Rescuing the Young(Katherun&Halie)

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"You can too go!" Sam snapped. "He might like me more but he still likes you. He is sad without you. He barely slept last night. He ignored my cries because he was upset about you." He didn't want to admit it but his father really carried about the demon. Which meant that X would be a part of his life. Somehow he would have to make peace with that.
X shook his head. He didn't beleive Sam. He wanted to, but couldn't bring himself to do it. If Griffin really wanted him, he would've listened and came to him when he called his name. The man would've found him and brought him back, promising that he wasn't mad or that he still liked him. Something. Anything other than what he'd actually done. "He can't be sad without me!" X protested. His voice, still hoarse and raspy from all the crying, was loosing what little clarity it had left. "He-- doesn't want--" he all but squeaked the last word, 'me.' He'd officially lost his voice again. The demon turned away from Sam, wordlessly telling him that he was done talking to him. He wasn't going anywhere unless Griffin said it himself that he wanted him back. Even then, X was hesitant to go because Griffin was going to be mad that he tried running away in the first place. Running away before weilded less than pleasant results. His punishment was forever etched into his back. A continuous reminder, both to himself and others at the time, that running away was not tolerated. Griffin had no whip, but that wouldn't stop him from thinking up other ways to teach him a lesson. The thought made X shudder.
Griffin finally came looking for them. He still didnt know what to do with them but he worried about them out of his sight. They were his responsibility whether they liked it or not. It didnt take him long to find them. When he did he didnt hesitate to pull them both to him. "Im so glad that you are both alright."
X did not take to hugging Griffin right away when he came back. He was shocked by the man's arrival, and scared too. He'd frightened himself with thoughts of past punishments for running away. Though Griffin really didn't seem the type to do any of that, especially noe as he hugged him and told both of them how glad he was, X was still scared nonnonetheless. Working the strength to pull away from Griffin, X looked at him with teary eyes, red and puffy from so little sleep last night. He tried to speak to him, to ask if he was mad at him, but no words came out when he spoke. His voice was but a shrill but hoarse whisper, neither audible or comprehensible. All that was understanable was the last word, "... master?"
Griffin sighed at that word. He knew that X was saying it mostly out of habit. "Your not in trouble little one. Let's get you back to camp. I think you need something to drink and some sleep." He picked up both Sam and X. It was hard to balance them. Especially with X's bigger size but he knew the demon was too tired to walk. He silently carried them back to camp. He pulled X's blanket out of his pack and wrapped it around the demon. Then he handed him a skin of water.
X flinched when Griffin came close, but as he was picked up, he clung to him. He didn't want to be close to Sam, but he desperately clung to Griffin, scared to be put down. When he was back at camp, he took the blanket and the water graciously. But he wasn't comfortable until he found himself laying beside Griffin. His voice came back a little when he took a drink of water and the first thing he did when he was able was apologize. Then he went to sleep, resting for the majority of the day. When he woke up, he was back to himself. He had no recollection of last night or this morning, though he was well aware of the soreness in his throat. "What happened? Where are we? Where... where's your kid?"
"Sam's right here." Griffin answered. Sam gave the demon an odd look. He didn't understand why X didn't remember yesterday. He looked at his father for an explanation. "X has a hard time remembering things when he gets extremely upset. It is something that we are all going to have to learn to deal with." Sam wasn't sure that he understood that but he had noticed that the demon acted oddly sometimes. It was almost like he was two different people. He wanted to ask his father to explain but he didn't want to embarrass X so he decided to wait. "Do you feel up to eating? I'll start a fire."
X looked around him and quickly found Sam. He didn't know if he was releived or upset that the boy was there. He simply knew he didn't like the look the kid was giving him. Nor did he like the fact that Griffin said he'd been upset. "What did I do?" He asked quietly, wrapping his blanket around himself a little tighter. "What happened?" X shook his head. He was hungry, but not knowing what'd happened curbed his appetite. "I'm not hungry." He lied. The weight he'd gained while traveling with Griffin was falling off him again. Between the hunger strike he'd taken up while the man left him to find his son, and these last few days without eating, he was deteriorating again. But stress curbed his appetite, and the hunger he should've felt just wasn't there. Even drinking the water was a chore, despite how thirsty he was. Beyond the drink he'd taken when the bottle was handed to him, the water remained mostly untouched.
"It's alright. There was a bit of a fight between the two of you but it's over and done with. Everyone is fine. If we're not going to eat then we should head out. We still have a lot of ground to cover." Sam's eyes filled with tears at those words. Griffin stroked his son's heads hoping to comfort him. He knew the boy was hungry. He was too. But they couldn't eat unless X did. The demon didn't know it but he was punishing them as much as he was punishing himself. He stood to his feet and waited for the other two to join him.
X saw the tears forming in Sam's eye at his own refusal to eat. His brow furrowed in confusion. "Are neither of you eating unless I do?" He was mildly horrified. "Let the kid eat something! Don't make him wait on me!" X yelled. "I'm used to not eating, he's not- you can't do that to him!" He was talking his throat raw now, and he had to force himself to take a drink to ease the rasping burn.
Griffin shook his head. "I can't X. It's our kinds way. Guest and the youngest eat first. You are technically both. We can't eat unless you do. I will give him some berries to ease the hunger but that is the best I can do." Griffin explained. He didn't want his son to be hungry. He had promised that it wouldn't happen again. But he had to break that promise. The berries were a compromise. He took out a hand full of berries. Sam made a face but took them silently.
X glared at the man, casting him a hateful look. Between being confused as to why their kind would follow such a backwards and stupid tradition, and the fact that he called him the youngest member of the group, he was mad at him. "How young do you think I am? Look at me, I'm older than him! He's your own kid, and you're going to let him go hungry because I don't want to eat? You're going to follow the rules of a bunch that fucking ratted you out?" X hissed, letting his blanket fall from around his shoulders. The demon rose to his feet and walked on shaky legs towards Sam, and took the berries from him. "Don't eat that. Those are fucking gross." To Griffin, he said, "I'm not going anywhere and I won't eat anything until he's got a full stomach."
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Griffin hid a smile. It was hard to do. He was so proud of X in that moment. "I know that your physically older than Sam is X. But you are the newst member of the family. And while I don't agree with all the traditions I grew up with I do agree that the ypungest should alway be given the choicest meat. You her lost too much weight X. You need to eat. While Dam doesn't like berries they will ease the hunger he will feel while you punish yourself."

Sans tarted at X in stunned disbelief. He couldn't believe that the demon had stood up for him.
X didn't find what he did funny or worthy of a smile. He was mad at the man, and the poorly concealed smile on his face ticked him off a little more. "Knock that stupid look off your face. He's younger than I am, so he gets to pick what he wants." He insisted. "I'm not punishing myself. I'm not hungry." X didn't like Sam, but he hated the stupid rule even more. He saw no reason in the boy going hungry when there was absolutely no reason for it.
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Griffin smiled. "Sam it's your choice. X is the newest member but you are the youngest. If you want to eat I will allow it."

The boy looked from X to his father. He didn't know what to do. He wanted to eat but he didn't want to eat alone. He knew his father wasn't going to touch a bit of food until the demon did. He sighed. It was eat alone or go without. "Family eats together. I will eat the berries until X is hungry."
The demon took a deep breath, releived that Griffin intended on repealing the ridiculous rule. But it made him upset again when the boy blatantly refused to eat, especially after he'd gone through the trouble in making Griffin let him. "Stupid kid." He hugfed under his breath, kicking the ground at his feet before moving away from the two of them to take his place on the ground where his blanket was. "I'm not going anywhere until he eats." He was fully determined to wait it out, just to get his way. His comfort around Griffin in this state of mind had opened the demon to a range of behavior that no previous owner would've allowed. Between natural stubbornness, and childlike naivety, he was determined to be a brat for as long as Griffin allowed it.
Griffin shrugged. He sat back down. He didn't understand what X was doing but they weren't in any real hurry. The slavers would be looking for them but since they weren't on the road so it wasn't likely that the slavers would find them. Sam sat on the ground beside him and started eating the berries that he had been given. "We can stay here for awhile them. Would you like to work on your letters?" Sam nodded. So Griffin picked up a stick and drew A and a.
X ignored the two of them for as long as he could manage. But he got bored quick, and he wasn't tired enough to go to sleep. He'd slept a good portion of the day. Hunger pains clawed at his stomach, but he ignored them out of spite. He wasn't eating til Sam got over himself amd and ate first. They weren't family. After a while though, he couldn't help but turn around to see what they were doing, especially under the guise of working on letters. X watched Griffin draw letters in the ground for Sam, and he watched in fascination and bitter resentment as Sam identified them with ease. It wasn't fair.
Griffin tried to include X in Sam's lessons. He knew the demon needed to learn this stuff as much as Sam did. But the demon ignored them. He was still pouting over not getting his way. Griffin admired his determination to look after Sam. X might not see it that way but that's how he saw this tantrum that X was throwing. He wanted Sam to eat. In his own way he was looking out for the boy. Which meant on some level X cared about Sam and that meant the world to Griffin.
When the pair got to the letter x, the demon's curiosity was piqued, and he begrudgingly scooted a little closer to them to watch. That was his name. It dawned on him how stupid it sounded, to have just a letter for a name. He copied the letter in the dirt with his finger, and stared at it. Whoever had named him couldn't have been bothered to even call out a word. They'd just scrawled two crossing lines on whatever papers they had on him. It was pathetic. Just like a lot of things about him. "The letter x is stupid." He spoke up.
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