Rise of the Runelords: Chapter 1

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I vote for the maximum time as well.

You mean mini-sessions? Or downtime rolls?

Because yes to both.

Orik kept all his stuff and fled with it. But since you guys missed a shit-ton of loot (by being over-prepared for one room and under-prepared for the other), I'll say he dumped his armour and shield so he could ride Shadowmist and get across the bridge.
Also, it's time for...

Okay, so according to my shitty maths the total we've come away with from that last level is roughly 2186GP (plus some SP and CP but who really gives a fuck about that).

Adding in the moneys from the other two levels the splits should look something like this, in total:
SPLIT SIX WAYS (I call this one the 'fuck An-Nur' option :V): 697GP, 3SP, 36CP

There's also some loot that we're probably selling that I dunno the value of (GM pls):
  • Ripnugget's masterwork breastplate (can be resized)
  • Ripnugget's +1 shortsword
  • Medium chain shirt
  • Medium masterwork scimitar
  • Masterwork manacles

On the downtime subject, I'm okay with us taking the full three months. Should give everyone time to calm the fuck down a bit and start talking to each other again, at least.
If you sell everything but the +1 shortsword, your total is:

750gp each (830gp each if fucking An-Nur)

If you sell everything including the +1 shortsword, your total is:

900gp each (1000gp each if fucking An-Nur)
Y'know what, I'm gonna go ahead and take that Shortsword for now. Don't have any other magical weapons, so it'll be handy as a backup until I can replace it with something better.

Oh yeah, and I vote we cut An-Nur in on the moneys too. She did kinda earn it.

EDIT: We also get our moneys for saving the day/scapegoating our friend because we're horrible people, so everyone wins.

Except An-Nur.

And our consciences.
Okay. Including the bounties, that's 1050 gold each.

*assumes everyone agrees and the loot discussion is over*

Okay, 3 months downtime. So you can take 3 Knowledge Ranks wherever you want to put them.



We'll state our shit and make any dice rolls here, before I start the new thread.

Here are some basics:

- You are welcomed back as heroes. Jin Murasaki closes the Rusty Dragon while she deals with the news of what Tsuto was doing at Thistletop. In her absence, a party is thrown at the White Deer Inn. The Shoanti, particularly, are eager to hear the tales of your exploits. They are very welcoming, and give you free food, drink and lodgings. Rodeh is hailed as a hero among the tribes and a credit to the Spire Clan.

- An-Nur is taken to Zantus, who promises he will help save her soul in the months ahead. Before he hands her over to the Sheriff, An-Nur confesses that she enchanted Serenus and made her pretend to be a witch. This was all part of her plan to sow discord before leaving Sandpoint to be with Tsuto and Nualia. Zantus believes her, and the heat is now taken off Serenus. The woman is (albeit warily) accepted back into the community.

- An-Nur is locked up in the Sandpoint prison, underneath the garrison. Word quickly spreads that she killed the ranger Shalelu, and was the one behind the goblin raids, masterminding it with her sister, Nualia, and her lover, Tsuto. The idea of this murderous, sexual trio soon takes hold of the public's imagination.

- Kolto informs the Mayor that Malfeshnikor and the ghosts of the architects are still inside Thistletop. She sends for aid from Windsong Abbey, and the order responds quickly. A team of clerics is dispatched to lock down the site.

- Topgob and the Thistletop survivors vanish into Shank's Wood. The goblins cause no further trouble in the months ahead. Both Topgob and the druid Gogmurt convince the greenskins not to mess with Longshanks anymore.

- Quink's house is still in ruins, after being wrecked by Gorvi. But with Voren's latest finds at Thistletop, and the investigation of the catacombs ongoing, he gets the spring back in his step, and starts to rebuild his studies.

- Word spreads through the taverns that Tahlzair and Dhoryl may be the new Sczarni in town. They receive personal congratulations from Ina-Oster, the elven druid who works on behalf of Lord Scarnetti. In the aftermath of events, the Scarnetti nobles are lending considerable assistance in Sandpoint's hour of need.

- The soldiers from Magnimar keep a constant watch on the Catacombs, and Father Zantus divides his time between holding confession with An-Nur and heading down to consecrate the Catacombs.

- The gypsies imprisoned at Thistletop are revealed to be the Magravis - a well-known local family, almost as old as the Mvashtis. They put down roots in Sandpoint and spread the tales of what was happening at Thistletop. The revelation of Lamashtu's presence on the Lost Coast has a positive effect. It drives more townsfolk to the church, and the community begins a little more unified in the months ahead.​
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An-Nur gets a bounty on herself? Hilarious.


Kolto will probably spend the first month propped up in Jin's tavern, drinking excessively and feeling extremely sorry for himself. After that, the plan is to go see if he can't pick up Tsuto and/or Nualia's trail. Rodeh, Serenus and the Brothers Grim are welcome to come along (if you guys are stuck for ideas). If not, maybe Hemlock wants to send some troops along.

I'll be putting those three points into Knowledge: Geography, to represent his fucking around in the wilderness tracking people. Should blend well with his Survival skills.
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It's like we've been doing this all the wrong way.

Yaaaaaaay, I can buy some really useful tools when/if I get outta here.
Grumpy, I'll send you an inventory soon, there's some stuff in there that you can and should put to use.

Three months under the garrison, when she's not being interrogated, or talking to her lawyer, An-Nur dances in her cell for hours, has long conversations with herself in some weird language, and tries to get her hands on some charcoal. She'll use it to cover her cell walls with copious notes, diagrams, and rough maps.

History (If Tahl brings me stuff to read), Perform Dance, and Linguistics

*Cracks knuckles and settles in*
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I'm debating whether or not Kolto will be down to visit her at any point (assuming he's allowed). He's probably still pissed about the stuff said down in Thistletop, but I also totally wanna pull some Hannibal Lecter/drunken Will Graham shit.

To explain his motivations for anyone along for the 'let's go catch Tsuto' ride: regardless of his current personal feelings about An-Nur, Kolto's big into his whole freedom and liberty thing (he's a fan of the Accidental God, after all). The idea of someone being blamed for something they didn't do doesn't sit well with him at all, and he'd like to rectify the situation.

Yes I may be starting Kolto on his whole 'reluctant hero' thing, shut-up
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*slides that armor over to Rodeh*

With the charges dropped, along with his ability to swing a weapon for a few weeks, Rodeh would likely briefly return to his people. He would give any useful information to the elder's (especially the things about the Thassilonian implication and the fact that there were Shoanti Shadows below) and regale them with his adventures. While he is there, he might even check their armory. ;D

Once feeling up to it, he would return to sandpoint to visit is comrades and check in with them. (Yes, even An-Nurururur) He would offer to help as much as he can in the coming months, when not doing his normal odd jobs around town. Joining Kolto, would probably one of the more prominent events that he would partake in for the downtime.

Through this journey he has taken, Rodeh has found out about himself and the world around him. Sparing all the feely details, he find himself as being the Team Uncle trying to keep everyone together while taking hits. Also regarding Mally's words

He plans on buying some applejack and seeing where things go with Sere.
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Week 1: Serenus will be recovering the first day back in Sandpoint. She doesn't meet anyone in the church and basically stays away from anyone official looking. She meets with her father and Das, explaining to them that she panicked because of things happening with An-Nur and Thistletop. (She meets with her family in the evening.) Serenus states that it's best that she move out for the safety of her family, and begins looking for a new place to live.

By the third day, once Serenus has established herself a new home, she goes to the northern forest. She carries her things, traveling alone and in secret under the cover of night. Once under the cover of trees she eats another decomposing raven. YAY MINI SESSION (?)

On the fifth day Serenus travels back to Sandpoint after she recovered from the nausea from eating a decomposed raven.

Week 2: Serenus returns seeking Sheriff Hemlock for a private conversation. She asks him about a beautiful blonde woman from his past, a woman who comforted him during a house fire. Serenus wants to know what he did with the ring of a Blackbird with a skeleton on it. Whatever answer he gives her, Serenus would cast Anonymous Interaction.

That third day Serenus seeks Vesnutt Parooh, the mapmaker, for a private conversation. She also asks him about the ring with a mallard skeleton and how he got it. Serenus would also cast Anonymous Interaction on him once she is done questioning him. With that finished, the half elf will go down to the ocean and try to locate the item. (Rolling Perception)

On the fifth day Serenus seeks out Drokkus, charming him when the man is alone to interrogate him. If the enchant succeeds, the man will bring the Owl ring to Serenus. She will also cast Anonymous Interaction on him.

Week 3: Going against her instincts, Serenus seeks out Voren and Quink. She wishes to discuss with them about the coven found in Thistletop, along with what ever information the duo uncovered about her heritage.

Week 1: Serenus finally summons enough courage to go to the church. She makes small talk with the church members, including Father Zantus. She is noticeably cold and distant with everyone, and states that she is there to analyze the stones. Serenus wants to see if there are any sort of sockets/slots in the rock that the rings could fit into.

Week 2: Serenus borrows books from the local library (The Way North) and shuts herself in her new home. Anyone who comes knocking on her door she ignores completely.

Week 3: More reading, more being a hermit.

Week 4: Serenus grabs more books from the local library and does more reading. Knock on her door and she will ignore you.

Week 1: Serenus goes to see An-Nur, wracked with guilt and curiosity. Serenus brings a small gift, a wooden flute purchased from the oddities store and leaves immediately. She will stay only if An-Nur initiates the conversation.

Week 2: Serenus goes out to the northern forest once more and devours the second to last crow.

@Cerulean Serenus will be avoiding Rodeh, and basically the entire party. The best and probably only way to get a hold of her is to either track her movements or find out where she lives and camp there.

Serenus will take two rank ups in Knowledge Arcana, and one rank in Nature.
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Whut? You're building a house in the forest? To protect your family... who aren't at risk... because everyone thinks An-Nur enchanted you. And you're going to permanently mind-fuck three of the NPCs, who will run you out of town if they pass their will saves? Hashtag WitchLife?
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The house is in the city, away from her father and Das.

And the mind fuck will only happen if the NPCs seem hostile towards Serenus.
Initiate creepy spy mode....
City? Whut?

You're moving to Magnimar?
Sandpoint, Asmo! I'm buying a home in Sandpoint! *flails around*

I see.

According to the Downtime rules of Doom, it would cost you 1,290gp for a place of your own. I guess you can get a loan from the old man if you have to.
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