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Hell's Harem King
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
Online Availability
Week days I work from 6pm - 11pm and weekends are unpredictable.
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Transgender
  4. Primarily Prefer Male
I'll play them all if I like the plot but I go for mainly fantasy and magical. I like anything that wouldn't happen to you in everyday life. I mean if you can live it why role play it.
Bascied on the TV Show & orginal text from Reign - Google Search.
You do not have to know the show to take part in this RP.

Queen of Italy Alessandra Marquises de Salvoy travels to France with four ladies-in-waiting to secure her politically strategic engagement to the king's son, Prince (enter name). Aless and Prince share a mutual attraction, even though he has reservations about the wisdom of an alliance with Italy. Complicating issues is (name), Princes' illegitimate half-brother whom Aless finds herself drawn to in spite of herself and France's Queen trying to ride her. The Queen fears the oricals words of Aless bring her sons demise. The French Court is also full of less romantic challenges for Aless, who finds her engagement -- and life -- threatened until she finds an ally in a mysterious shrouded guide. With all that she faces, Aless rallies, readying herself to rule and trying to find a balance between the demands of her country and those of her heart.

If RSVP charater hasn't been made within 3 days of RSVP date your RSVP will be removed.

Aless' Knight:

France Prince:
Aleksandr Bren Valois

4 ladies in waiting: (they are lesser nobles or wealthy family 3 left)
Cordelia Isla de Midici
@Princess Poisoned Rose

King's Bastered Son:

King's Mistress:
Adelais Durand

France King:
CharlemagneAmadeus Valois

France Queen:

Orical/Royal Mage:

Mysterious Guide: (she see and hears everything in the castle and comes off as a ghost for she's never seen.)

Other roles may be added. If you think of one that might be important let me know. Also you may make more then one charater if you so wish.

Magic is in this rp but magic powers must be approved by myself.

If your charater dies in RP. Feel free to return to make a new one. That is if you wish to continue being in this RP.



Character Name:





Magic Abilities:





Distinguishing Marks:

General Appearance:





Current Goal/Purpose:




General Personality:

Inner Personality:


Noble History:

Life before Story:
How many roles are everyone allowed to have in this?
1 per charater. For now two Charaters per user. I might add more roles or even more Charaters per user depending on how many people we get and if anyone suggests a role.

on the magic abilities can that sort of be anything, without making your character god obviously?
Um. I haven't fully desided what magic did you want? I was gonna do everyone has an element plus another minor one.
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I have heard that we don't get notified if it's in tabs but I'm not really sure.
Good thing I sent links :P Though I'm not sure I tagged everyone.
Sorry, but I am going to have to drop. I keep staring at blank cs sheets and have nothing come to mind. I normally don't have this many issues which means, I have a lack of interest as of right now. Sorry to leave it open and hanging but have fun and good luck to you all.
Just thought I'd let you know, @Wyborn and I are thinking of taking the French Queen and Prince spots. We'll try to get them up this week. Shouldn't take forever since we're kind of helping each other~ @PhantomThief715
Just thought I'd let you know, @Wyborn and I are thinking of taking the French Queen and Prince spots. We'll try to get them up this week. Shouldn't take forever since we're kind of helping each other~ @PhantomThief715

Greatly appreciated. I'll probably be playing other random people who come alone and other ladies in waiting who will more or less be killed off xD
Yeah we both kind of expect at least one of our characters to be killed off. xD
Yeah we both kind of expect at least one of our characters to be killed off. xD

Yeah but you can always return as a new one so that's good xD
@PhantomThief715 I can always play the other ladies in waiting. That way you can focus on other important npcs
Aleksandr Bren Valois
"The one who has more should naturally help the one who has less. It's also natural the strong to protect the weak. That's how the world should be."
▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄CHARACTER STATISTICS▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄

"Salute plurimam dicit. Si vales, bene est, ego valeo."

Role: French Prince

Character Name: Aleksandr Bren Valois

Alias: Sasha or Bren, subjects are half and half between believing he is an angel, others believing he is some sort of vampiric creature thus many either call him the holy prince or the demonic prince.

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: German/French

Age: 18

▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄MAGIC ABILITIES▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄

"It won't hurt, have some faith."

(Variant)Pyrokinesis: Unlike his father, Sasha controls white flames. They cannot deal any form of damage. They are said to purify "dark" magic such as curses, but he has not had the chance to test their capacity in that area. However, he has mastered their healing properties. He can heal most wounds, external or internal as long as he isn't ill at the moment himself. Unfortunately he cannot cure disease itself.

Telekinesis: He can will matter(mainly-consciously- inanimate objects since people are too unpredictable and it is morally wrong) to move with but a thought so long as it is within his "field of perception". The more mass, the more strenuous it is and the further it gets from him, the harder it is to control, he ultimately loses complete control over any object after 30ft. It can also be subconsciously triggered by abrupt emotion such as panic, stress or anger, forcing him to keep a tight hold over his own emotions.

His weight limit is approx 800lbs but won't usually surpass 600lbs due to his body's weak constitution.

He could also bind objects to keep them from moving so long as he is focused on the objects themselves.

His field of perception is basically like getting a "feeling" of what is around him. He can sense everything in the room even with his eyes closed, which compensates for his poor eyesight. Its limitations are at max a radius of 30ft where he can't control or sense anything at all. At 20ft things get a little shaky. While he still has control over the object, it is much harder to lift and navigate so the object's speed naturally slows until it comes to a dead stop at 30ft.

Since the power is based on mental strength, it is natural that if you force his attention away from the task, his focus will falter. The more objects he is moving, the easier it is to distract him and therefore break his concentration.


Just, Reserved, Obsessive, Honest, Courteous

✦At a Glance- To most, he appears rather enigmatic. Unless there is a need for conversation, his words are few. He is friendly but reserved and somewhat detached. However, he is considered to be pretty courteous and honest overall, fitting of his station. Despite this, he isn't against teasing people and can be pretty harsh if not domineering if you push the right buttons.

✦Deeper in- Sasha is always in complete control over his every movement, failure to do so leaves him distraught and ashamed. Past his emotional barriers is a softie. If he could take the money from the aristocrats and give it to the people instead without getting himself assassinated, he would in a heartbeat. Instead, he gives what he can from his own funds to buy grain for the poor. He also hates turning a blind eye to injustice and his own weaknesses and is always striving to become stronger. Due to his mother's distance, he feels pretty lonely deep down but also feels that truly connecting with others is not only dangerous but downright impossible. With all of these insecurities weighing him down, it's not hard to assume he's pretty depressed about it all, bringing about his pessimistic nature. Combating his ever lingering pessimism however, is unyielding determination to move forward and perfect himself.

Current Goal/Purpose: To maintain his position as the heir to the throne and gain his mother's recognition.

Aspirations: Aside from making his mother proud, Sasha has few other aspirations. He doesn't even want the throne, knowing his body may not be able to handle the strain. If he could make his mother proud without the throne being the end goal, he would take it to make everyone happy.

~Watching the Cooks work
~Playing chess with his father
~Sparring with the palace guards

~Anything that involves sunlight

Likes: Learning, Warmth, Food, Emotion(others)

Dislikes: Cold, Indifference, Emotion(his own), Rain

More: He has a strange fear/love relationship with his mother but most of all, fears being abandoned or being unable to control himself or his magic abilities.


"...It's not contagious."

Height: 5'11

Hair: Near white with a silvery sheen

Eyes: Light blueish grey depending on the light. The more sunlight, the more pink it is, while just a little sunlight would bring out a soft violet hue.

Distinguishing Marks:
A raven's wing extended to his left shoulder
A dragon's wing on his right
Both connect to a cross in the center that extends down his spine
The raven represents his name, the dragon represents his father, and the cross; his faith.

General Appearance: Sasha lacks pigment in his eyes, hair, and skin; leaving him standing out a little when compared to his father. He stands confidently at 5'11, his silvery white hair falls to the nape of his neck where it is cut off. His bangs however are fairly long, carelessly falling past his eyes whenever he looks down. His pasty white skin matches his hair flawlessly. The only "flaw" being his tattoo that is carefully hidden from sight and well preserved beneath his clothes. The color of his eyes is more often than not dependent on the lighting. The more bright the light, the more pink/red they look. When there is less light, his eyes lean more towards his signature blue/grey. The middle ground is of course, a soft violet hue; a combination of red and blue.

Handling a glaive(or several with telekinetic assistance)
Foreign affairs

Poor Health
His faith
His mother

Face Claim: Viktor Nikiforov (Yuri on Ice)


"Your overwhelming interest in me is making me uncomfortable."

Noble History:
Prince of France and Navarre, Aleksandr Bren Valois
No line is pure and his ancestors were no exception. Corruption and bloodied hands are the norm between royals. However, Sasha chooses to follow in his father's footsteps and work for the people instead.

Life before Story:
Born with albinism, meaning he has little or no melanin resulting in pale skin, and hair, Sasha wasn't exactly the ideal heir most had in mind. Due to his body's weak constitution, his mother neglected him, leading to his current insecurities. His father however, spared time for him when he could. As far as the subjects went, they were conflicted between whether this was a good sign or not. Ever the superstitious lot, many thought he was an angel who had fallen from the heavens to bless the land. However, others see that he hardly exits the palace in the day and assume he's a vampiric being here to curse the lands.

Having spent most of his childhood bedridden or indoors, Sasha always had his head buried in a book. From stories of dragons to complicated matters of court. He excelled in his studies. As he grew, he began to manage his symptoms with his white fire magic, giving rise to hope that he could spend the day like a normal kid. Playing outside and training in swordsmanship like other noble kids. However, his father suggested and personally trained him to use a glaive instead, thinking that swords and hand to hand combat would be a little too risky for him. He excelled in this too, even more so when he discovered his second ability, telekinesis. Unfortunately, his progress had yet to catch his mother's eye. Hoping to earn her praise, he set aside any thoughts of giving over the throne and instead focused on improving himself bit by bit to become the suitable king that people expected him to be. However, upon learning of the future alliance between him and the Queen of Italy, Sasha couldn't help but be a little hesitant. While marrying her would certainly be a good way to secure his position, he wasn't too set on getting close to her. Not only for his own safety but for his pride as well. If he didn't secure the throne with his own hands, wouldn't it be the same as hiding behind a woman's skirts?


Theme song:
Heaven's Mirror
Akiko Shinada

"A faint light bloomed, and I believed. They kept connecting, a tame melody that was the result of my memories. My wishes became reality as my soul ran about.'

Font color: #B0D1F8

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Sorry for the lateness. I didn't expect a three day migraine. x.x Let me know if you need anything changed or if you would like me to add in more history (thatheissorelylacking)~ @PhantomThief715

Like if you want them to have some history as children or something.


Though I did kinds of make him pretty sheltered, It's not like he can be sick all the time~

Wyborn says he's almost done with his Queen as well btw
Sorry for the lateness. I didn't expect a three day migraine. x.x Let me know if you need anything changed or if you would like me to add in more history (thatheissorelylacking)~ @PhantomThief715

Like if you want them to have some history as children or something.


Though I did kinds of make him pretty sheltered, It's not like he can be sick all the time~

Wyborn says he's almost done with his Queen as well btw

SOME of its cuts off. Though I got the most of it.
As for their relationship as children they were almost inseparable running around inside the castle and playing in the gardens at night. Aless loves the night so I could imagin them playing hide and seek in the gardens or watching the stars. Id imagine once he appears when she reterns he will not recognize her but she will him for obvious reasons. Instead of being all formal and bowing she will simply hug him.

Aless also seemed to have a good relationship with Adelais as well. The two of them would play and what not, Aless was like a daughter to her and they got along much more then the French Queen. But perhaps Adelais never knew the little girl she spent time with was actually the Queen of Italy. I would assume the King trusted Aless in Adelais care while she was there since she was a very important person and wanted a humble person to watch over her.
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What the hell is with Iwaku coding wanting to put coding were it's not needed automatically and keeps doing it even after you take it out.

I actually forgot to link it to the source. Oops. I hope I linked the right link.

I like those ideas. Though I'm pretty sure Adelais would know she was the Queen but wouldn't believe it seeing as how the Queen in question was just a child at the time. Either way it works out~

Rich Text Editor likes messing up/duplicating some code. If you're using that anyway. If not, I haven't experienced anything like that myself and am not any help there. o .o

I actually forgot to link it to the source. Oops. I hope I linked the right link.

I like those ideas. Though I'm pretty sure Adelais would know she was the Queen but wouldn't believe it seeing as how the Queen in question was just a child at the time. Either way it works out~

Rich Text Editor likes messing up/duplicating some code. If you're using that anyway. If not, I haven't experienced anything like that myself and am not any help there. o .o

Nope. Maybe. I physically type out the [tab ] [/tabs ]
I will be getting another one up tonight... I have just been really busy with work as of late
Woops hadn't noticed the IC was up. Give me a bit and I'll write something up. Still busy with post new years crap
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