Rescuing the Young(Katherun&Halie)

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Sam shook his head. He backed away from X. He wasn't used to bullies. He had never been yelled at before the poachers took him. "I want my daddy!" He curled into the bush that his father told them that they should hide in. He wrapped his arms around his knees. He didn't like X anymore. He thought that the demon could be his friend but he had been wrong.
"That makes two of us!" X yelled at him a little louder, now that he was off in the bushes. Damned brat. There was a reason X knew that he wouldn't like Sam. He hadn't quite understood just what it was when he first made the assumption, but God, did he realize it now. The demon hadn't really wanted his own father, but he wanted Griffin. Even if the man were to come back and simply yell at him, or make jim apologize, X didn't care. He wanted him back, because he'd make everything better with Sam.
Griffin was puzzled about why he saw X and not Sam. He told himself not to panic there had to be an explanation. He didn't know what it could be. But he was sure there was one. Maybe they had fought. But where was Sam? Had he run into the woods? He dropped the deer he carried before he landed next to the demon. He tried to stay calm but even he couldn't see or smell Sam. Where had his son gone? "X where is Sam?"
When Griffin came back, X couldn't remember where Sam was. He knew the kid ran off, that much was evident by the fact he wasn't there anymore. But between the time Sam went to hide and Griffin coming back, X's other personality resurfaced entirely and the knowledge of where Sam had run off to went with the rest of him. He'd called for the kid, but he'd never responded. When Griffin asked about him, X was in tears. He didn't know. He'd lost Sam, and he was positive Griffin would hate him for it. "I-I-I-" He stammered, the words caught in his throat. "Don't know -" it came out as a pitiful wail.
'Don't yell' Griffin reminded himself. It was clear that X had switched to his younger personality. "OK its alright little one. We'll find him." He pulled X to him despite his anger he want to reassure that the demon that he wasn't going to hurt him over what had happened. He didn't know what happened. It didn't really matter. Not right now. "He couldn't have gone far. Help me look around here."
X sniffled and whimpered pitifully, unable to really contain his sobbing. He needed the hug that Griffin offered, and lingered in the embrace for a bit longer than he should've. He was still crying when the man told him that they needed to look for Sam. Still, he tried to help. "S-Sam!" He called out for him. He was choked up on his own tears
Sam ran out to his father. He wrapped his arms around his father's legs. Griffin sat down on the ground. He pulled X towards him. "Alright you two. What happened? You cant look after each other if youre separated."

"X yelled at me dad. He said mean things." Sam told him as he tried to move away from X. he wasn't ready to be near the demon. His feelings were still hurt. He wanted to pout for awhile. He had only been trying to help.
X was hesitant to sit down anywhere near Sam. He fought Griffin's pull towards the ground, but quickly gave in because he'd really wanted to be with him. He wanted to hear that nobody was mad at him, and that he wasn't in trouble for losing Sam. But what the boy said hardly reflected that. Still sniffling, the demon protested. "No! No I didn't!" Really, he hadn't remembered anything he might've said. But as far as he was aware, he had not said anything. "I-I- I was a good boy! I'm a good boy," X argued.
"Alright that's enough. I suspect that both of you said thing that you didn't mean." Sam shuffled his feet and looked at the ground. Griffin nodded. This was going about how he had expected but it couldhavebeen worse. So he would accept and deal with it. "I not mad at either of you but we can have this happen again. Sam you don't have to push X away. I love you and no one will ever take your place but you have to understand that X is important to me. X I care about you but you have to understand that Sam is young. He is going to say or do things that you don't understand."
X was able to stop crying after a minute or so. After Griffin had pointed out that they were both at fault, the truly younger part of himself, Griffin's little one, became adamant about what'd happened. "But! But I didn't say anything mean!" He stomped his foot in childish indignation at the man, not knowing how else to make him understand that he hadn't said anything to Sam. Whatever had been said was entirely gone, and the demon held absolutely no recollection of any of it, aside from the fact that Sam had been missing. "I'm little too!" He insisted, holding true now, almost comfiming, the age he'd regressed to.
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"Yes little one." Griffin agreed without hesitation. He estimated that X's younger personality was Sam's age or younger. "You are just as little as Sam. Which is why you might have said something that hurt his feelings. I don't think that you meant to be mean to Sam anymore than he meant to be mean to you. Sometimes we say or do things that others misunderstand. I'm sure that's all that happened."
X shook his head, still thoroughly aggravated with Griffin. "I didn't! I didn't say anything!" In his aggravation and his stubbornness, more tears were coming to his eyes. "W-why don't you- why, why, don't you believe m-me?" He stammered, passing a sad glance at Sam, who Griffin obviously sided with more.
Griffin sighed. He ran his nhand over his head. "Look art me little one." He took X's head I his hand and looked him in the eye. "Just because you don't remember saying anything doesn't mean that you didn't say something. I sometimes forget the things that I say." He assured the demon. "I believe that you didn't mean to hurt Sam's feelings and that's what's important."
X whimpered pitifully, trying to pull away from Griffin's strong grip on his head. He kept his wyes closed at first, keeping his eyes off the man. When he ccouldn't move away, he looked at him with fear in his eyes. Griffin's words fell on deaf ears. X couldn't get past the hand holding his face. His breathing hastened, and his chest felt tight. Griffin was going to hurt him. He frantically nodded. "O-o-okay! I'm- I'll-be good!"
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"I'm sure that you will be little one. Let's just eat ok?" Griffin asked as he released the boys. "You and Sam go ahead." He encouraged them. He didn't know how much meat Sam would need. He was growing. Which meant that he might need meat then he did before he had been taken.

Sam frowned at his father. He went to the deer that his father had brought. He sat at the animal's stomach but he didn't touch the meat. He waited for X to join him. He knew that the guest were suppose to eat first and since the demon was new to their group he should go first.
X scrambled to get away from Griffin when he was released, and he moved as far away from both him and Sam as he could. He stared at the dead deer for a long time, not hungry in the slightest. Though his lack of an appetite came from an entirely different reason. The deer wasn't cooked. He didn't eat raw meat. His younger personality didn't anyways. The thought made him feel sick, especially when he remembered the sickeningly sweet stench of rotting, uncooked meat that other, more animalistic demons couldn't get enough of. The memory made him gag. "I'm not hungry." He protested.
"I can cook the meat for you little one. Just becauseSam ad I eat our meat raw occasionally doesn't mean that you have to. Just tell me what meat you want and I'll take car of it." Griffintold him. He was pretty sure that was what was bothering X. Not everyone liked raw meat. He wanted the demon to know that that was OK. "But Sam wit eat until you do."
X glanced at the man, still uncomfortable with the thought of eating raw meat. Just the mental image in itself spoiled whatever appetite he had. Again, the demon shook his head. "Not hungry." He told him again. If Sam wouldn't eat until he did, X decided, then it was Sam's own fault if he went hungry.
"I'm sorry Sam. I know that I promised you that you wouldnt go hungry but X isnt ready to eat." Griffin told his son softly. The younger boy stood up and stormed over to the demon. He raised his hand to hit X. Griffin barely caught the small fist before it hit the demon. "No. It isnt X's fault that he isnt ready to eat yet."
X's eyes went wide, and his heart nearly skipped a beat just from Sam's raised fist. When the boy brought his hand down, X flinched and curled in on himself, as if the tiny attack would really hurt him. Even though he knew Sam was so much smaller than him, it didn't scare him any less, the thought of being hit. "Don't touch me!" He snapped at the boy. Fear subsided to hate and spite, and if Griffin wasn't there, he would've smacked Sam back because he knew he could. "Don't ever touch me!" No sooner had the demon grown his backbone, it was gone again. He crumbled, breaking down into pitiful, broken sobs. He wasn't hungry. He didn't like Sam. He wanted to go home but he had no home.
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