Romantic rp (invite only)

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Renee bit her lip. She really didn't want to go home, her parents seemed to be in one of their bigger fights. But, she knew that if she didn't head home, her parents would just keep telling her to come home. "Yeah...but, I'll see you at school tomorrow, right? Then, I can stay here again after school!" Renee said happily, her mood brightening.
"Ok see you tommorrow" nic replied he allready couldnt wait for tommorrow.
Renee giggled and stood on her tiptoes, quickly kissing Nic before turning and running to the road. Before she left from his sight, she turned and waved, smiling. "See you tomorrow!" she called back to him. Then, she started running down the road, her smile unwavering.
Nic watched as she ran off and said "see you tommorrow." Not loud enough for her to hear and sighed. (Around a week for us and 2/3 days for them lol)
(I know XD But that's the good thing about roleplays...I think?? lol) Renee ran to her house in probably record time compared to her past times. She went inside and quietly went to her room, the house unnaturally silent. Deciding not to worry about it, Renne shrugged her shoulder and went into her room, pondering over the things that happened that day.
Nic went in side to see his mom "so howd it go? You get a kiss yet?" She asked reading Nics expresion "maybe." He said grinning "im going to my room." "Just come down for dinner later."
Renee went to sleep, seeing as she didn't have anything to do. Not only that, she couldn't wait to see Nic at school the next day. So, she closed her eyes and fell into a much needed sleep.
Nic went to his room and decided to add some stuff onto his game so eventually he got to sleep exited for the day to come.
Renee woke up, greeted by the light shining through her window. She squinted her eyes against it and rolled out of bed, getting dressed. Then, she grabbed her book bag and walked out of the door, starting her run to school.
Nic had woken up late due to the fact he had been up late programming but he lived close to school so he wasn't worried. He got up thinking about Renee and got ready as soon as possible to go to school and wait for her there.
Renee continued to jog down the road, sweat collecting on her brow as the sun shined on her back. After a few long moments, she finally saw the school and smiled. "Finally." she breathed, slowing to a brisk walk. She lifted the hem of her shirt and wiped the small drops of sweat from her face. She couldn't wait to see Nic, so she looked around, trying to see if she could spot him anywhere. She looked but, didn't see him because of all of the other students.
Nic sneaked up behind Renee and yelled "BOO" in her ear.
Renee jumped and screamed, falling to the ground as she turned around. "Oh, jeez Nic! You scared me!" she said, a smile growing on her face as she held a hand over her racing heart.
Nic stepped back in shock when Renee fell see some people eye him, then he gave her his hand "watch out theres gravity here." He joked.
"Hahaha." she said sarcastically, nudging Nic's arm playfully. "You do know there's something you do called saying hello, right?" she teased, raising an eyebrow at him.
"Eh that for special occasions." He said grinning pulling her off the ground.
"Ah, I see." She said, grinning as well. She let Nic pull her up from the ground and she wiped her pants off afterward. "And what occasions would that be?" she asked, this time raising both eyebrows at him.
"Maybe now, Hello." He said smiling "is that better?"
Renee giggled and rolled her eyes playfully. "I guess I'll let it slide this time." she said with a fake exaggerated sigh. But then, she smiled and nudged his arm with his elbow. "It's good to see you." she said sincerely.
"You too." He said smiling down at Renee losing his sarcasm.
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