Reincarnate academy

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Koschei tilted his head quizzically, "who is here? Obviously someone you dont like based on that grimace on your face." He chuckled a little seeing the goddess obviously uncomfortable.
"It's uh, no one. Someone from back home. Do you wanna go, like, explore or something?" Tee shifted her weight from foot to foot.
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There was something about that voice she heard... Kind of familiar. She wasn't accustom to many gods, so she hadn't placed it right away while looking down, but the moment she looked up to reply that she was well, it clicked.
"Zeus?" She asked, almost surprised by the fact that he was even here. Realizing her overly informal speech she lowered her head again. "I'm sorry, I'm fine. I'm really sorry for bumping into you."
She was being repetitive, as she often was when trying to apologize. This was the first main major god that she had encountered in school, of any of the mythologies so no surprise she wasn't quite sure how to react or behave.

Down in the girls' side in one particular room Ishtar dropped down on her bed.
Her roommate apparently hadn't shown up yet, or at least, wasn't in the room at this point. Briefly she pondered about who it might have been that had the fortune of being her roommate. Hopefully it wouldn't be an extremely boring person. Sure, place her next to a bland person and her great aspects would appear even brighter than they were already, but too boring and it would reflect badly on her. Same for an overly excessive person. Sure, a girl to hang out with on the parties would be nice, and someone that understood the importance of having a 'guest' over in the wee hours, but too overly abundant in some way and it would reflect badly on her. Not that she was afraid of missing the spotlight, but there was something worrisome about having a roommate that would compete for that light...
Oh well, she'd just have to wait and see who would show up.
For now, she was going to get dressed in a different outfit, so she stripped down and rummaged through her closet for what to wear next.
Koschei smiled and shrugged "i dont have any plans, so sure why not?" Turning and walking away he looked back at Aphrodite, "so why are you here?"
"Well, most of us are. It's nice to be in a place where I don't have to hide my powers, you know?" Aphrodite froze. "Oh underworld not now..." In a big burst of purple smoke Tee turned from a purple-haired teenager to a Toga clad goddess. "Mother of Zeus why does it have to be now?"
Hey, you can look at me... Im not like i used to be. Zeus said. It has been a pleasure to meet you.
Koschei blinked a few times and suddenly chuckled, "are you okay? What is with the sudden wardrobe change?" Koschei wouldnt say it out loud but he liked Aphrodite looks better in her new clothes, the robes seemed a natural fit for her and accentuated her goddess like features.
"It happens sometimes, I should go back to normal soon." Aphrodite pouted at her new look, or, old look, she should say.
Bast walked beside Maya towards their room. She didn't know what the time was currently but outside the windows on the walls it was a beautiful bright orange and maybe a hint a purple. Bast started to think to herself about classes tomorrow. She needed too look for her roster that's probably crumbled up into a ball somewhere in her things. Bast groaned at the thought having to look for things again.

Maya looked at Bast and smiled softly, "You alright Bast?"

(And sorry for the short response... ^^;;)
Looking up Persephone pushed a strand of hair back behind her ear after it had slid over her forehead when bowing before.
Opening her mouth she wanted to apologize again, but closed it on time before she spoke the words. A hesitant smile appeared. An honest one, just a tad uncertain how to act. "It's a pleasure to meet you here too. I have not yet seen many familiar faces here." She said and glanced down the hall they were standing in. It was more quiet now, and the people that were there didn't immediately ring any bells with Chloe. "Other than Aphrodite, she is my roommate."

Maya looked at Bast and smiled softly, "You alright Bast?"

(And sorry for the short response... ^^;;)
(It's fine)
Bast turned slightly towards maya giving her a soft smile. "Nope everything's fine, it's just that I think I lost my class sheet." Bast ran her fingers through her hair then started to think of all the pros this brung, she'll be able to reorganise even though she just came, she'll be able to...well that's really all the pros. Bast shook her head and saved that for a later activity.
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Maya tilted her head and opened the door of their dorm. Looking around she smiled as she picked up a piece of paper hidden underneath Bast's bag.
"Here you go! Oh look at that! We have nearly all the same subjects if I remember my one correctly."
Grinning at Bast, Maya began to become more comfortable and outgoing.
Lucky made her way back to her dorm and then stopped as she noticed the female who was inside as she opened the door. She seemed familiar but she couldn't recognise who she- Wait. She was the female from before... I am her dorm mate...? This will be fun... Entering the dorm she looked at the girl and gave a small nod and then looked at the beds in the room. Suddenly she realised that the girl was in her underwear and looked away blushing slightly.

Ishtar noticed that the door opened, but payed no heed to it. Sure, she was standing there in black and red lace underwear, but what was the point of being who she was, if she was prudent.
Once she had found what she was looking for Ishtar turned around and saw... that same woman as before, Lacking-something-or-another.
"What, never seen a half naked woman before?" Ishtar returned to the sorry and looking away. Her eyebrows were arched in a quizzical manner. She wasn't insulting the other, just amused by the reaction. "I'm afraid you'll have to get used to it, I'm Ishtar, of Babylon. War, sex, fertility, you get the gist."
Ishtar pulled the tight white top over her head. "So, who were you again?"
Bast took the paper from Maya's hand and breathed a breath of relief. Bast then put the paper on the bulletin board and scolded it for getting lost. Finally having a seat on her bed she was bored and didn't know what to do, her cat like personality was slowly ending. Bast looked over to Maya. "Wanna see my power?"
Lucky gave a small cough and then looked at Ishtar her face returning to her normal robotic expression.
"Lakshmi, goddess of wealth, love, prosperity, fortune and beauty."
She looked at the underwear that the girl was wearing and thought about how the colours were rather alluring in a way. I guess it suits the goddess that she is...


Maya sat on her bed and looked at Bast with an enthusiastic nod.
"Oh that would be awesome!"
Bast stood channeling all her energy into her hand causing two furry ears to grow untop of her head and a long tail behind her bum. Finally she was about to summon the royal flame letting it sit there in the palm of her hand as she shown Maya. The fire ball finally went out and Bast sat back on her bed, her ears and tail still visible. "Can I see yours?"
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Slipping into the lightblue skinnyjeans and adding a leather string belt for decoration Ishtar was done changing her outfit.
Lakshmi, well she had sort of remembered it correctly after hearing it the first time.
"So, Lakshmi, you happen to be more of a fun person, or studious?" Might as well get straight to the point after all. Get a feel for who she'd end up having to deal with, aside from the powers of that goddess of course.
Maya looked at bast and then gave a chuckle, "I can see all your dreams and wishes... Also..."
She looked at Bast and then made an illusion of that there were a load of cats in the room all playing with one another and even the meowing from the cats could be heard.


"Depends on who it is. To Maya I am a fun person but then for most people I am seen as the quiet mysterious type I guess."
Shrugging her shoulders, Lucky sat down on her bed and looked at the girl.
"Sorry I can't be your fun loving dorm mate."
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Ishtar shrugged lightly taking place equally on the bed on the other side of the room. "As long as you cause no trouble for me, I don't really care."
The mysterious type hm, well those tended to be better room mates than overly enthusiastic, or strict boring people. "Though it's beyond me why they would place two goddesses with similar attributes in one room." She mused on. Ishtar definitely was more of a talker, depending on the subject of course.
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