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Hell's Harem King
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
Online Availability
Week days I work from 6pm - 11pm and weekends are unpredictable.
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Transgender
  4. Primarily Prefer Male
I'll play them all if I like the plot but I go for mainly fantasy and magical. I like anything that wouldn't happen to you in everyday life. I mean if you can live it why role play it.
Bascied on the TV Show & orginal text from Reign - Google Search.
You do not have to know the show to take part in this RP.

Queen of Italy Alessandra Marquises de Salvoy travels to France with four ladies-in-waiting to secure her politically strategic engagement to the king's son, Prince (enter name). Aless and Prince share a mutual attraction, even though he has reservations about the wisdom of an alliance with Italy. Complicating issues is (name), Princes' illegitimate half-brother whom Aless finds herself drawn to in spite of herself and France's Queen trying to ride her. The Queen fears the oricals words of Aless bring her sons demise. The French Court is also full of less romantic challenges for Aless, who finds her engagement -- and life -- threatened until she finds an ally in a mysterious shrouded guide. With all that she faces, Aless rallies, readying herself to rule and trying to find a balance between the demands of her country and those of her heart.

If RSVP charater hasn't been made within 3 days of RSVP date your RSVP will be removed.

Aless' Knight:

France Prince:
Aleksandr Bren Valois

4 ladies in waiting: (they are lesser nobles or wealthy family 3 left)
Cordelia Isla de Midici
@Princess Poisoned Rose

King's Bastered Son:

King's Mistress:
Adelais Durand

France King:
CharlemagneAmadeus Valois

France Queen:

Orical/Royal Mage:

Mysterious Guide: (she see and hears everything in the castle and comes off as a ghost for she's never seen.)

Other roles may be added. If you think of one that might be important let me know. Also you may make more then one charater if you so wish.

Magic is in this rp but magic powers must be approved by myself.

If your charater dies in RP. Feel free to return to make a new one. That is if you wish to continue being in this RP.



Character Name:





Magic Abilities:





Distinguishing Marks:

General Appearance:





Current Goal/Purpose:




General Personality:

Inner Personality:


Noble History:

Life before Story:
How many roles are everyone allowed to have in this?
1 per charater. For now two Charaters per user. I might add more roles or even more Charaters per user depending on how many people we get and if anyone suggests a role.

on the magic abilities can that sort of be anything, without making your character god obviously?
Um. I haven't fully desided what magic did you want? I was gonna do everyone has an element plus another minor one.
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What kind of post should I make though? Just have my character come into the garden like the others?
Queen Kiliana

The Angelic Queen

[glow=#ffffff]"Grief is the price we pay for love."[/glow]

{slide=General Characteristics|center}

Role: French Queen

Character Name: Kiliana Ilsa Von Habsburg Valois

Alias:The Queen

Gender: Female

Ethnicity: German

Age: 43

She is a very confident women.
Excels in formal arts.
Speaks Fluent, High German, Latin, and French.
Was bred to be the perfect queen.

Very jealous person.
Isn't good at dealing with people that she's close with.
Prideful, incredibly prideful of both her son, her husband, and the family she comes from.

Though she never shows it, Kiliana is very prideful of her son even with his weak constitution he makes up for it in ways that she always sees and takes notice of, but to her he's still far behind that whore's son. So she constantly wants to propel him forward.

Magic Abilities:

Cryokinesis - Kiliana has the power to create, shape, and manipulate ice. A power likely gifted to her through her environment. Kiliana has had this power for as long as she could possibly remember, when she was young her parents made he compete with her sisters all the time with her coming out on top and for many extravagant events they would have her perform dazzling shows where she'd create beautiful ice sculptures. Her ability to control her magic is masterful, but one adverse thing is that her magic makes her incredibly cold to the touch, and even the air around her is cold. It is said that is why she could only bare one child.

Vitrikinesis - This is the power of manipulating mirrors, unlike Kiliana's Cryokinesis, she isn't able to control this 100 hundred percent. This one revolves around reflective surfaces and being able to create a pocket reality within them. Here Kiliana can view others as long as the mirror is within 200 feet of her. The catch is, if she is inside a house her range greatly increases. She can use this power almost any time she likes but it does have some crucial limits. She can only look out at people through these mirrors, and it's more like an out of body experience. When Kiliana uses this ability her body is completely defenseless, it's almost as if her soul leaves the body and goes into the mirrors, the reason she can never go to the other sides of the mirrors she views, is because she may forever lose the mirror she entered. Causing her to permanently be locked in this pocket reality.


{slide=Physical Characteristics|right|open}
Height: 5'4

Hair: Blonde

Eyes: Very Pale blue almost looks silver

Distinguishing Marks: Has a scar right above her hip from an old bow wound.

General Appearance:

Kiliana is a very dignified women and she holds herself in this way. With her pale eyes she will always look at someone as if she is better than them, because she feels she is so. She at one time looked much more youthful, but the stress she had from being a queen greatly affected the way she aged. Her face is filled with worry lines and crow's feet and she is somewhat thin. But her hair is as long and beautiful and blonde. She often times wears lavish and elaborate dresses.


{slide=Mental Characteristics|right |open}
Current Goal/Purpose:

Her purpose is to see her son on the throne, ruling over everything and hopefully finally get Charlemagne to treat her as his actual wife instead of someone he's with out of political necessity.

To remove Adelais from Charlemagne's life, including her son.

Hobbies: Her hobbies including spying on many of the people so that her son can gain on a political edge. Teaching many of the nobles children on how to paint and draw and also just painting and hunting.

Inabilities: She unable to kill anything unless they're animals. Even when she's hunting she has the food be made into a grand feast.

General Personality: To many people, Kiliana seems like a cold hearted and calculated individual. And she is for the most part, if you don't take the time to get past her hard shell you'll never know. She's very smart, and refuses to allow anyone in and above all else, she knows how to play the perfect queen who is above all else the Queen of France first, and wife second. Being able to put her pride and anger away in front of outsiders.

Inner Personality:
On the flip side, her inner personality is the exact opposite of her outside shell. She's a very emotional women, she cries like any other person. She burns with jealousy and pride, but above all else, she feels sorrow for her position. A queen whose king is quite obviously involved with another women, a son who is so crippling sick that she worries if he'll get hurt and die and then her only child would be taken in the blink of an eye. Not only that, she can't have another child no matter how much she tries. Kiliana was a born a woman who was was trained to be successful, but in the end can't get past her natural traits no matter how hard she tries.


{slide=Historical Background|right|open}

Noble History: Kiliana was born to a very powerful Germanic family. That has incurred a lot of wealth. Her family pulled themselves up the grime and eventually became Dukes and Duchesses of their land. She came to France to solidify her family's spot in Europe political power for centuries.

Life before Story:

[Spacer]Kiliana was born in one of the richest house of the entirety of Prussia. Their wealth and fame had brought many things to her. But everyone believed that she would triple the power of the family. Though she was born as the third oldest daughter in a family with 10 children, she far surpassed her older siblings. Her powers were ten times better than any of her siblings and her luster for learning and making her parents proud was insatiable. That is why when it came to go to France to meet the French King's children, they pushed their daughter to try and convince the French prince to fall in love with her. [/spacer]
[spacer]Though she was only 16 at the time, her life had taught her in many ways of convincing men to do her bidding and she manipulated the crown prince to ask for her hand in marriage in a matter of days. Though he wasn't much in her eyes, he was still a way of making her parents proud, but the whole time, there was a man that caught her eye. The younger brother of the crown prince, his name Charlemagne. Charlemagne was just as dazzling to her as Charlemagne's older brother found Kiliana. She stayed in France for two months, most of the time was spent with the crown prince, wooing him and the King of France to why she was the prime choice to be the queen, but any other time, was spent with or watching Charlemagne. She was much like a kitten with him. Though he was younger, than her he was just so interesting. [/spacer]
[spacer]When she returned to home all she could do is write anonymous love letters to Charlemagne and fake ones to his brother who she had to be constantly reminded name. Like usual things went normal for months on end, family hunting, constant competitions with the siblings and then came news of the previous French King's death and her journey to become queen was started. It didn't take long before she had to go to France, the Crown Prince had been named King and his younger brother a traitor to the crown, much to her dismay and yet slight relief as she didn't know if she would be able to control herself around Charlemagne. Six months passed and her things had just been sent to the castle, it would take another seven months to assemble everything together for her wedding, her father made a sizable donation to the Vatican for the Pope himself to ordain the two further pushing the position that she was in to a more meaningful position. [/spacer]
[spacer]As the months went by and she counted the days til her wedding and she grew to hate the crown prince more and more.To her he wasn't even worthy of being considered half a man. She'd write home to her father about her worries, mainly about the king, saying that if England ever attacked France they'd buckle because he was a weak king. Her father wrote back to her a battle plan, to find Charlemagne and make him king of France. She was relieved to know that he was still alive but worried how long, after all he would be facing an army but she bucked to her father, he didn't get to the position he was at for her to question his wit. She tipped off the king supporters where Charlemagne was, and before the final swing to kill the king was over, she knew that it was all her father's doing. Even the soldier who had done it had a subtle insignia of her family. [/spacer]
[spacer]Though it was a bloody way to do everything, Kiliana finally had Charlemagne, the love of her life and he was going to marry her. And all the nights that she had dreamed of Charlemagne would finally be realized. There was only one problem, a problem she didn't know till after her wedding day. Charlemagne only saw it as a purely political wedding, that he was already in love with someone else, and she would be having his first child in a matter of months. Her world had come crumbling down before her very eyes. The family she had envisioned would forever be blemished by this, but Kiliana still felt hopeful. She believed that if she were to deliver Charlemagne a child just as that bitch had done, he would surely fall in love with her. After all, she was high born, the better blood obviously and of course her son would be better. Only, that it didn't change anything and her adorable Sasha was born a disappointment. [/spacer]
[spacer]Years of failure to conceive another child and watching as her husband still loved the women that had no right to be with him, she nearly snapped when she found out that Adelais was pregnant once again and so she waited and murdered the woman who was supposed to deliver Adelais daughter. The only blood she would ever get on her hands directly. With her gone she posed as the woman and delived the baby, eventually sneaking off with the baby. She had told everyone that the baby was stillborn, but in truth, the young baby girl was alive and closer to Adelais than she would ever think. The queen had made her a maid. Making sure that she worked often with Adelais who would never know that her lost daughter, was the very girl who she had seen often. Only she knew and she would never tell unless she absolutely had to. After all, if she couldn't be happy, than that bitch didn't deserve to be any happier than her. [/spacer]


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Lol @Wyborn just noticed that both of our sheets are only readable if you are on a PC or if you turn your phone sideways. Random thought.

Pretty sure you're free to do anything for now, @Mr. Calcium

You can meet up with the French queen at some point if @Wyborn isn't against it.

If I remember correctly, she warns the queen of something. Idr. Unless that's another character. Or you can try to warn the king. Or just wait and watch. Right now it's basically intros.

The prince isn't doing anything yet so he's free too if you want to interact with him for whatever reason. I'm always pretty open to most things.

Unless gm has other ideas.
Lol @Wyborn just noticed that both of our sheets are only readable if you are on a PC or if you turn your phone sideways. Random thought.

Pretty sure you're free to do anything for now, @Mr. Calcium

You can meet up with the French queen at some point if @Wyborn isn't against it.

If I remember correctly, she warns the queen of something. Idr. Unless that's another character. Or you can try to warn the king. Or just wait and watch. Right now it's basically intros.

The prince isn't doing anything yet so he's free too if you want to interact with him for whatever reason. I'm always pretty open to most things.

Unless gm has other ideas.
Shhhhhh uwu Oh and yeah I don't mind, I just completed the queen so her post was coming soon either way. owo

@Mr. Calcium
Lol @Wyborn just noticed that both of our sheets are only readable if you are on a PC or if you turn your phone sideways. Random thought.

Pretty sure you're free to do anything for now, @Mr. Calcium

You can meet up with the French queen at some point if @Wyborn isn't against it.

If I remember correctly, she warns the queen of something. Idr. Unless that's another character. Or you can try to warn the king. Or just wait and watch. Right now it's basically intros.

The prince isn't doing anything yet so he's free too if you want to interact with him for whatever reason. I'm always pretty open to most things.

Unless gm has other ideas.

Nope no ideas at the moment. Feel free to do as you wish.

So where exactly are you and Rose? You said you haven't reached the French court but other than that, idk. Just curious~

Oh a French villa in the country. It was simply the meeting place for her and her ladies before they go to French Court. Before Aless was in hidding with some lower ranked nobles. They were nobles but only because the head of the house did well in war by the King. So the Lord was given Land.
Oh a French villa in the country. It was simply the meeting place for her and her ladies before they go to French Court. Before Aless was in hidding with some lower ranked nobles. They were nobles but only because the head of the house did well in war by the King. So the Lord was given Land.

Not going to lie, I was so confused as I was reading this, I was panicking. But I seeing this is a relief, also I'm change her name from Alexandra to something else, cause that would be too many characters with an Alexander variant. Lol
Not going to lie, I was so confused as I was reading this, I was panicking. But I seeing this is a relief, also I'm change her name from Alexandra to something else, cause that would be too many characters with an Alexander variant. Lol
O.o sorry.
Oh!! Any ideas let's brainstorm a little of sorts of events that should happen. Like ones you would like to do. It can be anything from a action history event like a ball or something a past coming back to haunt you.
I know @Wyborn and I have our characters naturally all kinda connected in a way with The French Queen having kinda kidnapped the Royal Mistress' daughter and the daughter being all gooey for Sasha and typical family drama. Someone is definitely going to die there. We'll figure it out as we go along. Since Wyborn and I are basically sharing this npc I was thinking of making a mini cs for her. Especially since she'll be one of those who want the Italian Queen dead and such. Idk yet.

A welcoming ball would be wonderful~
I know @Wyborn and I have our characters naturally all kinda connected in a way with The French Queen having kinda kidnapped the Royal Mistress' daughter and the daughter being all gooey for Sasha and typical family drama. Someone is definitely going to die there. We'll figure it out as we go along. Since Wyborn and I are basically sharing this npc I was thinking of making a mini cs for her. Especially since she'll be one of those who want the Italian Queen dead and such. Idk yet.

A welcoming ball would be wonderful~

Mkay sounds good to me.
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I will attempt something soon. I am in the process of getting use to a new computer pretty much right now
Meanwhile I wanna do an RP based around a bunch of spoils rich teens. XD
  • Like
Reactions: Iceydaze
Aless' Knight:
Lucifer Osmond

France Prince:
Aleksandr Bren Valois

4 ladies in waiting: (they are lesser nobles or wealthy family 2 left)
Cordelia Isla de Midici
@Princess Poisoned Rose

King's Bastered Son:

King's Mistress:
Adelais Durand

France King:
CharlemagneAmadeus Valois

France Queen:

Orical/Royal Mage:
Matsumae Ushi
@Mr. Calcium
Could I possibly jump in on this? I'd like to be one of the ladies-in-waiting. I can have a skellie up by late tonight or sometime tomorrow, it kinda depends on homework and stuff.
Could I possibly jump in on this? I'd like to be one of the ladies-in-waiting. I can have a skellie up by late tonight or sometime tomorrow, it kinda depends on homework and stuff.
Yeah sure. I have already created basic idea of them if you wish to take one over. Not much has happened with them so there is plenty of charater to build from. @Duchess
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