RANT Your Brains Out #98274

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Winter is hard so mom put in for a small raise. She's been working at minimum for 25 years. Know what the manager said? "If you slip up once you're out the door." In no sweet words. She's stayed late at this business to keep it going and does all the training and house chores, including the pool. What reason do they have to threaten her? Her work is good enough to get them awards because no one else could be bothered to stay more than 4 hours at the job when the inspector came.

Then Manager Jackass tried to pull the "I'm looking out for you. I called you when I heard about fire because I care." Hahaha, phone calls don't pay bills, bitch. Try again. And I know the manager is the only thing between her and the raise because the owners are super nice when they come by and have said they'll give her a raise. There's just this single person in the middle not cooperating because Mom's caught her stealing tools from the job before. That's basically what it comes down to. She doesn't want to be caught. Like dude, we don't care that much or it would have been reported. No one cares if you need an extra wrench. This is the low end of middle class, we get it.
Why bank why. We asked for extended vehicle warranty and you don't put it on there? No wonder we haven't gotten anything in the mail.
Dammit. Of course the two days to fall back into the 50s, after weeks of mid-70s, is the weekend for kiddo's birthday. Ehhh, what the fuck ever. The kids won't care, they'll still be happy for the park. I just want to be lazy mom this year, rather than scrubbing down the house and entertaining everyone there.
problems with coming out to my therapist

I would now really like to proceed with some level of transition but I can't. I can't until the end of this year because I made promises to appear a certain way at the weddings of two very important people in my life. I hate this, what the fuck. I don't want to wait. I've already waited so long.
Homework about made me tear up, it was so frustrating to find even the smallest piece of answer and what was even more frustrating was the table layout in word that came from me copy and pasting the questions. I didn't want a table layout in word... I just wanted the questions. I don't like critical thinking questions...
Just wish I could make myself ask where I belong in a particular place but afraid to ask. I'm afraid of the possible answer that might come now. If I had more confidence in myself, amongst other things, maybe it would be different and this situation would have never arisen. Really wish i could just turn back time...
So I was rolling around in youtube comments because I was bored out of my mind and I came across a couple gems who claim "the Great Wall of China has never been breached". HAHAHAHAAAAAH! I guess becoming a common trade route on both sides for the people they were trying to keep out falls under the never ever, ever being breached category? Cute~
So I send a reply to support with a question.....he waits an hour or so 10 minutes before I'm supposed to leave asking what he should say to the client....This is all with shit I don't know anything about that I don't have TIME to take an HOUR to dig through code and he does this on a God Damn Friday. I'm so tired of being treated like a cog that can so easily be replaced once broken. All I wanted was to go home so I could start cooking for D&D tomorrow. Now I'm gonna be up until midnight prepping.
If you get a call from the "Department of Revenue" it's a scam. A really poorly done scam. Apparently they are going to arrest me. xD
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Today was a shitty day all around. I was supposed to go to the Women's March in DC, but my truck started acting stupid and my husband had to spend the day fixing it. I had dinner fixed and ready to throw in the oven, and my cat snuck into the fridge and ate most of it. I had hot dogs that we could throw out on the grill, and my kids decided they wanted hamburgers as well, so I had to run out after the hot dogs were already done, to get hamburgers. And, I'm almost out of damn wine!

I'm ready for a coma for at least a month or two, or until I appreciate things a bit more. Right now I kind of hate the entire world.
I've been out longer than I've been in.
I didn't even, like, win an award or anything. I was exceptionally mediocre, I think.
So why can't I get over this.
I keep telling myself I'm so much better off not being in, but too much of me doesn't want to believe it.
Went to my friends' place for a binge session of Netflix's The Punisher.
And I identify too much to be comfortable with Lewis Wilson (the blonde kid).
I mean I'm out of the whole "foxhole in your yard / almost kill your dad accidentally" phase (though definitely went through something way too similar to that when I first got out) but his mentality.
The little scene about "how you got your leg" and how Wilson wished he could get something.
Yeah that hits a little hard for me.

I did "get" "something" (I guess) But not really.

Like, idk, I feel really stuck, I guess?
I talk a lot about military stuff online, but never in person, and I've forgotten a lot of it already, so It's not like I'm super gung ho about any of this.
But there is that loss of identity? I guess?
I was nothing before the military and I'm nothing now.
And I was probably nothing while in too but I certainly felt like something, so I guess that's all I needed.

But then again I had some of these same thoughts while in, (I came in to work/be something/etc and I wasn't doing those things). But I was changing. I was making something of myself right near the end. And then I fucked it all up.
And now I don't feel like I'm going anywhere, or doing anything that matters.

And I don't have PTSD and I'm nowhere near any sort of the mental risks that show's characters are in, but I do identify with them a lot and that just really sucks.
It's been? 6 years now?
And I still have all the same feelings as I did when I first left, that nothing matters and civilian life is bullshit.
I'm just better at hiding it.

How much of my life is me actually caring and how much of it is just pretending to care?
Do I really want to figure out the answer to that question?

Maybe it was just comforting.
To know your place in the world.
Even if your place really sucked, you knew it.
There was no confusion.
At least you knew there was a place for you.
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I've been offered a job but it's managed by a person I don't care to be around. She's nosy and tends to follow you home to chit chat. I'm not about gossip. When I go home I want to be left to my own devices. But then there's this feeling of guilt because she went through the trouble of putting my name in...sigh. I just want to turtle up and forget anything happened. It's only 2 days a week but adfdgfg, stress and I don't mix.
Word of the month, and the months to come: Stress.

Stress- a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances.

Demanding indeed. That's the thing about stress and me, we have an extremely close and intimate relationship. It seem's silly, but it's like stress is the bad Ex you want to hate but can't help but feel bad for. No one likes stress, and it make's you sad but you can see why people hate it so much! So far on my to do list, I: Have a driving test on February 5th, a college certification test on Feb. 15th, a research paper due God knows when because my teacher is a jerk, my financial aide shit is NOT working out as 'smoothly' as my college teacher told me it would be, I have to get a job almost immediately after I get my driver's license because my mom can't afford to put gas in it, my best friend is going to be moving across the country in T-minus 7 months (Which seems far away but that's what I thought a year ago and now here we are 2018 and I'm not ok.) Which of course I support but lif is going to get so much harder with her not here, I'm being sent papers from the college I want to go to saying that I need to fill out even MORE financial aide papers, I'm giving up my dream job for more like my day dream job (which isn't bad but who is ever ok with giving up their dream?), I just found out that I might have problems with my gallbladder because I woke up this morning in intense pain in my lower right side of my back with many other symptoms...

AND TO TOP THIS ALL OFF I find out that my dog, who has been peeing blood for weeks, indeed does not have a bladder infection, but possibly bladder stones, or even better, bladder cancer!! (Sarcasm. SO much sarcasm..) So yeah. She isn't lethargic, doesn't have trouble peeing, doesn't pee frequently, doesn't have accident's in the house, doesn't show any signs of being in pain (Whimpering, crying, grunting or just over all gloominess). You'd think, those being the symptoms of bladder stones, "Skyrim, isn't that good? She probably doens't have bladder stones!" But what does that leave left? The C word. I asked my mom "What are we going to do if she has cancer...?" And she just gave me THAT look. THAT look she gave when we realized my 10 year old lab couldn't stand up and use the restroom anymore, THAT look she gave when we found out my 12 year old dog ALSO had bladder cancer and couldn't use the restroom with out whimpering in pain and could barely walk...THat was the look she gave me today, and I looked at my 4 year old dog and had to hold back my tears.

Stress. It can be a cocktail of anguish, annoyance, anxiety, and over all helplessness. I feel helpless. Strangers sympathy can only go so far, this rant page was meant to show case that we all have problems and that we aren't alone, but it's common to feel incredible alone when stressed. I feel like digging a hole and swan diving into it. I feel like giving up on going to college, I feel like just holding my dog and running away with her, I feel like robbing a bank and using that to pay off my tuition.

I feel Stressed. And it won't go away, and no amount of sympathetic nods and words and hugs can fix it. I'm grateful for those few people who listen, but some times saying 'i'm so sorry, this must be so tough' isn't very convincing when you end that with '..So do you have the home work? I didn't finish it, ugh i'm so stressed.'

~ Edit ~ I apologize for the huge blocks of mumbojumbo, I hope your eyes forgive me :(
~ I have a tendency to wear my mind on my sleeve. I have a history of losing my shirt~

[spoili]And I have a habit of not learning my lesson and always falling in the same trap :"D[/spoili]
i dont give two fucks any more im going to live in a ditch in the woods and start a deer cult or some shit
It's been a while since I've been on here. Feels weird...

So. For the long and short of it, the last year and a half have been... hell. Interrupted by delusional dreams. I now have a loving boyfriend, but I've become kinda... bitter, scarred, and fucked up.

A year and a half ago my head was so twisted up around in my own ass. I was with a man I knew I needed to leave, but I was too afraid to. He neglected me emotionally and romantically, and I was basically a casual roommate he fucked. I made a huge fuck up. I fell in love with my friend... who was my friend's boyfriend. She was emotionally abusive to me and basically kept me around for my bad days so she could lord over me. Her boyfriend however got along with me... In short. I was a goddamned fucking idiot.

No two ways about it.

I self-harmed when stressed a lot and one night I kinda came to while taking a bath to realized I had scratched my skin on my arm down a few layers, and there was a disturbing amount of blood. I woke my at the time boyfriend, and he was awake long enough to glance at me, then rolled over. I cleaned my arm, then cried to friend's boyfriend, who was sympathetic. Next night I was drunk and high... and... I did things I regret. I fucked up. Again. He had me twisted around his finger at that point. I had ATTENTION. Someone CARED. Yeah I was fucked in the goddamned head. Boyfriend found out, bugged my phone, became passive aggressive but continued to want to make it work. I didn't know what to say or do. So I continued to be an idiot. I followed the friend's boyfriend, now referred to a "T" henceforth, down the rabbit hole. For a few months that lasted into a wedding of my best friend who knew what was going on, everything was under wraps. Friends who knew encouraged me to just leave my boyfriend and get away from T. I couldn't.

Because he talked to me the way he knew I wanted to be talked to. We'd been friends for four years, he knew a hell of a lot of secrets about me, and that night I got high, I slipped up and admitted I had a crush on him. Apparently that's all he needed to use all that information to use all that information to get what he wanted. A fuck buddy. Every time I brought up my regrets and how I felt bad about the cloak and dagger, he shot it down. "Didn't I love him","It's ok, he doesn't get you, he doesn't care enough. If he cared, he would have really woken up that night when you were screaming pouring rubbing alcohol over that wound", "If you tell him too soon that you're leaving him, we're done.", "You're the most beautiful person I know, I can't believe you've been right under my nose this whole time.", "I feel like fate brought us together."

In December, last year, I finally snapped. I found out my boyfriend bugged my phone through a series of "How did you know that?" incidents. I broke up with him. T guilt-tripped me, yelled at me, berated me, told me I needed to go home to my boyfriend and convince him I was just confused.

I couldn't. I went home to my parents.

T came out to his girlfriend. Blamed me. Said I seduced him. That I was nothing. To me, he told me that she was too stubborn to let go. He didn't have the heart to force her. The relationship would go up in flames, just wait, he'd muse.

I was fucked up, lonely, I'd walked away from an entire social circle that had become my life in the past 5 years. I was out of my mind with guilt and anxiety and isolation.

I kept going back to him. I couldn't stay away. "It'll be over soon, then we can be together", "This would have been easier if you followed the plan.", "Don't argue with me, I love you, but you're being fucking stupid.", "She's nothing compared to you, I love you, I'm just here until I can break it to her gently", "I feel like I have known you my whole life, I don't want to loose that"

It was like poison in my goddamned veins. "Where are you right now?" "I bet you're with him, since I'm still with her." "If you're not with him, prove it, take a picture of yourself and your surroundings" "If you wanted to sleep more, you shouldn't have argued with me so much last night" "Take a picture of a clock right now" "I bet you wish you were back with him" "You're just like my cheating ex" "You cheated on him with me, so why wouldn't I believe you would do the same to me?"

I finally got him to myself, and for a month... I thought things were ok... And then the next month I knew something was wrong... And then I found out he was two timing me and his ex. I left him. He threatened to commit suicide. I called his best friend to go to him. I tried to become friend with his ex... what used to be my friend... put a pin in that, it's important.

I lived with a couple who were interested in me as a third. They knew my baggage. They wanted to help.

It didn't take long for loneliness to seep in and I finally caved. I thought I loved them. I was around for three months while they reveled in the fact that they had a new toy to play with. but I was a secret. I was a "Friend". Some knew. Some didn't. I eventually got sick of the fact that they said they loved me but it was a hierarchy and I was always the scapegoat and wipping child for their relationship problems. I talked about the possibilty of maybe this not working out. They kicked me out while my parents were on vacation.... and they had health problems made worse by stress. So I couch-hopped while they were in the dark about it. "Yeah mom, I'm fine. I'm going to classes." During the nights I was thankful if a friend let me sleep on their couch two nights in a row.

I got assaulted during all of this. And in a haze... I called my ex. the one who bugged my phone. the one who I was with for 5 years. the one who tried so hard to keep me. I had told him I really wasn't in a good place, and I was emotional. I know how I am. I told him if I was a stupid idiot and came onto him while I was spending the night, I was emotionally fucked up, pay it no mind, Turn me down. I needed a place to sleep. I was spinning out. I knew I had a chance of being stupid.

I woke up in his bed the next morning, while he was brushing his teeth and getting ready for work, I was battling a hangover and feeling wetness between my thighs and crying internally. He already had a girl he was interested in. He already had someone he was sleeping with. He saw no problem in it. "We just had a lot of relationship to still work through, it's ok." This was wrong. I was fucking up. Again. I pulled clothes on. went to school. "Yeah, mom, I'm fine. Everything's great back home. You enjoying your trip?"

I fell apart in my professor's office. I wanted to give up. I was tired. I felt like a slut. He told me to keep going. I'd be crossing the stage next month. Just hold out.

Parents come home a few days later. I try to keep a lid on things, and finally I spill out. Parents don't know how to deal. Depression and anxiety hit hard. the hangovers every morning taste like regret. The headaches seemed to beat into my head. "You're worthless, you're a slut, you're shit, you fucked up, you're nothing, you'll never change"

I get a message while crying one night, an acquaintance asked me to join him at the bar with a friend for a drink. I tell him I need to stop crying and I didn't want to bring down the attitude of the night. He told me to dry my cheeks and come on down.

I drank, And the next morning I woke up in his bed, naked... but... he was clothed, watching me.

"You tried to take my pants off... with your teeth."


"It's not right to sleep with a girl that's drunk... even if you weren't... you were emotionally out of it..."

That's new.

"How are you feeling now?"

Well he cares and he's the first guy to turn my ass down when I'm not in my right mind. We became friends. Friends with benefits. I told him about starting again somewhere new. It kept him from getting too close.

I told him of my troubles. He wasn't scared off. Eventually that girl that my ex was seeing, poked her head into my life, asked if I slept with him. I answered honestly.... They had already been serious at that time. I told her everything. She said I seduced him, I was the problem. I didn't take responsibility. She wanted the last of my stuff out of his apartment. I told her I was trying to figure out plans for that already. My new friend kept me calm in this, his arms becoming a safe nest to cuddle into when my self-hate burned too hot.

One morning my old friend, who was two timed with me... finally aired her complaints on facebook. She had known I was trouble. threw shade. I felt numb. I had wanted to fix things. I wanted to fix things. I really did....

Then I was angry.

I grabbed my shit from my ex's to which, it apparently took eight of what used to be friends and family, to take two items that I couldn't carry in my own car, home. I called my friend to help keep the scene calm. My ex and him sized each other up. MY ex squeaked at him. They dropped off the stuff and left, bitching about me on facebook.

I cried.

I realized I loved this man I was with... I didn't know how to deal with that. I didn't know how he felt about me. We liked fucking. You can fuck someone you don't really like. I'd seen enough that year to prove it.

I was terrified.

He knew about it.

He knew I liked him and it scared me. He knew that I was afraid that if I got too close he could hurt me or I could hurt him. I couldn't handle that. months went by.

I disassociated. I spent my days stressed and sometimes, I'd blink and suddenly be at trails twenty minutes from my class. Disassociative amnesia. Great. Suddenly trails I knew better than anyone felt cold and terrifying. I called him. He found me. It should have taken me ten minutes to get back to the parking, but I was shivering and cold as I walked out right when he rolled up. it had been forty minutes. I was disoriented and confused and scared... he took me back to his place, and warmed me up. talked to me until I was calm again.

Parents didn't know what to do with me, family was already full to breaking with stress. I needed support. My friend called me his girlfriend when he picked me up from the trails. I cried. It was the first time he said that. I felt small and transient in his arms.

I felt safe with him. But I felt uncomfortable at a home space. My two weeks couch hopping and assault made me uncomfortable in a house or apartment. home had four wheels. Home was the highway. home was a journey.

more months went by. My friend's brother was suddenly moving out. She needed people to move in. I signed on... with my new boyfriend. Suddenly she's telling me what she doesn't want to see at the apartment. that she'll be throwing parties. That she doesn't want me at.

My stomach turns.

does she really want me there?

I feel vomit in my throat.

Is this really a home?

My boyfriend's saying he'll talk to her. That this isn't right that she's talking to me like that when she's one of my oldest friends.

Am I safe?

Take a klonopin. Breathe.

My thoughts are racing. She said her friends don't like me. What impact will that have? Am I just more money to help pay the bills? I thought we were close friends.

Almost take another klonopin, not thinking.

Try to focus, We are moving in two days. It's just a year

I can do that.

She's been my friend for 10+ years.

I'll be fine.

One month since I last disassociated seriously, I think, I'll be fine. I have a man in my life who cares, I'll be fine. I have new friends who care about my well being, I'll be fine. My parents have no clue what to do with me and they really don't want to hear anything bad about my life, I think they'd rather be friends than parents, I'll be fine. My brother's an example of everything in my life I DON'T want to be, and I'm wishing he lived further away, I'll be fine. I wish I knew how to shut nightmares off so I could sleep well, I'll be fine. I still think of the way T looked at me and ran his fingers over my body- BLINK- it's the assault happening, turn your mind off and stop thinking of that this instant, I'll be fine. I still think of the way my ex boyfriend looked like he was sizing up my current one, with his new girlfriend in the car, like he was trying to think of a way to talk me out of this on my parents lawn, I'll be fine. I hate myself and wish I was a better person, I'll be fine. Thank current boyfriend for completely normal little things that no one'se ever done for me... I wish he wouldn't look at me that way and remind me that he's not doing anything special...That's the way I am supposed to be treated... so why hasn't anyone else treated me that way? I'll be fine.

Think about the fact that I have a tattoo on my arm of my friend who lost his fight with depression, anxiety, bipolar, and schizophrenia... He was the brother I wish I had all along. And now I know that one of his friends blames me for his suicide.

Choke on that.


I'll be fine.

Notice how I'm not used to men not using me for a sexual outlet every chance I get. I am confused by my boyfriend's lack of sexual need of me in comparison to past boyfriends. Think it's about me. Something's wrong. He views it as his fault. When I get confused and cry, he feels like he failed me. He didn't. He hugs me and tells me he's just happy to cuddle with me... I spend all my time with him. I know he's not cheating. I know he cares.

Face the fact that I have a shit ton of baggage including abuse, rape, manipulation, being drugged. I can't act normal. I can't act fine....

Accept the fact that I don't know what "fine is". Chase it down with scotch. I feel numb inside like shit's been rotting and dead inside me for years... chase that down with scotch, too. Realize I really don't know how to deal with my emotions.

Wake up the next morning.

I'm fine.
can't post in my blog anymore so guess where I'm putting this

my attitude towards transitioning changes about 50 times a day
immediately after coming out to my therapist, i felt relieved. i had it off my chest and i thought i could finally make progress. but since then i can't decide if i should or not. it is a terrifying prospect.

i am 26 years old. i've waited too long to do this, anyway. i've missed out on my youth. is there a point now? things are finally going pretty well for me, i've learned how to handle my depression and (some of) my anxiety, i'm a more confident person, i can genuinely say i am pretty happy. both my brother and my best friend are getting married this year. i am in the wedding party for both of them. i am a Brides Maid. i promised to buy a dress and heels. neither of those bother me that much, but it reminds me of what i really am, what i 'should be'

i mean, wouldn't it just be easier?
yes, it would be easier. it is definitely the easy option.

i'm very scared. i'm also very ashamed.

there's the petty shit, the shallow shit. my brother is bald. if i go on testosterone i will most likely also go bald. i do not want to go bald. no fucking way. my brother can pull off being bald, but no fucking way i'd be able to. i'm so scared of going bald!!! my hair is already thinning and i'm not even on testosterone.

plus, i enjoy feminine things, i like women's clothing (though i think the concept of gendered clothing is dumb as all hell) and painting my nails and sometimes putting on makeup (though i know for a fact that if i started to transition i would not give nearly the same amount of shits i do about being 'pretty enough' right now). what's the point, i mean, i could just do this shit right now without risking ostracization. feminine cis men go through enough shit, fuck, being a feminine trans man? fuck that shit, no one would take me seriously. i have a hard time taking myself seriously half the time. never mind that my best friend's cis male fiance also loves to paint his nails and put on makeup sometimes. that's different, isn't it. it must be.

most importantly i'm scared of my relationships with my family and my friend (not friends because lbr i only have one irl friend) changing. i am so, so scared. do you know how much my mother wanted a girl? she wanted a boy and a girl. she was so happy when i was born. she finally had her little girl. she likes to remind me of how girly i was. i'm terrified of taking that away from my mother. she didn't want two sons. plus, she already thinks it was all just a phase! how could i possibly tell her that it wasn't? would she even believe me? i think it would devastate her.

my best friend, the person who has stood by me for half of my life, when i needed it most, putting up with more bullshit than anyone deserves to, just because he cherishes me so as a person...

we became friends right when i first started realizing that i was not a girl. he knew me through that. back then he was quite transphobic. that has changed now, i know, i know it has, he has talked to me about his trans and his nb friends and he is so respectful of them even to me when they're not around, but

i cannot erase the memory from my mind when he said
'[opal], you will never be a boy. stop this.'

we were only 15. it's not like either of us knew what the fuck we were doing. he probably doesn't even remember saying this. the other day we were talking and the topic of my mental health came up, my current state of wellbeing, how proud he is of me for what i've done for myself, and he said, 'other than the bit of gender confusion that you went through...' and i looked at him and i said, 'i don't know if i've really worked through it yet'. he just paused and said 'well, there's time for that. as long as you wear a dress to my wedding' (for symmetrical purposes, or whatever)

i fear how our relationship will change. i fear the possibility of him treating me differently. i fear the possibility of us growing distant because of it. he is my best friend, my brother, i cannot lose him, i cannot, a part of me would die. and i know it's logical to think, 'if he didn't abandon you for those nearly two years you tried your fucking hardest to push him away, to make him abandon you, if he was still willing to call my mother and ask if it was okay to call me, if i was ready yet, if he was still there waiting with open arms for me when i finally timidly came crawling back, he's not going to abandon you now'. but i'm so scared, because what if? what if.

i feel so happy when i think of myself as the uncle of my brother's future children. so, so happy, it's something i've wanted for so long. but i'm terrified that he would never accept me as such. that he or his wife would stubbornly refer to me as their kids' aunt. or, even worse, if he refused to even let them see me. i don't want that. i want to be close with those kids, i want to take them out into the woods when they're very young like my opa did for my brother and i and i want to teach them about mushrooms and the forest and how to respect the earth, i want to spoil them senselessly, i want them to come over for sleepovers where we'll eat popcorn and stay up late playing board games and watching movies. that's all i really want.

my extended family all accepted me when i came out as a lesbian (which is a huge fucking crock of shit because, if anything, i am pansexual, with a preference for men, but if i have to be a woman for my whole fucking life i might as well be a gay one just so i can kind of feel like i'm close enough to who i really am) even when i didn't expect them to. my god parents didn't treat me any differently. nothing changed. but i don't think that would be the case if i came out as transgender to them. i can't picture it. i can't. my godparents would refuse me, they would reject me, my cousins won't know what to do with me. they all mean so much to me. i don't want to lose them.

and my dad, my dad is who i am the most terrified about.
i know my mother, even if it devastates her, will accept me. there is no doubt in my mind about that. she will love me forever, no matter who i am, what i ask of her. but my dad, i don't know.

i'm scared of my relationship with him changing at all. i want to be my father's son but i don't want to stop being my 'dad's little girl'. i'm not going to be able to call him 'daddy' anymore (not that i do it all that frequently, but whatever). i fear he will be so much colder, like he is with my brother. he's not 'warm', he never has been, but i don't think i have ever heard my dad tell my brother 'i love you'. at least he tells me that, sometimes. will he still be willing to give me rides when it's freezing? will he still call and ask if i maybe want to go out to dinner with him? will he still just randomly offer to pick shit up for me because i need - or maybe just even want - it? i'm terrified of how awkward it will be between us. he was okay with a gay daughter but he wouldn't be okay with a transgender son.

is it worth all this? is my one selfish wish really worth all the grief i will cause my family? i just want to make the people i care about happy. i don't want to make things hard on them. and i so desperately need love. i can't stand the thought that maybe the love i currently have from these people in my life might change. that the love i once thought was unconditional truly does, in reality, have one condition.

i am small. i am afraid. i am so very afraid.
I make one mistake. leave one little chunk in, and everyone jumps down my throat. Maybe I should just quit working and starve to death. I'm so sick of this. How does that fucker not know he's been pushing EVERY FUCKING THING for that project on me?! HOW DO THEY NOT REALIZE I WAS STRETCHED WAY TOO FUCKING THIN WHEN I WROTE THAT GOD DAMN PAGE?! It's not like anyone is available for reviewing anything right now! That's why everything's shoved on my desk! I'm so sick of all this. I'm so sick of feeling like shit. I'm so sick of being alone. I'm so sick of being unwanted. I'm so sick of feeling like no one gives a shit.
My life has turned into a big ball of stress and there's zero things I can do to stop it, because cutting out this person from my life is not an option, and mostly not their fault. I haven't reacted to the stress in a breakdown sort of way yet, just kind of turning to escapism measures to numb myself. So instead I will talk about something minor because that is the nature of escapism.

Why does every gaming community claim to be the most toxic constantly? When did this become a source of pride? Can't we just accept there are crybaby gamers in the world, report them, and move on? Why bother being melodramatic about it? Takes like 2 button presses to do something about it. But then they try the "reports don't do anything" excuse. *Headdesk into infinity* Idiots.
Me, and 2018.

First it's the rodents.
Then insulation/heat.
Then my foot and some possible nerve disease.
Of course the financial stress was always there but now I'm almost guaranteed to have to withdraw drom my IRA again?
My car is dying.
Which, ok, fine, I hate the car, but I don't have enough money to buy a new one right now??
Broke down on sunday, thought we fixed it, now it won't start at all, so guess not.
And the safety's going to expire on the 31st, so, idk how much the penalty for letting that lapse is but I hope it's not huge.
Cause I doubt I'll be able to get the car fixed in that short amount of time.
And the property insurance. And the auto insurance. And the almost-renters insurance.

Holy shit guess I better start selling way more DVDs on ebay than I already am.

I paid for an april vacation in december, which I shouldn't have, but you know it's done.
I guess I should really be figuring out how to pull out of that now so I can magic up some money for a new fucking car.
Because even if what needs to be fixed isn't huge, this car has been a pain in the ass ever since I got it and I hate it anyway so may as well sell it once it's driveable/I find a replacement
fml tbh

totally not even getting to the part where I need to basically rebuild the house this year once spring hits
it's kinda hitting now so
just fml in general really
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