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Hell's Harem King
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
Online Availability
Week days I work from 6pm - 11pm and weekends are unpredictable.
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Transgender
  4. Primarily Prefer Male
I'll play them all if I like the plot but I go for mainly fantasy and magical. I like anything that wouldn't happen to you in everyday life. I mean if you can live it why role play it.
Bascied on the TV Show & orginal text from Reign - Google Search.
You do not have to know the show to take part in this RP.

Queen of Italy Alessandra Marquises de Salvoy travels to France with four ladies-in-waiting to secure her politically strategic engagement to the king's son, Prince (enter name). Aless and Prince share a mutual attraction, even though he has reservations about the wisdom of an alliance with Italy. Complicating issues is (name), Princes' illegitimate half-brother whom Aless finds herself drawn to in spite of herself and France's Queen trying to ride her. The Queen fears the oricals words of Aless bring her sons demise. The French Court is also full of less romantic challenges for Aless, who finds her engagement -- and life -- threatened until she finds an ally in a mysterious shrouded guide. With all that she faces, Aless rallies, readying herself to rule and trying to find a balance between the demands of her country and those of her heart.

If RSVP charater hasn't been made within 3 days of RSVP date your RSVP will be removed.

Aless' Knight:

France Prince:
Aleksandr Bren Valois

4 ladies in waiting: (they are lesser nobles or wealthy family 3 left)
Cordelia Isla de Midici
@Princess Poisoned Rose

King's Bastered Son:

King's Mistress:
Adelais Durand

France King:
CharlemagneAmadeus Valois

France Queen:

Orical/Royal Mage:

Mysterious Guide: (she see and hears everything in the castle and comes off as a ghost for she's never seen.)

Other roles may be added. If you think of one that might be important let me know. Also you may make more then one charater if you so wish.

Magic is in this rp but magic powers must be approved by myself.

If your charater dies in RP. Feel free to return to make a new one. That is if you wish to continue being in this RP.



Character Name:





Magic Abilities:





Distinguishing Marks:

General Appearance:





Current Goal/Purpose:




General Personality:

Inner Personality:


Noble History:

Life before Story:
How many roles are everyone allowed to have in this?
1 per charater. For now two Charaters per user. I might add more roles or even more Charaters per user depending on how many people we get and if anyone suggests a role.

on the magic abilities can that sort of be anything, without making your character god obviously?
Um. I haven't fully desided what magic did you want? I was gonna do everyone has an element plus another minor one.
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Awesome! I still don't know how to do the box thing but I'll figure it out eventually!
What box thing? This box thing ^^^
That's easy you simply click reply under the post.

Yep xD.

Any other things you don't know how to do?
Not that I can think, I usually ask Prodigal when I don't know something since she's been using it so long. So I know like most of the basic stuff I think.
He doesn't know how to ride a unicycle.

Lol I don't know anything important, okay? Don't bully me. `^` I haven't even been here that long lol
He doesn't know how to ride a unicycle.

Lol I don't know anything important, okay? Don't bully me. `^` I haven't even been here that long lol

I've been here about 5 years.
I am about to hit three years of being on here lol
Anyways we still need a Prince and Queen...
well I actually hit three years last month... I did not even realize it lol
well I actually hit three years last month... I did not even realize it lol
Oh my God! I just thought of a rather funny scene.

"Oh my look it's Catherine De Medici. She's so pretty." Whispers a maid to another. "I hear the Dr Medici family bows to no one, not even their royals." Whispers the other. Lady Catherine who had been passing by with her Queen over heard their whispering. She stops mid-step and turns. "Though we De Medici are a powerful and prideful family we bow with respect to other of high status. For our Queen, well, we kneel before her and follow her like a pack of lost puppies." She clarifies before contuining to walk along her Queen.
Oh my God! I just thought of a rather funny scene.

"Oh my look it's Catherine De Medici. She's so pretty." Whispers a maid to another. "I hear the Dr Medici family bows to no one, not even their royals." Whispers the other. Lady Catherine who had been passing by with her Queen over heard their whispering. She stops mid-step and turns. "Though we De Medici are a powerful and prideful family we bow with respect to other of high status. For our Queen, well, we kneel before her and follow her like a pack of lost puppies." She clarifies before contuining to walk along her Queen.
where you meaning to talk about my charrie Cordelia? Lol and that is something she would do.
Wait was the IC already open?
Though I think I'll start setting one up in hope of finding a Prince and a Queen. If not they could be on leave until people fill in those spots.
Though I think I'll start setting one up in hope of finding a Prince and a Queen. If not they could be on leave until people fill in those spots.
I would invite some people that I know but they now hate me.
Oh? What did you do? Scare them off with your hospital guarding stories? XD
Hey now you take 3 punches to the face by a chick on meth and heroin and tell me how that goes for you.
Hey now you take 3 punches to the face by a chick on meth and heroin and tell me how that goes for you.

Well. I've been chased around a Psych ward by a woman who was the crazy satanic type. Shed yell crazy things about Satan killing me and how she served him directly. Then again she did get mad when i said "Oh? You serve Satan.... I don't recall ever making you my servent. I mean. I'm the Queen of hell." Yep... bad idea xD

(Okay so saying that was made up. But it suited it. I don't remeber what I said to this woman only that she was trying to kill me.)
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