightly. ' Hannah wouldn't do it. Well i mean she is good-" She was cut off.

Hannah looked at her from the side and said, " Not for long though, I mean i won't be the special weird one who doesn't like doing the things Haley and yourself do."
Hope raised an eyebrow. " Huh? But you always never wanted to."
Hannah grinned. " Well that is changing.. " She looked at shadow and smiled.
Raikoh smiled. "What wasn't it for?"

Harri stared at the conversing girls in confusion.

Shadow smiled back at Hannah. He was slowly growing stronger, and he could clearly see her aura was slowly getting a darker shade to it. He shrugged and looked at Hope. "Warlock, innocence feeder. Can't help it, it just happens." he grinned at Hannah.
Hannah smiled sweetly, she then looked at shadow, before she looked over at hope. Hope was so confused but hearing that. She was shocked. She leaned back, seen Harri and smiled. She walked over to him, ' i can make some brownies for all of us, if you would like. "
hannah looked at shadow, she smiled sweetly. she kissed his lips sweetly.

Haley smiled and blushed, looking down.she said, " Um... i am kinda lost."
Shadow kissed her back, and then looked at Hope, who had suggested she make brownies.

Harri smiled and wagged his tail at the suggestion. "Chocolate? Damn straight!" he said, excitedly.

Raikoh smiled at her. "About what?" he asked.
Hannah giggled looking at hope. " suck up" she smiled.

Hopw stuck out her tongue before she smiled and nodded. " well. I can make"

Haley smiled," why you kiss me
Shadow rolled his eyes from behind the cloth bandage, and laughed.

Harri's tail wagged even faster. "Yes! Chocolate! Fuckin' love that stuff." he said.

"I don't know, actually. It just seemed... fitting." he replied, thoughtfully.
Hannah glanced at Shadow and smiled. she rubbed her hand on his thigh before she got up to take care of her plate. this was so fun. Well, her and Shadow.. She didn't know how they were going to keep their reputation.. as in.. the famous world. She came back. She had a few questions to ask him... between them two.. not about them two..

hope smile softly, " okay you go and i'll make okay?' She noticed hannah and how she had herself, she was so changing, she didn't know how Haley was taking about all her ex and other issues. She remembered her nephews.. Well yeah they are in a happy place.. but...

Haley blushed and nodded. " oh." She grabbed his hand and went to go into the house.
Harri nodded and stopped wagging his tail as fast. "Alright, I'mma go in the living room. Well, one of them." he said and walked out, transforming into full wolf. He sat on the couch and waited patiently.

Shadow looked over and yelled at him. "Hey! you know you're not allowed on the couch in that form!" Harri sort of pouted and hopped off, and laid down on the floor.

Raikoh let her lead him into the house. He couldn't feel as strong of an evil presence, so Keagan must have left.
Hannah hiccuped, she blushed and then came back and looked at Shadow who yelled at Harri.

Hope was still in the kitchen. She smiled lightly, she continued to cook, or bake.' she closed her eyes before she went to act like she was Hannah she groaned and gave up so she opened her eyes.

Haley came back into the house, the necklace on all of the girls glowed. She looked down, Thinking She grinned.
Shadow looked up when the necklaces started glowing. He could see bright spots on the girls Aura, and a buildup of magic in the room.

Raikoh looked a little surprised when the necklaces started to glow. "Uh, Haley, your necklace is... um... glowing."
hope giggled and walked in while waiting for the beep, " thats because we are near each other, it does that... " She shrugged. She smiled lightly.

Hannah giggled, she then looked over at Hope, she walked over to the other two and shrugged. " It happens alot.. "

Haley shrugged, " Way too much..."She said softly.
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